UCT Annual Report Highlights 2012 CONTENTS Foreword 2 About UCT 4 MISSION UCT aspires to become a premier academic meeting point between Vice-Chancellor’s review 10 South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. Taking advantage of expanding global networks and our distinct vantage point in Africa, Research 16 we are committed, through innovative research and scholarship, to Research highlights 18 grapple with the key issues of our natural and social worlds. We Faculty highlights 22 aim to produce graduates whose qualifications are internationally recognised and locally applicable, underpinned by values of A student-centred campus 30 engaged citizenship and social justice. UCT will promote diversity and transformation within our institution and beyond, including Teaching and learning 32 growing the next generation of academics. Organisational developments 37 Building a better South Africa 38 Transformation and employment equity 40 Social responsiveness 43 Campus highlights 44 Finance overview 49 page 1 FOREWORD INTSHAYELELO VOORWOORD It gives me great pleasure to present this summarised overview of Kuyinyhweba enkulu kum ukwazisa isishwankathelo Dit is met groot genoeë dat ek hierdie opsommende oorsig van die bedryfs- en the operational and financial highlights of 2012. This report is a samagqabantshintshi aqaqambileyo kwicala lezimali nokusebenza finansiële hoogtepunte van 2012 aanbied. Hierdie verslag is ’n samevatting distillation of the broader annual report to government, which sets out kowama-2012. Le ngxelo sisishwankathelo sengxelo yonyaka ebanzi van die breër jaarverslag aan die regering, wat ’n uiteensetting is van wat die what UCT has achieved against its goals in the previous year. kurhulumente, echaza oko kuzuzwe yi-UCT kwiinjongo zayo kunyaka UK die afgelope jaar bereik het, gemeet aan sy doelwitte. I am pleased to report that UCT is a well-functioning, financially odlulileyo. 2012 was die laaste jaar van my eerste termyn as Visekanselier en ek is robust and sustainable institution that has the honour of being Africa’s Ndikholisekile kukuba i-UCT liziko elisebenza kakuhle, eliphilileyo verheug om te kan sê die UK is ’n goed werkende, finansieel gesonde en leading university. ngokwezimali nelizinzileyo elinenyhweba yokuba yiyunivesithi volhoubare instelling wat die eer het om as Afrika se voorste universiteit beskou Characterised by an ethos of excellence and impact, UCT has ekhokeleyo e-Afrika. te word. worked vigorously towards realising its strategic goals: transforming Iinempawu zesithethe sokubalasela nokuba nempembelelo, i-UCT Die UK word gekenmerk deur ’n etos van uitnemendheid en om ’n verskil UCT; internationalising UCT with an Afropolitan niche; working isebenze ngamandla ekuqondeni iinjongo zethu zesicwangciso- te maak, en het kragdadig daaraan gewerk om strategiese doelwitte te haal: towards a desired shape and size for the institution; developing qhinga: ukwenza utshintsho kwi-UCT; ukwazisa i-UCT kumazwe die transformasie van die UK; die internasionalisering van die UK met ’n our research; enhancing the quality and profile of our graduates; ngamazwe ngesithuba se-Afropolitan; ukusebenzela ekuzuzeni imilo Afropolitaanse nis; werk aan ’n toepaslike vorm en grootte vir die instelling; and enhancing our contribution to South Africa’s developmental nobungakanani beziko; ukuphuhlisa uphando lwethu; ukuqinisa die ontwikkeling van navorsing; die verbetering van die gehalte en profiel challenges. kubulunga neprofayili yabafundi bethu abafumana izidanga; van ons gegradueerdes; en die verhoging van ons bydrae tot Suid-Afrika se In this regard, I am indebted for guidance and support to nokuqinisa kwigalelo lethu kwimingeni yophuhliso yoMzantsi Afrika. ontwikkelingsuitdagings. the collective team of Deputy Vice-Chancellors, the University’s Kulo mba, ndibulela kakhulu isikhokelo nenkxaso evela kwiqela In hierdie verband is ek, ten opsigte van leiding en ondersteuning, baie senior leadership – both the academic and the professional and looSekela-ngqonyela, iinkokeli eziphezulu zeyunivesithi – abasebenzi verskuldig aan die kollektiewe span van Adjunk-visekanseliers, die universiteit administrative services staff – and our governing and advisory bemfundo ephakamileyo nengcali nabeenkonzo zolawulo – se senior leierskap – beide die akademiese en die professionele en bodies. amaqonga ethu olawulo nabacebisi. administratiewe dienstepersoneel – en ons beheer- en raadgewende liggame. The past year has been a season of change. Council’s term came Unyaka odlulileyo ibilixesha lenguqu. Ixesha lebhunga liye lafikelela Die afgelope jaar was een van verandering. Die Raad se termyn het in to an end in June and new appointments were made. We were esiphelweni ngoJuni kwaze kwaqeshwa abantu. Siye sachulumanca Junie tot ’n einde gekom en nuwe aanstellings is gemaak. Ons