CASE REPORT Rapid Development of Life-Threatening Emamectin Benzoate Poisoning Joon Min Park, MD, MPH A 75-year-old man presented to the ED after he intentionally ingested a 200-mL bottle of an agricultural insecticide. mamectin benzoate (EB) is a semisyn- toxic substances or any medications. The thetic derivative of avermectin that patient provided the empty bottle upon has acaricidal, nematicidal, and in- presentation, and the ingested product was E secticidal action. Avermectin analogs identified as Affirm, an insecticide contain- are natural products from soil fungi (Strep- ing 2.15% EB as the active ingredient. tomyces avermitilis).1 Emamectin benzoate The patient’s medical history was sig- was initially developed to eradicate lepi- nificant for major depressive disorder, for dopteran larvae, particularly armyworms, which he was on alprazolam, donepezil, and is registered in the United States and paroxetine, and quetiapine. The patient Japan for use on vegetable crops.2-4 In addi- stated that he also suffered from chronic tion to its agricultural use, EB also has anti- back pain, noting that he only took analge- parasitic effects on sea lice (Lepeophtheirus sics intermittently as needed. salmonis) that affect Atlantic salmon, and On examination, the patient was alert has been registered for use in several coun- and oriented to time and place. Initially, he tries since 1999.5-7 Although a few studies did not experience any physical discom- have evaluated the toxic effects of avermec- fort. His vital signs were: blood pressure tin on humans, there is a paucity of infor- (BP), 126/74 mm Hg; pulse rate, 67 beats/ mation regarding human toxicity associated minute; respiratory rate, mildly tachypne- with EB.7 This case report describes rapid ic at 23 breaths/minute; and temperature, deterioration of a patient following inges- 97.9°F. Oxygen saturation was 96% on tion of EB. room air. Ocular examination revealed both pu- Case pils to be equally round, 3 mm in diam- A 75-year-old man presented to the ED 20 eter, and reactive to light. Examination of minutes after intentionally ingesting an ag- the oropharynx was normal and without ricultural insecticide. Upon presentation, signs of mucosal injury. The lung sounds the patient stated that he drank a whole were clear bilaterally, and the heart was a bottle (100 mL) of insecticide after consum- regular rate and rhythm and without mur- ing alcohol, but denied coingestion of other mur. The patient’s abdomen was soft and Dr Park is an associate professor, department of emergency medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Author’s Disclosure Statement: The author reports no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article. DOI: 10.12788/emed.2018.0084 www.emed-journal.com APRIL 2018 I EMERGENCY MEDICINE 81 RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING EMAMECTIN BENZOATE Table. Sequential Result of Arterial Blood Gas Analysis 90 min 320 min 380 min 430 min 680 min 740 min pH 7.33 7.27 7.15 7.21 6.87 7.04 PCO2 (mm Hg) 22 23 23 19 59 55 PO2 (mm Hg) 97 92 90 126 53 38 Bicarbonate (mEq/L) 11.6 10.6 8.0 7.6 10.8 14.9 Base excess (mEq/L) -12.0 -14.2 -19.0 -17.9 -22.6 -16.0 O2 saturation (%) 97 96 94 98 55 45 Abbreviations: O2, oxygen; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PO2, partial pressure of oxygen. nontender. No deficits, such as ataxia, dys- total urinary output was less than 100 mL arthria, or tremor were found on the neuro- 7 hours afterward. Attempts to increase logical examination. urinary output with IV furosemide were Prompt gastric lavage via a nasogastric ineffective. tube was performed, and activated char- Along with the progressive metabolic coal was administered. Laboratory evalu- acidosis, the patient became hypotensive, ation was significant for the following: and did not respond to IV fluid resuscita- white blood cell count, 22.77 x 109/L with tion. A norepinephrine infusion was start- 78% neutrophils and 16% lymphocytes; ed to improve BP, but this was likewise sodium, 138 mEq/L; potassium, 3.1 mEq/L; ineffective. Serial ECGs did not show any chloride, 109 mEq/L; blood urea nitrogen, specific abnormalities such as dysrhyth- 19 mg/dL; and creatinine, 0.7 mg/dL. Ar- mia or ischemia. terial blood gas (ABG) results revealed a The patient was admitted to the inten- pH, 7.37; partial pressure of carbon diox- sive care unit approximately 10.5 hours ide, 25 mm Hg; partial pressure of oxygen, after presentation where he received con- 93 mm Hg; bicarbonate, 14.5 mEq/L; base tinuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) excess, –8.9 mEq/L; and an oxygen satura- to correct the severe metabolic acidosis tion, 97%. Serum creatine kinase (CK), CK- and poor circulation. Metabolic acidosis MB and troponin levels were both within persisted despite CRRT, and the patient normal range. Lactic acid, serum osmo- remained hypotensive even after receiving lality, and serum ethanol levels were not