special list 197 1 RICHARD C.RAMER Special List 197 History, Biography, Travel: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints 2 RICHARDrichard c. C.RAMER ramer Old and Rare Books 225 east 70th street . suite 12f . new york, n.y. 10021-5217 Email [email protected] . Website www.livroraro.com Telephones (212) 737 0222 and 737 0223 Fax (212) 288 4169 March 2015 Special List 197 History, Biography, Travel: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints An asterisk (*) before an item number indicates that the item is in New York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All items are understood to be on approval, and may be returned within a reasonable time for any reason whatsoever. Visitors BY APPOINTMENT special list 197 3 Special List 197 History, Biography, Travel: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints 1. AFONSO, Rui. Um homem bom: Aristides de Sousa Mendes, o “Wallenberg Por- tuguês.” Lisbon: Caminho, 1995. Colecção Nosso Mundo. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 354 pp. ISBN: 972-21-1004-7. $38.00 Translated from the English by António Pescada—the publisher informed us that the book was never published in English. 2. AGUIAR, Joaquim. O pós-salazarismo: as fases políticas no período 1974-1984. Lisbon: Dom Quixote, 1985. Colecção Participar, 22. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 205 pp. ISBN: none. $25.00 3. ALARCÃO, Jorge de. O domínio romano em Portugal. (Mem Martins): Europa- América, (1988). 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 244 pp., maps and photographs in text. ISBN: 972-1-02627-1. $25.00 In 1973 Professor Jorge de Alarcão published his indispensable reference work, Por- tugal romano. The present book is not a study of Roman Portugal, but rather an elegant presentation and systematization of the most recent discoveries in the field, attempting to formulate new problems and open new avenues of research. 4. ALARCÃO, Jorge de, ed. Portugal das origens à romanização. 2nd edition. Queluz de Baixo: Presença, 2011. Nova História de Portugal, 1. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 558 pp., (1 blank l.), 13 maps, 16 plans and other illus. in text, 20 ll. plates, printed on both sides, with 82 additional illus, ample footnotes and bibliography, extensive analytical index. ISBN: 978-972-23-1313-1. $70.00 First published in 1990, and long out-of-print until this second edition appeared. In addition to the editor, authors of various sections of the volume are Vítor de Oliveira Jorge, João Pedro da Cunha Ribeiro, Susana de Oliveira Jorge, Armando Coelho Fer- reira da Silva and José d’Encarnação. The series, under the general direction of Joel Serrão and A.H. de Oliveira Marques, was projected to fill 12 volumes, 10 of which have appeared to date. 5. ALBUQUERQUE, Luís de. Os descobrimentos portugueses. Lisbon: Alfa, 1989. Folio (30 x 23 cm.), publ. leatherette. (6 ll.), 286, (1) pp., many color illus. ISBN: none. $85.00 A work of synthesis aimed at the fairly advanced general reader. 4 richard c. ramer 6. ALBUQUERQUE, Luís de. Navegadores, viajantes e aventureiros portugueses, séculos XV e XVI. Photographs by Jorge Barros. 2nd edition. Lisbon: Caminho, 1992. Folio (31 x 24 cm.), publ. gilt-stamped buckram with d.j. 396 pp., 4 ll., profusely illus., mostly in color. ISBN: 972-21-0791-7. $125.00 First published 1987. 7. ALCOCHETE, Nuno Daupias d’. Lettres de Diogo Ratton a António de Araujo de Azevedo, Comte da Barca (1812-1817). Paris: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro Cultural Português, 1973. Memórias e Documentos para a História Luso-Francesa, XII. Lge. 8°, orig. prtd. wrps. 253 pp., illus. in text, 7 plates printed on 13 sides. ISBN: none. $35.00 8. ALDEN, Dauril, assisted by James S. Cummins and Michael Cooper. Charles R. Boxer, an uncommon life: soldier, historian, teacher, collector, traveler. Lisbon: Fundação Oriente, 2001. Sm. folio (27.9 x 21.2 cm.), orig. illus. wrps. 616 pp., (1 blank l., 1 l.), 10 ll. illus., printed on both sides, illus. in text. ISBN: 972-785-023-5. $72.00 Excellent biography of this exemplary individual by a distinguished historian. 9. ALESSANDRINI, Nunziatella, Mariagrazia Russo, Gaetano Sabatini, and Antonella Viola, eds. Di buon affetto e commerzio: relações luso-italianas na Idade Moderna. Lisbon: Centro de História de Além-Mar / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Ponta Delgada: Uni- versidade dos Açores, 2012. Estudos & Documentos, 16. Very lge. 8º, orig. illus. wrps. 252 pp., (1 l. advt., 1 blank l.), illus., extensive footnotes, index of names. One of 500 copies. ISBN: 978-989-8492-13-5. $42.00 10. ALMEIDA, António Ramalho de. Guiné mal amada: o inferno da guerra. Porto: Fronteira do Caos, 2013. