February 3, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E103 clear of the Sedona as it was tossed about in IN MEMORY OF LT. COL. MICHAEL A life-long resident of Mississippi, Bernard is the violent seas, and carefully manage fuel MIERAU also a man committed to his faith and family. burn rates—giving Lieutenant Hess the ability He has been married to his wife, Gail White to focus all of his attention on keeping the air- HON. DAVID G. REICHERT Evans, for 24 years and together they have craft in a safe hoisting position. As CGNR OF WASHINGTON five children, 14 grandchildren, and one great- grandchild. He is a member of the Saltillo First 6033 returned to base, Lieutenant Vanderslice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES communicated with air traffic control and the United Methodist Church. In his spare time his Wednesday, February 3, 2016 operational commander to coordinate arrival hobbies include antique cars, motorcycles, procedures and initiate medical treatment for Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to and traveling. He is a lifetime member of the the survivors. Lieutenant Vanderslice main- honor the life of Lt. Col. Michael Mierau, who American Legion, Military Officers Association tained exceptional composure for the entirety passed away just last week on January 29, of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, and of the mission. 2016. the National Rifle Association. He is also the Lt. Col. Mierau served in the U.S. Army for President of the Tupelo Veterans Park Coun- Lieutenant Vanderslice has since received 26 years. In 1956, he received a nomination to sel. orders to Coast Guard Air Station Sitka, Alas- attend the United States Military Academy, Veterans in the First Congressional District ka, where he continues to fly the MH–60T on where he later graduated in June of 1960, fin- of Mississippi were given invaluable guidance various Coast Guard missions. Lieutenant ishing ninth in rank of order of merit. Following and support from Bernard Evans. I would like Vanderslice is married to Stephanie, his wife his graduation, he was commissioned as an to take this time to thank Bernard for his con- of 3 years. In his spare time, he is a pas- infantry officer and was deployed overseas tinued commitment to providing assistance sionate guitar player and roasts the best cof- several times, including tours in West Ger- and care for our returning veterans. I know he fee in Sitka. many, Vietnam, and what is now South Korea. will continue to accomplish great things for the state of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise in honor of Lt. Col. Mierau had a decorated military ca- Lieutenant Matthew Vanderslice, who perfectly reer, earning the Parachute Badge, the Rang- f exemplifies the highest standards of the er Tab, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Silver IN RECOGNITION OF LIEUTENANT United States Coast Guard. I ask my col- Star, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star and JOHN D. HESS leagues to join me in recognizing this distin- the Army Commendation Medal with V Device. guished member of our Armed Services and After Lt. Col. Mierau retired from the U.S. HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING wishing him the best of luck in his future en- Army, he founded a consulting company and OF MASSACHUSETTS deavors. continued to use his experience in the military IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by serving as a volunteer member of the Wednesday, February 3, 2016 f Washington State Army Advisory Board, work- ing as a U.S. Military Academy Field Force Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in CONGRATULATING BRIANNA DUDA member in the 17th Congressional District of recognition of Lieutenant John D. Hess of the ON RECEIVING THE CITIZEN Ohio, and joining the Board of Governors of United States Coast Guard and his extraor- SCHOLAR AWARD FROM MIS- the West Point Society of Washington and dinary actions on February 15, 2015. SOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Puget Sound. Lieutenant Hess, a native of Pittsburgh, Lt. Col. Mierau is survived by his wife Julie Pennsylvania, enlisted in the U.S. Coast Mierau and five children and stepchildren, sev- Guard after completing Coast Guard basic HON. BILLY LONG eral of whom have followed in his footsteps training in 1997. He went on to prove himself and joined the military. extremely capable on assignments aboard the OF MISSOURI Mr. Speaker, I thank Lt. Col. Mierau for his USCGC Victorious and at Coast Guard Sta- tions Ashtabula and Chatham. Upon receiving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service to our community and country and for his commission in 2004, Lieutenant Hess at- his friendship. My thoughts and prayers are tended Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Wednesday, February 3, 2016 with his family during this difficult time. New London, Connecticut, and went on to re- Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- f ceive his wings of gold in 2006. ognize and congratulate