
F01' ' /'\\'8 THENE !'l' UIII (' YOII rno\\' KPOST Hl'ad Tht.' Pu!> ! Fresh lnen Forbidden 450 Split Level ·Z 1 N; k Homes Scheduled $25,000 liit·e Hit IChrysler To Subnlit 11ank Bid 0/ All~01nobl e ,It, ~~a.l~ For Development 1Local Lluuher .Co. C tinue Local Operation On Tuesday Nlght ~0 · Of Dcia ware ),,;slles 1! ~ l n ro A id ~Ity I arkm~ $5 M iIIi()n~tr uct.i on on [lpperclH ssmcn l lrg'cd 10 Lcav~ Ca~s A! Homc , Planncd For Scction M- --- Local Tanll Planl Manager 'lales IJid "ill Ue ubmi/ted T h i rd Di a l cr In 'I'hree " In 'l'he Ncar F u t ure" For Continued I'roduclion of M-48 io n'l'ag f'lan nec/ 1"01' Camllus I al'kmg I rogram In Brookside Communit; I Year Da mage Warehou 'C Mcdium Tanl< At Newark; Modification Work onlinut.'s VII I'" I~,\'of lJelall'HI'C fl'cs hn,1en, othel', th, an --_ As 60 Aetnamen Res llond 11 b h b I Plans for the construction of 450 Irving J, Minett, operating manager of the hrysl I' ing dail y from lheil' h o.m cH, WI e pro , I I t~( split-lev I homes at the Brookside Within a period of three short mllin ta ining , or oPc r a~lIlg a motor vehicle 111 g:~~IO~~~:tnc:a~y Nt1~aS~L h~~~ months, fire again struck Ihe Ncw­ Delaware Tank Plant in Newark, aid thi week thaL hry Icr ark Lumber Company when a blaz the 1954-53 acade mic yca r, Upperclas,smen velopment Company, headed by of undetel'mi ned origin broke out will s ubmit its bid for Lhe production of additional Patton to leave their CH I', at h ome un less sUltabl Al'Ilold Mattei of Wilmington. shortly aCter 6 o'clock Tuesday eve­ M-48 medium tanks in thc n ear futurc, ning in a warehouse stocked with fol' ga raging or s lor in ~ can be ma~~: a Ta~'~e $~ : ~~~,o~gjOF~~~:c~h e c~)~:~~~~ building materials. Damagcs were Army official recent ly announced Lhat proposal hay estimat d at $25,000. been solicited from pros pective manufacture r s for the con. of the new parkmg and traffiC regula- r~~~~o~~~,n~i~rb~~~~~~~~ ~ilkl~~~~ A. L . Dollins, Newark Lumber by John E." side Section M-2. Company manager. said yes I rday tinued production of Lhe, e medium tank " It was pointed ouL aflera rc- C· I I that the building and the materials :!I that bids would be accepted only ovel'" Yl';U' ,Ily JUpl·ovement Tle homes arc being constructed 'were covered by inslirance. Hom thosc Ilrms now ngaged in and officials S d as an expansion of Brookside "Three fll'es within three years, . Recommend,,- Bond Issue tu y through an agreement between SIL and two within three months, arc 38 Pupils Register }~~mP~~~~~t~~,n t ~! l~'~l1:' s h!f~~~_~~' . led fr om th e and the original developer, Brook- making this lumber load a heavy Associa tion. 1~o Be Conducted side Park Associates, Inc. one to carry," Dollins com mented III Newark Scllools Ii S~ :~cl;'~~dU ~I:io r s Corporation's Ihe new regula· The three-bedroom dwellings, sit- l'uefully. Fisher Bod y Di, ision is the sok been mailed to uated on lots about 70 by 110 feet, "This fir e was mild compared to With Iutegration source of supply for t,he P atton tank the office (If Com mit tee '1 '0 Con sider ~:I. I 1I~~ite1~rT~! I.~,~t ~~~~~d~~g e !~ the airplanc crash in May." he con­ at this time. Oth I' manufactur rs tinued, "but it was bad enough. We Mel hod Of F inancing pected to be ready for occupancy • plan to replace the destroyed ma­ Ten Howard Hig h Pupil , ~~r~ Cl~~'~~~;, s t ~~~~~n~asi=;~'e l~ ~ Improvemen t Program ~~ e~0~~~~e~~s ~ esa07t~~ ~~~o~s~~~ terials just as soon as we can ar­ R nro ll With New London Chrysl I' 'rank Plnn t here in New- Ib, 67c range for delivery with the sup­ Student.s At Newark High ark. sample dwellings on the Capital Clarence Brown, of the Newark Kiwanis Club, I,resents a pledl[e pliers," he said. A citizens' committee has been of S500 from 100:11 Klwanians to Elmer Kleppenger, executive director Final Tank Ib, $1.15 Trail outside Newark. The homes The 50 by 150 ft. frame, one-story appointed to study a proposed bond are on four different levels. of the proposed Southern New Castle Co unty Medical Center, The warehouse is located on ly abou t 600 Thirty-eight pupils from the Kew MI'. Minett stated that the fi nal i sue for finanCing a city improve­ presentation was made recently after the Newark Medical SocIety feet distant from the lumber com­ London Avenue school in N wark, Patton 48 rolled from the Newll rk' men t program. Development