J Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 94: 159-177 (Aug. 2003) THE GENUS METZGERIA (HEPATICAE) IN ASIA M. L. SOl ABSTRACT. Ten species of Metzgeria are represented in Asia: M. consanguinea Schiffn., M. crassip­ ilus (Lindb.) A. Evans, M. Joliicola Schiffn., M. Jurcata CL.) Dumort. , M. leptoneura Spruce, M. lind­ bergii Schiffn., M. pubescens (Schrank.) Raddi, M. robinsonii Steph. , M. scobina Mitt., and M. tem­ perata Kuwah. Twenty synonyms are proposed and a key to the species in Asia is provided. Metzge­ ria albinea Spruce and M. vivipara A. Evans are excluded from this region. K EY WORDs: Hepaticae, Metzgeria, Asia. INTRODUCTION Metzgeria is a genus with about 240 binomials listed in the Index Hepaticarum (Geissler & Bischler 1985). Kuwahara (1986, 1987) in his life long study had created quite a number of new species from Asia, Australasia and the Neotropics. But as noted by Schuster (1992), the number of species may probably be grossly inflated and since there is not yet a world monograph of this genus, the total number of species could be drastically reduced. Most of the specimens examined in the present study include recent collections from China, India, Nepal, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. A total of 52 species names have been recorded from this region, and of the 36 species recognized by Kuwahara (1986), only 10 are accepted here. Twenty new synonyms are proposed. M etzgeria albinea Spruce and M . vivipara A. Evans are excluded from this region. For some unknown reasons, holo­ types (and even isotypes) of many species described by Kuwahara were not present in vari­ ous herbaria where they were supposedly deposited, and, at most only the isotypes were ex­ amined. Due to the small number of species recognized in this region, the many sections and subsections created by Kuwahara (1978b) are not adopted here. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Metzgeria Raddi, Jungermanniogr. Etrusca: 34. 1818. Mem. Mat. Fis. Sci. Ital. Sci. Mode­ na, Pt. Mem. Fis. 18 : 45. " 1818"1820. Lectotype, designated by Kuwahara 1966: M. glabra Raddi nom. illeg. (= M.furcata (L.) Dumort.) Key to species of Metzgeria in Asia 1. Thallus with hairs on both dorsal and ventral surfaces . ........... ........ .. ... ... 2 2. Dorsal surface with hairs on costa only . .. .... .... ... .. ... .. M. Joliicola 2. Dorsal surface very hairy . ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ...... ... .. ....... 3 3. Both surfaces very hairy; costa dorsally of7- 1O cells, ventrally of7- 1O cells ... .. ....... .. .. ... ... ... ........ .. .. ... ... .. .. M. pubescens 3. Dorsal surface very hairy, hairy only on ventral costa; costa dorsally of 2 cells, ventrally of 2 cells ........... .... ... .... .. .. ................ ... M. robinsonii 1 Biology Department, Hong Kong Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Hong Kong. 160 1. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 94 2 003 I. Thallus with hairs on ventral surface only ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ........... .... .. 4 4. Gemmae on dorsal surface . ... .......... ........ ..... .. ..... .. M. erassipilus 4. Gemmae, if present, on margin of thallus . ........ .. ........ ............ .. .... 5 5. Autoecious ................... .... .. ........ ... ... .......... M. lindbergii 5. Dioecious ....... ...................... .. .. .. ..................... 6 6. Each laminal cell with a large papilla .. .... .... .. .. ... ........ M. seobina 6. Each laminal cell without a large papilla ...................... ... ......... 7 7. Hairs weakly to distinctly falcate, mostly paired .. ... .. ...... M. leptoneura 7. Hairs not falcate, paired and/or single ....... ... .. .. ................ 8 8. Thallus with obtuse apex ........ ...... ........ .. M. fureata 8. Thallus often with tapered apex ............... ..... ... .......... 9 9. Lamina 13- 28(40) cells wide; median laminal cells 25-43(50)X 18- 30(35) .urn; gemmae produced at apex and margin of thallus ..... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. .. ..... M. eonsanguinea 9. Lamina 11 - 18(26) cells wide; median laminal cells 33- 58(70)X 25-43 .urn; gemmae produced at margin of thallus . .... M. temperata 1. Metzgeria consanguinea Schiffn., Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur. 60 (2): 271 . 1893.- Type: Indonesia. Java: "in summo apice montis Pangerango," 20 Feb 1890, G. Karsten s.n. (holotype: FH!; isotypes: BM!, FH!, G-00I087!, S[B37897]!, W-9093 !). Metzgeria longilexla Steph., Sp. Hepat. 6: 54. 1917; nom illeg. (Art. 52.1 ).- Original material: India. Sikkim: Himalaya, Darjeeling, Re'ang, 650 ft, 8 Nov 1907, Sal Dhoj 28, pro E. Long, herb. Levier 5658 (BM! , G-000095!). Metzgeria sinensis Chen, Fedders Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 58: 38. 1955 ; fide Zhang 1991.­ Type : China. "Prov. Szetschwan, Nan-tschwan, Ching-fu-schan, ... Aug 1945, C. C. Jao 7" (holo­ type: PE). Melzgeria harae Kuwah. , J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 28 : 296. 1965; syn. nov.- Type: Nepal. Walunchung Gola-Zongi, 2700- 3800 m, 11 Nov 1963, H. Kanai et al. 236481 (holotype: not located). Melzgeria aeula Kuwah. , Rev. Bryol. Licheenol. 36: 531. '1969' 1970; fide So 2002.- Type : Philip­ pines. Luzon Is: Mountain Province, Mt Pulog, 2700-2900 m, Pro! & Mrs A. 1. Sharp and Z. Iwatsuki s.n. (holotype: NICH-267429 [not located]). Metzgeria maerospora Kuwah., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 32: 17. 1969; syn. nov.- Type: India. Sikkim: Migothang-Nayathang, 3300m, on twig of tree, I June 1960, M. Togashi s.n. (holotype: NICH- 20 1680 [not located]). Metzgeria darjeelingensis Kuwah. , 1. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 365. 1975; syn. nov.-Type: India. West Bengal: Darjeeling area, Tongloo, around Dak Bangalow, alt. ca. 1000 ft , on branch, light-open, mesophilous, Pro! & Mrs A. 1. Sharp and Z. Iwatsuki s.n. (holotype: NICH-258622 [not locat­ ed]). Melzgeria macrocellulosa Kuwah ., 1. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39: 367. 1975 ; syn. nov.- Type : India. West Bengal: Ranbi forest near Darjeeling, Darjeeling area, alto ca. 7400 ft, on cliff, Pro! & Mrs A. 1. Sharp and Z. 1walsuki S.n. (holotype: NICH-258076 [not located]). Melzgeria nilgiriensis Srivastava & Udar, New Bot. 2: 24. 1975; syn. nov.-Type : India. Government Botanic Garden, Ootacamund (Nilgiri hills), 7000-7500 ft, 22 Oct 1962, R. Udar & V. Chandra 182162 (holotype: LWU!). Illustrations: Kuwahara (1965a: fig. I: h- n as M. harae; 1969b: fig. 1 as M. aeula; 1969a: fig. M. L. So: The genus Metzgeria in Asia 161 a- o as M. macrospora; 1975 : fig. I as M. consanguinea; fig. II as M. darjeelingensis, fig. IlI, IV as M. macrocellulosa); Srivastava & Udar 1975: fig. IX, X, XI as M. nilgiriensis); Stephani (1985: Icon. n. 7646 as M. cuspidata Steph. nom. in sched. , n. 7664 as M. longitexta). Descriptions: Kuwahara (1966: 232 as M. consanguinea; 1975: 365 as M. darjeelingensis). Distribution: