Netherlands). France)]. Alauda 62(1): 36-37. In French. RECENT Calvo,B. 1994. Effectsof agriculturalland- Siokhin,V. & Chernichko,J. 1992. Changes PUBLICATIONS ON use on the breedingof Collaredpratincoles in the number of colonial waterbirds in the Glareolapratinco/a in south-westernSpain. Sivash area, Sea of Azov, Ukraine. In: WADERS 61 Biol.Conserv. 70: 77-83. (Zool.Dept., Finlayson,M., Hollis,T. & Davis,T. (eds.). GlasgowUniv., Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK). ManagingMediterranean wetlands and their birds:proceedings of an IWRB International Calvo,B. 1993. Influencesof agricultural Symposium,Grado, Italy, February 1991, land-use and habitat modification on the pp. 202-205. (Azov-BlackSea Ornithological compiled by breedingbiology and conservationof Collared Station,Melitopol, Ukraine). Breeding Pratincoles(Glareola pratincola) in SW communities of all Charadriiformes and Henk Koffijberg Spain. Ph.D. Thesis, UnM Glasgow. populationdynamics are described. In tryingto make these listsas Delehanty,D.J. & Oring,L.W. 1993. Effect Spaans,B. 1994. De broedvogelsvan het completeas possible,and the next of clutchsize on incubationpersistence in Volkerak-Zoommeerin de eerstevijf jaar na one even morecomplete and up to male Wilson'sPhalaropes (Pha/aropus de afsluiting.(The breedingbirds of the date, yourhelp is mostwelcome. trico/or).Auk 110(3):521-528. (Ecol.,Evol. Volkerak-Zoommeerduring the firstfive years Please send new titles, abstracts, & Conserv.Biol. Program, ERS, 1000 Valley after embankment). Limosa67(1): 15-26. In Rd., Univ. Nevada, Reno 89512, USA). Dutchwith Englishsummaryø reprints,copies, reports, and (Rijkswaterstaat,Directie Fieroland, P.O. Box (importanttoo!) omissionsor 600, 8200 AP Lelystad,Netherlands). Holland, P.K. & Yalden, D.W 1994. An correctionsto: Henk Koffijberg, Breedingbirds on formertidal flats and salt Glenn Millerweg 102, 1311 RW estimateof lifetimereproducbve success for marshes, 1988-1992, SW-Netherlands. Aimere, The Netherlands. the CommonSandpiper Actiris hypoleucos. Waders: Himantopush/mantopus, Bird Study41 (2): 110-119. (D.W. Yalden: Recurvirostra avosetta, Charadrius dub/us, Sch. Biol.Sci., 3.239, StopfordBldg., Univ. Rememberto include,if possible,the C. hiaticula, C. alexandrinus, Vaneflus Manchester, Oxford Rd., Manchester M13 vaneflus,Tringa totanus, Haematopus address of the first author, and 9PT, UK). ostralegusand Limosalimosa. translationsof titles if they are in other languagesthan English. Koffijberg,K. 1994. Koloniebroedvogelsin Sz•kely, T., Kozma,J. & Piti,A. 1994. The Groningen.Inventarisatie van K]uut, volumeof SnowyPlover eggs. J. Field plevieren,meeuwen en sternsin 1993. Forhelp with issue I'm very grateful to Omithol. 65(1): 60-64. In Englishwith [Breedingbird survey of Avocet,plovers, D.A. Stroud, I. Bainbridge,T. Spanishsummary. (Behav. Ecol. Res. gullsand ternsin the provinceof Groningen Piersma, R. Maheo, D.W. Yalden, B. Group, Dept. Zool., KossuthUniv., in 1993]. GrauweGors 22(2): 36-40. In Debrecen,H-4010, Hungary). Charadrius Calvo, B.