• a a •. • 0' „...ar—isemospen 7,4 IF/ ' • • modern world ... as programmed physical exert right out of our life from the cradle to the grave. Adventist Heritage Celebrated at College Heights by Beverly Tetz James White, singing a favourite Academy's Student and Faculty Week of included dramatic presentations of the hymn, led the platform party down the Prayer. great disappointment, the 1888 issue, the centre aisle to begin the service. Joseph The Sabbath program which was Sabbath doctrine, and the spirit of Bates prayed that "the bickering and presented at two services on Oct. 23, was prophecy. quarrelsome spirit in the congregation" researched and written by Dr. Warren Students and church members alike would cease. Ellen White delivered a Trenchard, chairman, division of human- commented that the meetings helped message to the church warning of the ities and Beverly Tetz, assistant professor them to better understand and appreciate dangers of uncleanliness, pride, and of the same division at Canadian Union the work and dedication of Adventist neglect of secret prayer. Annie Smith College. pioneers. Scott Schafer, first year college taught the congregation her new hymn, "We tried to be as historically accurate student from Kelowna, British Columbia, "The Blessed Hope," accompanied by as possible," Trenchard stated. "We read said that he gained a deeper appreciation fifteen-year-old Lucien Farnsworth at the many old Reviews to find the interests of of the Adventist Church and added that pump organ. Frederick Wheeler warned the time and researched the particular he appreciated the little details "such as the congregation of the Review's con- community of Washington, New Hamp- the announcement concerning which cerns about counterfeit currency. Cyrus shire. We established, for instance, that field to tie your horses in." Farnsworth sent the plates around a Jospeh Bates was indeed there holding Mervyn Kozachenko, fourth year music second time to gather more offering and meetings at that time, and also, that Annie major from Leduc, Alberta, said that he invited all to a pork dinner after the Smith would not have been far away felt "as though I were really there" in the service. either. It would have been conceivable early Advent movement. In this way College Heights Seventh- for her to worship there. We also included The series of six programs were written day Adventist Church recently recreated certain details which showed that matters and directed by faculty and staff of a typical church service held among early such as health reform were not widely Canadian Union College and Parkview pioneers in Washington, New Hampshire accepted at that time." Adventist Academy and campus church in 1855. The service culminated Canadian Other meetings for the Week of Prayer personnel. Students contributed their Union College and Parkview Adventist which focused on Adventist history, acting, reading, and musical skills to the presentations. Left to right: Ralph Janes as Joseph Bates, Eric Rajah as Cyrus Farnsworth, Warren Trenchard as Charles Pierce as Lucien Farnsworth at the James White, Bev Tetz as Ellen White and Brian Leavitt as Frederick Wheeler. Wendolin Pazitka- pump organ. Munroe (inset) as Annie Smith. Editor, P.F. Lemon; Associate Editor, June Polishuk. Issued semi-monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of Union $10.00. Printed' by Maracle Press Limited. ifAelareell11CISSIN'8 Official Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada: President, J.W. Wilson; Secretary, P.F. Lemon; Treasurer, N.W. Klam; Auditor, L.D. Dunn; Departmental Directors: Communication, L.R. Krenzler; Education, J.D.V. Fitch; Health, ; Personal Ministries and Sabbath School, C.S. Greene; Ministerial, ISSN 0702 -5084 W.R. Bornstein; Public Affairs, D.D. Devnich; Publishing, W. Ruba; Stewardship, P.A. Parks; Trust Services, F. Lloyd Bell; Youth, L.E. Janzen; Consultant to Health Care Institutions, A.G. Rodgers. Printed by Maracle Press Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario LI H 1 H8. MESSENGER, January 6, 1983 page 2 The World We Live In by G.D. Strunk, Director, Adventist Health Ministries The present state of our society has parallel with today's urbanized world. has been made by the food industry for often been described as Sodom and Over the past 2,000 years and longer a TV advertising. In 1975 according to the Gomorrah. But this is not new. The condition of abundant food and inade- leading national advertisers about 1.15 derogating terms of "Sodom and quate exercise would not accurately billion dollars was spent on television for Gomorrah" have been applied to Jeru- describe our world with the exception of food advertising. This represents about salem, to Rome, to Hollywood, Las Vegas, a few isolated places. But it does charac- 28% of total