February 2017 VOL. 6, NO. 2 WA www.filipinosmakingwaves.comV ES TORONTO, CANADA FILIPINO CANDIDATES A.Villarin, A.Pacis seek MPP posts Dr. Eileen de Villa Antonio Villarin Angely Pacis By RILEY MENDOZA The two are Angely Pacis and Anto- nio M. Villarin. The general election De Villa TO’s new Health Officer Two Canadians of Filipino descent, for the province is scheduled on or both practising lawyers, have before June 7, 2018. Dr. Eileen de Villa has been ap- Her extensive experience, special- launched their candidacies for pointed as Toronto’s Medical Of- ized education and training in pub- member of provincial parliament Pacis, according to her website, "is ficer of Health and will begin her lic health promotion and preventa- (MPP) in the Ontario legislature at a fluently-bilingual immigration, position at the City on March 27. Queen's Park. Continued on page 5 Continued on page 5 If Philippines were your home instead of Canada you would... Spend 97.93% less mon- people in penal institutions, includ- ing pre-trial detainees. Compara- Canada’s land area (red) is ey on health care 33 times bigger than Phil- bility is hampered by differences in ippines (blue). Canada’s Per capita public and private local practice, including whether 35M population is much health expenditures combined in psychiatrically ill offenders are un- less than PH’s 103M. Philippines are $118.80 USD while der the authority of the prison ad- Canada spends $5,740.70 USD. ministration. People held in a form Source: World Health Organization of custody not under the authority of a prison administration are not Die 9.19 years sooner included in this figure. Source: In- The life expectancy at birth in Phil- ternational Centre for Prison Stud- ippines is 72.48 while in Canada it ies is 81.67. Source: CIA World Factbook Be 6.6 times more likely to be murdered Be 4.24% less likely to be 9.30 in every 100,000 people are in prison murdered annually in Philippines 113 in every 100,000 people are compared to 1.40 in Canada currently imprisoned in Philip- This entry contains the number of pines compared to 118 in Canada This entry contains the number of (Continued on page4 ) Canada’s population is Driving no mean job (Editor's note: The mocking laughter in the House of Commons that greet- ed Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi's brief reaction to a recent murder of a Win- over 35 million strong nipeg driver touched a raw nerve in Waves' publisher Teresa M. Torralba. On February 8, 2017, Statistics Can- of the lives of Canadians and their (She was flustered that Mr. Sohi's Conservative colleagues would laugh at his admission of being a bus driver himself early on in his life. She wanted ada provided Canadians with a first communities. to react as every decent person would, specially in Toronto's Filipino com- glimpse of the latest national statis- The population count in 2016 was munity where thousands make an honest living working odd jobs. tical portrait with results of the 10 times greater than in 1871, 2016 Census count on population (Then she came upon Heather Mallick, the prolific columnist of Toronto when the first census after Confed- and dwellings. Star, articulating what she essentially wanted to say in defense of Mr. eration recorded 3.5 million people Sohi. Torralba then wrote Ms. Mallick, requesting permission to reprint The count tallies 35,151,728 peo- in Canada. By 1967, when Canadi- her article. She explained why it was so relevant, thus: "Your article will ple who reported living in Canada ans were toasting 100 years since definitely lift the spirits of our community that being an immigrant and on Census Day, May 10, 2016, and Confederation, that number had 'driving a bus' is very acceptable in our society. That there are people like shows the patterns of population grown to 20.0 million (1966 Cen- yourself who will NOT stand for the wrong." growth across the country. sus). (Ms. Mallick gave permission to republish her article from Toronto Star. It Over the coming year—as Canadi- Over the years, Canadians have is with great pride that we're presenting it here for the information of the ans celebrate 150 years since Con- been trekking west. In 1871, most Filipino community. The management of Waves thanks Ms. Mallick for her federation—the agency will unveil Canadians lived in the four found- support). the full range of census data that ing provinces of Ontario, Quebec, SEE FULL ARTICLE ON PAGE 3 will together paint a factual picture (Continued on page3 ) Page 2 Filipinos Making WA V ES FEBRUARY 2017 To advertise, please email at [email protected] FEBRUARY 2017 Filipinos Making WA V ES Page 3 News Canada’s population is over 35 million (Continued from page1 ) large waves of immigration, the country recorded mi- New Brunswick and Nova gratory losses because Scotia, while Western Cana- many people departed for da was sparsely populated. the United States. By 2016, close to one-third This pattern changed at the of the population lived in turn of the 20th century. