September 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8955 Allard—Reports from DoHS, Allard—Re- Schumer—Rochester Fast Ferry, Schu- Sally’s husband Tom Kizzia and her ports from DoHS, Baucus—Border Air Bases mer—Signal Corps, Schumer—Stingers, children Emily and Ethan know what Security Money, Baucus—Relevant, Bau- Schumer—Truck Security, Shelby—Marine the rest of us should remember: One cus—Relevant, Bennett—U.S.-Customs Serv- Patrol Aircraft, Specter—Homeland Secu- person can make a difference. ice, Biden—AMTRAK, Boxer—Air Marshals, rity, Specter—Homeland Security, Stabe- Boxer—Air Marshals, Boxer—Interoperable now—Funding for Non-urban Border Cross- Sally was one person who made a Communications, Boxer—Port Security ing, Stabenow—Rundmond/Hart Funding, great difference. Nevada and America Grants, Boxer—Related to Homeland Secu- Stabenow—Rural Volunteers/First Respond- are better and wilder for it, forever. rity, Bunning—Aviation Security, Bunning— ers, Stevens—Relevant, Stevens—Relevant, f Relevant and Germane, Byrd—Additional Talent—Homeland Spending Allocation, Tal- Funds for Homeland Security. ent—Threat-Based Assessment, Voinovich— INTERNATIONAL MARIACHI Byrd—Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Byrd— EMPG, Voinovich—First Responders Med. CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Screening, Warner—Storm Damage, War- Mr. REID. Madam President, today I Byrd—Relevant to any on the list, Carper— ner—Storm Damage. Rail Security, Clinton—Funding for FDNY celebrate the Clark County School Dis- and NYPD, Clinton—Insert language requir- Mr. REID. Madam President, if I may trict’s inaugural International Mari- ing Homeland Security funds beyond small have the attention of the distinguished achi Conference and Festival. This State minimum to be allocated based on majority whip, as he can see, there are event, promoting cultural awareness threat and risk, Clinton—Strike requirement scores of amendments. We are going to and appreciation in the Las Vegas com- that Homeland Security funds be allocated be as cooperative as we can. We have a munity through the performance of on per-capita basis (this language is in the number of ours that are relevant mariachi music, will be held in Hender- Senate report, not the bill), Clinton—High amendments, and we will work with threat urban areas, Cochran—Managers son, NV, this September. Amendments, Cochran—Relevant, Cochran— our side to see how many are serious The Clark County School District, al- Relevant, Cochran—Relevant, Cochran—Rel- about offering amendments. It is going ready highly regarded for its progres- evant, Cochran—Relevant, Collins—Rel- to be a real heavy lift to finish this by sive approach to music education, evant, Collins—Relevant, Corzine—Relevant, next Tuesday, which is what the lead- serves close to 1,000 mariachi students Daschle—Relevant, Daschle—Relevant, ers want. in 12 schools through its newly formed Daschle—Relevant to any on the list, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Secondary Mariachi Education Pro- Daschle—Relevant to any on the list, Day- I say to my friend, I hope we will have ton—Relevant, Dayton—Relevant, DeWine— gram. Firefighters Assistance, Dodd—Fire Fight- the cooperation to try to winnow down Thanks to the tireless efforts of ers, Dodd—First Responders and other the list and finish up the bill prior to Jesus Javier Trujillo, Marcia Neal and Homeland Security needs, Dole—Textile the Jewish holiday, which begins next many others in the Clark County Transshipment Fundings. Wednesday. School District, the conference and fes- Dorgan/Conrad—Ag., Durbin—Customs, f tival will offer participants a quality Durbin—Homeland Security Management, Feingold—Data Mining, Feingold—Emer- MORNING BUSINESS musical experience and help foster a lifelong interest in music. For per- gency Responders, Feingold—Relevant, Fein- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, formers, such as the members of Mari- gold—Relevant, Feingold—TSA, Feinstein— I ask unanimous consent that there Relevant, Feinstein—Relevant, Fitzgerald— achi Cobre, Mariachi Los Arrieros del now be a period for morning business CFO Appointee, Fitzgerald—CFO Political Valle, and the Clark County School for debate only with Senators per- Appointee, Fitzgerald—CFO Political Ap- District Mariachi Task Force, the mitted to speak therein for up to 10 pointee, Fitzgerald—CFO Reporting, Frist— event will offer an opportunity to pro- Relevant or Relevant to the list. minutes each. mote their culture and showcase their Frist—Relevant or Relevant to the list, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without musical talents. Frist—Relevant or Relevant to the list, objection, it is so ordered. Frist—Relevant or Relevant to the list, I salute Mr. Trujillo, Ms. Neal, and Frist—Relevant or Relevant to the list, Har- f the Clark County School District on kin—Increase Hazardous Mitigation Grant IN MEMORY OF SALLY KABISCH establishing the International Mari- Program, Harkin—Relevant, Hatch-Dugway Mr. REID. Madame President, there achi Conference and Festival, and ex- Proving Ground, Hatch—Homeland Security, tend my best wishes that this event