is verheug dat delighted that Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane made himself kukuba uBhishop omkhulu uNjongonkulu Ndungane uthe wazenza Aartsbiskop Njongonkulu Ndungane hom beskikbaar gestel het vir ’n tweede available for a second term as Chair of Council. wafumaneka nakule kota yesibini njengoSihlalo weBhunga. termyn as Voorsitter van die Raad. The highlights presented in this report reflect that we remain Izinto eziqaqambileyo ezaziswe kule ngxelo zibonisa ukuba sihlala Die hoogtepunte in hierdie verslag toon dat ons verbind bly tot ons rol as committed to our role as an institution of higher learning in our sizinikele kumsebenzi wethu siliziko lemfundo ephakamileyo kwilizwe ’n instelling van hoër onderwys in ons ontwikkelende land en vasteland. Dit developing country and continent. It illustrates that we are producing lethu eliphuhlayo nakwizwekazi. Ibonisa ukuba sivelisa ulwazi illustreer dat ons kennis produseer wat bydra tot die vooruitgang van die knowledge that contributes to the advancement of society, and olunegalelo kwinkqubela-phambili yoluntu nakubafundi abafumene samelewing, en gegradueerdes toerus om betrokke internasionale burgers te graduates equipped to become engaged global citizens. izidanga ezixhotyiselwe ukuba zizibandakanye nabemi behlabathi. word. Dr Max Price uGq Max Price Dr Max Price Vice-Chancellor USekela-Ngqonyela Visekanselier page 2 page 3 ABOUT UCT page 4 page 5 EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE OF UCT CHANCELLOR VICE-CHANCELLOR The Chancellor is the titular head and representative of the Dr Max Price is accountable to Council for the leadership of the University, and confers degrees in its name. The Chancellor is elected University as a whole, and for determining and implementing UCT’s for a ten-year term of office by an electoral college, which is chaired strategic goals. This includes accountability for the University’s overall by the president of convocation. Mrs Graça Machel was elected at financial health, academic standing, transformation and social justice its meeting on 18 September 1999 for her first term as Chancellor. interventions. Dr Price has executive oversight for Council accountability, In 2010 she was elected unopposed for a second term, which ends in fundraising and alumni initiatives, external relations, risk management 2019. and ceremonial functions. CHANCELLOR VICE-CHANCELLOR Mrs Graça Machel Dr Max Price DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS Deputy Vice-Chancellors form part of UCT’s executive management team and have specific portfolios which are updated and reassigned from time ABOUT UCT to time. The oldest university in South Africa, UCT was founded in 1829 as the South African College and was formally established as a university in 1918. UCT remains the highest-ranked African university in both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities. In 2012, 26 050 students enrolled in UCT’s faculties of Commerce, Engineering & DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR the Built Environment, Law, Health Sciences, Humanities and Science. The faculties Prof Thandabantu Nhlapo Prof Crain Soudien Prof Danie Visser Prof Sandra Klopper are supported by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED), which incorporates UCT’s Academic Development Programme. REGISTRAR UCT prides itself on its top-notch research and teaching, and has created high-level The Registrar is accountable to the Vice-Chancellor. The Institutional Statute specifies that the Registrar is Secretary of Council, Senate and centres of cross-disciplinary research to meet the complex challenges of South African Convocation. The Registrar is responsible for the administration of the University. This includes: academic matters, academic administration, the society. administrative archive, and ensuring legal integrity. REGISTRAR Mr Hugh Amoore page 6 page 7 FACULTY DEANS GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BODIES Deans have overall management responsibility for Faculties. They chair Faculty Boards as specified by the institutional statute, and are accountable to Senate on behalf of the Faculty Board. Deans are responsible for strategic academic planning, academic administration, staffing and financial management of the faculties. COUNCIL SENATE Senate is responsible for academic governance at UCT. It organises Council is the main governing body of UCT. Its responsibilities include the teaching, curricula, syllabi, examinations and research of the determining the University’s mission, objectives, goals and policies. It University. Senate comprises the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice- also appoints the senior executive and ensures the institution’s financial Chancellors, professors,
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