Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-1909 The aB tes Student - volume 37 number 08 - October 1909 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 37 number 08 - October 1909" (1909). The Bates Student. 1849. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1849 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T T!>« October Number 19 0 9 T-» CONTENTS ^T PAGE The White Birch. Helen S. Pingree 275 Vocat Caesar. Alton R. Hodgkins '11 276 Night Song. Gulie A. Wyman 280 Through the Trossachs. 280 Walter J. Graham A Roman Song. Irving Hill Blake '10 284 Voruber. Helen M. Whitehouse '10 286 Editorial. 287 In Memoriam. George M. Chase '93 289 Local. 297 Athletic Notes. 302 Alumni Notes. 306 Exchanges. 315 Class of 1913. 316 / BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, 26-36 Temple Street, PORTLAND FOR COLLEGE MEN THE BERRY SHOE IS THE CORRECT THING OUT THKM AT HOYT & McGIBBON'S, 282 Main St. Call at the STUDIO of FLAGG & PLUMMER For the most up to date work in Photography Over Chandler & Winship's, Lewiston. Maine BATES FIR8T-GLA83 WORK AT STATIONERY In Box and Tablet Form Engraving for Commencement A 8PKCIALTY Berry Paper Company 189 Main Street, Cor. Park 4!) Lisbon Street, LEWISTON Benjamin's Clothes appeal very strongly to the class of men who appreciate "individuality"—that's the word—"individuality"—nothing else tells the story. SEE THE SUITS AND OVERCOATS THAT WE ARE SHOWING AT $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 AND $22.50 L. E. FLANDERS & CO. 56 Court Street, Auburn, Maine Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers BUSINESS DIRECTORY SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Cornell University New, Rebuilt and Second-hand. Machines Rented by the month. Medical College JOHN G. WEST Km.in 2, Journal It'l'g, Lewiston, Maine New England Telephone 263—1 A COLLEGE degree is required from all candidates for W. O. HODGDON admission. Graduates of The "41" Barber Shop BATKS COLLEGE are eligible. ELECTRICAL MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING A limited number of scholarships W. O. HoiXiDON, I'rop. A i Y Idu. c>...t E....IK MABTBL ' 41 Llsbon Street are offered carrying free tuition to GBOBGB OSHOHNK LEWISTON, ME FKF.D XOHI.K graduates of any approved college or AC,EXT FOR TAXIDERMIST scientific school, who have attained distinction in their College course as certified by their respective faculties. "HORNE" the Florist For further particulars apply to Cut Flowers and THE DEAN, Floral Designs A SPECIALTY Cornell University Medical College Also a Large Assortment of—"^^^^r— First Avenue and Twenty-eighth Street SOUVENIR POST CHRDS NEW YORK CITY Next to Long's Restaurant, Lisbon Street, Lewisto D. P. MOULTON The Prescription Pharmacy TENNEY OPTICAL COMPANY Dr. AUSTIN TENNEY, Examining Oculist 7S Accurate Work. Lowest Prices. All work guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. 213 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, MAINE 31 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME. Almost 250,000 physicians' prescriptions on our flies. FOUND AT LAST DR. H. ROBERT BROWN a nice clean place to obtain a GOOD HOT LUNCH Bttittet The Dairy Lunch 198 Lisbon Street, Over Peoples Savings Bank M. E. CLEMENT, Proprietor LEWISTON, AINE 29 Lisbon St.. Lewiston 67 Court St., Aubnrn E M WYMflrt CUSTOM TAILOR *■•*• "* • ** -*- 4"*** ^ A Fine Line of WOOLEN SAMPLES to Beltct from ^^^gJ^SS^JP^BT 91 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Maine Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers w ■■■■^■■■■■1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Al EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., PROPRIETORS. Send to any of the following addresses for Agency Manual Free. 2 A Park Street, BOSTON, MASS. 156 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK, N. Y. 1505 Pennsylvania Ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. 203 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO, III. 414 Century Building, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 618 Peyton Building, SPOKANE, WASH. 292 Swetland Bldg , PORTLAND, ORE. 405 Cooper Building, DENVER, COL. 2142 Shattuck Ave.. BKRKBLKY, CAL. To Whitewash His Client 238 Douglas Building Los ANGELES, CAL. POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS is a lawyer's business—he needs the money. SCISSOKS and SHEARS TO WASH WHITE is our business—we, too, need the money. A case in point: Lawyers come to us with their Paints and Oils own dirty linen. Be guided by their example and all articles usually and do likewise. kept in a CLEAR THE COURT! HARDWARE STORE. HIGH STREET LAUNDRY 82 Court Street, Auburn, Me. GEORGE A. WHITNEY & GO. FORD & BECK, Agents R. W. Hall 235 Main Street, LEWISTON, MAINE ALTON L. GRANT, Sign Gold Confectioner Murphy""Hat "" Ice Cream, and CATERER COLLEGE and SCHOOL CAPS Fruit and Soda 116 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON MADE TO ORDER WAKEFIELD BROTHERS The Store that Satisfies ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW 114 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON LEWISTON, - MAINE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THREE DEFECTIVE EYES FOURTHS OF ALL HEADACHES Less than one-half of these cases are accompanied hy bad vision. We remove the cause scientifically and ACCURATELY. UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Complicated lenses replaced on short notice from largest stock of lenses and best equipped shop in Maine. We invite inspection of our shop and Methods. D. S. