
. " • , • HONOR PRIZE PROBLEM KENNETH S. HOWARD Erie, Pa. , WHITE MATES IN THREE MOVES --- --- -- --~- - The OFFICIAL ORGAN of the AMERICAN CHESS FEDERATION THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP THE METROPOLITAN CHESS LEAGUE THE FUTURE OF ORGANIZED CHESS IN AMERICA . _.0, B. DYER MASTERS I HAVB MET •• • •••• FRED M. WREN CURIOUS CHESS FACTS . • IRVING CHERNEV PROBLEM DEPARTMENT. • • . wALTER JACOBS MAY, 1936 MONTHLY 30 ctS. ANNUALLY $3.00 • (III CaRda 3' 'lJ'.) '":lire The United States Championship April 25, ! 936 will prove to have been a momentous day in rhe chess history of this • country. At 2 P. M. on the afternoon of that day in the grill of the Hoeel Astor sixteen of REVIEW the nation's outstanding chess experts began a battle for supremacy that will not cease until OFFICiAL ORGAN OF THE May 16. AMERICAN CHESS FEDER .... TION The 16 contestants comprise 8 seeded players, who were invited to participatc because of their outstanding records in national and internat. ISRAEL A. HOROWITZ, Edilor ional competition, and 8 playcrs who won their S. S. COHEN, Managing Editor positions in a gualifying tournament conducted for that purpose. FRED REINFELD, Auociat.e Editor The seeded players are: BARNIE F. WINKELMAN, Associate Editor A rthur W. Dake: Pacific Coast Champion WALTER JACOBS, Problem Editor and member of three victorious American BERTRAM KADISH, Art Director World Championship Teams. ReT/ben Fine: Recent winner of the Hast. ings Tournament, Champion of the American Vol. [v., No. ') Pilblirhed MomMy May, 19'>6 Chess Federation, and member of twO victor. ious American World Championship Teams. !Jrael A. HOl'Owilz: Member of two vic. The United States Championship . 101 torious American World Championship Teams. Masters I Have Met . 108 Isaac J. KaIhdan: New York State Cham. The Future of Organized Chess in pion, winner of several International Tourna. America \09 ments, and member of two victorious American Manhattan C. C. Retains "Met" League World Championship Teams. Title • • llO Miniature Games .• 1 t:; Alexande.r Keti;fz: Champion of the Canadian Section ••. 114 Manhattan Chess Club, and third prize winner Marshall C. C. Championship . 115 in the New York International Tournament of Marshall C. C. Women's Championship. 116 1931. Book Reviews • 117 Abraham Kflpchik: Past Champion of the Curious Chess Facts Il7 Manhattan Chess Club and New York Scate, News Events llR veteran of several international tournaments, Game Studies • • ll9 and member of one American World Cham. Problem Department • • • 12l pionship Team. Samuel ReIhevsky: Winner of last year's Margate Tourney and Syracuse International Published momhly by THE CHESS REVIEW, 60· ]0 Tourney 1934. Also past Champion of the Roosevelt Avenue, Woodsid e, N. Y. Yearly suhscrip· American Chess Federation. lion in the United States $3 .00. Six months $1.15. Single copy 30 Cts. Elsewhere $3.~0. Single copy HUll/ali Sleiner: Member of one victOrious 3~ CIS. Copyright 1936 by THB CHESS REVIEW American World Championship Team. "Entered as second·class matter March 3, 1936, at the The players who emerged triumphant from POSt office at Flushing, N!."W York, under the Act of the qualifying tournament which began on March 3, 1879." Additional entry at Middletown, N. Y. March 30, 1936, are: SECTION A (MANHATTAN CHESS CLUB) 1. Samll el D. Factor-Illinois State Cham_ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: pIon.