Official Ballot - Lincoln County, OR - November 2, 2010 A B C Official Ballot - LincolnInstructions County, ORTo Voter - November 2, 2010 A B C Use A Pencil or Pen State Nonpartisan County 11 (Blue or Black Ink) Instructions To Voter Use A Pencil or Pen To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the 11 State NonpartisanGovernor County Lincoln County Clerk (Blue or Black Ink) oval R to the left of the response of your Vote For One Four Year Term choice. Vote For One To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the Governor Lincoln County Clerk oval R to the left of the response of your To write in a name, writeVote the name For One on the solid Four Year Term choice. line and fill in the oval R to the left of the John KitzhaberVote For One Dana W Jenkins write-in line. DEM, IND To write in a name, write the name on the solid Attention! line and fill in the oval R to the left of the Official Ballot - LincolnGreg County, Kord OR - November 2, 2010 RememberJohn to inspect Kitzhaber your ballot for Dana W Jenkins Write-in write-in line. DEM, IND CON Amistakes! If you make a mistake or B C Lincoln County Soil and Water Attention! 21 Wes Wagner damage yourGreg ballot, Kord call your County Conservation District Remember to inspect your ballot for Elections OfficeInstructionsCON to ask for To a Voter replacement LBTWrite-in mistakes! If you make a mistake or ballot. Use A Pencil or Pen ChrisLincoln Dudley CountyState Soil and Water NonpartisanDirector, Zone County 1 21 damage your ballot, call your County11 (BlueWes Wagner or Black Ink) LBT REP Conservation District Four Year Term Elections Office to ask for a replacement Vote For One ballot. ToPartisan ensure candidates your vote willcounts, have theircompletely party affiliation fill in the listed underChris their name Dudley followed by up to two other Write-in Director,Governor Zone 1 Lincoln County Clerk ovalparties R that to REP havethe left endor of sedthe thatresponse candidate. of your FourVote Year For OneTerm Four Year Term choice. Partisan candidates will have their party affiliation StateVote TreasurerFor One Jim StaffordVote For One listed under their name followed by up to two other NonaffiliatedWrite-in candidates will be listed as (2 Year Term) parties that have endorsed that candidate. ToNonaffiliated write in a name, (NAV) first,write followed the name by upon to the three solid other parties that have endorsed that candidate. Vote For One line and fill in the oval State R toTreasurer the left of the Jim Stafford Nonaffiliated candidates will be listed as Official Ballot - LincolnJohn County, Kitzhaber OR - November 2, 2010 Write-inDana W Jenkins write-inParty can line. be determined (2by Yearthe following Term) key: DEM, IND Nonaffiliated (NAV) first, followed by up to three A Vote For One B C other parties that have endorsed that candidate. Attention! GregWalter Kord F (Walt) Brown Director, Zone 2 Constitution Party – CON PROWrite-in Four Year Term RememberDemocraticInstructions Party to inspect of Oregon your To – DEM ballotVoter for CON Write-in Party can be determined by the following key: Vote For One mistakes!IndependentUse If Partyyou A ofmakePencil Oregon a mistake –or IND Pen or Chris Telfer Lincoln County Soil and Water 1121 damageLibertarian your PartyWalter ballot, of Oregon F (Walt)call – your LBT Brown County Wes WagnerDirector,State Zone 2 Nonpartisan County Constitution Party – CON (BluePRO or Black Ink) LBTREP Four Year Term Conservation District Democratic Party of Oregon – DEM ElectionsNonaffiliated Office – NAV to ask for a replacement Independent Party of Oregon – IND ballot.Pacific Green Party – PGP Ted WheelerVote For One Douglas L Shaller ToOregon ensure Progressive yourChris vote Telfer Partycounts, – PRO completely fill in the Chris DudleyGovernor LincolnDirector, County Zone Clerk 1 Libertarian Party of Oregon – LBT REP REPDEM, WFP Nonaffiliated – NAV ovalThe R Oregon to theRepublican left of the Party response – REP of your Vote For One Four Year Term Pacific Green Party – PGP choice.PartisanWorking Familiescandidates Party will ofhave Oregon their -party WFP affiliation Michael Marsh Vote For One Ted Wheeler Douglas L Shaller Write-in Oregon Progressive Party – PRO listed underDEM, their nameWFP followed by up to two other Write-inCON The Oregon Republican Party – REP Toparties write thatin a havename, endor writesed the Nationalthat name candidate. on the solid Working Families Party of Oregon - WFP 40 Director, At Large line and fill inMichael the oval MarshR to the left of the JohnWrite-in KitzhaberState Treasurer DanaJim Stafford W Jenkins NonaffiliatedCON candidates will be listed as Write-in (2 Year Term) Four Year Term write-inNonaffiliated line. (NAV) first, followed by up to three DEM, IND Vote For One National 41 other parties that