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 127 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers — — BUSINESS DIRECTORY SYDNEY COX, Agent for GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY ATHERTON FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Furnishers Discounts to Students on all Purchases 220 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME Do YOD Intend to Stodv Meiicioe? Are You Satisfied ? The UNIVERSITY OF If not why not make a change for VERMONT COLLEGE the best gentlemen's shoe made OF MEDICINE asks "The Walk-Over' your consideration of its: STYLISH, DURABLE, COMFORTABLE New Building Ten per cent discount to Students on all goods except Rubber and Tennis. Hospital Facilities A. N. DESPINS CO. | Beautiful Location Under Nickel Theatre, Lewiston, Me. .*• Moderate Expense ^♦^^^^^^^^^^^^^♦^♦^•***^^^^*^**** The fifty-seventh session of this College of Medicine will open HERE WE ARE! about Nov. 1, 1909, and con- tinue eight and o n e - h a 1 f THE O. K. CAFE months. :::::: 87 MAIN STREET For Announcement and Further Second Door above Maine Central Depot. Information, address C. S. CREENE, Prop. J. N. JENNE, M.D., Sec, Burlington, Vt. HARPER & GOOGIN CO. H. A. ANDREWS 138 Bates Street, DEALER IN TELEPHONE 217-2 Fancy Groceries and Provisions 57 Whipple Street, TELEPHONE 217-3 Coal % Wood Telephone 614—2 Automatic 1864 AUTOMATIC 1873 LEWISTON, ME. 95 Elm Street. - LEWISTON, ME. A COMPLETE LINE OF Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases The New DeWitt CAN BE FODND AT Lewiston, Me. FOGG'S LEATHER STORE Not merely stylish but durable and reason- able equipment for traveling. G. R. PATTEE, Proprietor. G. M. FOGG, 117-123 Main St., Lewiston, Me. Irving E. Pendleton, D. M. D. MEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN ALL NIGHT ALL HOME COOKING 'Dentist LteClaip's Cafe 129 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME. H. A. LeCLAIR, Prop. Osgood Hlock. 34 ASH STREET, LEWISTON, ME. Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers ~-> BUSINESS DIRECTORY SYDNEY COX, Agent for GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY H. C. LITTLE & SON, Insurance AOENCY ESTABLISHED 1857 Insurance of all Kinds Written at Current Rates 165 Main Street, - - LEWISTON, MAINE New Hampton Literary Institute MAINE CENTRAL INSTITUTE NEW HAMPTON, N. H. PITTSFIELD, ME. REV. F. W. PRESTON, A.M., F. U. LANDMAN, A.B. PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL MUSIC HALL JEFF CALLAN, Manager The Home of High Class Vaudeville Prices, 5 and 10 cents Reserved seats at night, 15 cents Box Seats, 25 cents Why not Students! trade at.. Anna G. Ingersoll Right Goods. »! Right Prices. "The Corner MILLINERY W. H. TEAGUE MO** 109 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, MAINE Cor. Ash and Park Streets N. E. Telephone 679—53 FOR GOOD, SNAPPY - College College Boys' Clothing Gowns m GRANT & CO, and 54 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Caps The beat workmanship ot lowest prices. Bates Colleen Bool Store SILK FACULTY GOWNS and HOODS 161 WOOD STREET Text Books Banners Dictionaries Pillow Tops COX SONS & VINING Note Books Post Cards 262 Fourth Avenue, NEW YORK Stationery Confectionery College Paper Ink Sidney Eekoff, - - - - Our Agent College Jewelry Pencils College No velties, etc. CHANDLER, WINSHIP & CO. THE CROCKER FO UN TAIN PEN Regulated, Reliable, Ready, Clean PARKER FOUNTAI N PEN Book and Newsdealers The PEN that INKS the POINT STATIONERY, 6c. GEO. B. FILES, Manager 100 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers W BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY. Special Rates to College Students W. W. FEEBO F. W. FEERO A CO. W. L. F088 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers 177 Lisbon Street, Lewiston TWO STOKES 158 Turner Street, Auburn FULLER & FORD, Agents, 27 R. W. Hall, Bates College SAMPLE AND JOB LOTS A SPECIALTY UP TO DATE STYLES y The BEST or NOTHING at Lewiston BABCOCK & SHARP Prescription 71 LISBON STREET Under The Nickel Store Telephone Number 164—2 DR. A. J. BOWMAN 163 MAIN STREET GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK SPECIAL PRICES TO COLLfGE STUDENTS A SPECIALTY ON ALL WORK NEW ENGLAND TCLCPHONC 118-59 After June 1st we will carry an up to date line of CAMERAS and CAMERA SUPPLIES Including Films, Papers, Developers, etc., etc McCarty's Pharmacy 156 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. HABERDASHER ROBT J. HARRIS AND HATTER Fancy Lounging- Apparel, Ties, Sweaters, a full line of •' ARROW " Collars and BATES STREET Shirts. 50 LISBON STREET, LEWISTON. MAINE Music and Musical Frames Maue to Merchandise ULRIC DIONNE Order DEALER IN Stationery, Wall Paper, Room Moulding, Books, Window Shades, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Pictures and Frames. Fnllllne ofT,thoHc | QJJ pg^ g,^ 1 gg y^ g^ LEW|STQN> MAINE SP RORTF MAS0NIC BUIL0ING< LEWISTON, MAINE ♦ * • »VV>/sOsVLO Respectfully solicits your patronage Men's Furnishings HATS, CAPS, ATHLETIC OUTFITS SPECIAL VALUES ON HOUSE ROBES AND SWEATERS Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers I.l^ill ll BATES STaBENT Published by the Students of Bates College THE BATES STUDENT IS published for the students of Bates, past and present.
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