Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org C " ~> I—i SH XTtmee O 3 Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfteld County MX G Vol. 43 No.-25 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00 PER YEAR -Car. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS July Hig 1987 m Oakville-Teen Selected For 'Up With Peoplef Program Authority Dismisses An Oakville teenager has become Cary S. Razza, 19, daughter of the latest in a successful string, of Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Razza, 85 local young residents accepted for Mel rose Aye., has been invited, to Proposal To Extend the international Up With People participate in the UWP program, touring troupe. and will depart July 28 for five weeks of orientation and staging in Tucson, Ariz... Miss Razza is a graduate of St." Platt Area Sewers John the Evangelist Parochial members Monday night refused to to pay an, estimated $900,000 School, and a 1985 graduate of Ho- $900,000 Offer By enter" into an agreement with himself to bring sewer lines to the ly Cross High School, Walerbury. developer David Matthews to ex- properly. The system, would have She attended Springfield College, Matthews Shunned tend sewer1 • lines to his 95-acre included one or two pump stations. Springfield, Mass., where she was parcel of property off Platt Road. He currently has plans to build a Dean's List, student, and current- Mr. Matthews, who had a con- 51 single-family homes on the Plait ly is attend ing the University of By Kim Harmon dominium plan for the parcel! nix- Road, land, zoned R-60 for Connecticut, majoring in market- Water and Sewer Authority ed by town boards earlier, offered 60.000-squarc-lbot residential lots. ing., and where she also is a Dean's Chairman David. Goulct raised List student. concerns over sewage treatment and Alter her orientation, Mi.ss Raz- what the town would do with the ef- /j will trjvel for 10 months with a fluent now that the Fire District -*' cast of 120 from as many as 20 dli- plant is in trouble, and the Water- fe re nit countries. bury sewage treatment facility Known tor its widely acclaimed reportedly is near capacity. musical show. Up With People is an He suggested approving septic international, educational, and systems, but also having the cull lira I program that encourages developer install dry pipe for a time understanding among people when the septic systems fail. cvei v w here Commissioner Joseph Masi said Gary Raz/a (Continued on. page II) he feels sewers should be put in wherever possible, instead of sep- tic systems. Should septic systems on the Platt Road property fail (and Industrial, Housing Permits not all would fail at the same time. he pointed, out to Mr. Goulet) Fuel June Building Activity leading to con la mi nation.,, the Non- Substantial activity on the housing front pushed estimated building, newaug River and the well fields values lor June to $2,456,807. the third month in a row values have sur- there would suffer. passed 52 million. The Planning and Zoning, Com- mission had "strongly recommend- According to the monthly report submitted by Building Inspector ed" Mr. Matthews think sewers for Robert Kontout's office, 212 permits were issued last month, bringing the property, the developer said in lees of 513.450. Monday night. In May. 169 permits were given, out for building work estimated, at S2.05I.79L During June. 1986. 196 permits were issued for work valued Mr. Masi made a motion to "con- ceptually approve the idea, of at. $2,740,780. sewers after review of engineering Topping the heavy activity last month, were 15 permits for one-family and the board," but attorney dwelling superstructures, at $8:27,041: five superstructure permits for con- Franklin Pilicy, representing Mr, dominiums (12 units). $3.58.843: one permit for the foundation for the Matthews, complained it was too Crystal Rock spring water company commercial building off Buckingham vague and leaves the developer Street. $350,000: and five permits for industrial and commercial addi- liable should the authority require tions and alterations. $300,992. extra designs costing more money. The rest, of the breakdown is as follows: residential additions and altera- "Mr. Masi wants me to pay for tions. 19. $139,035; sheds, three. $3,283; porches, one, $800; garages, the upgrading,."' Mr. Matthews told three. $23,500: pools. 16. $89,200; decks, 12. $33.81,8; reshingled roofs, commissioner Francis "Doc" Cam- six, $15.1.00: and signs, one, ,$25ft. pion, in an, aside. "That's what he Also: chimneys, one, $1,800: Fireplaces, two, ,$7,000; sidings, four, IMS IMFRL&SIVE '7-FOOT TROPHY -being, admireiti,,bjf.;ifircr C.!.