158 POOLE. DORSETSHIRE. [KELLV's Masonic Hall, 54 Market st. Alfred Durant, caretaker Collector of King's Taxes for the Borough of Poole, Geo. Oddfellows' Hall, Hunger hill, Cha.s. Sansom, caretaker Stout, 238 Ashley r1>ad, Branksome, Parkstone Pilot Office, William Stone, pilot in charge, Quay · Lloyd's Agent, Henry Burden, Wes·t :Shore wharf, West Public Free Library. Mount street, Edwin R1 Gill Quay road .A..R.C.A. sec. & librarian Registrar of Bankruptcy, Admiralty & Equity Jurisdlc­ Royal National Lifeboat Institution (Poole & Bourne­ tion, Hugh Fol"tescue Wilmslhurst Gwatkin,Ioo High at mouth Branch), East quay, H. E. ShQve, hon. sec Registrar of the Royal Peculiar Oourt; of Great Canford, Stamp Office, 71 High st. Chas, John Woodford,distributr Hugh Fortescue Wilmshurst Gwat.ltin, 100 High stre11t Temperance Hall, r7 Hill st. Wm. Jaa. Hickman, sec Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage for the Port of Poole, Charles Leonard Barrett (sec.), Custom house, Quay; POOLE UNION. John Mowlem, The Old farm, Parkstone rd. & Alfred Board day, every alternate wednesday, at the Board room, Langlois, Maxwell villa, Longfleet road, Longfleet workhouse The union 'COmprises the following parishes :-Canfdrd PLJ.CES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Magna, Kinson, Lytchett Matravers, Lytchett Minster St. James's Church, Rev. Henry Lawrence PhiUip,, ' & ,Poole. The area is 25,326 acres; rateable value, rector; 8 & n a.m. & 6.30 ;p.m.; •aints' days k 'Lady Day, r9n, £214,437; the population in 1911 holy days, II a. m. ; wed. II a.m. & 7 p.m.; fri. was 45,191 11 a.m Chainnan of the Board of Guardians, G. Curtis, Hill St. Paul's Church, High street, Rev . .Frederick Aston, house, Market street, Poole vicar; n a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Clerk. to 'the Guardians &i Assessment Committee, Philip ·St. Mary's (Catholic), Wes·t Quay road, Rev. Timothy Ed ward Lionel Budge, 139 High street Hannigan; confessions, 8 a. m. ; mass, 8.30 & n a.m.; .Assistant Clerk f()r Settlement Purposes, Alfred J. H. catecaism & rosary, 3, & vespers, sermon & benediction, Pearce, 139 High street 6.30 p.m. ; holy days, mass, S & 9 a.m. & rosary k Deputy Clerk, William Hatton Budge, 139 High street benediction, 7.30 p.m.; daily mass, 8.'30 a.m.; wed. Collectors for the Guardians & Inspectors under the rosary & benediction, 4.30 p.m. ; fri. stations of the "Infant Life Protection Act," No. r district, Harrie cross, 7·30 p.m. (during Lent); sat. CQJ!fessions, 6.30 E. Shave, rr North street, Po.ole; No. 2 district, p.m Daniel Ballam, Upton, Poole & No. 3 district, Edwin Society of FriPnds, Lagland street George Burridge, Newtown, Parkstone Baptist, Hill strMt, Rev. Ralph Holme; 11 a.m. & 6.30 Treasurer, George Parry, Wilts &i Dorset Banking Co. p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Limit·ed, High street, Poole Baptist. Mission Chapel, 11 a..m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tnes. Relieving Officers & Inspectors under the " Infant Life 8 p.m . Protection Act," No. I district, Hal'Tie E. Shave, II Cong-regational, Skinner street, Rev. W. John Coates North street, Poole; No. 2 district, Daniel Ballam, B.D.; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. S.rs p.m Upton, near Poole; No. 3 district, Edwin George Primitive Methodist, North street, Rev. Alexander Burridge, Newtown, Parkstone Wade. Welford; ll a.m. & 6.30 p.m.: wed. 7.30 p.m Vaccination Officers, Canford sub·districtl, Edwin George Unitarian, Hill street, Rev. Henry Shaen Sally M.A..; Burridge, Newtown, Parkstone; Lytchett sub-district, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m · Daniel Ballam, Upton, near Poole; Poole sub-district, Wesleyan Methodist, High strePt, Rev. George Lunn Harrie E. Shave, II North street, Poole (supt.) & Rev. David L. Williams; Rev. James ~Iedical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Ne. 1 district, Fletcher, supernumerary; II a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tnes. William Thomas Gardner Robiii'Son M.D., D.P.H. 163 k thurs. 8 p.m High stl'eet, Poole; No. 2 distTict, James Malcolm 'We.sleyan Mission Roum, 15 Lagland !i!treet, 6.30 p.m .A.ntony Lamb L.S.A. Lond. Kinsort; No. 3 district, Salvation Army Barracks. Fish stl'eet ; 7 & n a.m. & 3 John Micha.el Abraham Olivey B.A., L.R.C.P.Lond., & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 p.m M.R.C.S.En~. 