t'ie deeds. Thar contribute to these ilNik by their sactal In¬ fluence and w lih iii« money turulahed by Tammany 11*11 to METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. THE OF SPAIN'S TROUBLES. kr.-p up tin- outrages In order to Insure deuioeratlr triumph OPEN WAR. FLiG THE ONION. CONGRESS. In tiir f omh. lie (Mr. Elliott wae here In behalf of the The Committee the Contributors. loyal n.en to tell thrae facte The number ol arm* shipped to the SouUi on every a.earner wai an evidence that the dis¬ This noblo enterprise, to which we referred edi¬ George Washington's Memory in Europe-Cele¬ loyal n on at the South are the Instruments for oarrylii* several with Particulars of the Assas* out dcslgi a of their Northern allies. lie represented wnile The Radical Fight Against torially days ago, la progressing every bration of the Anniversary of His Birthday Attempted Th*1 Hourp Adjournment Resolution lion as well as moo or Ms own complexion. His constitu¬ prospect or success. The committee having the ency were ns Iny, I as that of any other man on this lloor. in Vienna.Entertainment by the si u at ion of Scnor Zorilla. Tba constituency appeal to Cougresa to do justice and pro¬ the President. matter In charge make a report of the growth Rejected by tTie Senate. tect thom by legislation, Instead ot placing them under the of the in whicu United StUea Minister.Patriot¬ heel of lho>e who ruled with an Iron hand project, they say:. Mr. Puoki.ry, irep.) of Ala., said he should rota for Tho want 01 such a museum Is not the want of a ism aid Good Peeling. I' e I.ill. as ti was In harmony with the feelings of the party place of amusement, nor even of a new adorn ueut Narrow Escape of the Minister.Tracked for Some to whom he owed lite election. In string his assent to the Wendell Phillips and the He* Radical Depar¬ ol our and attraction to strangers, it is the hi I he didn't Intend to admit there wore no murders or other city A Dominican Protest the ture-Southern Millionnairei Must be want of an essential means of high cultivation. The Time.The Assassins Still at Large. Against crimes In the South, and he expressed a hope that before Shot it rolt ViSNNA, Feb. 22, 1871. of an aot would be for the need of such a museum and the lack of are Parties adjournment Congress passed at the Drum Head."A Democratic every cultivated man and woman, and are bitter¬ This evening the Anerlcau Minister and Mrs. Jay Suspected Arrestsd. Annexation. pi oteiUon of life and pioperty in that seotiun, without regard by at to race or culor. They had a light to demand the execution ly regretted by all those whose studies lead them rocoived their residence in this city an Anierlcau of ibe laws lu the South. President May be ImpvtsibU". Into the donnulon of the beautltul arts. Permanent party, resldouta and Mr. Hlaib. (Ind. of said he should rote for the hill. collections or works of art are kuown .revellers, representing all sec- Madrid, Feb. 20, mi.. Mo., was to re¬ A Radical for Blood. public hardly tlons or the Union. The men wl.ose political disabilities It proposed Gap In America; chosen and carefully arranged \esterday this city was thrown into a state or ex¬ nters li d been humbled and degraded lor years, and yet even third- Alter supper Mr. in a Mr. Beck's Bill for the Removal of murder and arson run riot. The continuance of the disa¬ collection* are unknown.while Jap neat speech expressed tor at a very early hour.two A. M..an the rate cities on the Continent ofl urope have museums his citement; bilities was no remedy for these wrongs. If withholding the National Standard pleasure at meetlni such an assemblage of bis had been mudo to assassinate bedor Ruiz r> moral of disabilities would slop murders and outrages he [From (antl-admtrtlstratlonj, which students come from afar to mspeot. Such and fair attempt Disabilities Defeated. should uot vote for tbe hiK this week.) means ol artistlcal cultivation ate being provided in countrymen country womeu on tne 130th Zorilla, ex-l'rosiaent of Cortes, now Minister of Pub- Mr. DR Lasqr, .colored, rep. 1 of 8. 