Worldwide. Specimens examined: Bhutan. Forested slope between Sengor and Sheridrang, NW of Mongar, 2980m, 1979, D. G. Long 8631 (E). China. Taiwan: Northern part, 24 Oct 1899, K. Miyake 187 (G- 001080). Jiangxi : Shanqingshan, 1550m, 1987, X M. Shao 256,296, 445, 1059 (HSNU). Yunnan: Yulongshan, small valley S of Ha Lan Gon Lake, Wen Hai Mountain, 3200 rnn, 1990, D. G. Long 18990 (E). Zhejiang: Wuyangleng, 1290m, 1987, R. L. Zhu 294,313, 452 (HSNU); July 2001 , R. L. Zhu 72 1-10 (HSNU). India. North District: below Takche, N of Lachung, gully in scrubby cleared Tsuga forest, on trunk, 3040 m, 1996, D. G. Long 26476 (E); 1923, R. P Foreau s.n. (E). Indonesia. Java: Buitenzorg, 1897, E. Nyman S.n. (S); Tjibodas, Mt Gedeh, July 1898, M. Flesicher s.n., herb. Levier 4139 (G-001089); Geger Bentang, 1520m, 1949, Noerta & Soekar 1010, 102 7 (L); Korndang Badok, 1895, J. Massart 1731 (FH); Pangerango, 2985 m, 1894, V. Schiffner 328 (FH, G-OO I 088); Priagan, G. Gede, 2150m, 1930, F Verdoorn 2809 (NY). Lesser Sunda Islands: Flores, Prov. Mang­ garai, Ruteng, Lake Mese, 1230m, 1988, Fr. E. Schmutz SVD 7093 (L); Manggarai Prov., N slope of Ngando Napu, S of Ruteng, 1780 m, 1988, A. Touw & M. Snoek 23237 CL). Sumatra: 1952, W. v.d. Wijk 1808 (L). Japan. Shikoku: Tosa, Mt Yokugura, Aug 1980, S. Okamura 380 as M. cuspidata (G); Omata-dani, Yatsuo-cho, Nei-gun, Toyama-ken, 1974, M. Mizutani s.n. (Hattori: Hepat. Jap. Exs. ser. 20, no. 986) (G, M, S). Honshu: Mt Oyama, Is Miyake, lzu lsls, 700 m, 1976, H. Inoue s.n. (Inoue: Bryoph. Se\. Exs. no. 364) (EGR, G, MELU, S); Gifu Pref., Mt Gozenyama, on rock, 900 m, 1970, T. Magohuku s.n. (S); Yezo, Mt Shiubeshi, 1905, U Faurie 1822 (BM, FH); Yamanashi Pref., Mt Fuji, Shokin-guchi-tozan-dou, 1450- 1600 m, on trunk, 1971 , M. Shimizu 260 (NY). Kyushu: Fukuoka Pref., Mt Shaka, on bark, 1000 m, 1970, T. Amakawa 6999 (NY). Nepal. N-facing slopes of Dobala Danda above Kabeli Khola, ravine in wet mossy oak/laurel forest, 2350 m, 1989, D. G. Long 17329, 17365 (E); Rasuwa District, near Sing Gompa, on trunk of Rhododendron barbatum, 3320m, 1992, D. G. Long 22174 (E); near Gupha Pokharu, by stream in open degraded Rhododendron forest, 2920 m, 1989, D. G. Long 17541 (E); Sankhuwasabha District, Pemthang Kharka, S side of Barun Khola, 341Om, 1991 , D. G. Long 20747 (E); E Nepal, 5th Bot. Exped. to E Himalaya by Univ. of Tokyo, in a mossy forest below Lamo Pokhhari (pond), on soil, 2600-2800 m, 1972, Iwatsuki 617 as M. maerospora (JE, TNS). Philippines. Luzon: Semper S.n. (FH). Vietnam. Vinh-Phuc Province: Tam-Dao Mts, 950- 1330 m, 18 Nov 1998, T. Poes & T. Ninh 9896/AL (EGR). Metzgeria consanguinea is here treated in a broad sense to include species with ta­ pered and obtuse apices and gemmae are usually produced around the tapered apices as well as along the margins. However, gemmae may be lacking in some collections. The ta­ pered apices may vary in length, and are sometimes tinged with blue at the very tip. Several species of Metzgeria with tapered thalli CM. darjeelingensis, M . macrocellu­ /osa, M. macrospora, and M. harae) from the Himalayan region were created by Kuwahara (1969, 1975). These species all have tapered and obtuse forms, producing marginal and apical gemmae, with a lamina of 12- 34 cells and costal cells of 2- 3 dorsally and 2-3(-4) ventrally. The distinctions between these species are extremely narrow and fall within the morphological variations of M.
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