PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., June 26, 1975 “Two Bills Signed HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. signed by Mrs. Grasso holds of interest. Ella T. Grasso has signed bills that membership in the authori­ The governor has signed 439 allowing public housing tenants ty while living in a public bills and vetoed four since iianri|Mtpr if iimng leralh to sit on local housing housing project is not a conflict taking office last January. authorities and Requiring higher CATHOLIC BURIAL MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 228 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE: HETEEN CENTS . a insurance coverage for Manchester—A City of Village Charm V fireworks displays. It makes good sense for families to own cemetery Another measure signed into property before it is needed. law by the governor will make You can spare your family distress and financial COBGITATIONS towns in which a person worry by selecting a burial site now. becomes destitute responsible y i for the welfare payments. 85 East Center-St.i Gandhi Takes Under previous laws the at Summit St. SAINT JAMES CEMETERY In the days when oil and coal the ore cannot compete with now, but the old abandoned benefits were paid by the town Wide Powers FBI Arrests Pair 368 Broad Street mines have afforded 0. C. stoves had windows, they were richer deposits in other places. in which the person had lived WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIALI Manchester, Connecticut Cobalt is used for the old many enjoyable hours of most of the time in the past two fitted with what was generally Phone 646-3772 NEW DELHI (UPI) — Prime Minister known as isinglass or thin mica. fashioned blue color in dishes. exploring. years. Indira Gandhi has assumed virtually ab- Ml It was transparent and could It was shipped by sailing vessel Old Connecticut maps are Persons with contracts or DAISEYS ....bunch n . 3 9 solute power in India, jailing hundreds of stand high temperature without to Holland for that purpose sprinkled with so called lead financial interests in public political opponents and imposing press -!MI' ¥ OPEN ’tit 9 P.M. THURS., FRt.-’NITESI As Spies for USSR breaking as would glass. Of many years ago. It cannot be and silver mines. Some housing projects had been censorship in the world’s largest course, it was mined and the m in^ profitably in Connecticut prospects found a trade. banned from sitting on the democracy. was recruited to spy for the Soviet Union, thick chunks (called "books") housing authorities. The law Government spokesmen said 676 per- ^ - WASHINGTON (UPI) - FBI agents Paskalian of New York formerly lived in he was sent to the United States in the which could be split into thin sons were arrested in the lightning-fast today arrested two men on charges of Soviet Armenia, Kelley said. He said summer of 1971 with instructions to meet sheets of large area were much spying in this country for the Soviet Union, Paskalian told investigators he first came crackdown but opposition leaders put the with Petros Petrosyan, an alleged Soviet sought after. figure as high as 3,500. - fTi .a. the Justice Department announced. to the United States in 1968 as a visitor When a pocket of large books FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley said after being recruited in the Soviet Union intelligence agent, a.’, a prearranged ad­ Mrs. Gandhi, who declared a two-month , dress in the Queens section of New York. was lound, blasting was stopped Sarkis 0. Paskalian, 36, was arrested in as a spy in 1962. state of emergency across India \ ^ The affidavit said he was told to contact and hand work with pick and New York City and Sahag K. Dedeyan, 41, Dedeyan, of Rockville, was identified as Thursday, said the arrests were necessary - Dedeyan, a distant relative of Paskalian shovel was resorted to, to avoid was arrested in Rockville, Md. a former employe of Operations to combat a "widespread conspiracy” that and develop a close relationship in order breaking them. There were Research, Inc. of Silver Spring, Md., the threatehed the nation’s internal security. to obtain secret information. sizeable piles of refuse near the Most of those jailed had led demands for . i m H N | / ^ A criminal complaint and an FBI FBI said. The FBI said he was an agent’s affidavit filed with a federal judge The affidavit said Dedeyan had mines composed of small Mrs. Gandhi’s resignation following her associate mathematician at the Applied I in New York charged Paskalian with con­ prepared a classified study entitled, pieces mixed with broken white conviction two weeks ago on charges of | 1 Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins spiracy to gather classified national “Vulnerability Analysis; U.S. Reinforce­ quartz and feldspar. corrupt campaign practices. ' University