STUDIES ON THE FAUNA OF CURAÇAO AND OTHER CARIBBEAN ISLANDS: No. 61. Caribbean Land Molluscs: Streptaxidae by L.A.W.C. Venmans The material on which the present paper is based consists of a small number of Streptaxidae collected by Dr. P. WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK during his visits to the Caribbean Islands and the since and further of mainland of Venezuela 1930, some specimens which, at various times, have reached the author through the generosity of Mr. SERGIO ARIAS, Caracas, Dr. G. MARCUZZI, Padova, Professor S. JAECKEL, Berlin, and Mr. TJOA TJIEN MO, Bogor. material I also Besides this investigated some material present in the collections and Natur- following kindly put at my disposal: historisches Museum, Basel; Zoologisches Staatsinstitut und Mu- British Museum American seum, Hamburg; (N.H.), London; Museum of Natural History, New York; United States National Museum, Washington. I have to thank for their kind assistance: Dr. L. FORCART, Basel; Professor G. WEIDNER and Dr. P. KAISER, Hamburg; Dr. W. J. REES and Dr. GALBRAITH, London; Miss t Dr. VENMANS completed the manuscript of this paper only a few weeks before his death 26th December 1959 the of 61. He classics with on at age was a gifted teacher, a social remarkable grasp of modern languages, who became an official concerned with welfare and labour which took of his time in order projects up so much that, to pursue his hobby, malacology, he was forced to sacrifice many hours of the night to it. His friends regret that the great strain of his duties, combined with his hobby, proved so detrimental which tohis health that it was not granted to him to reach retiring age — to he had greatly looked forward because he would then have had the time (as he would have said) "to begin work seriously" on his malacological studies. He which Natural had a good collection, has been deposited at the State Museum of History, Leiden. Obituary notices and a list of his malacological papers were given in CorrespondentiebladNed. Malacol. Vereniging No. 86, 1960, p. 862-863; J. of Conch. 24 1960, p. 449-450; and Memoria Soc. Cienc. Nat. La Salle 20, 1960, 77. , p. The Editor 42 paper. this in mentioned Ophiuroidea Antillean Lesser of Localities 5. Fig. 43 D. E. BLISS, New York; Dr. H. A. REHDER, Washington; and last but not least the late Mr. HUGH WATSON, Cambridge, England, for and advice. I also his most valuable expert am greatly obliged to Mr. PAUL KESSELS, Tilburg, Netherlands, for his help in composing the histograms. The photographs were taken by Dr. P. WAGENAAR HUMMELINCK and Mr. H. VAN KOOTEN, Utrecht. Abbreviations: AMNH = American Museum of Natural History, New York; BM = British Museum (Natural History), London; NMB = Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel; USNM = States National VRL Collection United Museum, Washington; = Histo- Venmans, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke ZMA Amster- ric, Leiden; = Zoologisch Museum, dam; ZMH = Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg. As regards classification and nomenclature the author followed THIELE, 1931. The method of measuringthe shells is shown in Figure 6. Each shell was measured to the nearest one-hundredth of a millimetre. The heightwas determined by measuring from the the farthest of the apex to extremity lip, parallel to the axis of the normal whorls; the major diameter by measuring at right angles to the axis, in a plane