Pike Avenue Baptists Will Honor Pastor On Seventeenth Anniversary The Rev. Harris Took Over Church While Studying ~rAt Howard College FEB 2 31332 ^> BYTRANK WILLIS BARNETT We are hearing- a great deal a-bout the Monroe Doctrine just at present, with the East aflame. This isn't to be a war story, but one of peace, as it hangs around a man who is an ambassador of the Prince of Peace, a country preacher who came to this great city and made good. The only reason the Monroe Doc­ trine was dragged in came from the fact he was born in Monroe County, which was named for James Monroe. He was born there, his wife was born there, their fathers and moth­ ers a-nd their grandfathers and moth­ ers were all born there. Monroe County, created by procla- ! mation of David Holmes, governor of the Mississippi Territory, June 29, 1815, embraced all the lands that had been ceded by the Creeks at the treaty of Fort Jackson, Aug. 9, 1814, niaking an area of nearly one-half of the present area, of the state. It was a veritable kingdom, taking in all REV. THEO HARRIS the country east of the ridge dividing the waters of the Alabama and Ca- We are in the midst of the Wash­ ington Bicentennial and while the haba from the Tombigbee and Tus­ members of Pike Avenue Baptist caloosa Rivers; south of the moun­ Church are patriotic citizens, the tains of Blount and St. Clair; north thing on their minds is celebration of the present southern state bound­ Sunday of the seventeenth anniver­ ary, and west of the Coosa and the sary of the pastorate of the Rev. line southeast from Wetumpka to- be­ Harrison. They will make a big day low Eufaula. However, it was cut of it. The pastor will fill the pulpit up within a year or two by the for­ at the morning service and there will mation of Montgomery, Conecuh and be extra music, the outstanding Wilcox Counties, it receiving its final things being- the appearance at the shape and size by a part being added morning and evening services of the to Clarke County, Nov. 28, 1821. Ballard and McDonald quartets, Noted Persons while the Police Band will give a Monroe County ha-s not only been program. Beginning at 7 p.m. Mon­ a great mother county in Alabama, day night, there will be a social at but It has mothered some noted men the church in honor of the pastor who lived within its wide borders. It and his wife. was the home of William Weather- ford, who was born in what is now History Sketched Montgomery County. His father was Here are a few facts about the School enrollment 275 and B. Y. P. u. a Scotch trader and his mother was Pike Avenue Baptist Church, which enrollment 35. The church now has Sehoy Durant, a half-sister of Chief was begun as a mission station, near 1,073 members. The Sunday School Alexander McGHlivray, Weatherford what Is now known as Crews Sta ' has grown to 770 under C. N. Stapp, became the leader of hostile Indians tion on the South Ensley car lin<. superintendent.. The early history of the church i One of the strong points in the in the Creek War of 1813-14, retir­ somewhat indefinite. In 1895 the Sunday School is the Men's Class. ing to his farm in the southern part church moved to an old pavilion jn This has grown from three to more of the county after the war to live Twenty-Sixth Avenue and Twemy- than 200. In the last six months the life of a farmer. Fourth Street. This was used for a there came into the church 40 men Samuel Dale was a citizen of the school building as well as for church from this class. The president, H. county. He is known as "Daniel services. The church was first known A. Maynard, backed up by the teach­ Boone, of Alabama." It was the home as Comton Hill Baptist Church and er, John Hargrave, with all other of John Murphy, the fourth governor among the charter members were T. officers, made this possible. of the state, as well as of Charles B. Furman, J. H. Wildsmith, W. M. The W. M. U., Mrs. O. A. Fin- Tait, the first, federal district judge Grimsley and J. H. Watkins. Only ley, president, has grown from the of Alabama. These are but a few one of these is now living, T. B. Fur­ one organization of 30 members to of the noted men connected with Its man. eight circles with 150, with auxiliar­ history. The Comton Hill church was ad­ ies consisting of Y. W. A.'s, G. A.'s We now come to the Rev. Theo mitted to