SOURCES ON THE ALANS A Critical Compilation BY AGUSTIALEMANY ''68* " BRILL LEIDEN • BOSTON • KOLN 2000 CONTENTS Foreword, by Riidiger Schmitt xiii Preface xvii 1. Introduction 1 1.1. The Ethnic Name *al[l]an- 1.2. The Ethnic Name *as- 1.3. Early Alanic Tribes 1.4. Old Ossetic Tribes 2. Latin Sources 11 Latin Literary Sources (lst-4th c.) 11 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Avienus 2.3. [Hegesippus] 2.4. Lucan2.5. Martial 2.6. Pliny 2.7. Pompeius Trogus 2.8. Scriptores Historiae Augustae 2.9. Seneca 2.10. Suetonius 2.11. Tabula Peutingeriana 2.12. Tacitus 2.13. Valerius Flaccus Latin Literary Sources (4th-5th c.) 30 2.14. Introduction 2.15. Additamenta Africana 2.16. Ambrose 2.17. Ammianus Marcellinus 2.18. [Aurelius Victor-} 2.19. Ausonius 2.20. Claudius Marius Victor 2.21. Claudian 2.22. Constantius of Lyons 2.23. Consularia Constantinopolitana 2.24. Dracontius 2.25. Fasti Vindobo- nenses Priores 2.26. Honorius 2.27. Hydatius 2.28. Jerome 2.29. Liber Genealogus 2.30. Martianus Capella 2.31. Notitia Dignitatum 2.32. Orosius 2.33. Pacatus 2.34. Paulinus 2.35. Paulinus of Nola 2.36. Pauli- nus of Pella 2.37. Possidius 2.38. Prosper 2.39. Salvianus 2.40. Sido- nius Apollinaris 2.41. Vegetius 2.42. Victor of Vita Latin Epigraphical Sources 75 2.43. Varia Epigraphica Onomasticon 76 2.44. Ababa 2.45. Addac 2.46. Beorgor 2.47. Eochar 2.48. Eunones 2.49. Rasparaganus 2.50. Saphrax 3. Greek Sources 79 3.1. The Alans'and the Hellenized Roman East Greek Literary Sources 79 3.2. Arrian 3.3. Candidus 3.4. Cassius Dio 3.5. Dionysius Periegetes 3.6. Eusebius 3.7. Herodian 3.8. Iamblichus 3.9. John the Lydian 3.10. Josephus 3.11. Lucian 3.12. Marcianus 3.13. Olympiodorus 3.14. Periplus Ponti Euxini 3.15. Ptolemy 3.16. Sozomen 3.17. Stephanus of Byzantium 3.18. Strabo 3.19. Themistius 3.20. Zosimus Greek Epigraphical Sources Ill 3.21. Varia Epigraphica viii CONTENTS Onomasticon 112 3.22. AXaviKo? 3.23. 'Ap6o(3oupiog 3.24. "Aanop 3.25. Tcj'ap 3.26. 3.27. HpaKa? 3.28. Ma£ai'a 3.29. Mo'oTapa 3.30. 3.31. PcucnvaXo? 3.32. ZnaSivris' 3.33. Taaio? 4. Medieval Latin Sources 116 Medieval Latin Literary Sources (6th-9th c.) 116 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Bede 4.3. Berengaudus 4.4. Cassiodorus 4.5. Chronica Gallica 4.6. Compilatio cod. Matr. F 86 4.7. Continuatio Pros- peri Havniensis 4.8. Cosmographia Anonyma 4.9. Discriptio Terrarum 4.10. Ermenricus 4.11. [Fredegarius] 4.12. Gesta episcoporum Neapoli- tanorum 4.13. Gregory of Tours 4.14. Heiric 4.15. Historia Langobardo- rum 4.16. Isidore 4.17. Jordanes 4.18. Julii Valerii epitome 4.19. Liber Historiae Francorum 4.20. Mappa mundi 4.21. Marcellinus 4.22. Martin of Braga 4.23. Origo Francorum Bonnensis 4.24. Origo gentis Langobar- dorum 4.25. Paul the Deacon 4.26. Priscian 4.27. [Venantius Fortunatus] 