approxi- matelyparallelto that containingthe aperture. The Index of 100 x major diameter = Shell inTables —— —-— (mentioned 5-9) ; . height of shell Fig. 6. Drawing The consists of family Streptaxidae a great showing the method number of measuring the of genera, most of which live in tropical shells. A—B: major Africa, India, China, the Philippines and the diameter of shell; East Indian Archipelago. B—C: height of shell; diameter The of this are D—E: major representatives family rapa- of aperture; F—G: cious snails; they are holopod and jawless. height of aperture. number of Their radulabears a great aculeate teeth in V-form. of about arranged The broad kidney is the same the The animals length as pericardium. are mostly vividly tinged in colours. all yellow or reddish They are hermaphroditic. In species the shells are well developed, and in most of them the aperture is provided with one or more lamellae or folds. 44 are in the New World: Only two genera represented exclusively Martinella Jousseaume, 1887, in Ecuador and Brasil, and Strep- in South and the A taxis Gray, 1837, America Caribbean area. third Gulella L. of of live genus, Pfeiffer, 1856, most the species which in Africa and south-east Asia, is represented in the Caribbean area been introduced by one single species, which seems to have there human by agency. In the present paper five species, and one subspecies, of the genus Streptaxis, and one species of the genus Gulella, have been considered, these being the only species present in the material available.: Gulella (Huttonella) bicolor (Hutton) Streptaxis (Streptartemon) glaber (Pfeiffer) Streptaxis (Streptartemon) deplanchei (Drouet) martiniana Streptaxis (Streptartemon) deplanchei var. n. var. Streptaxis (Rectartemon) funcki (Pfeiffer) Streptaxis (Rectartemon) meridaensis n. sp. Gulella (Huttonella) bicolor (Hutton, 1834) Pilsbry, 1930 Figs. 7—11. Carychium Gigas F£RUSSAC, 1827, Bull. Univ. Sc. Nat. 10, p. 408, No. 56. bicolor Asiat. Soc. 93. Pupa HUTTON, 1834, J. Bengal 3, p. 86, 352. Pupa Largillierti PHILIPPI, 1844, Ztschr. Malakozool. 1, p. Mart. Chemn. Conch. Cab. 13 Pupa bicolor, KUSTER, 1844, Syst. 1 (75), p. 95, pi. fig. 9-10. mellita Proc. Boston Soc. 99. Pupa GOULD, 1846, 2, p. Pupa bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1848, Mon. Helic. viv. 2, p. 352, No. 119. Ann. Nat. Hist. 125. Pupa bicolor, BENSON, 1849, Mag. (2) 4, p. Mon. Helic. viv. No. 117. Pupa mellita, PFEIFFER, 1853, 3, p. 545, Mon. Helic. viv. No. 163. Pupa bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1853, 3, p. 551, H. & Pupa (Torquilla) mellita, A. ADAMS, 1855, Gen. rec. Mollusca 2, p. 169. Ennea H. & A. Gen. Mollusca 171. bicolor, ADAMS, 1855, rec. 2, p. H. & A. Gen. Ennea ceylanica ADAMS, 1855, rec. Mollusca 2, p. 171. Zool. Soc. Pupa ceylanica, PFEIFFER, 1855, Proc. London, p. 9. Ennea PFEIFFER, Malakozool. Bl. 63. ceylanica, 1855, 2, p. Ennea Malakozool. Bl. 63. mellita, PFEIFFER, 1855, 2, p. Ennea Malakozool. Bl. 63. bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1855, 2, p. Conch. 32 15-17. Ennea bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1857, Novit. 