the association in 1897. and R. A.'s/and Sunbeams. Harris, who got part of his education Theo B. Furman, J. H. Wildsmith The B. Y. P. U. has grown from in the grammar and high schools of and W. M. Grimsley were delegates one to nine, with a membership of Monroe County. At '22 he was set representing the church. The church 210. J. F. Jackson is director. apart for the Baptist ministry. After reported 25 members. For all causes The board of deacons: F. C.Brin- serving as pastor at Uriah he be­ the church raised $85. W. M. Grims­ ton, John Hargrave, W. E. Butcher, came "pastor of Pike Avenue Baptist ley was Sunday School superintend­ C. N. Stapp, E. P. Dodd, Shirley God­ Church, • Birmingham. He had be­ ent and the Sunday School had an win, W. H. Singleton, J. E. White, hind him good pioneer blood, and enrollment of 35. S. A. Britt, E. P. Huey, W. M. Jones, having given himself to preaching, The church had been served by J. C. Hartley, I-I. A. Randle and H. C. he made up his mind to fit himself students from ;Howard College up to Alexander. for his great work, and so while act­ this date, and the first regular pas­ The Men's Class is counting on ing as pastor he was graduated tor reported was J. H. Pool, of Coal- more than 227 attending the services, from Howard College. This took grit burg. The next pastor was W. T. as this number has been pledged, and and determination as well as sacri­ Davis, a student at Howard. the T. E. L. Class. Mrs. J. S. Smith, fice, but. it is the key to the fact In 1901 the .church was moved to president, and Mrs. W. A. Reagan, that during 17 years as pastor of the Tuxedo Park and the name changed teacher; and the Fidelis Class, Mrs. Pike Avenue Baptist Church it has from Comton Hill to Tuxedo Park. H. C. Alexander, president, and Mrs. grown in strength and numbers. The first delegates to represent the W. p. Mitchell, secretary, expect to He, however, would be the last one church under the new name were swell the number to ••'.CO. to take credit for himself, giving W. M. Grimsley and J. H, Wat­ It. i>3 to' lie a gi;eat day for pastor due honor to his loyal wife, to his kins and G. W. Martin. At this and chinch; and we feel sure the strong board of deacons, and other time the church had 50 members. Harrises, h.-shand an'J wife, and church officers, and his active Sun­ Rev. Theo Harris began his pas-' children, for there are two lovely day School, a thriving B. Y. U. U. torate in February, 1915. The church daughters and a fine son, will havai and a devoted W. M. V. membership theil yra,B. 2$Q,-Sunday overflowing hearts. • Harris To Close 21 Years Service \At Pike Avenue THE REV. THEO HARRIS Judge J. Fritz Thompson Will Be Speaker On Anniversary Day . The Rev. Theo Harris, pastor of Pike Avenue Baptist Church, will observe his twenty-first anniver­ sary as pastor of that church with a program that will cover most of the day, Sunday. Mr. Harris came to Pike Avenue Church 21 years ago from Monroe County, when he found a member­ ship of 160, which has grown to 1,021 at present. The Sunday School at that time had an enrollment of 95, which has grown to 635 mem­ bers. During the 21 years the church has raised for all purposes approximately $147,000 and all de­ partments of the church have shown consistent growth until it is now one of the leading congrega­ tions in the city. The program will begin at 9:45 a.m., when Prof. W. A. Reagan will preside over the Adult Class. The program will be featured by an at­ tractive musical program. The speaker, Judge J. Fritz Thompson, will be introduced by John Har­ grave. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Harris will be the speaker and will discuss "Some of the Experiences of the Past Twenty-One Years." Special music at this service will be rendered by "the Friendly Eight." Sunday School Of Pike Avenue Will Honor C. JV. Stapp CHARLES N. STAPP Baptist Church Will Render Program Of Praise For Longtime Worker Sunday will be Charles N. Stapp Day at Pike Avenue Baptist Church, honoring Mr. Stapp, who affiliated with the church 28 years ago, and who has been an untiring worker in church activities. ' For the past 25 years he has served on the board of deacons, and has, at one time or another, been a member of every board committee.
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