0., wished lo Inquire with and lavish anniversary oi the blrtt or of the after the of this bill, ho A blow sometimes stuns a drunkard Into sobri¬ England, also, great diligenoe outlay. Washington. Gradually, Ito Works. gentleman whether, passage the America has been too long unprovided with works said ho, our as we would use his beat ellorls to secure, by legislation, pro¬ ety. Possibly the Insult offered and the peril ol srt tor the and of all. The fact young cotntry, were accustomed Til K ATTKMPTBD MURDER. tection of Ihe loyal men of the South. to the of study enjoimeut to call It.altltougb It was perhaps doubtful If It From the facts I have been able to gather, and INNOVATION. Mr. Blair replied if he could he would pnss a law to hang brought republican party by the removal that our country has no uiouuments of the noble ANOTHER RADICAL every Ku Klux, but wlieu a constitutional question was con¬ Mr. Sumner may have this effect en the nation. architecture ol the past, and that we have no monu¬ were not peopled at asearly a period as any other- upon which every reliance can be placed, it appears cerned he had his judgment to oonsull. , . mental works of paintings and of of the to count lu voting for the removal of We may see the loyal men of the North rally to the sculpture began by centuries. It Is now believed, that heflor Zorilla was returning home on foot, lu Mr. PLAT*, rep.i ol Va., said, Instructions of great times or art, should lead us 10 even greater political disabilities, he was oarrrlng out the defeuce of the Union. 11 not, then tuere is but one edorts than are made in the citios of to es¬ and with reason, tint our Paclfio ooast was company with a friend, and when passing through the republican party and the platlorin on which he waa Europe The First in the House nominated for and carrying out not only the feel¬ thing more for Congress to do in ordsr to sign the tablish iree museums 01 hue art. visited by the Cliliese nearly a thousand the Calle del Fez, opposite Oalle San Roque, two Spaeoh by Congress, luau In The ol I ha museum of to ings of ibe while men hut of almost every colored death warrant of the and chief purpose Is, course, years ago, as the Chinese records allude to men, hidden lu a dark corner formea the his district. He would say to the gentleman iroui South republican party, possibly illustrate the history of act, its progress and decay, by projec¬ a Colored Representative. Carolina Kill.>11 Ihst if ho would adopt the tame plat¬ of the Union. Let now without and t he many cbauges of aud it has their visit, and Mexioo In our own da.v, and tion of tue llrst house on the left side of the street, (Mr. that had been in Vir¬ Congress adjourn style spirit form In his wing or the party adopted martial law at too South to curb tno Ku undergone. It Is thought that it is beticr to concen¬ still more lu that of Coites, exhibited signs of the stepped forward into the road. One of them ginia he would unci It to be a safe polic y. It was too late authorizing trate the resources of the museum and to make the now to n-en for what they did durlug Idolatry which tne Cbiicse had lelt behind tlieni. levelled a blunderbuss and flred at Zorilla as he punish intonded lo Klux, and ttey have assured the election or a demo* collections to.erably complete In one direction or In Just 3J.NATE. the rebellion. If Congress puulth But Pom we was these men it abouid have been done ai the orat to the Presldcuoy. Indeed, the mood of another, rather than less representative in inauy counting slinply Columbus, number crossing. Washington, March 14,1871. close of the war. The true polloy Is to extend to all tho tn to the of the South is ditrerent departments. In wha* departments It will some 380 years, and presently, in 1878, our republic NARROW ESCAPE, South the of If It should take at a Washington regard anarchy 1HK HOUSK ADJOURNMENT RKNOLVHON. rights citizenship. large be found bt<st to purchase the most largely at first will havo her llrst That anni¬ The contents or the ptcce parsed within a lew foice as >t did lo put d./wntbe rebellion. He should rote such that wc consider the matter about settled. will so much tho completed century. alter the of the the Senate a me. sure as be for the depend upon opportunities inches ol the Intended victim and in the Immediately rredlng journal tor such may necessary protection The thirty-throe republicans who last week removed ottered, and so much upon the aineuut of money versary will bo celebrated over all the world. I hud lodged look up the regulation from the House for e final adjourn¬ of persons and pro|>erty in tbe South. In ooncltudon Mr. front of a It no be won¬ 1' ait said that m his role he wanted lo and a that may be at the disposal or ibe trustees, that the a visit, added Mr, Jay, Gils morning from Mr.
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