High Contrast Imaging with NICMOS - I i (Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks With Coronagraphic Polarmetry) Glenn Schneider Dean C. Hines p Steward Observatory Space Science Inst. University of Arizona New Mexico Office pi The conference will produce rare opportunities for θ synergy and cross-fertilization between -current ground-based high-contrast programs (GDPS, LYOT, & NICI) -planned extreme AO programs (GPI & VLT-SPHERE) -future telescopes (TMT, JWST, TPF). High Contrast Imaging with NICMOS - I i (Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks With Coronagraphic Polarmetry) * Glenn Schneider Dean C. Hines p Steward Observatory Space Science Inst. University of Arizona New Mexico Office pi θ http://nicmosis.as.arizona.edu:8000 [email protected] *See Poster: Hines et al. 1 HST: Unique Venue for High Contrast Imaging 1st Generation WFPC-1 FOC 0.1% reflective spot f/288 optical channel d = 1.2” in PC8 (f/30) Lyot coronaraph 14 λ/D @ 0.5µm 7.2 mas/pix, 3.2” FOV HST has flown 5 high contrast imaging systems. HST: Unique Venue for High Contrast Imaging 2nd Generation STIS NICMOS 2 Focal Plane Occulting Wedges Lyot Coronagraph Width: 1” - 3” r = 0.3”, f/45, 76 mas/pix Unfiltered (CCD broad response) 3.2 λ/D @ 1.1 µm 3rd Generation ACS Abberated-beam Coronagraph r = 0.9” & 1.8” masks {21|42} λ/D @ 0.5 µm HST has flown 5 high contrast imaging systems. 2 HST/NICMOS: Unique Venue for High Contrast Imaging • Near-IR (0.9 —2.4 µm) Diffraction Limited Imaging • > 98% Strehl Ratios @ all λs • Highly STABLE PSF • Coronagraphy • Polarimetry • Inter-Orbit Field Rotation NIR High Dynamic Range Sampling NICMOS/MA: Δmag=20/orbit Two-Orientation PSF Areas of Investigation in Planetary System Subtracted Coronagraphy Formation/Evolution Enabled With Today’s Capabilities on HST via NICMOS PSF- Subtracted Direct, Coronagraphic, and Polarimetric Imaging Sub-Stellar Companion HST GTO/7227 ΔH ~– 9.7 + 2.1ρ” Candidate Detection 3 BLUE = F090M(0.9µm) Areas of Investigation in Planetary System GREEN=F110M(1.1µm) Formation/Evolution Enabled With Today’s RED=F160W(1.6µm) Capabilities on HST via NICMOS PSF- Subtracted Direct, Coronagraphic, and Polarimetric Imaging Sub-Stellar Companion HST GO/10176 Multi-band color indices & Confirmation & Differential Astrometry Characterization Areas of Investigation in Planetary System Formation/Evolution Enabled With Today’s Capabilities on HST via NICMOS PSF- Subtracted Direct, Coronagraphic, and Polarimetric Imaging Circumstellar Disk Detection & HST GTO/7233 x -4 Multiband Imaging fdisk/f* > few 10 at 1” ρ > 0.3” 4 Areas of Investigation in Planetary System Formation/Evolution Enabled With Today’s Capabilities on HST via NICMOS PSF- Subtracted Direct, Coronagraphic, and Polarimetric Imaging Circumstellar Disk 2 µm Imaging HST GO/10852 Polarimetry P% > 1% ~ PSF-Subtracted Coronagraphy IMAGING DETECTION OF EGP & BD COMPANIONS TO NEARBY STARS by 2-Roll Image Differencing (NICMOS Camera 2: 76 mas/pixel, ρ > 0.3”) 5 NICMOS F160W (H-band) Coronagraphic Performance (G2V) . Radius (Pixels) from Hole Center 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 100 REDUCTION IN BACKGROUND FLUX FROM F160W PSF w.r.t. central pixel F (H) = 11% F B 16 10-1 central star A Unocculted PSF 15 Coronagraph /D C /D Coronagraph & PSF Subtraction K 14 10-2 λ λ G 13 1 R pixel O 12 10-3 = 2.2 = 2.2 m U m 11 µ N µ 1.6 D 10 10-4 1.6 R 9 IWA