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, From 1901 to 1911, the Ca- Alberta and British Colum- nadian population grew bia. 3.0% on average each year, Canada's population: Mi- a rate that remains the fast- Shock and disgust from the faces of Liberal MPs Bill Blair, Marco Mendocini, Adam Vaughan, and gratory increase accounts est in the country's history. colleagues in the House of Commons, when the Conservative MPs laughed at Amarjeet Sohi, minister of for two-thirds of growth The robust population growth was attributable to infrastructure and Liberal MP for Edmonton Mill Woods, when he mentioned that he was once a bus From 2011 to 2016, the both strong natural in- driver. (Videograb from CBC News) population increased by 1.7 crease and strong migrato- million or 5.0%, a slightly ry increase. During this lower rate than 5.9% from In what world is it laughable to decade, more than 1.6 mil- 2006 to 2011. lion immigrants came to drive a bus for a living? Mallick About two-thirds of Cana- Canada, with many settling da's population growth in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, What jobs are socially acceptable to Conservative MPs, Heather Mallick wonders after from 2011 to 2016 was the Alberta and British Colum- watching the appalling reaction to Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi’s former career. result of migratory increase bia. (the difference between the By HEATHER MALLICK Population growth slowed number of immigrants and again in the 1930s, as cou- Staff Columnist, Toronto Star emigrants). Natural in- ples had fewer children and crease (the difference be- A federal cabinet minister, head in disgust. An indig- bus. It was honest work. He immigration levels fell. tween the number of births troubled by the recent nant voice was heard to took fares, dealt with abu- These decreases were part- and deaths) accounted for murder of a Winnipeg bus say, “What’s wrong with sive people, guided them, ly attributable to the Great the remaining one-third. In driver, stood in the House that?” helped them and paid his Depression. the coming years, popula- of Commons this week to way. This was how he be- tion growth in Canada is After the Second World pay tribute. He began by Will interim Conservative gan to know his city. projected to be increasingly War, however, immigration saying that he too had once Leader Rona “billionaire linked to migratory in- levels rose again, and fertil- worked as a bus driver. The lifestyle” Ambrose repri- I don’t know what jobs are crease rather than natural ity rates increased consid- room erupted, with mock- mand her MPs for cruel socially acceptable to Con- increase, mainly because of erably, leading to the baby ing laughter exploding snobbery? Will elitist Kellie servative MPs. They seem low fertility and an aging boom. As a result, Canada's from the opposition bench- “I have 22 letters after my to despise the uniformed, population. population growth rate in es. It was prolonged. name, I am not an idiot” cap-wearing, greasy- the 1950s was close to the Leitch hush her colleagues? handed types who vote for Canada 150: From Con- records set at the beginning Amarjeet Sohi, minister of them. federation to the 2016 infrastructure and Liberal I don’t know if Leitch was of the century. there. That night, she As she privatized and de- Census MP for Edmonton Mill By the time the country cel- would be speaking in To- regulated bus transport in Canada's population has Woods, was saying, “Mr. ebrated its 100th anniver- ronto at an ugly event orga- 1986, Margaret Thatcher is increased tenfold since Speaker, as a former bus sary in 1967, 20.0 million nized by the peculiar Ezra alleged to have said, “A Confederation. However, driver I want to convey our people called Canada home. thoughts and prayers . .” Levant’s extremist-right so- man who, beyond the age the country's population when he was drowned out. called “Rebel” media. In of 26, finds himself on a bus growth has not been con- Since the mid-1960s, the For what could be more grade school, we used to can count himself a failure.” stant over those 150 years. fertility rate of women has call boys like Ezra mean It wasn’t taped and may be gradually decreased. With risible than a sweaty bus In the three decades that and dirty-minded. Our par- apocryphal, but it does Canadian families having driver becoming one of followed Confederation, the ents would call his parents sound like her, doesn’t it.
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