www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com SERVING THE NORTH COUNTRY SINCE 1889 [email protected] 122ND YEAR, 9TH ISSUE LITTLETON, N.H., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011 75¢ (USPS 315-760) Shaheen Why is free and reduced listens to lunch so important? local By KAYTI BURT concerns [email protected] NORTH COUNTRY- By KAYTI BURT [email protected] Schools will have to wait most likely until June to LITTLETON- U.S. hear from state legislators if Senator Jeanne Shaheen has a change in the formula that spent the last few months determines state aid to edu- trying to answer the ques- cation will result in a change tion of how to get the econo- in revenue. According to my working again, and last one of the many formulas Friday's North Country tour being tossed around, was an opportunity to focus Littleton could suffer a on the needs of small busi- much-discussed $1.6 million nesses – to determine where shortfall from its current the federal government can $3.8 million in state aid – a help, and where it needs to potentiality that has largely step back and give the pri- influenced the district’s vate sector room to grow, more than $1 million cuts to Shaheen said. A stop in its proposed budget. Schools Littleton to hear concerns across the state are facing and answer questions from potential cutbacks as state local business and political legislators look to balance leaders was part of that mis- the budget, which makes sion. one number even more “I think we need to deal important: the percentage of with [debt,] but we need a students who qualify for the thoughtful approach that federally subsidized free deals with all government and reduced lunch program. spending,” said Shaheen at Healthy kids, more COURTESY PHOTO the White Mountain money Students at the Littleton High School line up to try a variety of healthy foods at last week’s winter carnival. The food was purchased with a grant Community College “The biggest thing I’m from the New England Dairy Council called Fuel Up For Play 60. The school was also able to purchase new snowshoes and materials to make (WMCC) to the more than trying to encourage is that student brochures and bandanas through the grant. 15 people in attendance. free and reduced lunch Shaheen spoke out against numbers help the district,” The Littleton School well-balanced diet is impor- known connection is that aid, as well as grants. the “House way” of dealing said Chris Parker, the Food District’s reasoning behind tant not only for health, but the percentage of students Right now, 55 percent of with cutting the budget, Service Manager for the its message aimed at getting for learning; a well-fed child who qualify for free and the students at the elemen- which she said is just to Littleton School District. “It more families to apply for is better able to focus, and reduced lunch is a number tary school qualify for free focus on the discretionary, helps the families. There’s the free and reduced lunch the free and reduced lunch that factors into the deter- or reduced lunch. This non-defense spending that families out there strug- program is two-fold. The program offers breakfast, as mination of school revenue, translates into 200 kids represents only 12 percent of gling.” obvious reason is that a well as lunch. The lesser- including state and federal SEE LUNCH, PAGE A10 the budget. Shaheen said there is clearly a difference between No one injured in mobile home fire SEE SHAHEEN, PAGE A11 By KAYTI BURT The Littleton Fire home park are not com- [email protected] Department got the call mon and in the 40 years Ward LITTLETON- Fire offi- that the mobile home was that he has owned and cials were still unsure spewing smoke at 1:50 p.m. operated the park, it has Monday what caused a on Monday afternoon and only experienced three. defends mobile home in Corey’s arrived on the scene nine The fire appeared to Mobile Home Park to catch minutes later. The have started in the fire Monday. No one was Whitefield, Bethelehem, St. kitchen area of the proposed injured in the incident that Johnsbury, and Lisbon fire mobile home, said Fire left the residence uninhab- departments were also Department Lieutenant budget itable. called to respond, but only Ray Bowler, but the Neighbor Dorothy Lisbon stuck around for cause was still unknown By KAYTI BURT Drapeau was the one who station coverage as the fire on Monday night. The [email protected] called in the fire when she was quickly declared under fire caused moderate LITTLETON- What do the couldn’t see outside her control less than ten min- damage to the structure voters want? It is the ques- utes after the Littleton Fire through smoke and heat kitchen window – the win- KAYTI BURT/THE LITTLETON