4.28. Versus de Asia et de universi mundi rota 4.29. Vita Sadalbergae Medieval Latin Literary Sources (13th-14th c.) 147 4.30. Introduction 4.31. [Friar Benedict the Pole] 4.32. Friar C. de Bridia 4.33. Friar John of Pian di Carpine 4.34. Friar William of Rubruck 4.35. John III of Soltanlye 4.36. Simon of Keza 4.37. Appendix I: the Alans (Jasses) in Hungary 4.38. Appendix II: Alan Slaves (13th-14th c.) 4.39. Appendix III: the Franciscan mission in China (14th c.) 4.40. Appendix IV: Marco Polo and the Alans Onomasticon 167 4.41. Alanoviamuthis 4.42. Candac 4.43. Dula 4.44. Micheas 4.45. Paria 4.46. Respendial 4.47. Sambida 4.48. Sangibanus 4.49. Thogay 5. Byzantine Sources -. 170 Byzantine Literary Sources (6th-10th c.) 170 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Agathias 5.3. Constantine Porphyrogenitus 5.4. John of Antioch 5.5. John of Epiphania 5.6. Joseph Genesius 5.7. Leo the Wise 5.8. [Maurice] 5.9. Menander 5.10. Nicholas Mysticus 5.11. Novellae Justiniani 5.12. Paulus of £igina 5.13. Photius 5.14. Procopius 5.15. Theophanes 5.16. Theophanes of Byzantium 5.17. Theophylact Simocatta 5.18. Vita Alexandri Regis Macedonum 5.19. Appendix: the Massagetic question Byzantine Literary Sources (1 lth-15th c.) 207 5.20. Introduction 5.21. Anna Comnena 5.22. Ducas 5.23. Ephraim 5.24. Eustathius 5.25. George Pachymeres 5.26. John .Cantacuzenus 5.27. John Cinnamus 5.28. John Scylitzes 5.29. John Xiphilinus 5.30. John Zonaras 5.31. Laonicus Chalcocondyles 5.32. Michael Psellus 5.33. Nicephorus Basilaces 5.34. Nicephorus Bryennius 5.35. Nicetas Choniates 5.36. Theodore of Alania 5.37. Appendix: the metropolitan see of Alania CONTENTS ix Onomasticon 240 5.38. 'AX6TI 5.39. 'Apapa'TTis- 5.40. ElpTfvTi 5.41. 'lT<xt,f\s 5.42. 'ITI'XTI? 5.43. 'Iojavvtis' 5.44. t KupaiTTis- 5.45.Mapio 5.46. 'Pii>a|iiKTis' 5.47. ZaoOX 5.48. ZapioTis 5.49. Tc^pTis 5.50. 6. Arabic Sources 244 6.1. The Alans and Islam Arabic Literary Sources 245 6.2. Alans in the Arabic geographical tradition of the 3rd-4th/9th-10th c. 6.3. Abu'1-Fida' 6.4. Abu Hamid al-Garnatl 6.5. Al-Baladuri 6.6. Baybars al-Mansuri 6.7. Al-BlrunI 6.8. Al-gahabI 6.9. Al-DimaSql 6.10. Ibn 'Abd al-Zahir 6.11. Ibn al-Atir 6.12. Ibn al-Azraq 6.13. Ibn Battuta 6.14. Ibn Haldun 6.15. Ibn Rustah 6.16. Al-Marwazi 6.17. Mas'ud b. Namdar 6.18. Al-Mas'udI 6.19. Al-Nadlm 6.20. Al-QazwM 6.21. Al-Tabarl 6.22. Ta'rlh Bab al-Abwab 6.23. Al-'Umari 6.24. Arabica Christiana 6.25. Appendix: Alan Mamluks in Egypt Onomasticon 276 6.26. Ahmad b. Kuyah 6.27. B.gay.r 6.28 K.rk.ndag 7. Armenian Sources 278 7.1. The Alans and Armenia Armenian Literary Sources 279 7.2. Agat'angetos 7.3. Asxarhac'oyc' 7.4. EH§e 7.5. Movses Xorenac'i 7.6. [P'awstos Bowzandac'i] 7.7. "Anonymous story-teller" 7.8. Ha- giographic Sources 7.9. Owfnayr, king of the Albanians 