Hollings—Port Security, Landrieu—Barge are times in history when one person Tracking, Landrieu—Personnel, Lauten- can and does make a difference. will enjoy a successful future. berg—Coast Guard, Lautenberg—Color coded The recent death of Sally Kabisch re- f threat system, Lautenberg—Port Security, minded me of one such person and one LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT Lautenberg—Port Security. particular period of time. OF 2003 Lautenberg—Rail Security, Lautenberg— Sally Kabisch dedicated herself to a Reimbursement due to convention and ele- Mr. SMITH. Madam President, I rise vated alert levels, Lautenberg—Transpor- remarkable career of conservation. She worked at various times as a grass- today to speak about the need for hate tation Security Information, Leahy—Immi- crimes legislation. On May 1, 2003, Sen- gration (House Version), Levin—Contracting roots organizer and advocate for con- with Corporate Ex-Patriots, Levin—Rel- servation efforts in Nevada, California ator KENNEDY and I introduced the evant, Lieberman—Port Security, McCon- and Alaska. Local Law Enforcement Enhancement nell—Related, McConnell—Related, McCon- One of Sally’s great achievements Act, a bill that would add new cat- nell—Related, Mikulski—Fire Grants, Mi- was in Nevada. egories to current hate crimes law, kulski—Overtime for Border Agents, Mur- Perhaps more than any other citizen, sending a signal that violence of any kowski—FEMA Disaster Assist Employee kind is unacceptable in our society. CADRE, Murray—Related, Murray—Related. Sally is responsible for Nevada’s Forest Murray—Related, Murray—Related, Mur- Service Wilderness bill, which I had the In Fort Worth, TX, on October 21, ray—Related, Nelson-Florida—Ag., Nelson- opportunity to pass through Congress 2000, a high school student was hos- Florida—American Red Cross, Nelson-Flor- in 1989. pitalized after two 17-year-olds alleg- ida—Economic Assistance, Nelson-Florida— From 1986 until President Bush edly attacked him in a parking lot, FAA, Nelson-Florida—FEMA, Nelson-Flor- signed the Nevada Wilderness Act on beating him and scratching antigay ida—SBA, Nelson-Nebraska—First Respond- December 5, 1909, Sally was an indomi- epithets into his car. The victim suf- ers, Reed—Congressional Notification, fered a broken nose and numerous Reed—LNG Shipment Security, Reed—Tran- table and ever-optimistic force for pro- sit Security, Reed—Transit Security, Reid- tecting wild places in Nevada. other injuries, including cuts, bruises Hazardous Material Truck Tracking. She worked doggedly to build support and two blood clots on his brain. Reid—Interoperable Communication, for wilderness. She organized, she advo- I believe that the Government’s first Reid—Relevant, Reid—Relevant to any on cated, and she traveled. duty is to defend its citizens, to defend list, Reid—TSA Funding, Reid—Waterfall As she worked to pass that law, she them against the harms that come out Fire, Schumer—Buffalo Peace Bridge, Schu- was patient, positive, enthusiastic, of hate. The Local Law Enforcement mer—High Threat Urban Area Funding, stubborn and determined. Enhancement Act is a symbol that can Schumer—Hospitals, Schumer—Immigra- tion, Schumer—Northern Border, Schumer— As her friend and another great advo- become substance. I believe that by Port Security, Schumer—Rail and Transit cate for Nevada’s outdoors, Marge Sill, passing this legislation and changing Security, Schumer—Relevant, Schumer— says, ‘‘she was a constant inspiration current law, we can change hearts and Relevant, Schumer—Relevant. to all of us.’’ minds as well. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:50 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S08SE4.REC S08SE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S8956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 8, 2004 HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES ess and grace displayed by the best ath- In Athens, as is the case in every PRIVATE FIRST CLASS NICHOLAS SKINNER letes our country has to offer, includ- Olympiad, there were many amazing ing many from Michigan. Michigan moments that will resonate in our Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I continued our long tradition of con- minds for years to come. Let me take rise today to pay tribute to a great pa- tributing world-class athletes to both a moment to highlight a few of them. triot, PFC Nicholas Skinner, U.S. Ma- the Summer and Winter Olympic Representing the WNBA Champion rine Corps. Private First Class Skinner Games with athletes competing in 13 Detroit Shock on the gold medal win- courageously gave his life on August different sports in this year’s Games. It ning women’s basketball team were 26, 2004, in support of Operation Iraqi was inspiring to witness their total ef- Ruth Riley and Swin Cash. The women Freedom when he was shot during a fort, and in many cases, the realization won the gold medal by going unbeaten, heavy exchange of gunfire in Najaf, of their dreams. There are legions of increasing their Olympic winning Iraq. Private First Class Skinner is young athletes who watched these streak to an incredible 25 games.
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