of llie new tract will and the Chamber of Commerce had announced OPposition to the and from Howard High schoo l and plant's assembly line several months substantially increase llie size of pany's main building, gutted by fire In announcing the committee ap­ proposal for construction of a. ISO -bed ca pacity hospital to be located in a May 25th crash of a C-45 twin­ Bancl"Oft Juniol' hi gh in Wi lming­ ago, but that the plant WIlS stili Ib, pointments, Acting-Mayor Samuel Brookside, which already has some in the area. ton, registered as pupi Is in the carrying out its modification pro­ 49c 900 homes, 4,000 residents, a school, engined Air Force plane. Damage L. Diehl. JI·. stated that the im­ - ------- .--. estimates in the wake of the plane Newark Junior-Senior High School gram. provcmcnt program is expected to churches, a shopping center under on Tuesday morning, and High Ib, 69c construction, a 200,OOO-ga lloll swim­ crash ran as high as $500,000. The 'l"his modification program is U, e be financed by current city revenue, two fliers parachuted to safety. School Principal Frederick B. Kutz process whereby the latest engineer­ an d that no increase in taxes is ming pool, a clubhouse, and park stated that some ten more registra­ Ib, 19c and recreational facilities. Newark Prepares For Red Feather Fire Chief John C. Cunningham ing changes and improvements are con templat d. Mayor Wallace M. of the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder tions arc expected. incorporated into previously com­ All construction work will be Ib, Johnson is out of town, on vacation. Co. gave the most recent damage The State Board of Education has pleted tanks. Such changes are 01'­ 27c Membel's of the committee are handled by the Arnold Construction Campaign at Monday Night Meet estimate. approved the Newark schoo l dis­ cl ered by Army Ordnance offici als Carl S. Rankin, Avery H. Goddin, Company of Wilmington. Engineer­ Walter J. LaRue, the state fire h'lct's pl'eviously announccd plans following recommendations of fi eld Ib, 39c Samuel Handlof(, Albert L. Lack­ ing wi II be under the personal sup­ - ------- marshal. was call ed to the scene. for junior-seni or high school inte­ troops. ervision of Kenneth A. McCord of Preparati ons for Newark's 1954-55 Because so many residents of and is investigating the cause of gration. man, Ri chard L. Cooch, A. L. Dol­ DcCense Department officials sa id Ib, 71c lins, and Wm. J . Frazer. Whitman, Requardt and Associates, Red Feather campaign began last Newark are expected, as in previous the blaze. Ten of the new ly registel'ed stu­ Baltimore consulting engineers. Monday night with a meeting of the years, to contribute at their places I S;xty firemen Crom the Aetna dents attended Howard High last th at the additional ord I' for med­ Inc lu ded in the proposed im­ ium tanks was included in a $26G,- provcment program are the pur­ H. Albert Young, Wilmington at­ r egional organization. R. L. Hardy, of employment, no goal has been Icompany swarmed over the area June, while fi ve of the youngsters Ib, 39c 4 Tanglewood Lane, chairman of set for this region, due to the diffi- while the Singerly Fire Company were pupils at the Bancroft junior 000,000 program for the construction chase of Delaware Power and Light torney, represented SIL in negotia­ of addtional tanks and other mili­ Ib, Co. electric lines within the Kew­ tions for purchase of the tract, and Region X. which includes Newark culty of estimating returns from the of Elkton, Md., stood by to covel' hi gh school In Wilmington. tary vehiclcs. 67c ark city limits; purchase of the right Matthew Tosti of New York repre­ and its suburban areas, presided. residential areas. The over-all goal for the Newark company in the The othel' registrants are seventh of way for the Delaware Avenue ex­ sented the seller. The meeting held at the Town COl' Northern Delaware is $1.192.250, event of other alarms. and eighth grade pupils, and those 1n addition to medium tanks, the t nsion; street improvements t o Council o.f(jces, was attended by the 4'1., per cent mOI'e than the $1,139, 500 Chief Cunningham said the roof entering the ninth grade, fl'om the Al'my has asked for bids On the pro­ West Pat'k P lace; facilities for the New London Avenue school.
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