SECTION TWO ANK SECTION TWO VOLUME LXIV, NO.-28. RED MNKTNrJ^THHRSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942; PAGES 1 TO 12 tt Zager, Smith IS Ice Yacht Race* It Warden Funera I Home Tax Group Against Robert Martin Pleads It Are Postpoiied t Pass Bar Exam 'O •-•' Rain and-warmer Wither- of t Has 25th Anniversary last week-end , forced a post- New? School Proposal Both Men Clerked With « ponement of the scheduled ice 'Not Guilty Of Murder ,'t yacht races between the cial- Red Bank-Law'Firm •t -lehgerj of the Monmouth Ice i Yacht club of Red Bank »nd the defenders of the Hudson- League Also Opposes Bro&d Abraham J. Zager of • McLaren Instigated Mrs. Aszman'Slaying, Red Bank Morticians Have -.'••. • (i • . • Highland Ice Boat club, ' otroet, son of Mrs. Rose Zager of : ^ The eVenU, best twoof three .. Street ^Tp River.. Extension ^ Hudson avcnu»r and Thomas J, _ Ghargea Turner In Confession -;• Long Record Of Service heats, for the Eastern cham- Smith of Asbury Park received word pionship pennant offered by the thl» morning that they had passed The Taxpayers association of Red - Robert Martin, colored resident of Turner, according to th« ohltf, hM The Worden funoral home, 60 East Rumson Country elubr*were-to™ the state bar examinations, taken at Newark, yesterday pleaded not guilty admitted that he murdered the wo~ have been sailed on Orange Bank-at-a-meetlng-last-nlgJUn-tliB. -Trenton lnOctober.-BpthLyaung men Tront atreot, yostcrday completed Mass Meeting~At~ offlccs of its secretary, Alston Beck-' of-theTnurder-of-Mra,-Edna-rAj5Zmanr- ynnn, hut rrpriltart Martin with insti- 25 years of service In Red Bank and Lake, near Newburgh, New have been.'serving Hh^ir clerkship. RiverJale avenue, Shrewsbury town- gation of the slaying.' Examination" nan, Jr., went flatly*on record as with the law firm ol .Parsons, La- vicinity-under the management of York. Several Red Bonk Ice opposed to the construction of a new ship; when arraigned before justice of the body disclosed Mrs. Aszman Albert W. Worden. Associated with yachtsmen had planned to Highlands In Aid ichool In the borough and to the brecqut Sc Borden, of fie Peace Fred Quinn. The charge had been struck over the head with Mr. Worden, In the flrm as partriera make the trip.' Commodore roposed extension of Broad street was . made by George H. Roberts, an ax and was probably still breath.. are his three Bonn, Harry C. P., Frank Blaledell is awaiting •o the rjver. Resolutions setting chief county Investigator. Ing when dumped Into the grave. James~A7~and~~Bbber t":~F." Wordon. word from' the Highland-Hud- Of Local Defense 'orth" the'"organization's objections 1 Maratin was implicated In the Mrs. Aszman's station wagon, • During the quartor of a century son club of tho postponed dates. A'ere-sdopted. slaying, Chief Roberts said, bjf Rob- familiar sight around Red Bank, WBJJ period the-home haB had charge of Methods of Fighting The greater part of the session ert Turner, 23, colored, who had been recovered at tho New York end of over 4,100 services. '•'aj devoted to the discussion of the 'employed - on^—the—Aszman—farm. the Holland tunnel several days titer •The Wordon funoral home la'.one Fire From Incendiary ichnol question, which Is pending be- Turner- according to the chief, has the murder, but all trace of Turner of the most modern of Its kind In Monmouth B.C. To fore the board of education. The confessed that he killed Mrs. Asz-"was lost: ~" • — the state and can accommodate Bombs Demonstrated state, department recently warned man October 3 and hid her body in Martin has denied, Chief Roberts more than 100 persons at services. Honor Harry B. tho local body that It would with- a shallow grave dug In a cornfield on said, being with Turner before the ^In, the homo, besides the rooms for hold approval of Red Bank high the farm. Mrs. Aszman's. 13-year-, murder or having seBn him for sev- the accommodations of clients, Is a A mass meeting in the Interest of school as a secondary institution of old son, William, found the body the eral'years prior to It. ' casket display room, and a spotless Clayton Monday air raid defense at Highlands, °was learning unless drastic changes were following day. ., .Turner was questioned in Albany •white preparation room with tllo held last night in the auditorium of made to its physical education plant. Qulnii held Martin for grand jury police headquatterB from i p. m. floor ard with all modern appur- the grammar school of that borough A new—gymnasium, it was , stated, action without ball. -Turner was due Saturday, to 1 o'clock Sunday morn- tenances. The " automobile equip? Herbert E. Edwards and largely attended. would be necessary. At a recent at Freehold to day from Albany, New ing, according to tho chief, before , Harry N. Johnson, chairman of the meeting