ADVERTORIAL IA PAGE 10 Saturdeyi-/Wgust 15, 2020 ESW. TINI NEWS -·--·-·················· ···-···········-···· ·-·· ···-···········--· ··· ---····--·····································----·- --- -- -- ---- Independence Day of India! ing Eswatini, has been appreci- and visited Kolkata and Ah- i NOIA cele brates its Inde­ ated globally. medabad to study iron and steel ! pendence Day every year on For the eighth time India has production units in India. As a \ August 15, commemorating been elected as a non-Permanent follow up, the Steel Authority \ indepI endence from British rule Member of the United Nations of India has agreed to conduct : on August 15, 1947. From that Security Council for the years a feasibility study for iron ore : day unti ll January 26, 1950, when 2021 and 2022 with the over- beneflciation and setting up of ! it became a republic, India had do­ whelming support of 184 out a steel plant in Eswatini. : minion status with King George VI of 192 members. India's work The Chief Defence Officer of \ of England as the Head of State. in the Security Council will be the Kingdom of Esw~tini HRH ! The C onstitution of India guided by the prime minister's Prince H1angusemph1 Dlamini ! was adopted on the November call for a reformed multilateral- visited India o n February 5-7 \ 26,1949 and came into effect on ism and the dynamic v ision fo r 2020 to took part in the First \ the January 26, 1950. The year foreign policy namely, respect, India Africa Defence Minis- \ 2020 is witnessing celebrations dialogue, cooperation, peace ters' Conclave and to witness : on the completion of 70 years of and to create conditions for uni- the DEFEXPO held at Lucknow i the Constitution of India, in In­ versal prosperity. on February 5-6. He also visit- : dia and across the globe. Through this approach, India e d various rural development i Independence Day, one of the seeks lo move towards a new ori- schemes implemented by NA- ! three national holidays of lnclia. entation fo r a reformed multi- BARD and w as briefed on the \ is observed every year through­ lateral system, wh ich can be en- capacity building training pro- ; out India and cliplomatic mis­ capsulated as NORMS. Seeking grammes available at Bankers i sions of inclia all over the world, r~sponsible and inclusive solu- Institute of Rural Development ! with flag-hoisting, singing of lions, concrete and result-onent- at Lucknow. : national and patriotic songs, ed action at tJ:ie Security Coun~il As part of emerging develop- [ and reading of the president of for an_ effective response to m- ment partnership cooperation : India's address to the nation de­ ter~tlonal ~erronsm, reformed between India and Eswatini : livered on the eve of Independ­ multilateralism. ~o reflect con- several Lines of C redit for de'. ! ence Day. Indian diaspora joins The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Mod i. (Google pie) temp~rary realities, a compre- velopment assistance has been \ the celebrations with the indian sic and fme arts. and international matters. This hens1ve approach to peace and extended earlier by India to the : diplomatic Missions. Throughout history, India was has resulted in extraordinary security; guided by dialogue, Government of Eswatini which ! On Independence Day, prinle intermittently disturbed by in- changes for better in the lives of mutual respect, commitment includes the US$15 million for ' minister of India hoists the In­ cursions from beyond its histor- millions. to inte~national law, to h~lp Food Security Programme, us ! dian national flag from the ram­ ic north-western frontier. Im- Massive infrastructure upgra­ streamline UN . peacekeepmg $ 20 million fo r construction of \ parts of the historic Red Fort portant was the coming of Islam dation in the form of hundreds and technology with the human the Royal Science & Technol- ; in the capital city of New Delhi brought in by Arab, Turkish, of thousands of kilometers of touch will be India's endeavour ogy Park, US$37.9 million for ! and addresses the nation on pre­ Persian and other raiders begin- roads, eradication of poverty; during its membership at the Agricultural Development and ! vious year's achievements, rais­ ning early in the 8th century CE. connecting every households UNSC. Mechanization Project. Fur- i es important issues and shares Some of the raiders stayed and with electricity and cooking On our PM's proposal United ther Lines of Credit of US$ : views on and schemes for fur­ by the 13th century, much of the gas, achieving hundred percent Nations has de~lared 21st June 108.28 million for construction ; ther development. Colourful cul­ subcontinent was under Muslim washrooms in every household as the Int~rna!1on~ Day of Yoga of a new Parliament Building : tural programmes and march rule, which only declined after