E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012 No. 59 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Shipyard in Bremerton, and during the stint in the Navy during World War II and called to order by the Speaker pro tem- years of service to many organizations was a longtime resident who retired from PSNS after working his way up to Super- pore (Mr. CULBERSON). in our community. I knew Mel for most of my life. He intendent of Shop 31. Well known in Kitsap f County, Mel was said to be the go-to-guy in was a graduate of my mother’s high Democratic politics and he headed up numer- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO school, and he always joked that he ous political campaigns. Mel had a passion TEMPORE never would have graduated if she for sports and we’re just sure he and son The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- hadn’t helped him through math class. Gary are shooting some hoops in heaven. Mel fore the House the following commu- He was also a great friend of my father, was a Washington State Park Commissioner for 12 years and prided himself on visiting all nication from the Speaker: and they were often enjoying their fa- vorite past time, fishing for trout out of the parks in his beloved state. WASHINGTON, DC, Mel loved to share details of his family April 24, 2012. on Kitsap Lake. In fact, they had a se- with anyone who would listen. Jane, his pa- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN cret formula that I was hoping Mel tient and loving wife listened to his stories ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- would have passed on to me. and jokes for the past 72 years and continues pore on this day. Mel served in the Navy in World War to make her home in Bremerton. The JOHN A. BOEHNER, II before taking a job at the Puget Wortman’s oldest son, Dave lives in Coeur Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sound Naval Shipyard, eventually ris- D’Alene, Idaho with his wife Chrissy. Son Gary, who was an NBA Scout, is deceased. f ing to be superintendent of Shop 31, Their daughter, Janna and her husband which was the machine shop. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Bob reside in Arizona, while their other son Mel’s personal advice to me ranged Steve and his wife Cindy live in Tacoma. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from pointers he gave me when I Mel was proud of his 11 Grandchildren and ant to the order of the House of Janu- played sports with his sons, Dave and 16 ‘Greats’ who filled his life with tremen- ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- Gary, to the suggestions he offered dous joy in his later years. A memorial serv- nize Members from lists submitted by when I was running for Congress, and ice will be held for Mel at the Bremerton Elks Lodge on April 22 at 1:00 p.m. the majority and minority leaders for later, as a member of the Defense Ap- Born on July 4, Mel lived a life dedicated morning-hour debate. propriation Subcommittee, on impor- to being a great American, he made a dif- The Chair will alternate recognition tant things we could do to make the ference in the lives of all who knew him. In between the parties, with each party shipyard in Bremerton function better. lieu of flowers, Jane requests that donations limited to 1 hour and each Member Mr. Speaker, Mel Wortman was one be made to Hospice of Kitsap County at 570 other than the majority and minority of the remaining members of this Lebo Blvd. Bremerton, WA 98310. leaders and the minority whip limited Greatest Generation of Americans who f to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall selflessly served in World War II and TAXMAGEDDON, JANUARY 1, 2013 then returned home to raise families debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and pursue their careers without ask- f Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing for thanks. MEL WORTMAN I think it is appropriate once again Florida (Mr. STEARNS) for 5 minutes. Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, last for us in the House of Representatives The SPEAKER pro tempore. The week, April 17, was Tax Day, when all to express our thanks to those great Chair recognizes the gentleman from hardworking Americans must file their Americans as we note the passing of Washington (Mr. DICKS) for 5 minutes. taxes with the Internal Revenue Serv- one of their finest, Mel Wortman. Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ice. Ironically enough, April 17 was I submit for the RECORD Mel to note the passing of a constituent also Tax Freedom Day, the day when Wortman’s obituary as it was published and friend of mine who was a true Americans earn just about enough in the Kitsap Sun, noting his wife Jane friend and one of the great leaders of earned income to pay off the tax bill and the many members of his family the city of Bremerton, Washington. for all Federal, State, and local taxes. who have lost a great patriarch. Mel Wortman died last month at the The first 111 days of the year, every- age of 91, and he was remembered this OBITUARY PUBLISHED IN THE KITSAP SUN, thing you and I, and all Americans BREMERTON, WASHINGTON past weekend at a service in Bremerton earn went to fund the United States Melvin David Wortman by his family and friends for his wit July 4, 1920 to March 19, 2012 Federal Government, the same govern- and for his many enduring personal re- Veteran ment that wasted $800,000 on a GSA lationships he developed over decades Mel Wortman died at his home on March conference with mind readers, com- of working at the Puget Sound Naval 19, 2012 surrounded by his family. Mel did a memorative coins, and bike building b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2041 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:54 Apr 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24AP7.000 H24APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 24, 2012 exercises, and the same government We’ll also see the return of the Death RECESS that thought giving half a billion dol- Tax to its pre-Bush levels, when the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lars to Solyndra was a good idea. maximum rate can be 55 percent of ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair In 1900, Americans paid about 5.9 per- your estate. I believe there should be declares the House in recess until 2 cent of their income in taxes, and Tax no taxation without respiration; that p.m. today. Freedom Day came about 22 days into is, you have to be breathing. It is Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 10 the year. It is a far cry, my colleagues, wrong to tax a business or a family minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- from what we have to endure in taxes farm when it’s transferred from parent cess. today. to child. This tax has hurt family If you think 111 days to reach Tax farms and family businesses where f Freedom Day is excessive, just wait till children have been forced to sell the b 1400 next year. We are on the cusp of a tax business or farm because they could Armageddon. I like to call it a not afford to pay the Death Tax. AFTER RECESS Taxmageddon. It’s scheduled to hit on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben The recess having expired, the House January 1, 2013. It will be the largest Bernanke has referred to all these ex- was called to order by the Speaker pro tax increase in memory, possibly ever, piring tax provisions as a ‘‘massive fis- tempore (Mr. CULBERSON) at 2 p.m. a $494 billion tax increase in 1 year. cal cliff.’’ f When we talk about taxes, we usually When we talk about taxes, we usually project the increase or decrease in rev- project the increases over 10 years, but PRAYER enue over a 10-year budget horizon. But this is going to be immediate in the Reverend Joel Osteen, Lakewood this $494 billion tax increase isn’t over year 2013, January 1. Church, Houston, Texas, offered the a 10-year budget window; it is an imme- There has been a failure of leadership following prayer: diate massive tax increase in 1 year. from the White House. The President’s Father, we thank You that You show Where do these tax increases come budget is full of election-year gim- Your goodness and Your favor to the from? There are a number of tax provi- micks and unwillingness to try to ad- United States of America and to those sions that are set to expire at the end dress the upcoming Taxmageddon. In- who govern it. We ask that You bless of this year. Unless action is taken to stead, the President doubles-down on this House of Representatives and each extend these provisions or make them his election year rhetoric, he doesn’t Member who serves in it.
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