IWA E 10-5 8 INTENSITY (AZIMUTHAL AVERAGE) Coronagraphic D Hole U 7 Radius = 0.3" C 10-6 6 0 0.075 0.15 0.225 0.3 0.375 0.45 0.525 0.6 0.675 0.75 0.825 0.9 0.975 1.05 T ARCSECONDS I 5 O N 4 3 2 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8 1.95 2.1 2.25 2.4 2.55 2.7 2.85 Radius (Arcsec) from Hole Center Coronagraphic Companion Detection Self-Referntial PSF @ 2 Field Orientations Unresolved (Point-Like) Object: H =20.1, ΔH = 13.2, ρ=2.5” Linear Display 0—2 ADU/sec/pixel; 2.19E-6 Janskys/ADU/sec/pixel 6 Coronagraphic Companion Detection PSF “Roll Subtraction” Difference Image: H =20.1, ΔH = 13.2 (La/Lb = 200,000:1), ρ=2.5” At ρ=2.5” background brightness is reduced by an ADDITIONAL factor of ~50 over raw coronagraphic gain (of appx 4). Linear Display -0.4 — +0.4 ADU/sec/pixel; 2.19E-6 Janskys/ADU/sec/pixel Coronagraphic Companion Detection PSF “Roll Subtraction” Each independent point- Geometrical Rectification source image is S/N ~ 20 And De-Spiking* *NICMOS/IDT Post-Processing & Analysis S/W: DSKP & IDP3 ftp://nicmos.as.arizona.edu/ Linear Display -0.4 — +0.4 ADU/sec/pixel; 2.19E-6 Janskys/ADU/sec/pixel 7 HST/NICMOS: Unique Venue for High Contrast Imaging • Near-IR (0.9 —2.4 µm) Diffraction Limited Imaging • > 98% Strehl Ratios @ all λs Background Rejection • Highly STABLE PSF 1.6µm* : ~10-6 pix-1 @ 1” • Coronagraphy *w.r.t. central pixel Fcentral(H) = 11% Fstar • Field Rotation NIR High Dynamic Range Sampling NICMOS/MA: Δmag=20/orbit . Cooling Curves for Substellar Objects 0 Evolution of M Dwarf Stars, Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets (from Adam Burrows) -2 200M jup sum L 80M L/ -4 jup 10 Log -6 sun NICMOS H-Band Companion Detection Limit 14Mjup -8 STARS (Hydrogen burning) BROWN DWARFS (Deuterium burning) JUPITER PLANETS ΔH(50%) = 9.7±0.3 + 2.1 x ρ SATURN -10 6 7 ””””” ” 8 9 10 Log10 Age (years) 8 BROWN DWARF COMPANIONS TO “YOUNG” STARS 45 Stars, Median Age: 150 Myrs, Average Distance: 30 pc Mass Sensitivity: 5 Mjup @ 30 AU for 36%, 1 Mjup for < 30 Myrs Lowrance et al. 2005 AJ 130 1845 CD -33° 7785B (TWA5) HR 7329B Lowrance et al. 1999 ApJ 512 L127 Lowrance et al. 2000 ApJ 541 390 HST GTO/2776 HST GTO/2776 Primary: Primary: Spec: M1.5eV Spec: A0V Age: ~ 10 Myr Age: ~ 30 Myr Companion: Companion: Mass: ~ 20 Mjup Mass: ~ 50 Mjup Teff: ~ 2600 K Teff: ~ 2600 K Proj. Sep: 100 AU Proj. Sep: 200 AU Spec: M8 - M8.5 (STIS) Spec: M7-M8 (STIS) REPRESENTATIVE EJP CANDIDATE DETECTIONS Age ΔH Mass Sep Dist Myr mag est. " AU A 12 13.0 ~3 1.9 80 B 30 12.0 ~5 2.8 120 C 30 12.7 2—3 2.6 100 D 50 13.4 1-2 4.1 140 From HST 10176 Survey - see J. Farihi, Wed. afternoon 9 PSF-Subtracted Direct Imaging CHARACTERIZATION OF “NEARBY” EGP & BD COMPANIONS by 2-Roll Image Differencing NICMOS Camera 1: 43 mas/pixel “short wavelength” diagnostic filters GO/10176: 116 Targets Including: 2M1207 (M8.5V, ~ 8 Myr, β Pic Moving Group) 04/27/2004 VLT/NACO H,Ks,L’ Chauvin et al 2004 10 2M1207 (M8.5V, ~ 8 Myr, β Pic Moving Group) HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1 FOLLOW-UP IMAGING 08/28/2004 (4 month astrometric baseline w.r.t VLT) 04/27/2004 PSF Subtraction VLT/NACO H,Ks,L’ F090M (0.9µm) F110M (1.1µm) F160W (1.6µm) Chauvin et al 2004 Song et al 2006, ApJ 652, 724 2M1207 (M8.5V, ~ 8 Myr, β Pic Moving Group) HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1 FOLLOW-UP IMAGING 08/28/2004 (4 month astrometric baseline w.r.t VLT) 04/27/2004 