27770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE December 17, 1998 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, December 17, 1998 Pursuant to section 3 of House Con­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ Mr. Thomas J. Murrin, Pennsylvania; current Resolution 353, One Hundred nal stands approved. Mr. Kenneth Saxe, Pennsylvania; Fifth Congress, the House met at 10 Mr. Frank Riggs, California; and a.m. and was called to order by the Mr. Frank Roberts, California. Speaker, Hon. NEWT GINGRICH. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. SPENCE) COMMUNICATION FROM THE NOTIFICATION OF REASSEMBLING come forward and lead the House in the CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS Pledge of Allegiance. ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN­ The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before Mr. SPENCE led the Pledge of Alle­ FRASTRUCTURE the House the text of the formal notifi­ giance as follows: The Speaker laid before the House cation sent to Members on Monday, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the following communication from the December 14, 1998, of the reassembling United States of America, and to the Repub­ chairman of the Committee on Trans­ of the House, which the Clerk will read. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, portation and Infrastructure; which The Clerk read as follows: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. was read and referred to the Com­ OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER, mittee on Appropriations. Washington, DC, December 14, 1998. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF WASHINGTON, DC, Pursuant to section 3 of House Concurrent THE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON October 13, 1998. Resolution 353 and after consultation with ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, the Minority Leader, the public interest re­ Speaker, House of Representatives, quires the Members of the House of Rep­ The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section The Capitol, Washington, DC. resentatives to reassemble at 10 a.m. on 1102(b)(l)(C) of the Internet Tax Free­ DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Enclosed please find Thursday, December 17, 1998. The Sergeant dom Act and Section 5 of House Reso­ copies of resolutions approved by the Com­ at Arms is directed to notify all Members of lution 594, 105th CongTess, the Speaker mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure the reassembly of the House of Representa­ on Friday, November 27, 1998 appointed on October 9, 1998, in accordance with 40 tives for the second session of the One Hun­ u.s.c. §606. dred Fifth Congress. the following individuals on the part of With warm regards, I remain Sincerely yours, the House to the Advisory Commission Sincerely, NEWT GINGRICH, on Electronic Commerce: BUD SHUSTER, Speaker. Mr. Grover Norquist, Virginia; Chairman. Mr. Richard D. Parsons, New York; Mr. David Pottruck, California; PRAYER Mr. James Gilmore, Virginia; and EXPRESSING UNEQUIVOCAL SUP­ PORT FOR MEN AND WOMEN OF The Chaplain, Reverend James David Mr. Dean Andal, California. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ OUR ARMED FORCES CUR­ RENTLY CARRYING OUT MIS­ er: COMMUNICATION FROM THE SIONS IN AND AROUND PERSIAN We pray, almighty God, that Your DEMOCRATIC LEADER spirit will lead and guide all those who GULF REGION turn to Your word of peace and of The SPEAKER laid before the House Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I offer a light. In times of conflict we seek Your the following communication from resolution (H. Res. 612) expressing un­ abiding grace, and we pray that Your Hon. RICHARD A. GEPHARDT, Demo­ equivocal support for the men and special blessing will be with all those cratic leader: women of our Armed Forces who are who experience any pain or suffering. WASHINGTON, DC, currently carrying out missions in and We remember the men and women of December 3, 1998. around the Persian Gulf region, and Hon . .NEWT GINGRICH, ask unanimous consent for its imme­ our armed forces that the duty and Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, honor of serving their country will en­ Washington, DC. diate consideration in the House, with able them to be faithful in their tasks DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to section the previous question ordered to its and steadfast in their responsibilities. 