of the board three proposals he broke. _ His Identification had ment Includes two modorn casket ranglng"from-theadditlonJ«f-auch-a York, where he has been held, since coaches, both Cadillacs; a modorn Tto^Be^Tdastrnaster ; local defense council, presided and Dccmber_ll^pn_aL^harge _of_taklng_ been established earlier by the Fed- gymnasium to the building of a com- eral Bureau ~6f Investigation through:" service car and four sedans. introduced the speakers. Mayor Al- plete new school were considered. a stolen car across state lines. His The establishment has boon at tho Elaborate Program fred N. Beadleston of Shrewsbury, ^Members of the Taxpayers' group arrest came about -when he was fingerprints. BaBt Front street address for 22 regional defense director, reviewed at last night's meeting pointed out stopped for. speeding: and failed to Turner had been employed by Mrs. years. Before directing tho flrm Harry B. Clayton, of tho well the duties and accomplishments thus that neither the local board nor the produce a license. Investigation dis- Aszman, whose husband, Oscar, 1B an himself, Albert W. Worden was as- known flrm of Clayton 8c Magee, will far of the various local councils un- state department had actually rec- closed the car had been stolch and East Orange butcher, to assist her • AIJBERT W. WORDEN that the driver, according to the bo the honored member at the sup-der his jurisdiction. ommenled tho construction.oft a new on her truck farm about four months per and social time to follow the Captain Mershon, head of chem- school, Richard S. Bicknell, chair- chief, had' a police record. before the slaying. When appre- of tho Defense Council of the River January meeting of the Monmouth. cal warfare at Fort Hancock, gave man of the school committee, de- Chief Roberts atate.d yesterday he hended In Albany, Turner vni driv- Boroughs, a member of the RedBoat club Monday night at the club a demonstration of fighting lncendi clared although, tho faction favoring could n.ot say what.part each man ing a car -which had been stolen la Bank defoneo council, and a former house. ary bomb fires; Chief Kaiser of. the.the new school had set tho cost at played In the case. ; The interroga- MIohigan. '•' - - ' approximately $602,000, the actual member of tho board of education, 'ISkeet" Clayton, as he is familiarly Fort Hancock fire department urged .. ABRAHAM J. ZAGER tion of Turner has been .carried on Although residents of the sparsely former vice-president pf the Red that precautionary measures be tak- cost, when finance charges, arc con- at Albany by Detective William S. settled neighborhood In which tha known by his hosts of friends, has sidered, will amount to about- a mil- Bank building and loan association, been a meirtber of tho club for about en In the line of cleaning up attics Mr. Zager gradtiate'ci" from Red Mustoe for tfte prosecutor's office and Aszmans lived combed • the .Area lion 'dollars. Building costs, he said, Bank high school In June, 1934. He It was Mustoe who advised the chief throughout the afternoon and night, former member of tho board of 25'yeara, and has been active on theand cellars. T • trustees of Rlvcrvlcw hospital, and were, already up from 30% to 60$i was president -of the senior class, that Turner had made a'confession of lie* disappearance, It was not un- auditing and othor committees. .Members of .the. Highlands flre de- over such costs in . normal times. a,XTOPIUBT"director of •" the- Chamber H«rbert.E.~ Edwards, popularly, partment attended the meeting In president of the; student council, to him and Claude Patterson, state til the following morning that her BUIIdlng-at-thiu tlmo/ho .doclaradr manager of the football team and a police detective. son discovered the grave. ^. of-CbmmeVce. known as "Herble," will; be toast- uniform"." Tilsywlli-be givon inslrucr would not only,bo in/practical from He is a post president of tho Mon. master and' has arrant^A.A surprise tlon in methods of fighting incendi- the viewpoint of taxation but would member., of Jhe...national honor so- mouth and Ocean Counties' funeral in tho lino of entin!W|Wgnt by Aary bomb flres at classes to be held be unpatriotic and wasteM-. ciety., directors association, a 'former vice- well known "artls{JS^^|^|ar fea- on three week days and a Sunday He went to Bucknell university,. president of the State Funeral di- ture of the "seiec- at Fort Hancock under Fire Chief Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, on a schol- rectors association, a member.of the tlons by a celebrafl lonlst, Kaiser.'> "••'" President R. V. R. H. Stout said arship, graduating In June, 1938, with Mayor Names Tire National Funeral directors associa- talking he believed the consideration of any a bachelor of arts degree.
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