PSF Subtraction VLT/NACO H,Ks,L’ F090M (0.9µm) F110M (1.1µm) F160W (1.6µm) (projected on 0.774 46 AU* Giant Planet ” Companion sky) *59 +/- 7 pc Chauvin et al 2004 Song et al 2006, ApJ 652, 724 11 At 0.9 microns the 2M1207b: - has an apparent magnitude of +22.3 (08/28/2004) - is 720 times fainter than 2M1207 (mag +15.20) - is 44 times fainter than it is at 1.6 microns F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) 2M1207b is 774 mas from 2M1207A NICMOS observations exploit the stability of the HST Point Spread Function to reduce the background light from 2M1207A and improve the image contrasts. HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 Two Orbits at Two Field Orientations 9.9° Roll - Constrained by Available Guide Stars F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) 4-Point Dither Combined Images ROLL ORIENTATIONS 1 & 2 12 HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) 4-Point Dither Combined Images TWO-ROLL DIFFERENCE IMAGE HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) 4-Point Dither Combined Images SIMULTANEOUS BEST-FIT OPTICAL MODEL 13 HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) BEST-FIT MODEL SUBTRACTIONS HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) BEST-FIT MODEL SUBTRACTIONS 14 HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 ROTATE TO SAME SKY ORIENTATION HST/NICMOS Camera 1 Observations of 2M1207 F090M(0.9µm) F110M(1.1µm) F160W(1.6µm) 4-Point Dither Combined Images COMBINATION IMAGES 15 . HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1 2nd FOLLOW-UP IMAGING F145M (1.45µm) imaging in H20 absorption band THEORETICAL EGP SPECTRA (A. Burrows) F090M F110M F160W 1 Y Teff = 1200K Age = 6.5 Myr SIT 0.8 [g] = 3.778 EN ----------------- D 5 M F145M X jupiter 0.6 1.44 R jupiter LU F 0.000041 Lsun ED 0.4 CLEAR ALIZ CLOUDY M 0.2 OR N 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Wavelength (microns) HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1 2nd FOLLOW-UP IMAGING NICMOS F145M (1.45µm) 2M1207A/b - 26 APR 05 16 HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1 2nd FOLLOW-UP IMAGING F145M (1.45µm) imaging in H20 absorption band 2M1207b APPARENT MAGNITUDES µm 04/27/04 VLT 08/28/2004 HST 04/26/2005 HST 0.90 +22.34 ± 0.35 +22.58 ± 0.35 1.10 +20.61 ± 0.15 1.45 +19.05 ± 0.03 1.60 +18.24 ± 0.02 +18.27 ± 0.02 2.20 +16.93 ± 0.11 3.90 +15.28 ± 0.14 HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1, 2nd FOLLOW-UP IMAGING 2M1207A/B APPARENT MAGNITUDE - NICMOS & VLT waveln 2M1207b 2M1207A Δmag 0.90µm: +22.34 ± 0.35 +14.66 ± 0.03 +7.68 ± 0.35 1.10µm: +20.61 ± 0.15 +13.44 ± 0.03 +7.17 ± 0.15 1.45µm: +19.05 ± 0.03 +13.09 ± 0.03 +6.42 ± 0.04 1.60µm: +18.24 ± 0.02 +12.60 ± 0.02 +5.63 ± 0.03 2.20µm: +16.93 ± 0.11 +11.95 ± 0.03 +4.98 ± 0.11 3.80µm: +15.28 ± 0.14 +11.38 ± 0.14 +3.90 ± 0.17 17 HST/NICMOS CAMERA 1, 2nd FOLLOW-UP IMAGING 2M1207B NEAR-IR COLOR INDICES F110M F145M F160W Ks L’ λ1-λ2 1.10 1.45 1.60 2.20 3.90 0.90 1.86±0.29 3.42±0.25 4.21±0.25 5.54±0.27 7.19±0.28 1.10 1.56±0.15 4.21±0.25 3.68±0.19 5.33±0.21 1.45 0.79±0.03 2.12±0.11 3.77±0.14 1.60 1.33±0.16 2.98±0.18 2.20 1.65±0.02 M(1207B) = 5 ± 3 Mjup q (2M1270 B/A) ~ 0.2 Song et al 2006, ApJ 652, 724 16 σ CPM 18 PSF-Template Subtracted Coronagraphy CIRCUMSTELLAR SCATTERED-LIGHT DISK IMAGING • Resolved imaging spatial distribution of dust/debris.
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