-O. Flore, R. Valle, and T. Dutch. (Botter29-26, 8232 KH Lelystad, alexandrinus.A simpledevice for measuring Szbkely Netherlands).Waders: Recurvirostra egg-volumewas developedand tested. avosetta, Charadrius hiaticula, Charadrius Translatedtitles from languagesother dubius, Charadrius alexanddnus. Sz•kely, T., Karsia,T. & Williams,T.D. than Englishare bracketed;with 1994. Determination of clutch-size in the Marchant, J. & Balmer, D. 1994. Common roundbrackets if the translationis by Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Ibis BirdsCensus: 1992-93 indexreport. BTO the author(s),square brackets if not. 136(1): 341-348. News 193:11-14. Majordecline in breeding Vaneflus vane#us in the UK. N.B. a copy of yourpaper or abstract Thomson, D.L. 1994. Growth and wouldbe very helpfulto enable me to developmentin Dotterelchicks Charadrius Paton,P.W.C. & Dalton,J. 1994. Breeding morinellus.Bird Study41(1): 61-67. add some keywordsor give added ecologyof Long-billedCurlews at GreatSalt annotation to the titles. Lake,Utah. GreatBasin Naturalist 54(1 ): 79-85. (Dept. Fish & Wildl., Coop. Fish & Tomkovich,P.S. 1994. A preliminaryreport So far, about 3,000 titles have been Wildl.Res. Unit,Utah State Univ.,Logan on research on the Great Knot Calidris stored in an automated database. 84322, USA). Numeniusamericanus. tenuirostrison the breedinggrounds. Sti/t24: 29-30. (Zool. Mus., Moscow Univ., Herzen St. 6, Moscow 103009, Russia). Study Pineau,O. 1992. The declineof a breeding conductedon breedinggrounds in north- populationof KentishPlover in a French BREEDING eastern Siberiaon the spur of the Shchuchy Mediterraneanresort. In: Finlayson,M., MountainRange near the AnadyrRiver. Hollis,T. & Davis,T. (eds.). Managing Andras,L 1992. [Breedingbiology of Mediterranean wetlands and their birds: Lapwing( Vaneflusvane#us) in alkaline proceedingsof an IWRB International Valle, R. & D'Este,A. 1994. La biologia grassland].Ornis Hung. 2(2): 61-66. In Symposium,Grado, Italy, February 1991, riproduttivadella Pettegola, Tringa totanus, Hungarianwith English summary. (Dept. pp. 122-124. (Stn. Biol.de la Tour du Valat, nellaLaguna di Venezia. (Thebreeding Zool. & Human Biol., Kossuth Univ., Le sambuc,13200 Aries, France). Breeding biologyof the Redshank,Tringa totanus, in, Debrecen,Egyetem ter 1, H-4010, Hungary). biologyof Charadriusalexandrinus studied at the Lagoonof Venice). Riv. ItaLOmitol. artificialhabitats resulting from infilling of 63(2): 174-180. In Italianwith English summary. (Castello618/E, 30122 Venezia, Beintema, A.J. 1994. Conditionindices for lagoons. Italy). A colonyof 15 pairsnesting on an waderchicks derived from body-weight and intertidalmuddy-clay saltmarsh with bill-length.Bird Study41(1): 68-75. (IBN- Pineau,O. 1994. [Biologyand reproduction halophilousvegetation has beenstudied. DLO, P.O. Box23, 6700 AA Wageningen, of the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus,in the Herault(southern Valle, R., Scarton, F., Borella,S. & 'Rioca, G. 11 1994. Nidificazione di Avocetta callsin Redshanks,Tringa totanus. Anita. South Rd., DurhamDH1 3LE, UK). (Recurvirostraavosetta) nella Laguna di Behavo47(3): 736-738. Venezia(Aves). (Breedingof the Avocet Hudson, R., Tucker, G.M. & Fuller, R.J. (Recurvirostraavosetta) in the lagoonof Eenshuistra,O.J.F 1994. Goudplevier 1994. Lapwing Vane#usvane//us Venice(Italy) (Aves). Lavori19: 99-102. Pluvialisapricaria en KleineGoudplevier populationsin relationto agricultural Pluvialis fulva in West-Siberie en changes:a review. In: Tucker,G.M., Davies, mogelijkheidtot vorming van hybriden.