1102(b)(1)(C) of Public Law 105-277, I hereby adoption without intervening motion May each person in every opportunity appoint the following individuals to the Ad­ or demand for division of the question use the abilities You have given them visory Commission on Electronic Commerce: except 2 hours of debate, equally di­ to help fashion a world where justice Governor Gary Locke of Olympia, WA. vided and controlled by the chairman flows down as waters and righteousness Mayor Ron Kirk of Dallas, TX. and the ranking minority member of Mr. Robert Pittman of Dulles, VA. the Committee on National Security or like an ever-flowing stream. Yours very truly, In the words of the hymn writer Dan­ RICHARD A. G EPHARDT. their designees. iel Roberts, we continue to pray: The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ "From war's alarms, from deadly pes­ lows: tilence, Make Your strong arm our APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO H. RES. 612 ever sure defense. Your true religion in TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY WORK­ Whereas the President of the United States our hearts increase; Your bounteous FORCE COMMISSION has ordered military action against Iraq in goodness nourish us in peace." Amen. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to Section response to its refusal to comply with inter­ 334(b)(1) of Public Law 105-220 and Sec­ national obligations under United Nations tion 5 of House Resolution 594, 105th Security Council resolutions; THE JOURNAL Whereas up to 24,000 men and women of the Congress, the Speaker on Friday, No­ United States Armed Forces are presently The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ vember 13, 1998, appointed the fol­ involved in operations in and around the ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ lowing members on the part of the Persian Gulf region with the active partici­ ceedings and announces to the House House to the Twenty-First Century pation of British Armed Forces and the sup­ his approval thereof. Workforce Commission: port of allies in the region; OThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 01407 is 2:07p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. December 17, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 27771 Whereas additional United States Armed no other country capable of sustaining because I believe the President has two Forces are being deployed to the region; freedom against a North Korean dicta­ obligations beyond this week's activi­ Whereas Congress and the American people torship actively seeking to get nuclear ties. First, we need to have a clear and have the greatest pride in the men and weapons. There is no other country decisive commitment to replacing the women of the United States Armed Forces dictatorship in Iraq, because it has and strongly support them in their efforts. that can lead the world's financial sys­ Now, therefore, be it tem when it is under stress. There is no consistently now, from 1990 through Resolved by the House of Representatives other country capable of bringing to­ 1998, proven that even with 8 years of That: gether on a global basis people trying sanctions, even with 8 years of eco­ (a) the Congress unequivocally supports to solve problems. nomic hardship for the Iraqi people, the men and women of our Armed Forces Yes, it would be nice to run and hide. who do not deserve it, they should not who are carrying out their missions with Yes, it would be nice to find some be made to suffer because their dic­ prefessionalism, dedication, patriotism, and grand isolation in which we could tator is irrational, they should not be courage; (b) the Congress reaffirms that it should be cower behind the walls of the Atlantic made to pay the price because their the policy of the United States to support ef­ and Pacific Ocean if this were 150 years dictator holds them in slavery with an forts to remove the regime headed by Sad­ ago. armed Republican Guard and secret po­ dam Hussein from power in Iraq and to pro­ But today, in the age of the Internet, lice, but for 8 years we have adopted a mote the emergence of a democratic govern­ in the age of worldwide instantaneous policy which has punished the people of ment to replace that regime. financial communications, in the age Iraq while the dictatorship has contin­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of weapons of mass destruction deliv­ ued. the request of the gentleman from ered by missiles and by terrorists, for The President owes it to this Nation South Carolina? the United States to fail to lead is in in January and owes it to this Congress There was no objection. fact to guarantee chaos and to guar­ in January to provide us with a sys­ The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the antee pain across the planet, and ulti­ tematic, thorough, and methodical order of the House of today, the gen­ mately, pain here in the United States. campaign plan by which the most pow­ tleman from South Carolina (Mr. So let me be very clear. I believe the erful Nation in the world replaces a SPENCE) and the gentleman from Mis­ United States has to lead, and I be­ dictator who has proven beyond any souri (Mr. SKELTON) each will control 1 lieve, as a practical matter, both under reasonable doubt that he is desperate hour. our Constitution and in the nature of to get weapons of mass destruction, The Chair recognizes the gentleman how human beings function, the daily and no student of Saddam can doubt from South Carolina (Mr.
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