high-dose IV norepinephrine (Figure). obtained. The patient’s electrocardiogram About 12.5 hours after his presentation (ECG) and chest radiograph findings were to the ED, the patient began to vomit pro- normal. fusely and went into cardiac arrest. The Approximately 1 hour after presenta- cardiac monitor demonstrated pulseless tion, the patient complained of an epi- ventricular tachycardia. Aggressive resus- gastric burning sensation and continued citative efforts were initiated, but failed to to exhibit mild tachypnea. A subsequent restore spontaneous circulation. ABG test revealed progressive metabolic acidosis (Table). Although the patient was Discussion given a total of 800 mL of normal saline in- As an avermectin analog, EB interacts with travenously (IV) upon arrival at the ED, his γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors and 82 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I APRIL 2018 www.emed-journal.com RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING EMAMECTIN BENZOATE enhances membrane chloride permeabil- 8 140 ity. In mammals, GABA-containing neu- SBP rons and receptors are found in the central 130 nervous system (CNS), but not in the pe- 120 ripheral nervous system. In cases of high- 110 dose avermectin ingestion in humans, CNS 100 90 toxicity, including agitation and depressed 80 mental status, have been reported, as well MAP 70 as death resulting from respiratory failure.9 60 mm Hg With respect to human EB toxicity, there 50 is only one other documented case in the 40 7 literature by Yen and Lin. In their case, 30 the authors report on a patient who ingest- 20 Norepinephrine (mcg/min) 10.7 16 20.5 ed 100 mL of Proclaim, which contained 10 2.15% EB diluted with 400 mL of tap wa- 0 ter.7 They note that the patient in their case 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 h presented with mild confusion and gastro- intestinal (GI) symptoms of nausea, vomit- Figure. Chart detailing the persistent downward trend in the patient’s systolic blood ing, and cramping discomfort. Following pressure (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) despite continuous renal replace- laboratory and radiological investigation, ment therapy and high-dose norepinephrine. the patient was found to have aspiration pneumonitis and admitted to the inpatient might make EB more toxic. In our case, hospital. On hospital day 2, the patient’s the patient’s rapid deterioration alone or GI symptoms abated and he became alert asphyxia by vomitus might have been the and oriented. He was discharged 1 week cause of the cardiac arrest. Future reports from initial presentation and experienced and studies about EB toxicity in humans no sequelae. are warranted to investigate the pathogen- In our case, the patient ingested 100 mL esis of toxicity and appropriate treatment. of 2.15% EB without dilution. He also ex- perienced GI symptoms, but did not have Conclusion any CNS depression. The metabolic aci- This is the first report of a human death dosis rapidly worsened, and could not be caused by EB poisoning; the patient ex- corrected, even with intensive therapy. perienced severe metabolic acidosis with- This rapid life-threatening course has not out CNS depression, ultimately leading to previously been reported with avermectin death. Emergency physicians should be or EB poisoning. In the avermectin poison- aware of the possibility of rapid deteriora- ing cases in the literature, seven out of 19 tion in patients who present after ingestion patients (37%) exhibited severe effects, of EB and related substances. such as hypotension, coma, and aspiration with respiratory failure.9 Six of the seven References patients experienced a full recovery; the 1. Lasota JA, Dybas RA. Avermectins, a novel class of compounds: implications for use in arthropod remaining patient died 18 days after inges- pest control. Annu Rev Entomol. 1991;36:91-117. tion from multiple organ failure. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.36.010191.000515. 2. Kuo JN, Buday C, van Aggelen G, Ikonomou MG, The reason for our patient’s rapid pro- Pasternak J. Acute toxicity of emamectin benzoate gression to metabolic acidosis and pro- and its desmethyl metabolite to Eohaustorius estu- arius. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2010;29(8):1816-1820. gressive deterioration (hypotension and doi:10.1002/etc.209. hypoxemia) is not clear. One possible the- 3. Takai K, Soejima T, Suzuki T, et al. Development of a water-soluble preparation of emamectin benzo- ory is that the solvents or other additives ate and its preventative effect against the wilting of aside from EB in the ingested insecticide pot-grown pine trees inoculated with the pine wood www.emed-journal.com APRIL 2018 I EMERGENCY MEDICINE 83 RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING EMAMECTIN BENZOATE nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.
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