to — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1988 APAR TM EH T8 M U SIC AL HOMES HOMES w . FORREHT ITE M S n m s A L E FOR SALE MANCHESTER. Second BANJQ with cose and Search Tea time T E R R IF IC Ranch In quiet ^ Spccioli floor, 2 bedroom, heat Instruction books. Ex­ neighborhood. Priced % ^ and appliances. No cellent condition. Ask­ to sell. 5'/7 rooms, 2 full pets. S ^ , plus secur- ing S100. Coll Gene, MancHester’s win MANCHESTER. Eight baths, sunporch, lower 1 ItV. Coll 646-3979. 633-6164. Few suggestions AutHor travels tHe nation room Colonial with level family room and RDCKVILLE. Remo- detached oarage. garage. Call office to­ a E A H IH S IP A IH T IH R / MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS on new m anager /3 to promote tea drinking /13 100tH for coacH /18 Within walking dis­ deled large one bed­ day for your exclusive SERVICES PAPERIH6 SERVICES SERVICES room, Includes heat, R n PETS AND tance to school. Nice showing. $149,900. Sen­ neighborhood. For sale hot water, appliances. iS S J SUPPLIES try Real Estate, 643- NAME your own reaso­ HAWNESTREE5ERVICE GSL Building Mainte­ Qne parking. Qne by owner. $158,000. Call 4060.O nable price. Father 8. nance Co. Commercl- 6M-5087. SOUTH BOLTON Buoktt, truck 6 ohippsr. Stump month's securlfy. $495 2 year old AK C registered MANCHESTER. One Son Pointing and Pap­ ol/Retldenflal building neutered mole doch- CLEANING SERVICE. ering. Removal. 291- removal. Fraa aatimalaa. repairs and home im­ per month. 872-8095. MANCHESTER. Spring owner. Maintained 6 Spselal oontidaratlon for ASHFQRO. 2 8. 3 room shund Free 647-7149. Street. Spoclous Colon­ room Cape. Great INC. 8567._______________ provements. Interior aldarty and handloappsd. and exterior pointing Duplex Ranch. Reno­ F R E E to good home. V/2 ial on lovely lands­ value. $139,900. Nice Commorclil / Rosldentlal vated, appliances, year old Collle- lot, neighborhood, Fully Insured 6 Bonded. Renovationa/Plus light c-jrpentry. Com­ caped corner lot. 7 Custom Intsrior M Extsrior 647-7S53 plete lonltorlol ser aulef. No animals. Shepord pup. House- rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 vinyl siding, oak floors Lease. 423-4190, broken, oil shots, loves and fireplace. Peter­ 6 4 7 -1 5 4 5 Palntlno * CsHing Mspsir A Msnsw vice. Experienced, rel­ baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 • Daoks A Ught Csrpsntry evenings.____________ children. Coll 742-1294, car garage, large pri­ man Real Estate, 649- Top M l ScratEed l,Mm iable, free eatimatea. otter 5. • Mm%tm • m$und Any tmoisK dsHwtad Alto, IK 643-0304. MANCHESTER. Three vate screened porch. 9404.________________ • Senior D*»oounft Immaculately main­ gravel, stone and bsrK mulch. FALL Gutter cleaning bedroom townhouse, CO VENTRY. VA, No mo­ I'/j baths, fully op- tained. $225,000. ney down or possible LAW N CARE 6 4 6 -2 2 S 3 Bobotl, backhos 6 loadtr isrSaL Coll Paul of 643-8760. MISCELLANEOUS Golden Oaks Realty, pllonced kitchen. FOR SALE ownerfinancing. Three DAVIS CONSTRUCTION S A 8 Framing Parking for two cars. 648- 5099 or coll Tom,bedroom Ranch, new iHattrljrBtpr Mprali 649- 9664. ROOFMR/ 872-1400/659-9555 wMido No pets. $795 per vinyl siding, new roof, PHIL’S LAWN CARE • Additlona • Oartgat • Porch month. Dne year lease EIGHT month old water- new windows. Needs SHNNR anddaoka bed, $325. Courthouse Fall clean-up and Scraanad Loam, Gravel, • Slats Lloanaad plus security deposit. Interior cosmetics. Ask for Don, 649-0795. Qne Gold membership, Buyer protection plan. anow removal. For free Procaaaed Gravel, Sand, s Fully Insured 12Vi months left tor ERA Philips Real Est­ eatimatea, call todayl M S Stone & Fill. Call 0486021. 645-1757 TWD Bedroom, older $450. Compared to reg­ 30 Cents BOLTON Lake. Four Evenlnos house In country set­ Wednesday, Oct. 12,1988 MancHester, Cenn. — A City cf Viiiage CHarm room Ranch, masonry ate, 742-1450. For Dellverlea Call ular price of $700 plus. Call Phil at: 7 4 2 -7 4 7 6 RENOVATIONS ting. Two baths, en­ Eric 649-3426.P_______ on 2’/i lots, 2 storage MANCHESTER. COLON- Commwolil a Ratldenffaf George Griffing closed porch. In Buck- PQOL Toble-Seors. Good buildings, private lAL. This well- Siding, guttara, tlborglaaa ley School area. S800 beach, appliances, gas condition. $300. Coll af­ molntalned 4 bedroom thinglaa, slate, tingle ply. 742-7886 LANDSCAPING per month. No utilities. heat. Reduced to Colonial offers many CARPENTRY/ Fully Intursd, tree No pets. Security and ter 3;30pm or leave $144,000. 649-1794. extras. Beautiful front REMODELING aatlmatat. Call references. 646-5114. message. 568-1903. to back living room, HANDYMAN and GREGORY WARRICK'S 7" Reel to Reel topes. 291 Porter Street. 