Brianna Duda, an RECOGNIZING THE CAREER AND As an aviator, Lieutenant Hess’s first as- outstanding student at Missouri State Univer- RETIREMENT OF KARY ‘‘BER- signment was as an MH–60 Jayhawk pilot at sity, on her selection to receive the Citizen NARD’’ EVANS, MILITARY AND Air Station Clearwater, Florida. There, he Scholar Award. VETERANS AFFAIRS DISTRICT served as an Instructor Pilot and subsequently a Flight Examiner. He transferred to Air Sta- Each year, this prestigious award is given FIELD REPRESENTATIVE FOR tion Cape Cod in Massachusetts where he by Missouri State University’s Board of Gov- THE FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DIS- TRICT OF MISSISSIPPI served in the same role as well as Aircraft ernors to students who have contributed to the Commander aboard CGNR 6033. university, furthered the university’s public af- It was during this time, on February 15, fairs mission, and have been significantly en- HON. TRENT KELLY 2015, that Lieutenant Hess—along with the gaged in extra-curricular accomplishments OF MISSISSIPPI other three crewmembers aboard CGNR and/or in important service activities in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 6033—responded to a distress signal picked community. Since the award was created in Wednesday, February 3, 2016 up by the Coast Guard Rescue Coordination 2007, only forty-seven students have been Center in Boston from the fishing vessel recognized for their stellar achievements. Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, Sedona, which was floundering two hundred today I rise to recognize the career and retire- Brianna, from St. Louis, Missouri, was one nautical miles off the coast of Cape Cod. ment of Bernard Evans, who has served as of six exceptional students to receive the Lieutenant Hess and his copilot, Lieutenant the Military and Veterans Affairs Field Rep- award this year. She is currently a junior Matthew Vanderslice, showed exemplary aero- resentative for the First Congressional District nautical skill as they navigated through ex- socio-political communication major with a of Mississippi for the past five years. Bernard’s minor in political science. Brianna has been treme conditions, facing no overhead cover work is personal for him. As a Vietnam Vet- through ice, lightning, and unrelenting snow recognized for her skills in identifying intersec- eran, he served with the 173rd Petroleum Co. squalls, all of which resulted in very little visi- tions of identities and historically excluded in Phu Bai, Vietnam from 1968 to 1969. After bility. After finding the Sedona, he directed the groups. She has navigated these issues with 28 years of military service, he retired from the survivors to abandon ship and swim toward great maturity, while addressing the conflict Mississippi National Guard. Bernard had an the awaiting rescue swimmer, Petty Officer and barriers surrounding them with grace. impressive career with the Mississippi High- Staph. Upon failure of the primary hoist sys- Mr. Speaker, Brianna Duda’s accomplish- way Safety Patrol. During his 25 years of serv- tem, he expertly maneuvered the aircraft to ments have set a great example of what a Cit- ice, he performed a multitude of roles before coordinate with Petty Officer Suba, the on- izen Scholar should be, this award represents retiring with the rank of Lieutenant. He has board flight mechanic, to successfully lift Petty a great deal of her hard work and dedication. also worked with the Department of Correc- Officer Staph and the survivors out of the frig- I am proud to represent students like her and tions as a probation officer, the Lee County id, stormy seas. He then safely brought every- I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- Sheriff’s Office as a deputy sheriff, and as the one back to the airfield, landing the aircraft de- lating her on this well-deserved achievement. Lee County Veterans Service Officer. spite whiteout conditions and extremely low VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:02 Feb 04, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K03FE8.002 E03FEPT1 emcdonald on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 3, 2016 visibility. Lieutenant Hess’ extraordinary skill and in the community-at-large. After receiving man and has gone above and beyond to lead and quick thinking under desperate conditions her education in Miami-Dade County Public the Victory Mission in their admirable goals. I were instrumental in saving lives. Schools and graduating from the South Dade urge my fellow colleagues to join me in appre- Today, Lieutenant Hess continues to serve Senior High School, she sought higher edu- ciation for his accomplishments. in the Coast Guard at Air Station Kodiak, Alas- cation and attended the Miami Dade Commu- f ka as a MH–60 Jayhawk Aircraft Commander. nity College. Following her academic endeav- His wife, Kimberly, is also a Coast Guard pilot, ors, Bishop Harris was employed at the Tur- HONORING THE VETERANS OF and they have four children.
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