havUnitede endorsed States that Senatorcandidate. StateVote Representative, For One 40 Attention! Greg KordDirector, At Large RememberWrite-in to inspect Voteyour For ballot One for Four10th Year District Term Write-in Party can be determined by the following key: CON mistakes! If you make a mistake or VoteVote For OneOne 41 42 MarkLincoln Saelens County Soil and Water United States Senator21 State Representative, WesWalter Wagner F (Walt) Brown Director, Zone 2 Vote For One damageConstitution your Party ballot, – CON call10th your District County PRO ConservationFour Year Term District ElectionsDemocratic Office Party ofto Oregon ask for – DEMa replacement LBT IndependentJim Party Huffman of OregonVote – ForIND One Becky Lemler Andrew DobmeierVote For One 42 ballot. ChrisMark SaelensDudleyTelfer Director, Zone 1 Libertarian PartyREP of Oregon – LBT REP Nonaffiliated – NAV REP Four Year Term Jim Huffman PartisanPacific Green candidatesRickBecky Party Staggenborg –willLemler PGP have their party affiliation JeanAndrew Cowan Dobmeier Vote For One PRO DEM,Ted WheelerIND Write-inDouglas L Shaller REP listedOregon under ProgressiveREP their name Party followed – PRO by up to two other Write-inDEM, WFP partiesThe Oregon that have Republican endorsed Party that – candidate. REP City of Lincoln City Rick Staggenborg Working FamiliesRonJean WydenParty Cowan of Oregon - WFP Michael Marsh DEM Write-in State Treasurer JimWrite-in Stafford PRO NonaffiliatedDEM, candidates IND will be listed as CON (2 Year Term) NonaffiliatedMarc (NAV) Delphine first, followedNational by up to three Central LincolnVoteCounty For People's One Utility Mayor Sample BallotRon Wyden 40 –Lincolnother parties that have endorsed County, that candidate. Oregon NovemberDirector, 2, At 2010Large LBT DEM Write-in Write-in District Write-in Four Year Term Party can be determined by the following key: Vote For One 47 County Vote For One 46 Marc Delphine 41 BruceUnited Cronk States Senator LincolnDirector,State County Representative, Subdivision Commissioner, 2 Official Ballot - LincolnWFP County, OR - November 2, 2010 Walter F (Walt)Position Brown 1 Director, Zone 2 LBT Official Ballot - LincolnConstitution PartyCounty, – CONVote OR For - NovemberOne 2, 2010 PRO Four10th Year District Term Four Year Term Democratic Party of Oregon – DEM Four Year Term A B C VoteVote For OneOne Lori HollingsworthVote For One Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Republican Party A Bruce Cronk 42 B IndependentWrite-inLincoln Party of Oregon County – IND Commissioner, C Chris TelferVote For One Mark Saelens Lincoln County, OR - May 18, 2010 WFP Libertarian Party of OregonPosition – LBT 1 REP Instructions To Voter Nonaffiliated – NAV Official Ballot - LincolnInstructions County, ORTo Voter - NovemberOfficial Ballot2, 2010 - LincolnRepresentative County,Four Year inOR Term Congress, - November 2, 2010Tom Runions Kevin P Saunders A B C Official Ballot - LincolnUse County, A Pencil OR or - PenNovember 2, Pacific2010 GreenJim Party Huffman – PGP TedBeckyLarkin Wheeler LemlerKaliher DouglasAndrew DobmeierL Shaller Official Ballot - LincolnA UseWrite-in County, A Pencil OR or - PenNovember 2, 2010B Vote5thState DistrictFor One C REP Nonpartisan County A 11 B C Oregon ProgressiveREP Party – PROState A DEM,REP WFPNonpartisan County B C A 11 B (Blue or Black Ink) C Vote For One Instructions To Voter A B (Blue or Black Ink) C The Oregon Republican Party – REP Representative in Congress, Working FamiliesRickTom PartyStaggenborgRunions of Oregon - WFP JeanDon Lindly Cowan Dick Anderson Use A Pencil or Pen Instructions To Voter To ensure your voteInstructions counts, completely To Voter fill in the MichaelDEMWrite-in Marsh Write-in State InstructionsPrecinct To Voter To ensure your vote counts,5th completelyDistrict fill in the PROREP Governor CONDEM, INDLincoln County Clerk Write-in 11 (Blue or Black Ink) UseInstructions A Pencil To or Voter Pen oval R to the leftUse of theA Pencilresponse orof your Pen GovernorState LincolnNonpartisan County Clerk County Use A Pencil or Pen 11 oval R to the left of theVote responseState For One of your Kurt SchraderNonpartisanVote For One County CityFour of YearDepoe Term Bay City of Lincoln City 11 (Blue orState Black Ink) RonDon WydenLindlyNonpartisanVoteNational For One County11 Four Year Term 11 Use(Blue(Blue A Penciloror BlackBlack or Ink) Ink)Pen choice. State 40 DEM Nonpartisan County Write-in Vote For One Write-in Director, At Large To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the 11 choice. DEM Write-in Vote For One 12 Governor (Blue orPrecinct Black Ink) Four Year Term oval to the left of the response of your To ensure your vote counts, completely fill in the R Vote For One ToTo ensureensure youryourCommitteeperson--Male
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