• I.AJOS STEINER I.ESTER W. BRAND JOHN B. SNETHLAGE IRVING CHERNEV 2. Albut C. SimonIan-Member of one JAMES R. NEWMAN F. W . WATSON American World Championship Team and reo presentative of the Manhattan Chess Club. \01 102 TH Tl C HESS REVIEW SECTION B (MARSHA LL C H ESS CLUB) SEc nON D (QUP.ENS CHESS CLU B) /. A rnold S. Dmker-A leading metropol. /. Harold Morloll - Present N ew England itan player, fonner Bronx Coumy Champion and Rhode Island State Champion. :md representative of the Manhauan Chess Club, 2. ,\iill oll L. Hallauer- Former New York 2. W ravtr W. A dams- Fo rmer New Eng_ State Champion and II. leading meuopolitan land Champion. player r ep r~min8 the Marsha ll Chess Club. SECTION C (EMI'IRI< CITY (HESS CI. UB) J. George N . Tft'JJfltall- Onc o f the lead ing The complete stO ry of the Championship metropolitan players. Representative of the I. Tournc}' proper will be [Olu in our June issue. L. Ri ce Progressive Chess Club. This May issue: is de voted in the main to a te_ 2. Sidn ,y 8 ,nuleill- A leading metropolitan sume of the resul ts of the '1ualifying sections player, reprcscmati ve of the Marshall Chess ;tIl U the publication of some of the best games Club. played therein. Manhattan C. C. Qualifyi ng Group T o/a/ · . .. .I '''.0 . 1 . 1 . .. 1 . •1 · . • . 1 · . • • • . 1 . • . • • . 1 Factor ass umed the lead fr :J 11l the very first U. S. Champlonlhlp T our ney day and was never headed. Interes t was cen· Qualifyi ng Rounds A pril, 1936 tered in the fight for Se!:o nu place which was in ENG L ISH OPENING doubt until the final round. Oscar Tenner, the S. D. Factor O. Tenner old maestro of the Manhattan Chess Club, and Whiu' Black veteran of ma ny grueling to urneys, gave Simon_ I P_QB4 P_K4 R,. P.B3 2 K t _K BS K t-QB3 ",. 8·84 p , p son a real light. 8U[ in the end yoU[h wo n out. 3 K t ·BJ Kt. 83 27 PxP R·Q3 4 P.QR3 P.Q4 U. S. Championship T ourney 28 R.K I P.Kt4 Qualif ying Rounds 5 Px P KbP 29 Kt.Kt2 R,P 6 P_ K4 K_81 April, 1936 KtxKt 30 RxP 7 K t PxKt 8 -Q3 31 RxKt K,R Dr. H. Kline S. D. Fact or 8 8-B4 0.0 32 RxB R,P W hite Black 9 0·0 Q.B3 33 K_ B2 R·QKt3 , P.Q4 Kt.K B3 P·Kt5 Kt·QKt 3 10 P.Q4 QB_Kt5 34 K t_K 3 R·Kt7ch 2 P.QB4 P.K3 "17 K t·K5 8·Q2 11 8 _K3 Q. Kt3 35 K_B3 P.K R4! 3 K t_QB3 P.Q4 P.B4 P.83 12 B.Q3 Q R.Q' 36 K_K4 P. R5 4 B_Kt5 QKt.Q2 "19 PxP Q,P 13 P_Q5 Kt_K2 37 R_ B7ch K_Q3 5 P.K3 P_B3 20 QR_Ktl R. K2 14 Kt_R4 Q. R4 38 R-86ch K_Q2 6 Q·B2 B·K2 21 P·BS Kt. S5 '5 P_ B3 B·8 ' 39 Kt.B5 P.R6 7 PxP K PxP 22 K t·Kt4 Q.R5 16 QB_B2 P.KKt3 40 R.Q6ch K·B2 8 B-Q3 0·0 23 P· B6 R.82 17 P_K t4 Q.R3 41 R.K R6 P·R7 9 Kt·B3 R·Kl 24 Q.82! Q.R4 18 Q_ Bl Q,Q 42 P.Q6ch K.Kt3 10 0·0 ·0 Kt_B1 2S BxKt K IPxB 19 K RxQ P_K 84 B_Q5 R-R5ch 11 Kt_KS Kt·R4 26 Kt·KS P.Kt3 20 P_Q B4 P-Kt3 "44 K.KS R.Q7 12 BxB Q,. 27 KtxR KxKt P_R3 PxKtP 45 R.RS R_ R8 13 P_K R3 Kt .B3 28 Q.84 . Kt.K 3 "22 RPx P R.8 2 FI.Q? R-K8ch 14 P_KKt4 Kt( B3)-Q2 29 Q_Q6 Rea lgns 23 P_BS ! p , p "47 K_Q6 Resigns 15 Kt-BS P.Q Kt4 24 Bx P ... MAY , 1936 103 Candid Camera Shots ,.. .. L. - Top Row: (&ft) Reuben Fine in the foreground, Sidney Bernstein in the rear. ( Cemer) Israel A. Horowicz. (Right) Harold Morton. CENTER Row: (Left) Abraham Kupchik . (Cenler) Alexa.nder Kevirz. (/Vghl) Isaac I. Kash. dan in the foreground, MiltOn L. Hanauer in rhe rear. BOTTOM Row: (Left) Weaver W. Adams. (Cm/fir) Arthur W. Dake. (Right) Samuel D. Factor. 104 THE CHESS REVIEW U. S. Championship Tourney 13 KxQ R·Ql 26 BxBP KtxP Qualifying Rounds 14 K.B3 P.Kt3 27 Kt·K5ch K.K2 April, 1936 15 KR_Ql B-Kt2 28 R-Kl Kt.B6 16 QR_B1 KING'S INDIAN DEFENSE Kt-R4 29 R-K3 K.Q3 17 B-QS QR-Blch 30 R·Q3ch K.B2 J. Soudakoff A. C. Simonson 18 K_Kt2 R,R 31 R-K3 R.KB1 White Black 19 RxR Kt.B3 32 B-KKt3 K.Q3 1 P.Q4 Kt_KB3 7 PxKt P.QB4 20 K.B3 P.K3 33 R.Q3ch B.Q4 2 Kt.KB3 P·K Kt3 a B-K3 Kt.B3 21 B.K2 P,KR3 34 BxB P,B 3 P·B4 B.Kt2 9 P·KR3 Q_R4 22 B·Q3 P_B4 35 RxKt RxRch 4 Kt·S3 P.Q4 10 Q·Q2 0·0 23 PxP KtPxP 36 K.Q4 R,B 5 PxP KtxP 11 B-K2 p,p 24 B·QB4 K.B2 Resigns 6 P. K4 KtxKt 12 PxP QxQeh 25 P-KKt4 P.B5! , Marshall C. C. Qualifying Group , " ~ " ~ Total 1'1213141'161'18191'01111'2 ~ ] Q O!" I I F. R,m/old• .... ....... 1. 11'21111'21 ' 1' 10111111'210 11161'131 71'2·31'2 I I 2 I A. S. D'nk" ...... .... 11'21 . l' l' 11'21' 11'21' l' IV,I' l' 1710 141 9·' I I I 3 I J. L,wd' · .. .. .. · .. ···10 I 0 I . 10 I 0 I 0 I 0 l' 10 II II 10131 810 I 3 .8 I I 4 I W. Ad,rn, .. .... .. .. 11'2 10 II I . 1' 111111Ill ' I ' 1018 1'1 11 81'2.21'2 I 11 I ~, I J.
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