1, p. 114, No. 200, pi. fig. Ennea Novit. Conch. No. 32 18-20. ceylanica, PFEIFFER, 1857, 1, p. 114, 201, pi. fig. Ann. Nat. Hist. Pupa bicolor, BLAND, 1858, Lyc. N.Y. 6, p. 147. No. 28. Ennea bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1859, Mon. Helic. viv. 4, p. 342, Ennea Mon. Helic. viv. No. 29. mellita, PFEIFFER, 1859, 4, p. 342, 45 Ennea Mon. Helic. viv. No. 30. ceylanica, PFEIFFER, 1859, 4, p. 342, Conch. Pupa bicolor, MORELET, 1860, Ser. 2, lies Orientales d'Afrique, p. 93, No. 55. in Die Heliceen 301. Pupa (Gonospira) bicolor, MARTENS, 1861, Albers, (2), p. Pupa (Gonospira) ceylanica, MARTENS, 1861, in Albers, Die Heliceen (2), p. 301. Pupa bicolor, DESHAYES, 1863, Catal. Moll. Reunion, p. 90, No. 290. Ennea Ann. Nat. Hist. 52. bicolor, GUPPY, 1866, Mag. (3) 17, p. Pupa (Gonospira) bicolor, MARTENS, 1867, Ostas. Landschn., p. 384. Pupa (Gonospira) bicolor var. abbreviata MARTENS, 1867, Ostas. Landschn., p. 384. Ennea bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1868, Mon. Helic. viv. 5, p. 456, No. 37. Ennea mellita, Mon. Helic. viv. No. 38. PFEIFFER, 1868, 5, p. 456, Ennea Mon. Helic. viv. No. 39. ceylanica, PFEIFFER, 1868, 5, p. 456, Nachr.bl. Malakozool. Ges. Gonospira(?) bicolor, HEYNEMANN, 1869, d. 1, p. 178, pi. 1 fig. 3 (radula). Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, NEVILL, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 64, No. 15. Ennea Reisen Arch. 8 14. bicolor, SEMPER, 1870, Philipp. 2, 3, p. 250, pi. fig. Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, STOLICZKA, 1871, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 40, 2, p. 169, No. 1, pi. 8 fig. 7, 8. Ennea bicolor, MORCH, 1872, J. de Conchyl. 20, p. 315. Ennea bicolor, ISSEL, 1874, Molluschi Borneensi, Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova 6, p. 414. (repr. p. 51) Ennea Reisen Arch. 3 137-138. bicolor, SEMPER, 1874, Philipp. 2, p. Pupa ceylanica, HANLEY & THEOBALD, 1876, Conchol. Indica, pi. C fig. 4. Pupa (Ennea) bicolor, HANLEY & THEOBALD, 1876, Conchol. Indica, p. x, 40, pi. C fig. 6. Ennea bicolor, PFEIFFER, 1877, Mon. Helic. viv. 8, p. 603, No. 53. Ennea Mon. Helic. viv. No. 55. ceylanica, PFEIFFER, 1877, 8, p. 603, Ennea bicolor, LI£NARD, 1877, Catal. Moll. Maurice, p. 80, No. 109. Ennea Handlist Moll. Ind. Mus. Calcutta (Huttonella) bicolor, NEVILL, 1878, 1, p. 6, No. 17. Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, MARTENS, 1880, in Mobius, Beitr. Meeresfauna Mauritius, 205. p. Ennea lOa-lOe. cafaeicola CRAVEN, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 215, pi. 22 fig. No. 1. Ennea bicolor, CROSSE, 1881, J. de Conchyl. 29, p. 192, Ennea Man. Conch. 19 (Huttonella) bicolor, TRYON, 1885, (2) 1, p. 104, pi. fig. 14, 17, 18, pi. 20 fig. 24. Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, KOBELT, 1905, Mart. Chemnitz Syst. Conch. Cab. 1 (12B) 1, p. 128, pi. 19 fig. 1-3. Ennea bicolor, BLANFORD & GODWIN AUSTEN, 1908, Fauna of Brit. India (Testa- cellidae and 19 Zonitidae), p. sq. Ennea Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 93-94. bicolor, KOBELT, 1909, 32, p. Beiheft 223. Ennea bicolor, LESCHKE, 1914, Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst. 31, 2, p. Ennea ANNANDALE & Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 193. bicolor, PRASHAD, 1920, ig, p. Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, GERMAIN, 1921, Faune Malacol. Mascareignes, p. 6-9. Gulella Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 346. bicolor, PILSBRY, 1930, Philadelphia82, p. 345, Gulella bicolor, Zool. 4, 1. (Indoennea) RENSCH, 1932, Jahrb. (Syst.) 63, p. fig. Arch. Mollusk. 60. Ptychotrema (Ennea) bicolor, PARAVICINI, 1935, 67, p. Ennea Arch. Mollusk. 171. bicolor, PARAVICINI, 1935, 67, p.
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