FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t--~ P t-\ U FC'1.(,p' s -, S U (,<\(E), I or- .1 N ~,f\ !)E\4'Rf\1)l) '" GOVERNMENT OJ? INDI4:\ MINISTRY OF ENVII{ONMENT AND FOR}1~STS (Department of Forests and Wildlife) REFORT ON FOREST RESOURCES OF MIDNAPORE DISTRICT OF WEST BENGAL FOREST SURVEY OF INDIA EASTER.N ZONE ~9S5 r: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 1.ND FORESTS ( DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS J~ND WILDLIFE ) REPORT ON .FOREST RESOURCES OF MIDNAPORE DISTRICT OF "TEST BENGAL FOREST SURVEY OF INDIA Ej~STERN ZONE 1985 .. CON -T~ E- N' ::[,.;.'!.S ... Para Page CHAPTER-I - Bt.CKGROUND INFORMP~TION NeeQ" fO,r survey 1 1 Catc~ent 1 .1 1 ~ Boupda._ry 1 .2 1 Locat~on ,"~ .3 1 J'.dmin:i:s tra tive uni ts 1.4 1 " '}- Break~up o~ area Divisionwise '1 .4.1 '1 Ranges and Beats 1.4.2 2 Local.ity f'actor 2 2 Cl.imate 2.1 2 Temperature 2.1 .1 2 Rain~a];·l. 2.1.2 J Rel.a~~~e humidity 2._1 .3".> 4 1!Tind ~. __ .. 2.1 .4: 4 ' : ."b ~.~'.:;t. Topography 2!g -5 "'1..1 ,. Hi1,.=! p~aks 2.-2.1 5 ' " ',# , Mountain.. _ . ... _r:. "'" 2.2.2 5 Aspect 2.2,.3 5 S1ol?e" 2.2.4 5 Drainage 2.2.5 6 ., Ge01.~gy, rock and soil. 2 • .) 6 Ro<:!c system 2 • .)~1 6 Soi1 2 .. .).2 7 Minera1s 2 .. 3.3 8 Land-use pattern, assessment of' 1and 3.0 8 condi.tic.n. ani soi1 erosion. Land use 3.1 8 Soi1 erosion 3.2 9 Peop1e and their socia-economic 4 9 condition. Land wHo1ding 4.1 10 Occupatioril),l pattern 4.2 11 ,... -y RuraL emp10yment 4~3 11 Education: 4.4 12 Emp10Yment in ~orestry sector 4".5. 1) C1ass·if'ication by type::; and ~ompositiQn 5.1 14 Sal coppice f'orests 5.1 • 1 15 Open ~crub ~orests 5.1 .. 2 17 ~ page 2 .• 4 49 Con~~~tu~io~ of parties 2.5.1 50 2!.5.2 50 Fi'32cl :!.~1.3tructions 2 • .5.) 51 CH!-pmR·~III - DI:.. TA ANALYSIS: - --,-.,.. -, .....,--~.-- ).1 52 t1cn".1.a.~ processing t_ ).2 52 PrCCC!:lc:'\.ng on Uni.t Record Machi.ne ).) 52 P::-oc-cs e:":::.g O:!1 E~eot:ronic Computer ).4 52 '.5 52 ).6 5) ).6.1 53 Loca.l. v':)1.ume equat:'.ons ).6.2 54 VOJ_~"'::::9 c-= t::-CGS cr-~'!.~erated 3.6.3 54 F lo ~ ,,~~ i \... ·I1S ).6.4 54 1."o1.~~o by strata 3.6 • .5 54 :3 ....;?.::J.':.~"-=d error ).6.6 .55 T~ee donsity study ).7 55 ) .7.1 55 3.7.2 56 :).8 56 s - ~ - &.~ _...... ""' ...!!ll ).8.1 56 ) .. 8 .. 2 .57 f.'-:V'-~';"':B-=-IV - GRO'"';IUG STOG}>: 1.IID YIELD: A::-?~ ~~d yic1d con!:lidere~ exp~oitab~e 4 58 :".0 ~O~ 'P:,~ofjcnt st!:::'VGyo .I'.."-:Je.. '~::ld :.ri.c1.d ::t.n 't-'lest Midnapore 4.1, 58 n}-r:~ .-·l-=-:i~ .t~rop. p-~ -,..... ':!:'d \.:.....,~O:::' East Midna:i>ore 4.2 59 Div:i.riCTI0 4.3 Co V -LCq;'~jG AND !.CCESSIBILITY STUDIES:. 5.1 62 rou-tcs 5.2 6:! D:d.ot:ing ~obging practices 5.3 6~ 'j~=-:'1t"''''':,... -":' :'.8s.si:f"i.ca ti.~n ,.4 6:: ?::"'opoDcd :Logging practice 5.5 61~ Conc·~t.