PRACTICALLY PERFECT IN EVERY WAY! Thanks to The Prenton Theatre Company, we 0DU\3RSSLQVZULWWHQE\3/7UDYHUVZDVPDGH were taken on a magical trip to the time when famous by Walt Disney’s production with Julie nannies ruled not only the nursery but also had Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. Our PTC production DELJLQÀXHQFHRYHUWKHLUSDUHQWV starred Cleo as Mary Poppins and Jessica as Bert, supported by Cerys and Mab as Michael Our talented cast sang and danced their way DQG-DQHDQG.DLWO\QDQG2OLYLDDV*HRUJHDQG RYHUDPDWLQHHDQGWKUHHFRQVHFXWLYHHYHQLQJV Winifred Banks. With a strong supporting cast through a wonderful and specially scripted of chimney sweeps, a bird woman, household adaptation of Mary Poppins and, with classic VHUYDQWVNLWHÀ\HUVDEDQNFKDLUPDQEDQNFOHUNV songs such as “A Spoonful of Sugar”, “Chim DQGLQYHVWRUVSDUNVWUROOHUVDQGDSROLFHPDQRXU Chim Cher-ee”, “Step in Time”, “Feed the SURGXFWLRQHYHQKDGDJURXSRISDUNVWDWXHVDQG Birds”, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” and, of course, some honey bees. Altogether, there was a huge “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” - complete DPRXQWRIWDOHQWRQGLVSOD\ with superbly co-ordinated arm actions. No This story continued on page 2, more wonder audiences went home humming at least pictures on the back pages. RQHVRQJ Prenton High School for Girls | Hesketh Avenue | Birkenhead | Wirral | CH42 6RR Tel 0151 644 8113 | Fax 0151 643 9588 | Email [email protected] Web www.prentonhighschool.co.uk | Twitter @prentonhigh Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Ayling BA (Hons) NPQH Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Geraldine Fraser BEd (Hons) MSc ...Thanks to PTC Director Mrs Jones, teacher of Music Miss McCabe, musicians Mrs Rowlinson on piano and Matthew Jones and Jack Corlett, choreographers Ms Barr and Miss :RRGVHWGHVLJQHUV0LVV'RGGDQG0LVV*UDWWDQOLJKWLQJDQGVRXQGWHFKQLFLDQV0U*UDYHV and Mr Hughes – and to members of the cast who made many of their own props. There are more photographs from the performances on the back SDJHV&RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRHYHU\RQH IRUJLYLQJXVVRPDQ\PHPRUDEOH performances – you were VXSHUFDOLIUDJLOLVWLFH[SLDOLGRFLRXV Celebrating Mary! )ROORZLQJWKUHHHYHQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHVDQG Mrs Burns, Subject Leader – Music and a matinee of the 2018 summer production Performing Arts, who joined them from her of Mary Poppins, members of the Prenton PDWHUQLW\OHDYH7KH\KDGWLPHWRUHÀHFWRQ 7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\KDYHFHOHEUDWHGWKHLU all their months of hard work preparing to success. GHOLJKWXVDQGWRZDWFKWRJHWKHUWKHYLGHR DQGYLHZWKHPDQ\SKRWRJUDSKVRIWKHVKRZ They were able to sit down and enjoy a lunch laid on by Mrs Jones, the Production Director, Well done everyone – you really deserved and joined by Headteacher, Mrs Ayling, and this treat! Isabella’s Summertime Booking :KHQLWFRPHVWR¿OOLQJWKH section helping with their long summer days during the Mischief Makers project, a holidays, Year 7 Isabella has summer reading challenge a good plan. that encourages young readers. Her mother is a librarian at the Ellesmere Port public Good luck, Isabella - you will library and Isabella will be in the right place for some be based in the children’s JUHDWVXPPHUUHDGLQJ 2 Headlines As we come to the end of another successful year, the High Life is a great way to showcase and celebrate the tremendous efforts from our students and the dedication and commitment shown by staff. It certainly has been another busy year with so many exciting things on offer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opportunities. :HVD\IDUHZHOOWRRXU<HDUVWXGHQWVZKRKDYHVKRZQDQLQFUHGLEOHZRUNHWKLFLQSUHSDUDWLRQ for their GCSE examinations. The new GCSE and Vocational courses are more demanding than HYHUDQGRXUJLUOVKDYHFHUWDLQO\ULVHQWRWKHFKDOOHQJHDQGFRPPLWWHGWKHPVHOYHVWRWKHLU¿QDO examinations. We look forward to seeing them on Results’ Day and supporting them to make decisions about the next steps of their journey. 7KURXJKRXWWKHVFKRRODQGDFURVVDOO\HDUJURXSVZHKDYHVHHQVRPHZRQGHUIXOSHUIRUPDQFHV from The Prenton Theatre Company, another exciting year for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award ZLWKRXU¿UVWFRKRUWRIVWXGHQWVDFKLHYLQJWKH6LOYHU$ZDUGVXFFHVVLQ67(0FRPSHWLWLRQVDQG FRQWLQXHGVSRUWLQJH[FHOOHQFH6WXGHQWOHDGHUVKLSKDVFRQWLQXHGWRGHYHORSDQGZHORRNIRUZDUG WRWKHODXQFKRIDQHZOHDGHUVKLSLQLWLDWLYHµ3L;/7KH(GJH¶ZKLFKZLOOEHODXQFKHGLQ2FWREHU :HDOVRORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHODXQFKRIµ$0LQGWREH.LQG¶DJDLQWKURXJK3L;/ZKHUHVWXGHQWVDUH HQFRXUDJHGWRWKLQNDERXWWKHWKUHHPDLQSULQFLSOHVZKHUHE\HYHU\RQHLQRXUFRPPXQLW\FDQEH VKRZQUHVSHFWFDQOLYHIUHHIURPKDUPDQGFDQGHPRQVWUDWHNLQGQHVV:HORRNIRUZDUGWRVKDULQJ WKHVHQHZLQLWLDWLYHVZLWK\RXWKURXJKRXWWKHQH[WDFDGHPLF\HDU 'XULQJWKLVKDOIWHUPZHKDYHXQGHUWDNHQVLJQL¿FDQWZRUNWRUHYLHZRXUVFKRRODLPVDQGWRWKLQN DERXWRXUPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQW7KHUHFHQW,16(7GD\ZLWKVWDIIDQG*RYHUQRUVDQGVXEVHTXHQW PHHWLQJVZLWKVWXGHQWVSURYLGHGDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHDOO\IRFXVRQRXUDLPVDQGRXUYDOXHV7KLV has been an exciting piece of work and I look forward to launching with you in September. In the PHDQWLPHZHKDYHDQDJUHHGPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQWIURPVWDII*RYHUQRUVDQGVWXGHQWV Prenton High School for Girls: Making a positive difference today for a better tomorrow. $V\RXORRNWKURXJKWKHSDJHVRIWKLVHGLWLRQRIµ+LJK/LIH¶,DPVXUH\RXZLOODJUHHWKDWWKLVLVD PLVVLRQVWDWHPHQWWKDWLVYHU\PXFKLQHYLGHQFH 7RDOO*RYHUQRUVVWDIIVWXGHQWVSDUHQWVDQGRXUORFDOFRPPXQLW\,ZLVK you a restful and happy summer. I look forward to welcoming you back in 6HSWHPEHUDQGORRNIRUZDUGWRDQRWKHUSRVLWLYH\HDUDW3UHQWRQ Best wishes to all, Headteacher 3 SORRY TO SEE ASSEMBLY FOR YOU LEAVE! SUCCESS It was a case of parting being such sweet sorrow for both staff and our departing Year The last Year 11 assembly before the start 11 students. of the GCSE exams certainly grabbed VWXGHQWV¶DWWHQWLRQ(DFKUHFHLYHGDSDFN Returning to school for the last time together of jelly beans as they gathered in the Main IROORZLQJWKHLU¿QDOH[DPVWKH\DWWHQGHGD Hall and soon all became clear. Deputy VSHFLDO/HDYHUV¶$VVHPEO\OHGE\3URJUHVV Headteacher Mrs Fraser’s assembly was Leader Mr Tang. He was supported by the the conclusion in a series of Prepare to Year 11 Form Tutors and Headteacher Mrs 