7 room formal dining room, 4 646-1596 CDVENTRY. Convenient Most recorded on. $1.50 Pooped Colonial. Full of HAUUNG TREE WORK location. Rear court­ Board embraces plan bedrooms, 1 full bath, 2 FARRiWD REM0DEUN6 871-7856 ar 528-2857 Any job — Anytime yard entrance. Dne each. Coll Jock Ber- charm, new furnace, half baths, 2 fireplaces, Room additlona, daeka, roofing, Ftaluring trond of 643-1262. new energy saving win­ Tree Rsmoval • Pninino for bedroom apartment. 1 car garage. In-law tiding, windows and gutters. Cell G ary S420.1'/j months secur­ SURDIAC Cool Stove. dows, modern kitchen, efficiency apartment. Baokhoe and buHdozer sarvlos HaaHh 6 Salsly • Prunning pigeon 2 full baths, patio and 3 Dead Wood ^ Stubs • ity deposit. No pets. Top of the line. $475. Great for seasdonal In­ tvalltbis. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. I ELECTRICAL 8 7 5 -3 4 8 3 Coll 646-4773.________ bedrooms. Must be law or older child ren­ Pruning for Wind Baslatanoa Available Imme- seen to be appreciated. tal. $210,000. Anne But. 647-8509 • Pruning for Beauty and dlotelv. 742-0569. TWO Courthouse One Please call 643-9233 af­ Rm . 645-6849 RESIDENTIALfuseellm- Grata Growing Gold Memberships. for affordable housing Miller Real Estate, 647- TWD Bedroom apart­ pauses ter 6:00pm. Principals Inotlon, circut break­ j m F mHy I m b u ib B • • a n lo r ORIu b ii O lao o un i One year each. Best BOOO.o________________ ers Installed. Addi­ ment with stove and only. 4 SE A SO N S RELIABLE MOVING 645-1973 (sasrSpni) refrigerator. No pets. offer, 645-6883. MANCHESTER. Check tional wiring and small By Andrew J. Dovls By MicHele Noble that an ordinance to estabflsh a local partnership. REMODELING repairs. Top auollty Low, Low Rates. References and secur­ M O V E Right In. Won't this out! Very roomy ity. Telephone, 645- MancHester Herald MancHester Herald partnership committee could be passed by “ I don’t see any strings attached here last I New Insulated six room older Colonial Additions e Decks work of offordoble pri­ Short notice moves. l a n d b c a M n q ' e Roofing • Trlmwork NOsfOM rO O ilM U 0739.________________ the board as early as November. If and I believe it is something we should windows, new vinyl with a 2 car garage ces. Coll 646-5253 or Insured. Dependable Pr%mo Slmibe, hBdges. fsftMMno. ENDROLLS When William Demeoand siding, newly pointed, located In a nice family Small Jobs welcomed. residence of 646-0612. pienHi^ l6wi wedloo A TWD Bedrooms on first Manchester will most likely join a established, the committee would include endorse,” Osella said. 24 years experience In ' 2716 width.- 2S$ his daughter opened their refInIshed wood floors neighborhood. Formal S e n io r CIi Im i i DUcount floor In 4family house. recently established Connecticut Housing members of the Planning and Zoning moving Css FREE ESTIMATES 13V« width - 2 for 25$ As a member of the state partnership, all combine to enhance living room and dining $550 plus utilities. Se­ MUST ba plokad up at ttia back door this morning, Partnership Program which would give Commission, the Greater Manchester Call Chris at 645-6559 H EATIN G / ParsoBBlIiod Uw E Cara curity and references a Manchester would receive priority fund­ this charming Cape room, eat-ln kitchen, Anytlm* Hartld Dlflea Monday thru they found an uninvited the town priority funding from the state to Chamber of Commerce, the Housing with fireplace, formal three bedrooms, walk- _ PLUM BING 646*9669 aUfliMapliig must. Coll 645-8201. ing for any state Department of Housing Thundtybalort 11 am. only. feathered friend on their build affordable housing, Mayor Peter P. Authority, and representatives from the dlnng room, garage up attic with loads of KMH CARPENTRY 742*8224 leavemsssege stoop. program, Escalera said. The membership and treed yard. Offered storage. Hardwood Hera to fulfill your PJ’s PlumbinjB I CONDOMINIUMS DiRosa Jr. said today. local business community and non-profit would, also be considered a "prim ary at only $141,900. Cen­ floors add charm DELIVERING It turned out to be a “ In the past we have always supported organizations. carpentry ne^a. Air Condnlonlng Rich, clean, stone-free I FOR RENT homing pigeon which had factor” in consideration from the state tury 21 Epstein Realty, throughout, along with Boilers, pumps, hot water loam. 5 yards. '80 Plus T ax. affordable housing and I don’t see any Mary Ann Handley, chairman of the Quality Workmanahip. Automotive pooped out after flying Department of Environmental Protection 647-8895.0 the large wrap-around tanka, new and Also, sand, gravel, stone CONCRETE MANCHESTER. Two change of heart how,” DiRosa said. Board of Directors’ hou8taBi subcommit­ porch. Call Susan Do­ Fraa Eatimataa. replacemanta. and horse manure. m bedroom Ranch style more than 300 miles in the for open-space land grants and water- READY, Willing and nahue tor your per- The program would bring together the tee, told' board members that town quality projects, he said.
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