COURIER tion that plagues the budget- dow abutting the mobile Department arrived on the putout. The firefighters A smoky chair rests in the snow outside a mobile home in Corey’s ary process, and will ulti- home which caught fire. scene. also had to smash the Mobile Home Park that caught fire Monday afternoon as firefighters mately be answered next Drapeau first thought the The residence belongs to windows to work. work to put out the flames. Tuesday when the ballot lack of visibility was due to Trish Labin, the sole occu- boxes are filled. While “Save snow or rain, but upon pant, who was not home at Our Services” signs pop up looking out her other win- the time of the incidence. around town heralding the dows, realized it was actu- Labin has lived there for importance of maintaining ally the smoke billowing more than a decade, said existing public safety servic- out of her neighbor’s Corey’s Mobile Home Park es, another faction promotes mobile home and called Owner John Simon. Simon a different position: Littleton 911. said fires in the mobile needs to change the way it does business and lower the tax rate or there won’t be any taxpayers left to enjoy those services. The initial cut Former Selectman Ward, SEE WARD, PAGE A11 Attn: Members of the Northern Lights Federal Credit Union The credit union Annual Dr. Hugh’s Dental PC Meeting is being held Weds., Hubert W. Hawkins IV MPH DDS March 16, 2011 at the Comfort 209 Cottage Street, Littleton, NH Inn in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. (603) 444-4141 The meeting begins promptly Beautiful Ceramic Crowns at 6:00 p.m. For more information, please call 800- HOTO BY ICKEY DE HAM in One Visit. P M R 856-0026 or 800-370-6455. Remember what green looks like? Afternoon sun highlights the leaves in contrast to white outside in Sugar DrHughsDental.com Hill. Littleton, N.H., xx pages INSIDE INSIDE 33 Main Street LOCAL LOCAL NEWS . .A2 CLASSIFIEDS . .B10 Officer quits SPORTS . A17, B1 COURT . .A6 Ayotte EDITORIAL . .A4 FROM THE FRONT . .A10 visits because of CARTOON . .A4 SPOTLIGHTS . .C1 Littleton’s political REAL ESTATE . .B7 OBITUARIES . .A18 Littleton A2 LETTERS . .A4 AREA NEWS . .A8 atmosphere A3 POLICE . .A6 CALENDAR . .C8 A2 THE COURIER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011 Local News Ayotte visits Littleton Article 16: Email sparks By ART McGRATH concern over boycott [email protected] LITTLETON–Newly By ART McGRATH Jim Sourgiadakis, owner spend my money.” minted U.S. Sen. Kelly [email protected] of Gold House Pizza and a She emphasized she was Ayotte walked Main Street LITTLETON–An email member of LACC board said acting as a private citizen last Tuesday talking to resi- sent to the Littleton Area the email was “mafia style and wasn’t acting as a mem- dents and business owners, Chamber of Commerce intimidation tactics” and ber of VIPS (Volunteers in and spoke about taxes, (LACC) has some members said the view expressed in Police Service, of which she Washington D.C. and of that organization worried the email was one that is a member). Northern Pass. town politics will affect busi- allowed no civil disagree- Police Chief Paul Smith Starting at the Littleton nesses in the form of a boy- ment. He asked why “the agreed with Craigie and said Diner, the 42-year old cott by some residents. majority” should be forced to her views were not those of Republican made her way On Feb. 17, 10 days after be threatened with threats of the Littleton Police down to Foto Factory, with the Deliberative Session dur- boycotts or public punish- Department—her words stops in between at Hunkins ing which $745,000 was cut ment. were her own. and Eaton Insurance to visit from the proposed operating “[Y]ou do not get to define Craigie said she was dis- with Greg Eastman, and those who disagree with as appointed the Chamber was- ART MCGRATH/THE COURIER budget (with the bulk of the Gold House Pizza, where U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, left, speaking to Foto Factory owner Art Tighe funds suggested to come being anti-police or anti-fire n’t going to take a stand; she she chatted with owner in his store on Main Street, last Tuesday. from the Police and Fire department,” Sourgiadakis thought they would be con- Jimmy Sourgiadakis. She Departments), resident wrote to Craigie. “Turn a cerned about the loss of had stopped at Gold House care and allow pooling so fiscal house in order, which Sharon Craigie sent an email bout is fair play. I’d like to emergency services. Jim in November, the weekend people can lower their risks is essential to spur economic to the Chamber stating she ask you why you are anti- Alden, the president of before her victory over U.S.
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