~s~0~ .5.6 6·: .- Para ~afie .'" - Inventory Design ~~4 49 Const itution of' par-ties .. - f:~2.5....... .1>j .. 50 Sample locations" ~ 2.5.2 50 Fie1d instructions 2.'5.,. 51 CHAPTER'-III - r5X:tA ANALYSIS: ~ "'" j., General 3.1 -' 52 Manua1 proc,ef;Jsina \'3:2 ~ :'" .~ 52 Proce sSi.ng on Uni, 1: - ' R~ICO~ Machine 3.3 52- Proce sSing on E1ectronic Cqmputer 3.4 52 Are a as;~s sme nt -'. ~'., 3.5 5? Volume studies'''..'~ 3.6 53 General Vol.ume; Equations 3.6.1 53 Loc~i- Vo~ume Equations . ;,,"'.:.:_ 3.6.2 54 vo1'Ume o:f' trees <~ll,_~rat;ed 3.6.3 54 .~<~ Pl.ot·- vo~ume .~t.~".', . 3.6.4 54 Vo1~ by strata 3.6.5 54 r<Standard error~ '3,6.6 .. ~ 55 ',' Tree d_~n~i-ty study 3.7 5_5 Sal stratum <, ·,:,=:t·" .. 3.7.1 55 ~.. - ')0' Plantation stratum '3.-7.2 56 Vo~ume stud~es 3.8 56 Sal. strat~ 3.8.1 56 P1an-tat~on Stratum", 3.8.2 57 CHAPTER-IV - GROWING STOCK- AND YIELD: Area and yield considered ~xpl.o1tab1e 4 58. BfI pe~ present surve,~. ' Area and yield in West Midnapore 4.1 Divi"sion. 58 Area and yteld'under East Midnapore 4.2 Division .. 59 Future. management model. 4.3 60 CF~PTER-V - LOGGING AND ACCESSIBILITY STUDIES: Objective 5.1 62 E*tract~on routes 5.2 62 ~x~st~ng logg~ng pract~ces 5.3 62 Terra~n clasS~-:f'ication 5.4 63 Proposed ~ogging practice 5.5 64 '-" Conclus~on 5.6 64 Para Pape CHAPTER-VI - CONSUMPTION STUDY Objectives 6.-1 65 S amp~ing D~:s i. gn 6.2, 65 Consumption by 1arge industrios 6.:) 65 Consumption by sma~l industries 6.4 65 Hous~.hol.d consumpti.on 6.5 • 65 Distribution of househo1ds( samp l.i.ne 6 .. 5.1 66 units) and popu1ation. Proximity to forests 6.5.2 66 Vegetation on ~private ~and 6.5.) 6q Consumption ,of·timber, f'ue1wood and 6 •.6 66 other energ:l:~s t:n .urban ~as. Consumption 01' timber," £U~1wood and 6.7 68 o the rene rgie s' i.n rural' are as. " - ~ Wood and other enorgy consump~ion in the 6.8 70 distr~pt(Urban & Rural.) . ,... Bambo9.~, c'onsurrii?tion 6.9 70 Wood ~ba.1ance 6.10 71 Wood bal.ance ~y uti~ity cl.ass 6.1 0.1 . 72 Conclusions - 6.11 73 CH1~PTER-VII - ECOLOGICA l; CHt.. NGES P"..ND , STATUS OF Fl=OAA AND FAUNA. r • :>" ':~~ 4" DeGree ~f' d1.ei:urb8Z1ce 74 .;;" . Qu~"t.:(tative· assessment ·74 / ",-:. ~ ... ~: . / CHJd~rER-VIIi - PHOTOINT§RPRETATION & REMdTIfM~ ~\'(." ;,' SENSING STUDIES: ..~ . ," :''''Aer~a1 _;PhotocraPhs and maps 78 ~ _:;i" .... Sa t~11i teo 'imagerie s > 8 , ~2 :;: .. ~', 78 ~ . ~ '_ -:') . ' .... ~•. CHAPTER-rx·-.PLANT~TION ACTIVITIES IN THE EOmpST AND .'. l1RBl~N ··AREAS vlITH SPECI/... L REFERENCE TEO ... .......t'. ) ~ .. '. .. , SOCII... L E6RESTRY: , 2>< ! ' . j : ~ , t... :,;~·.. .., . Plan-tati.on a,_""tivi i;:ies 9.~ . 