at Silver Spring from 1 ^ to defense information to aid a foreign coun­ ment of NATO.” The affidavit said O.C. remembers several After the crackdown, similar to the \ ^ September, 1973. try. Paskalian photographed this document in abandoned mica mines where mass arrests ordered by Mrs. Gandhi last Kelley said both organizations are Dedeyan’s Rockville home in March, 1973, he could find books three or year to break a nationwide rail strike, the A criminal complaint and agent’s af­ fidavit filed with a U.S. magistrate in engaged in secret work under contract for with a camera provided by Eduard B. more inches wide and up to an government’s chief information officer Baltimore, Md., charged Dedeyan with the Defense Department and Dedeyan had Charchyan. inch thick and the scrap piles, said the situation was “generally peaceful failing to report illegal photographing of top secret clearance. Charchyan served as a third secretary probably more with a shovel. throughout the country.” , national defense information. The Soviet Embassy in Washington had for the Soviet mission to the United He only used a stick found near But he said there had been some cases of ^ Kelley said both defendants are natives no comment. Nations from October, 1971, to May, 1974, by. demonstrators taking to the streets to | [ | Ijjjk ^ of Lebanon. The FBI affidavits said after Paskalian the affidavit said. When electricity came into protest the government action. In greater use. there was an in­ Ahmedebad, capital of the west coast j V o t i ; H c Call CollcCt creasing demand for mica as an state of Gujarat, police fired tear gas to insulator. There is plenty of small pieces of mica for nffinps Collector of Revcnue Jambs A. Turek looks on as Town Manager Robert making washers and other operated normally and there were no Weiss and Justice of P eace Mary E Fletcher sign 9 rate bill, as required by Grasso Shifts Road Funds small shapes, but the supply of reported demonstations. Government state law. It authorizes Turek to collect 1975-76 taxes on behalf of the town, large sheets in natural books orders prohibited carrying firearms. The tax levy for the fiscal year beginning Tuesday is 50.65 mills to the could not satisfy the demand. shouting slogans and holding public General Fund (up to 1.35 m ills), 6 mills to the Town Fire District (up 0.30 First the Westinghouse Co. meetings or demonstrations in the capital, m ill) and 12 m ills to the Special Downtown Taxing District (no change). The To Use for Mass Transit and then others began to make The government closed international Eighth U tilities District, which levies its own taxes for fire protection and large sheets out of small ones. telephone and telex lines at noon Thursday sewer service adopted a 4 m ills tax rate at its annual meeting Wednesday system between Interstate 84 in East After the small books were but restored them about eight hours later jg a 1.5 m ills increase over 1974-75. (Herald photo by Dunn) HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. transportation are vital if automobile use separated into thin pieces, they after imposing censorship of outgoing Grasso today announced the reallocation is to be reduced to save energy and curb Hartford and Interstate 291 in South Wind­ were dropped in the top of a news copy. ___ of $300 million allocated for interstate air pollution.” sor. tower. As they floated down, Among those arrested was Jayaprakash ¥ „ „ * '^17 ^ J \¥/’ 1¥ Klirb highway projects in the Hartford area to The funds will come from withdrawing She also recommended the substitution they were coated by a sprayed Narayan, 72, a respected Mohandas J ^ c l . 8 1 ' t T v f J l A v l t t d .1 . ¥ A be spent on mass transportation and portions of Interestate 86 and 291 from the of Rt. 66 between Interstate 84 in fog of a binder similar to Gandhi-style leader whose “peaceful -g-v • • l specific highway improvements. Interstate highway system. Cheshire and Interstate 91 in Meriden. ' The governor recommended withdrawal The specific mass transit projects will shellack. revolution” has been gaining strength in ¥ O ¥50 UCCOllllTllSSlOriCCl Mrs. Grasso said $200 million would go of; be recommended as part of a five-year When the sheet at the bottom recent months. for mass transit and $100 million for —Interstate 86 between Interstate 91 in state Department of Transportation tran­ had build up to a desired highway improvements. thickness it was put between after T e P r e s s e d ''a ‘"JaHy 10°000 GROTON (UPI) - The end of an era is tablished an all-time record in the rescue Wethersfield and Interstrate 84 in sit program. Recommendations also will hot plates in a powerful press. alter ne aaoressea a y , ,,ignaipa todav with the scheduled decom- of 29 American aviators from the sea.
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