television advertising spending. to Paris, France and to just about every terize our world of today, a world just One study in Chicago revealed that 70% of city or even small town, when its licen- prior to Christ's return, on a national and the time devoted to food advertising tiousness is characterized by a Bible even international scale. promot,c1 foods that were bad for our student. health; -foods high in fat, saturated fat, But when applying Bible predictions We should be shaken cholesterol, sugar and/or salt with only or descriptions to our day great care 3% of the time devoted to fruit and vege- from our passivity by . should be exercised to avoid (phenomen- tables. On weekends 85% of the time was ological) sensationalism of making it all the link between diet, devoted to high risk foods and no time apply to my world in my day. As Biblical inactivity and spirituality. was devoted to fresh fruit or vegetables. students our perceptions may be accurate Our modern world of machines, motors even if judged by isolated incidents, but There is much over eating. And to and roving robots has programmed there is a risk of losing either the historical make matters worse it isn't just simply physical exercise right out of our life from or the national and world perspective. over eating of good food but it is over the cradle to the grave. As a consequence The Bible is a book which includes the eating of poor quality substances; so in Jeffrey's article he says "changes in whole earth. Therefore the question, "Are much so as to draw the alarm of world America in the last thirty years have my observations consistent with what is health authorities. Furthermore in today's created a food and energy revolution. happening on a very large scale or are mechanized world of modern conven- Agricultural abundance, mechanization they limited only to the small microcosm iences there is a lack of physical fitness; a in the work world, and the explosion of of my purview?" source of alarm to national defense spectator sports have changed the entire agencies, health authorities and the fabric of American dietary and physical activity habits. America has gone from a Abundant food and world of production. The important point of this article is three-meal-a-day meat-and-potatoes diet inadequate exercise... does that these problems are recognized by to one of fast food chain restaurants and characterize our world the experts of our day. In a macro-environ- in-between-meal snacking and nibbling." of today. mental analysis of diet, exercise, obesity It should not be understood from this and related health problems found in the statement that a three-meal-a-day meat- In making these kinds of assessments I 1981 Comprehensive Handbook of and-potatoes diet was a good one. We've prefer not to trust my own judgement of Behavioral Medicine, Volume 2, Jeffrey simply moved to a worse one. Please bear my world but to find a statement of a and Lemnitzer report the following: The in mind, people, that these conditions of reputable historian or news analyst or excessive intake of fat and sugar coupled our world are not seen only through the social researcher who without benefit of with a lack of adequate exercise has led to eyes of a Biblically biased viewer. They a Biblical perspective is seeing the very one out of every three persons in western are the conditions of a world as seen event or trend that is a fulfillment of Bible countries being obese and correspondingly through scientific research and described prophecy. There are plenty of them if we to an increase in the rate of heart disease, in conservative statements that must do our homework. At the risk of being stroke, cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis meet the scrutiny of other critical scien- repetitious we now have another! It's in and cirrhosis of the liver. There is an tific analysts. That removes such data the area of lifestyle and health. increase of thirty percent in susceptibility from the risk of sensationalism and As you know Jesus said that our world to these diseases for every ten percent makes it very quotable material by you would become like Sodom and Gomorrah increase above ideal weight. But while and me. prior to His return. What does that these conditions are related to obesity, include? Let's not generalize but let's go Jeffrey also reports that "even normal Many of us are so callous ... directly to the heart of the problem. weight people who consume high per- we do not see the contrast Ezekiel 16-49 describes the situation in centages of sugar and fat risk developing Sodom. "She and her daughters had these same health problems." of our lifestyle with pride, surfeit (gluttonous amounts) of These conditions characterize 20th that of Jesus.
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