7.10. Atowank' = Alank' 7.11. Sarmatac'ik', Skiwtac'ik' = Alank' 7.12. Haykakan Hamabarbar Onomasticon 299 7.13. Atanayozan 7.14. Araweleank' 7.15. ASxadar 7.16. ASxen 7.17. Barlax 7.18. Ber 7.19. Sanesan 7.20. Sat'inik 7.21. Skoher 8. Catalan Sources 302 8.1. The Alans and the Catalan Grand Company Medieval Catalan Literary Sources 302 8.2. Ramon Muntaner Onomasticon 307 8.3. Girgon ' 9. Georgian Sources 308 9.1. The Alans and Georgia The Georgian Chronicles (K'art'lis C'xovreba) 309 9.2. Introduction 9.3. History of the Kings of Iberia 9.4. History of King Vaxtang Gorgasali 9.5. Chronicle of Iberia 9.6. History of the King of Kings 9.7. Histories and Eulogies of the Sovereigns 9.8. History of the Mongol Invasions X CONTENTS Onomasticon 324 9.9. Agsart'an 9.10. Alt'un 9.11. Anbazuk 9.12. Asp'agur 9.13. At'on 9.14. Baqat'ar 9.15. Bazuk 9.16. Borena 9.17. Burduxan 9.18. Davit' 9.19. Davit' Soslan 9.20. Demetre 9.21. Dorgoleli 9.22. Jadaron 9.23. Kavtia 9.24. P'arejan 9.25. P'eroS 9.26. Sat'xis 9.27. Saurmag 9.28. T'arhan 9.29. Uobos 9.30. Urdure 9.31. Uzurabeg 9.32. Vaxtang 9.33. Xuanxua 9.34. Xuddan 10. Hebrew Sources 330 10.1. The Alans and the Judeo-Khazar Empire Hebrew Sources 330 10.2. Benjamin of Tudela 10.3. The Khazar correspondence 10.4. The Cambridge Document 11. Iranian Sources 338 Pahlavi and Parthian Epigraphical Sources 338 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Bilingual Inscription of Armazi 11.3. Kirdlr's Inscriptions at the Ka'be-ye ZardoSt, Naqs-e Rostam and Sar Mashad 11.4. Sabuhr's Inscription at the Ka'be-ye Zardost t Bactrian Epigraphical Sources t 345 11.5. Introduction 11.6. The Legend <oXxav[v]o> Persian Literary Sources of the Islamic Period 347 11.7. Introduction 11.8. FerdusI 11.9. Hudud al-'alam 11.10. Keika'us ebn Eskandar 11.11 Nezaml 11.12 HaqanI 11.13 The Letter of Tansar 11.14. Persian Historiography of the Mongol period Onomasticon 369 11.15. Zriouaxou 11.16. I a)6navyavou 11.17. ET|<t>apvouyou 11.18. 11.19. Farange 11.20. Garam 11.21. Qaclr Ukule 12. Mongol Sources 372 12.1. The Alans and the Mongol Empire Mongol Literary Sources 373 12.2. "The Secret History of the Mongols" 12.3. Alans in Mongol Chronicles of the 17th c. Onomasticon 377 12.4. Aruytai 12.5. Norn Dara Qoloci Noyan 13. Russian Sources 378 13.1. The Alans and ancient Russia Old Russian Chronicles 379 13.2. Introduction 13.3. The fall of Bela Veza (965) 13.4. Jaroslav's Alan expedition (1029) 13.5. Jaropolk's Cuman campaign (1116) 13.6. The assassination of Andrej Bogoljubskij (1175) 13.7. The Mongol storm (1223) 13.8. Mengu Temir's Alan campaign (1277-78) 13.9. The fate of Mihail of Tver (1319) 13.10. Alans in Mamaj's army (1380) 13.11. The Russian list of cities (1387/92) CONTENTS xi Onomasticon 386 13.12.
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