3HUIRUPVHVVLRQVRYHUDQXPEHURIZHHNV Ayling and members of the Senior Leadership LQZKLFKVKHKDVSURYLGHGPRWLYDWLRQDOWLSV 7HDPIRUDFHOHEUDWLRQRIWKHODVW¿YH\HDUV DQGSRVLWLYHDGYLFHRQKRZVWXGHQWVFDQ in which strong friendships had been formed DFKLHYHWKHLU*&6(JRDOV DQGH[FHSWLRQDOWDOHQWVGHYHORSHG 0UV)UDVHU¶V¿QDOSUHVHQWDWLRQFHQWUHG Form tutors’ talent was displayed with singing around the assumption that if we start and dancing from Jungle Book, Toy Story and life with 28,835 jelly beans, with each Mr Tang turning in a remarkable performance EHDQUHSUHVHQWLQJRQHGD\RIRXUOLYHVLW DV(OVDIURP)UR]HQ<HDUVWXGHQWV(OOLH emphasised how important it is to make (ULQDQG/RLVVDQJµ<RX¶UH*RQQD0LVV0H¶ HYHU\GD\FRXQW and Jodie, Lauren and Jessica entertained us with their dance routines to tracks that There was good news as well for two LQFOXGHGµ6KRZ0H+RZWR%XUOHVTXH¶$ VWXGHQWVQDPHG(OOLH±RYHUWKHSDVWZHHNV YLGHRRIµJRRGE\HV¶WDNHQLQGHSDUWPHQWV VWXGHQWVDWWHQGLQJUHYLVLRQVHVVLRQVHDUQHG around school - along with some staff UDIÀHWLFNHWVIRUDSUL]HGUDZ DQG DWWHPSWLQJWKHÀRVVGDQFHDQGDVXUSULVH YRXFKHUVWRVSHQGLQ/LYHUSRRO2QH return to school by Mr Richardson, rounded off an emotional afternoon. Each student Thanks to Mrs Fraser for her series of OHIWZLWKD/HDYHUV¶%RRNFRQWDLQLQJ talks – and to Year 8 students Isobelle and messages from staff and photographs Maddie who introduced the assembly with recording their time at Prenton High School. WKH&KDUOLH3XWKVRQJµ2QH&DOO$ZD\¶ Thanks also to our wonderful Catering staff ZKRODLGRQUHIUHVKPHQWVRQDUULYDOIRU Good luck Year 11! students. Good luck, everyone - and please keep in touch! FOOTBALL ON OUR MIND )RRWEDOOZDVGH¿QLWHO\RQWKHPLQGVRI one Year 9 assembly prior to the start of the World Cup. Mrs Simpson’s 9H2 form presented a comparison of the DFKLHYHPHQWVDQGUHFRJQLWLRQJLYHQWR male England players to those of the England female players. They also looked at homophobia and racism in football. 4 Positive Feedback from Our Class of 2018 $VRXU<HDUSUHSDUHGWROHDYHXV “Gained many friends” following the completion of their GCSE examinations, it was a good opportunity “It has been an unforgettable experience. IRUWKHPWRVWRSDQGUHÀHFWRQWKHSDVW¿YH Prenton has helped me to believe in myself \HDUVZLWKXV:HZHUHGHOLJKWHGWRUHFHLYH for the future” VRPDQ\SRVLWLYHUHVSRQVHVDQGSULQWD small selection here. “I didn’t like the change from primary school DW¿UVWEXWJUHZWRORYH3UHQWRQ´ :HZLVK\RXDOOHYHU\VXFFHVVRQ5HVXOWV Day on 23 August and in your future “Made great friends, great teachers” VWXGLHV “Being at Prenton has truly let me grow as a “I have had a great time at Prenton High person and show my true colours!” School” “My friends are good – and so is the “Prenton has been the best experience; I’ve canteen!” now developed into a strong young woman” “Prenton really improved my abilities and “Prenton was just the right place for me - skills” the teachers are supportive and friendly, the students even more so! I will miss Prenton “I found great friends at Prenton who will be so much!” with me for a long time” “My time at Prenton High School has “I have enjoyed my time at Prenton hugely been brilliant. It has been a great journey
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