SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT ATTORNEY HARDCOPY DISTRICT ATTO NEY COPY ** «FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM General Offense Information OperPtion l t tes: OPEN ¦- - ¦ Reported on: Fe -21-2014 Fri.) 1104 Occurred on: Fe -21- 014 (Fri.) 1104 Ap rove on: Fe -21-2014 (Fri.) by: 3007 SCHNEIDER JOSE H P eport submitte by: 3125 - SHEPPA D CARLTON T Org unit: BFO P trol Team 028 Accom anied by: 3698 - SILVEIRA HONORIO M Address: E SAN SALVADOR ST / S 8TH ST Municipality: SA JOSE District: DK Beat: K2 Grid: 184 Feiony/Misde eanor: FELONY Bias: NONE (no bias) Family violence: NO Offenses fCompIeted/Attempted Offense: # 1 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC /O FIREARM - COMPLETED Location: STREET/ROAD/HIGHWAY/ALLEY Offender suspected of using: NOT APPLICABLE ¦ Weapon r pe: KNIFE/CUTTING INSTRUMENT 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT ATTORNEY HA DCOPY DISTRICT ATTORNEY COPY ***FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM Related Person(s 1. Victim # 1- VAN DER HOEK, ™tS (Case S ecific Information) Se : MALE Race: Caucasian Year of birth: Ap ro imate age: , California P rticulars Occupation: POLICE OFFICER Employer: SAN JOSE STATE U IVERSITY Additional remarks: B DGE #135 TJnk pe factors Resident statu : U KNOWN Age range ; 30-49 YEARS Aggravated assault homicide : ASSAULT ON POLICE OFFICER Ty e of injury : NONE Victim of: 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM- COMPLETE Victim s Rel tionship to Offender : VICTIM WAS STRANGE Person's role : Sus ect #1 Person's name : GUZMAN, ANTONIO Nov-15-1975 2. Victim # 2 - SANTOS, MICHAEL (Case Specific Information) Sex: MAL Race: Hispanic/Latin/Mexican Ye r of birth: Ap roximate age: , C lifornia P rticulars Occu ation: POLICE OFFICER Employer: SA JOSE STATE POLICE DEPT Additional re arks: B DGE #113 Tankage factors Reside t status : UNKNOWN Age range : 30-49 YEARS Aggravated assault/homicide : ASSA LT O POLICE OFFICER Type of i jury : NONE 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT ATTO NEY HA DCOPY . district ATTOR EY copy ***FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** 1 GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 2 5C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM Victim of:, 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM - COMPLETED Victim's Relationstiip to Offender : VICTIM WAS STRANGER Perso 's role : Suspect #1 Perso 's ame : GUZM N, A TONIO Nov-15-1975 3. Suspect # 1 - GUZMAN, A TONIO (Case S ecific Information) Sex: MALE Race: Hisp nic/L tin/Me ic n Date of birth: Nov-15-1975 , California Particulars Eth icity: HISPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN Ali stesVAKA Na e: Address: Sex; DOB: GUZ AN, ANTONIO M Nov-15-1975 Linkag e factors Resident status : ESIDENT Age range : 30-49 YEARS 4. Witness # 1 (Case Specific Information) Sex: FEMALE ace; Caucasi n Date of birth: Address Apartment: Municipality; District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Business: Cellular: Particulars Occupation Employer addres Driver's license SSN: Eth icity: CAUCASIAN Height: 5 02 Weight: 125 lbs. Linl ge factors 2014-140520291 Page of saJ osepolice dept DISTWCT TTORNEY HA DCOPY Resident status : RESIDENT Statement taken: YES Age r 21 YEARS ' ' _ Access to firearm : NO 5. Witness # 2 (Case S ecific Information) Sex: FEMALE Race: Cauc si n Date of birlii: Address: Apartment: Municipality: istrict: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Particulars Ethnicity CAUCASIAN Height: 5 04 Weight: 135 lbs. Tankage factors Resident status RESIDENT Age range : Access to firearm ; NO 6. Witness # 3 - (Case Specific Information) Sex: MALE Race: Other Asi n Date of birth: Address Apartment: Municipality: District: DK Be t: Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Business: Cellular: P rticulars Employer address: Driver's license: Ethnicity: CHIN SE Heig t: 5'07 Weig t: 155 lbs. Eye color: BROWN H ir color: BLACK Tankage factors. Resident status : RESIDENT Age range : 2014-140520291 Page of JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRIC ATTORNEY HARDCOPY DISTRICT ATTOR EY COPY ***FOR OFFICI L USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 245C 1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/Q FIREARM Access to firearm : NO 1, Witness # 4 ~ (Case S ecific Information) Sex: FEMALE Race: His anic/L tm/Mexic n Date of birth: Address: Apartment: M nicip lity: District: DL Beat: Grid: 199 Phone Numbers Business; Cellular: Particulars Driver's license: Ethnicity: HISPANIC/LATE /MEXICAN Height: 5'04 Weight: 125 lbs. I Jnk ge f ctors Resident st tus : RESIDENT Age range Access to fireaiin : NO 8. Witness # 5 (Case S ecific Informat on) ¦ Se : FEMALE Race: Hisp nic/Latin/Mexican Date of birth; Munici ality: Phone Numbers Business: Cellular: P rticulars Driver's license: Ethnicity: mSPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN Height: 5 08 Weight: 280 lbs. Linkage factors esident status : RESIDENT Age range Access to firearm : NO 9. Witness # 6 - 2014-140520291 Page of 1 SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT ATTORNEY HA DCOPY DISTRICT A TOR EY COPY ***FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 201 -140520291 OPEN 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FI