(A S.M. & Fuller,R.J. (eds.). The ecologyand BEHAVIOUR, ECOLOGY & viewingon the zoneof overlapof the conservationof lapwingsVane#us vane#us. breedingareas of GoldenPlover Pluvialis Peterborough,Joint Nature Conservation EVOLUTION apricariaand PacificGolden Plover Pluvialis Committee.pp. 1-33. (BTO, The Nunnery, fulvain WesternSiberia and the possibilityof Thefiord,Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK). Review of Andres, B.A. 1994. Coastal zone use by creatinghybrids in thisarea). Vogeljaar literaturepresenting current knowledge of postbreedingshorebirds in northernAlaska. 42(2): 66-73. In Dutch. (Prins Clausplein Lapwingecology, limited to the discussions J. Wild/.Manage. 58(2): 206-213. (US Fish 95, 8935 DD Leeuwarden,Netherlands). of those factorswhich may influence & WildloServ., Off. MigratoryBird Manage., populationlevels. In particular,those factors 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage,AK 99503, resul•ngfrom human activities have been Ens, B.J. 1994. De carriere-beslissingenvan examined in detail. USA). de ScholeksterHaematopus ostralegus. (The career decisionsof the Oystercatcher Andrew,D.G. 1994. Site fidelityof Jack Haematopusostralegus). Limosa 67(2): Kalsi, R.S. & Khera, S. 1992. Some Snipeon migration?.Scot. Birds 17(3): 163. 53-67. In Dutchwith Englishsummary. observations on maintenance behaviour of (MuirfieldGate, Gullane,East LothianEH31 (Zool. Lab., Afd. Dieroecologie,Univ. the RedwattledLapwing Vane#us indicus 2EG, Scotland). Lymnocryptesminimus. Groningen,Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN Haren, (Boddaert).J. BombayNat. Hist.Soc. 89(3): Netherlands).Summarizing major findings of 368-372. Baker, D.S. & Brenner, F.J. 1994. a seven year studyof the socialbehaviour of Woodcock( Scolopaxminor) habitat Haematopusostralegus. Kok,O.B 1993. Diet of SpottedDikkop suitabilityat one naturalsite and •hree Burhinuscapensis. Ostrich64:182-184 reclaimedstrip mines in Mercer Co., Ferns, P.No& Siman, H.Y. 1994. Utilityof (Dept.Zool. & Entomol.,Univ. Orange Free Pennsylvania.J. Pa. Acad. Sci. (Suppl.)67: •he curved bill of the Curlew Numenius State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, 169-170. arquataas a foragingtool. BirdStudy 41 (2): Sou•hAfrica). Stomachcontents of Burhinus 102-109. (Schoolof Pureand AppliedBiol., capensis collectedin the central parts of Univ. Wales, Coil. Cardiff, P.O. Box 915, SouthAfrica over a periodof eightyears are Barman,R. & Bhattacharjee,P.C. 1994. An discussed. evaluationof the habitatsuitability index Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK). modelas appliedto •he Bronze-winged Jacana Metopidiusindicus in Assam, India. Goss-Custard, J.D., Clarke, R.T., Caldow, Krementz,D.G., Seginak,J.T., Smith, D.R. & Stilt24: 31-34. (Anim. Ecol. & Wildl. Biol. R.W.G. & Durell,S.E.A. 1993. Modellingthe Pendleton, G.W. 1994. Survival rates of Lab., Dept. Zool., GauhatiUniv., GuwahatJ effect of winter habitat loss on shorebird AmericanWoodcock wintering along the 781014,Assam, India). populations.Inst. TerrestrialEcol. Rep., pp. Atlanticcoast. J. Wildl.Manage. 58(1): 147- 72-74. (Inst. TerrestrialEcol.,
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