SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH • HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Served by the Society of the Divine Savior • Brothers, Priests, Sisters, and Lay Salvatorians Working Together 2300 Beasley Avenue • Huntsville, Alabama 35816 • Tel: 256.534.8459 • Fax: 256.534.8450 • www.saintjosephcc.com REV. JOSEPH P. LUBRANO, SDS Pastor PATRICIA AYALA Bookkeeper ([email protected]) ([email protected]) CARMEN V. AMATO Director, Religious Education RENATE T. BANKS Parish Secretary ([email protected]) ([email protected]) JIM BELL Principal, Holy Family School-Huntsville PEDRO RODRIGUEZ Maintenance ([email protected]) SR. VERONICA RYAN, OSB ([email protected]) MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Saturday (Anticipated): 5:00 p.m. For all inquiries, please call Carmen Amato at the parish Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5:00 p.m. office. For sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Com- Weekdays: 7:00 a.m. munion and Confirmation, there must be at least one year of formation immediately prior to the preparation Saturday: 8:00 a.m. for the sacraments. Holy Days: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. BAPTISM. Parents and godparents must attend a bap- SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION tism preparation session before scheduling a baptism. Every Saturday at 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. MARRIAGE. If you intend to be married at St. Joseph or by appointment with the pastor. Church, you must be registered in the parish and be active by donating your time, talent or treasure in sup- PARISH OFFICE HOURS port of parish projects. Regular Mass attendance on Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation is also required. The Parish Office is open Monday-Friday 9:00 Couples planning marriage should contact the parish a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is closed during lunch 12:30 before setting a wedding date. p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Submit all bulletin announce- ments to [email protected] no later RCIA. Adults and children of catechetical age are wel- than Friday, a week prior, at 12:00 p.m. comed into the Church through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call Father Joseph Lubrano at the parish office to schedule an anointing. FUNERALS Holy Family School—Huntsville We have a number of people to help plan funeral litur- gies and to set up funeral luncheons. Please call the par- Jim Bell, Principal ish office before contacting the funeral home to avoid 256.539.5221 scheduling conflicts. St. John Paul II Catholic High School PARISH REGISTRATION Jeremiah H. Russell, Ph.D., Headmaster 256.430.1760 If you are new to our parish and wish to register, please call the parish office for the appropriate forms. A PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF BIRMINGHAM IN ALABAMA TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters: Here is the second installment of the six-part article about the Beatification of the Founder of the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians). I hope you SATURDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER JANUARY 26 11 will enjoy the unfolding of the process. Happy reading. 8:00am SATURDAY, SATURDAY,8:00am: +Sr. Florence SEPTEMBER JUNE 02 Demers, 26 SDS 5:00pm: 5:00p.m. 8:00am: 8:00am + +JamesFor the ChvalaUnborn History of the Cause of Fr. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan 5:00pm: SUNDAY,5:00pm +V.O.+Carolyn JANUARY Abraham Fleming 05 SUNDAY, OCTOBER Epiphany 20 Part 2 of 6 SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER JUNE 03 27 8:15am 8:15am: For Forthe the Parish Parish 8:15am: Corpus ForChristi the Parish On June 6, 1938, Fr. Dorotheus Brugger was appointed as the first postulator, and his nomina- 11:15am 11:15am:11:15am: +Anne +Joy+Bill Matuszak LedetRyan 8:15am +Melissa Lee tion was confirmed by the Congregation of Rites on June 6, 1941. 5:00pm: MONDAY, +Javier JANUARY Trujillo 06 MONDAY, 11:15am OCTOBER 21 At that time, the procedures of the process for beatification and canonization were deter- 7:00am: MONDAY, +Charles SEPTEMBER (Chuck) Salvo 28 7:00am MONDAY, +Linda MAY Havens 28 mined by the Code of Canon Law of 1917. The competent office of the Roman Curia, which 8:00am:TUESDAY, +Jessica JANUARY Finnegan 07 TUESDAY, OCTOBER Memorial Day22 dealt with beatifications and canonizations and which also had the task of regulating the exer- 7:00am: TUESDAY, +Daniel SEPTEMBER& Augusta Akiboh 29 8:00am +Rick Harris cise of divine worship, was the Sacred Congregation of Rites, created by Pope Sixtus V in 1588. 