EARM (Case Specific Information) . Sex: FEMA E Race: Hisp nic/L ti /Mexic n D te of birth: Address Municip iity; District: DT Beat: Grid: 239 Phone Numbers Business: Cellular P rticul rs Driver s license Ethnicity: HISPANIC/LATIN ME IC N Height: 5'06 Weight: 130 lbs. l ink e factors Resident status : RESIDENT Age range Access to firearm : NO to. Witness # 7 - (C se Specific Information) Sex: FEMALE R ce: Chinese Date of birth: Address: Apartment: Municipality: District: DS Beat: Grid: 221 Phon Numbers Business: Cellular: P rticulars Driver s license Ethnicity: CHINESE Height: 5 05 Weight: 135 lbs. l ink ge f ctors Resident status : RESIDENT Age ran e : Access to firearm : NO 11. Witness # 8 (Case Specific Information) 2014-140520291 Page of Sex: FEMA E Race: Cauc sian Date of birth: Address: Municipality: hone Numbers Business: CeUular: Particulars Driver's license Ethnicity: CAUCASI N Height: 5 03 eight: 110 lbs. Tankage factors Resident status : RESIDENT Age r nge Access to firearm : NO 12. Witness # 9 - (C se S ecific Information) Sex: FEMALE Race: Caucasian Date of birth: Address: Municipality: hone Numbers Business: Cellular: Particulars Driver s license Eth icity: CAUCASIAN Height: 5'02 Weight: 117 lbs. I,in age factors Resident status : NONRESIDENT Age range Access to firearm : NO 13. Witness # 10 (C se S ecific Info mation) Sex: FEMALE Race; Caucasian D te of birth: Address: 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT TTORNEY HA DCOPY pISTRICT ATTOENEY COP ***FOR OFFICI L USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-1405202 1 OPEN 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM Place: Municipality. ¦ District: DK Beat; Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Cellular: P rticulars Occupation Employer: Driver s license Ethnicity: CAUCASIA T ink i e f ctors Resident status : RESIDENT Age range Access to firearm : NO 14. Witness # 11 (Case Specific Information) Se : FEMALE Race: C uc si n Date of birth: Address; Pl ce: Munici ality; District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Cellular: P rticulars Driver's license Ethnicity: CAUCASIAN Tank ge factors Resident status : RESIDENT Age r nge : Access to firearm : NO 15. Witness # 12 (Case Spec fic Inform tion) Sex: FEMALE Race: Hispanic/L tin/Mexican Date of birth: Address: T Ap rtme t; Municipality: District: DK Beat: Grid; 210 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT ATTORNEY HA DCOPY -.-DISTRICT attorney COPY * *FOR OFFIC L USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 245C-1 245C PC ASET QFC 0 FIREARM Phone Numbers Cellular; articniars Occupation Em loyer Driver s license Citizenship: American Ethnicity: HISPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN Language(s) spoken: En lish Height: 5 03 Weig t: 170 lbs. T inka ye factors Resident st tus : RESIDENT Age range : Access to firearm : NO 16. Witness # 13 - (Case S ecific Information) Sex: M LE Race: His anic/Latin/Me ic Date of birth: Address: Apartment: Municipality: istrict: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Cellular: Particulars Occupation Employer Ethnicity: HISPANIC LATIN/MEXICAN Language(s) spoken; Spanis Heig t: 5'05 Weight; 170 lbs. Link ge factors Resident status : RESI ENT Age range ; Access to firearm : NO 17. Witness # 14 - (Case Specific Information) Se : MALE Race: Caucasian D te of birth: Address: Apartment: 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POMCE DEFT DISTRICT TTORNEY HARDCOPY DISTRICT ATTORNEY COPY ***FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN 24 C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM Mimici alit : District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Pho e Numbers Cellular: Particulars Occupatio Employer: Driver's license: Citizenshi : Americ n Ethnicity: HISPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN La guage(s) spo en: En lish Height: 5'08 Weig t: 185 lbs. linka e factors Resident status : RESIDEN Age range : Access to firearm ; NO 18. Witness # 1 (Case Specific Information) Sex FEMAL Race: C ucasian D te of birth: Address: T A artment: Mu icip lit : District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Phone Numbers Cellular: P rticulars Occ ation: Driver s license Eth icity: CAUCASIA Language(s) spoken: English Height: 5'09 Weight: 150 lbs. link ge factors Resident status : RESIDENT Age range : ccess to firearm : NO 19. Witness # 16 (Case S ecific Information) Se : FEMALE R ce: Filipino 2014-140520291 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT DISTRICT TTORNEY HA DCOPY DISTMGT ATTORNEY COPY OFFICI L USE ONLY*** 245C-1 245C PC ASLT OFC W/O FIREARM GO# SJ 2014-140520291 OPEN Date of birtii: Address: A artment; ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ unicip lity: District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Particul rs Ethnicity: FILIPINO linka e factors Resident st tus : RESIDENT Statement taken; YES Age range : Access to firearm : NO 20. Witness # 17 (Case Specific Information) Sex: MALE Race: Filipino Date of birt : Address: Apartme t: Municip lity: District: DK Beat: Grid: 210 Particulars Eth icity: FILIPINO Height: 5 09 TJnk ge f ctors Resident st tus : RESIDENT Statement t ken: YES Age r nge : Access to firearm : NO 21.
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