under Swatch Bharat Mission, (IDY) which IS bemg. celebrat- for Eswatiru and US$ 0.4 million \ past by v eterans conclude the the arrival of the Portuguese access to internet in the farthest ed all over the world smce 2015. for constructing a Disaster Re- : ceremony at the Red Fort. navigator Vasco da Gama, who corners of India, extension of EmaSwati had very enthusi- covery Centre for the National : The British rule in India began came to the Indian shores in mobile banking facilities and asti~y taken p~ in the cele- Data Center at Royal Science ! in 1757, when following their vic­ 1498. Subsequently European Direct Benefit Transfers erad­ b_rat10n of the Virtual ~terna- and Technology Park are in the i tory at the Battle of Plassey, the maritime supremacy was estab- icating pilferage and middle­ t10nal_Da y of Yo~a ~rgarnzed ~Y pipeline. : British East India Company be­ lished in the region, culminat- men and opening up of 300 mil­ the High CommISsion of India, A cash and kind grant of \ gan exercising control over In­ ing with the a bsorption of the lion new bank accounts have Mbabane on June 21, 2~20. We US$1 million and 700 tons of , dia East India Company's rule subcontinent within the British drastically changed the lives hope that everyone contmues to rice and 300 tons of b eans was ; was replaced by direct British Empire. of millions. Many internation- adopt yoga to stay flt and combat made to NOMA in 2018, medi-! rule in 1857-58, in the wake of In­ When British rule came to an al organisations and fmancial COVID-19. cal equipment worth US$3 mil- : dia's First War of Independence. end in 1947, the subcontinent organisations have lauded the lion was donated to the Minis- ; The Independence Move- was partitioned along sweeping changes being brought try of Health the s ame year, in : · into two separate under the INDIA-AFRICA FORUM : ment of India began able leadership of 2019-20 US$400 000 was granted : : during World countries, In- Prime Minister Modi. The SUMMITS i dia and Paki- The New Education Policy to for the Irrigation Project in . War-I, Jed b y India has so far has held three Maphalaleni in Hbohho region ! Ma h atm a stan. India (NEP) announced very recent­ India-Africa Forum Summits British rule in and essential medicines worth i G andhi , remained ly by th_e Government of India (IAFS) with Heads of State/ w i t h - aims at eradicating the age-old E3million to combat COVID-19 : who a d­ India began in 1757, Government from Africa. HM was donated to the Ministry of ! voca t ­ in the teacher/ institute-centric poli­ King Mswati III had attended ed for C o m - cies and instead, paves the way Health in July 2020. ! when following their the 2nd India Africa Forum Under the Indian Technical : peace­ m o n - for student-centric education Summit held at Addis Ababa ful and laying more emphasis on what~ and Economic Cooperation pro- : victory in May 2011 and the 3"' India gramme, Eswatini is receiving : non-vi­ at the Battle of Plas­ needed by the student communi­ Africa Forum Summit in Octo­ o 1 e n t ty rather than what the teacher/ 50 ITEC slots annually for ad-! ber 2015. Under IAFS-III, 5 000 vanced technical training which end to sey, the British East India institute could offer. ICC~ scholarships, 500 Special ! is being zealously utilised. Dur- i Brit ish wealth, Agricultural Scholarships and rule. Company began exercis­ English INTERNATIONAL ing the training year 2019-20 , 1 000 post-Doctoral C.V Raman about 32 emaSwati underwent , T h e was re- Internationally, India is in the Fellowships were offered dur­ country of ing control over tained as forefront of institutionalising training in diverse fields under i ing 2015-2020, which were well this training programme. , India OCCU· the lingua International Solar Alliance received and utilized by stu­ pies the greater India. franca and (ISA). India now holds the Di­ dents, scientists and academi­ Recently, a six-member team ! of rural women have gradual i part of the South Parliamenta- rector Generalship of ISA and cians from various countries · Asian continent. India ry system of governance hosts the permanent Secretariat across Africa. India Africa ed to become solar engineers i is a Constitutional republic that continued. of ISA in the National Capital Forum Summit IV scheduled by completed their training at : represents a highly diverse pop­ India remains one of the most Territory of Delhi. Membership to be held in New Delhi in 2020 the Barefoot College, Rajastban- : ulation consisting of thousands ethnically diverse countries in of ISA is now open to all mem­ stands postponed due to the on­ Earlier, five artisans from Es· : of ethnic groups and hundreds the world. Hinduism I slam ber-Nations of the United Na­ going pandemic.
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