79 . ." ', 0..4 :,. ,," ' _, II '. Sb~~i:al " :f'qre~try' , 9.2 .80 , F ", ,/ O~~r p~antati.on activ::lt:les 9.) ..,8'3 , . -: 'CJItlPTER - X - RESULTS I~ND CONCLUSIONS! Main resuits and conc~usions 10.1 e.5 Veri a tions from pas'f;; ,,~§,tud7''j .' 10.2 87 .• ... ...' .- . .. ~ . ~ . - c-L- _ .--._ Fina1 recommendation and pro~osa1s - .. .. 1 O.~ 88 • r BIBLIOGRAPHY 91 MAPS & DIAGRAMS". 1. Map of India showing Project area. in Midnapore district. 2. Invento~ Design.. J. .Midnapore District showing grids, t'orests a.nd int'rastructure. ". Midnapore District showing\. sa.mp1ing units and existing industries. 5. Geographica1 area, forested area and popu1ation ot' Midnapo're District compared to that of State of West Bengal.. 6. Per capita: consumpt:!on of t'ue1wood f.n urba~ areas of Midnap?re District in rel.ation to proximity, to forests. 7. Socia.l. Forestry Project in Midnapore District. 8. Montbwise ra:!nfa11 statistics for the period 1977 to 1981. Station: Midnapore & Jhargram. LIST OF -TABLES Tabl.e Partic-ul.ars Di.visi.on Stratum Pase No. ~ 1 .1 Stema/ba. by species & East­ Sal. 92 di.a. c1ssse s (:tn em;o) Midnapore 1.2 -do- West Sal. Midnapore 1., -do- -clo- Pl.antati.on 95 2.1 Vo1./ha. by species & East Sal. 96 dia. classes(in em.) Midnapore -do- West Sal 97 Midnapore -do- Midnapore Plantation 99 Total. stems (1000 unit)­ East Sal 100 by species & din. class Midnapore e s(in -em. ) -do- West Sal 101 Mi.dnapore ... -do- Midnapore P1.antation 103 Tota1 vo1.(IOOO unit) East Sal 104 by spe~ies & dis. Midn&pOre c1asse s (in em.) -<10- west Sal. 105 Midnapore -do- Midnapore Plantation 107 Stems/ha. by species & dia. -c1.asses{in em.) East Sa1. 108 Hi.gh vol.ume area. Midnapore. -do- West S~ 109 Mi.dnapore Vol..!ha. by species and Midnapore Sal. 111 -v d,ia. classes(in cm.) - Higb vol.ume area. 6.2 -do- west Sal. Midnapore 7.'1 Total. stems( 1 000 unit) East Sal. 114 by species -& di.a-_ Midnapore c1~sses~H~gh vo1.area: -do- West Sal 115 Midnapore 8.1 Total. vo1ume(in 1000 East Sal 117 m) by species & dia.- Midnapore Hi~h vol.ume. _. -do- Midnapore sa1 118 P .R E Ii' P.. C E The fie1d work of rarest inventory. in Midnapore district was taken up by the Eastern Zone of Forest Survey. Of Ind~a on the special. request of Chief Conservator Of Forests, West,Bengal. for a quick, 3cientific and independ­ ant asse ssmenl; of eXisting status and condition of the .- -"'- forests which is changing very fast-in the area' due to biotic pressure. The actua1 1'iel.d work was carried out during the per:iod January., 1 98~~r_Qh_, .......1982 under the overal.l. guidance 0'1' Shri A.B-:Chaudhuri, the then Joint Di.rector of Ea:::;tern Zone. The fiel.d work was supervised' by. Shri' J.N .Bhatta.cl:!aryya, Assistant Director. The :tnventory work was confined onl.y to forest areas.
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