135 High street, Poole; No. 4 district. Seamen's Mission, Quay, Rev. Henry Lawrence Phillips, J'ames Austin Dickie M.B., Ch.B.Glas. Seacroft, Long­ hon. chaplain; Joseph Andrews, scripture reader; "11Wl. fleet; No. 5 district, Josepb Clement Arthur Norman J & 6.30 p.m M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.p.P.Lond. Broadstone; No. 6 dis­ Mission Church, Strand street, sened by the clergy trict, Samuel Montgomery L.R.C.S., L.R.O.P.Edin. of St. JamPs'; Church Army Capt. F. C. Dewey, Ashley road, Upper Parkstone; No. 7 district, Alex. evangelist; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m ~Stables M.B., C.M.Aberd. Ardlui, Bournemouth road, Mount Street Hall (Mission) ; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Parkstone tues. & sat. 8 p.m Workhouse, Longfleet, built in 1835, & since senral times ·enlarged, & will now hold 250 inmates; the Rev. Wm. POOLE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Okes Pa.ri!fu M. A. chaplain; William Thomas Gardner Borough of Po()le Secondary Sehool, se~ under Longfleet. Rob-inson M.D., D,P.H. medical officer'; Harry Thos. An Education Committee, C!msisting ot r8 member/!, Harris, master ; Mrs. HaNis, matrcn (the work,house was forme-1 in 1903.· children sent out t(), school) The committee meets at the Municipal Offices, Market Boa.rding Out Qommittee, Alfred J. H. Pearce, 139 High street, each monday week bl:lfore the monthly meeting street, Poole, hon. sec of the Town Council, at 6 p.m Superintendent Regist<rar, William Henry Curtis, New st. Secretary, Charles Lisby • Poole; deputy, Andrew Richard Curtis, Holmehurst, Attendance Officers, Edward James Co11wa.y & Witliam Wimborne road, Longfleet Henry Knight ·Registrars of Births & Deaths, Canford sub-district, • Edwin George Bm-ridge, Newtown, Parkstone; deputy, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: .Arthur William Head, Ringwood ro'lld, Newtown. Church street (National) (girls &;. infants), enlarged in Parkstone ; Lytchett sub-district, Daniel Ballam, ~896 for 6oo children ;. average attendance, 273 girls Upton, neai"' Poole-; deputy, Mrs. Ballam, Upton, near & r 82 infants ; Miss .A.lice Price,· mistress ; Miss Poole ; Poole tmb-district, ~eorge Leach Ralfs, Guys.J Laura Cross Goff, infants' mistr.ess cliffe, Wimborne Toad, Longfleet ;' deputy, Ed. Van Globe lane (National) (No. z Infants' Depl\rtment), for SchP.pdael, Tinclet-on villa, Wimborns :road, Longfteet 200 children; average attendance,. I.I3; Miss C. Registrar of Marriages (District of Poole ), George Leach Hughes, mistress Ralfs, Wimborne road, Longfleet; deputy, Ed. Van Perry gardens, Lagland street (National) (boys), estab­ Schepdael, Tincleton villa, Wimborne road, Longfteet lished 1835 & enlarged in 1897 for 350 children; average attendance, 233; Alfred J. Martin, master TERRITORIAL FORCE. Skinner stret>t (British) (boys & ~irls); the boys' school Dorsetshire Royal Garrison Artillery (No. 2 Co.); head was built in x88o, for 300 children; the girls' school quarters, South road; Capt. W. Hatton Budge, com­ was built in 1777 &I since enlarged for 198 children; manding-; Lieut. H . .A. Lane, second officer ; Sergt.­ average attendance, :a32 boys & 185 girls; James :Major J()seph William Grant, drill instructor Reynish F.R.G.S master; Miss Edith Lowe, mistress Lagland street (British) (infants), built in 1894 & since • PUBLIC OFFICERS. enlarged for 277 children; average attendance, 217; .Admiralty Surgeon, James Austin Dickie M.B., Ch.B. Miss Isabel Rattray, mistress Glas. Seacroft, Kingland road, Longfieet Catholic, West Quay road (mixed & infants), built i.n Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Harmer Drew M.D., 185o, for 105 children; average attendance, 45 boys B.S.Lond. Clovelly, Parkstone road, Longfleet & girls & 40 infants; Miss Nora Hennesey, mistress Clerk to Commissioners of Income & Assessed Taxes, A new school is now (rgu) in course of erection ip Philip Edward Lionel Budge, 139 High street South road, for 6oo children Clerk to Poole Sub-Committee of Dorsetshire Local For other schools nnder the management of the com­ Pension Committee, Alfred Pearce, I3CJ High street mittee, see under Branksome. I.ongfleet k Parkstonl! • .
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