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 230 pp., glossary, illus. ISBN: 978-989-8647-04-7. $30.00 11. ALMEIDA, Fernando António. Pelos caminhos de Portugal. Lisbon: Dom Quixote, 1998. Guias Dom Quixote. Lge. 8°, publ. illus. bds. 339 pp., many illus. in color. ISBN: 972–20–1483–8. $42.00 This guidebook, as is the case of other similar works by this author, can be useful to the art historian as well as the more intellectual tourist: it provides a convenient, brief introduction to the artistic and architectural inventories of various out-of-the-way regions of Portugal. It also has useful tips for the traveler interested in local gastronomy, as well as mentioning locations of interest for recreation or relaxation. 12. ALMEIDA, João Marques de, and Rui Ramos, eds. Revoluções, política externa e política de defesa em Portugal: séc. XIX-XX. Lisbon: Instituto da Defesa Nacional, and Chamusca: Cosmos, 2008. Colecção Atena, 23. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 247 pp., (1 l.), ISBN: 978-972-762-299-3. $40.00 special list 197 5 13. ÁLVARES, Francisco. Verdadeira informação das terras do Preste João das Índias. Lisbon: Agência-Geral do Ultramar, 1974. 8°, orig. prtd. wrps. (5 ll.), 437 pp., (1 l.). ISBN: none. $25.00 14. ALVES, Adalberto. Portugal, Ândalus e Magrebe: um contexto de tol- erância. Lisbon: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 1995. Colecção meia hora de leitura (Biblioteca Geral), 5. Sm. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 40 pp., (1 l.). ISBN: 972-8296-04-5. $8.00 15. ALVES, Jorge Santos, general editor. Fernão Mendes Pinto and the Per- egrinação: Studies, Restored Portuguese Text, Notes and Indexes. 4 volumes. Lisbon: Fundação Oriente / Imprensa Nacional, 2010. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 375; 797; 335; 107 pp. One of 750 copies. ISBN: 978-972-785-096-9. 4 volumes. $200.00 Impressive work. Volume I is subtitled Studies, and was edited by Jorge Santos Alves. Volume II, subtitled Restored Portuguese Text, was edited and revised by Elisa Lopes da Costa. Volume III, subtitled Notes, was edited by Jorge Santos Alves; it also contains a guide to abbreviations as well as a substantial bibliography (pp. 301-35). Volume IV, subtitled Indexes, was organized by Zoltán Biedermann. 16. ALVES, José Augusto dos Santos. Ideologia e política na Imprensa do Exílio: O Portuguez (1814-1826). Lisbon: Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica / Centro de História da Cultura da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1992. Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, 6. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 281 pp., (1 l.). One of 1,000 copies. ISBN: 972-667-116-7. $35.00 17. ALVES, Mário Correia. Tocqueville e o federalismo americano. Lisbon: Facul- dade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova, 1997. Folio (29 x 18 cm.), self-cover (1 l.), 153 pp., printed on rectos only. ISBN: none. $20.00 Fairly thorough Master’s Thesis in American Studies. Appears to be either a computer printout or nicely photocopied typescript. 18. AMARAL, Diogo Freitas do. O antigo regime e a revolução “Memórias políticas” (1941-1975). 5th edition. Venda Nova: Bertrand Editora / Nomen, 1995. Colecção Ensaios e Documentos, 17. Lge. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 540 pp., ( 1 l., 1 blank l.), 16 ll. plates, printed on both sides, footnotes, analytical index. ISBN: 972-25-0913-6. $42.00 The first edition (if there were indeed different editions) appears to have been pub- lished the same year. 19. AMARAL, Ilídio do. Santiago de Cabo Verde: a terra e os homens. 2nd edi- tion. Introduction by João Guerreiro. Lisbon: Associação das Universidade de Língua Portuguesa / Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa / Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, and Faro: Universidade do Algarve, and Praia: Universidade de Cabo Verde, 2007. Sm. folio (26 x 19.8 6 richard c. ramer cm.), publ. cloth with d.j. (3 ll.), 444 pp., (3 ll.), 5 plates with maps and plans, 28 folding maps, plans, tables, graphs and illus., lxiv pp. illus., some in color, many maps, plans, tables and graphs in text, ISBN: 978-989-95425-3-2. $85.00 Facsimile reprint of the original edition of Lisbon: Junta de Investigações do Ultra- mar, 1964 (Memórias, segunda série, nº 48). The two-page introduction is new to the present edition. 20. AMEAL, João (1902-1982). Vida de S. João de Deus. Lisbon: Grifo, 1995. 12°, orig. prtd. wrps. (4 ll. tipped in), 141, (1) pp., (1 l.) ISBN: 972-8178-01-8. $15.00 Extracted from the author’s Santos portugueses (1957). Tipped in are four leaves containing “Duas palavras de apresentação”, by D. Maurílio de Gouveia, Archbishop of Évora. 21. ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. Uma visita a Portugal. Margarida Gil Moreira, trans. Lisbon: Ulmeiro, 2000. Colecção Mínima, 19. Tall 12°, orig. illus. wrps. 124 pp. ISBN: 972-706-316-0. $16.00 22. ANDRADE, Maria Filomena. O Mosteiro de Chelas: uma comunidade feminina na baixa idade média. Cascais: Patrimonia, 1996. Patrimonia Histórica. Série Dissertações. Lge. 8°, orig. prtd. wrps. 184 pp., maps and tables in text. ISBN: 972-744-020-7. $22.00 Awarded the Prémio Municipal “Augusto Vieira da Silva de Investigação”, 1994. 23. ANTONIL, Andre João, pseud.
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