--l wants me to do." $22,57,5: portable spas, one, $4,000; construction trailers, one, $750; and Marshal Charles "Buddy" Judd, right,, and Deputy Chief .and Mar- "The developer is not going to electrical jobs. 57." $5,3,490; heatings, 22, $57,700; plumbings, 1.7, shal Neil Burrows was won by the Watertown Fire Department July II commit $900j000 to build, a sewer $46,150: air conditionings, three, $9,480; security systems, one. $2,000; at the Untonville Tunxis Hose Co. Firemen's Parade for being, "Best system with the' possibility of hav- and demolitions, Five, no values. Overall Unit." The 30 dress blue volunteers-—some 20 marchers and ing the board say later to spend the rest riding on Engine. No. I—bested about 40 other fire companies more money, or don't do it," Mr. D. Arnauckas To from, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey for the top honor. Coin- Pilicy added. Inside cidentally, it was Chief Judd's first parade as department leader since "We're only asking for what taking over from the retired. Avery W. Lamphier, giving him a, one-for- Automotive -page 16 other developers have asked, for the Represent WHS one record thus far. (Valuckas Photo) Bethlehem News -. / 7 past 15 years," he continued. Births.. ..5 & 22 David Arnauckas, Oakville, a, student at Watertown High School, ""That's it. Nothing more. Nothing Calendars. 3 & 16 less,"" Churches 6 A 7 is among six Waterbury area young Commissioners React To people who will be joining 120 The motion, read: Classifieds 26 & 27 "That the boaal conceptually ap- Dining Out 14 A 15 other high school students from, t h ro ugh out Co n nect icu t for Tentative Water Accord prove the idea of approving an ac- Dr.. Craig Czarsty. 13 cess for sanitar)' sewers for the John Rowland 18 "Business Week 1987,." 'The Watertown Fire District and District," said, member Francis Business Week is sponsored by the town have reached a tentative "Doc" Campion. Matthews subdivision off Platt Legal Notices. ..- .27 Road. -Details of engineering and the Education Foundation of the agreement for providing water and Commissioner Joseph Masi was Music Notes 7 mutes to be determined after review Connecticut Business and Industry * sewer service to the Sermon Com- equally perturhed - Nancy Johnson 12 of engineering and the board." Association, (CBIA). It will take pany's proposed industrial park off "We didn't provide an initiative," Newsbeai Briefs 16 "AH we're asking is to be treated Obituaries.. .4 A 7 place July 19-24 at Quinnipiac Col- Depot Street. he said "What you're sa> ing to us lege in Hamden. But Water and Sewer Authority is to acquiesce to what \ou\e like any other developer," said Mr. Personals,. - 23 Pilicy. "If we can't be, we'll put. in Play Park 5 During the week, students will commissioners were angered Mon- brought us If I \ote it down I'm tabbed as a bad bo; for killing a septics." Realty News. .9 hear from more than, 30 business day night after finding out about the project" Mr, Masi objected, to the at- Showcase Of Homes.24 & 2.5 executives and managers on career agreement in an area newspaper. trends for the 1990s, business "I don't like to be pleasantly, "or Town Council Chairman Gordon torney's words. "I, don't think, P&Z Sports 20, 21 & 22^ 1 (planning and zoning) or the O' pe r a t i O' n, s, the C O n n e c t i c u I unpleasantly, surprised to pick up James, sitting in on the meeting as Tlieater Review 25 authority will react to threats," he economy, production, sales, adver- the morning "paper and find out the a spectator, spoke up in discussion Travel: Mexico.,. ., 10 & ,// said. Waterfront Waves. - -19 tising and marketing, and. hi-tech powers-that-be have negotiated, a. (Continued on page 2) manufacturing. deal with the Watertown, Fire (Continued, on page 2) Page 2 TowPropertyn Times (Watertown, Conn.. of) Jul ythe 16, 198 7Watertown Historical Society Commissioners React Manager Robert Middaugh. The itself is an insignificant part: of the that the town manager and Council Authority members stormed out, town would, also lease the line to the project. What: the town is doing is chairman have said before, they of the 'Police Headquarters con- (Continued from, page I.) watertownhistoricalsociety.orgdistrict for $1 a year while the bond rehabilitating an area of the town favor consolidation, but: haven't, said ference room for a five-minute during public hearing. is being paid, off, thereby making and developing a 'tax. base, so through the news media. recess. "We took our action and "What has g,one on in the course the district responsible for "I am anti to the proposal "I've talked about consolidation," that's that," Mr.
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