7:00am WEDNESDAY, 7:00am: +Leo +Nancy Oliver JANUARY Marie 08Leslie 7:00am: TUESDAY, +Gary MAY Thompson 29 In 1969, Pope Paul VI divided the Congregation of Rites, creating two congregations: one for WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 23 30 7:00am +Daniel Conte Divine Worship and another for the Causes of Saints. 7:00am 7:00am:THURSDAY, +Lucy +Charles JANUARY Oliver Smoot, 09 Sr. 7:00am: WEDNESDAY, Mr. & Mrs MAY. Richard 30 Harris In August 1942, the Holy See agreed that the diocesan informative process should be intro- THURSDAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER 24 01 9:00am*: 7:00am DeKarlos +Mary Rousseau Blackmon duced in Rome, where our Founder lived for almost 37 years, rather than in the diocese of 7:00am 7:00am: +Agnes +Charles Knouse Smoot, Sr. Fribourg in Switzerland, where he died. The tribunal held its first session on 30 December THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY MAY 31 10 9:00am 7:00am: FRIDAY, +KatherineSchool OCTOBER Mass Ofenloch 02 1942. Fr. Pancratius Pfeiffer gave an extensive testimony during nine sessions of the tribunal, 7:00am 7:00am: +Holy +Richard Souls & in Anne Purgatory Boehme held from May 22 to July 13, 1943. As not all witnesses were able to come to Rome, additional FRIDAY, OCTOBER SATURDAY, 25 JANUARY 11 FRIDAY, JUNE 01 rogatory processes to collect testimonies were celebrated in the dioceses of Fribourg, Passau, 8:00am:SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5:00pm: 03 +Joann Gun- 7:00am 7:00am +Mary+Francis M. ReidKnouse derman 8:00am: For the Unborn Paderborn, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Olomouc, and Green Bay. In total 105 persons gave their SATURDAY, 5:00pm: OCTOBER Luke +Michael Danison 26 & &Anne Family Chemsak testimony about the life and practice of virtues of Fr. Francis Jordan, among them 69 Salvatori- SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 SATURDAY, JUNE 02 ans and 17 Salvatorian Sisters. 8:00am 8:15am: SUNDAY, + Sr. OCTOBER Veronica 04 Ryan 8:00am 11:15am: 8:15am: For +Joseph the Parish Boren This phase of the process ended in 1949 and all the acts were submitted to the Congregation 5:00p.m. 5:00pm + 11:15am: For the Parish of Rites. At the same time, in the years 1945-1956 a separate process was held in Rome, dur- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5:00pm: *HFS School +Rubin 27 Mass Salinas SUNDAY, JUNE 03 ing which the writings of Fr. Francis Jordan were studied in order to confirm that they did not contain anything that could impede the process for beatification. In addition, another canoni- cal inquiry held in Rome and Fribourg in the years 1951-1955 confirmed that the Founder did not receive any illegitimate public veneration. James Hudson Miller, Janice Mazikowski, Marie During the VIII General Chapter, held in Rome in 1953, Fr. Dorotheus presented his report on McCune, George Franklin, Debi Royer, James the progress of the beatification process. The Chapter unanimously enacted an ordinance con- McGee, David Miller, Barbara Brodeur, Carolyn cerning spreading the knowledge about our Founders’ life and virtues and encouraging people Wingenter, Zanetta Brown, Teresa Gregory, to pray through his intercession. It also decided that the mortal remains of Fr. Francis Jordan Rachel Johnson, Faye Fletcher, Batchelder Family, should be transferred from Tafers to the Motherhouse in Rome. This decision was imple- Stachura Family, Sayre Family, Richard Wertz, mented three years later. Maddie Clearly, John Rourk, Jr., Cindy Morales, Richard Chandler, John & Linda Dimmock, Sharon Fr. Dorotheus Brugger died on November 3, 1955. On November 16, the then Superior Gen- Vandurn, George Wertz, Dollie Jackson, Josephine eral, Fr. Bonaventura Schweizer, appointed Fr. Michael Dürr as his successor. The Congrega- Stratton, Katherine Algie, Ralph & Helen Kissel, tion of Rites confirmed this appointment on December 5, 1955. Dan Vandergrift, Marrissa Lefebzre, John Howard, All the materials of the earlier proceedings, after the necessary translations, were ready in Lisa Andrews, Sondra Adams, Judi Trygg, Marianna Young, Cecilia Hall, Deacon Mike April 1956, and eventually, on June 18 the Positio of 560 pages was submitted to the Congre- Rooney, Antonio Beltran, Ramona Hallit, Sarah gation. Now it was the role of the General Promoter of Faith to prepare his objections - the so- Garoppo, Traci Moore, Lola Light, Rene Gonzalez, called Animadversiones - to the content of the Positio. This document was presented after five Bernice Geigel, Mary, Jane and Dena Bell, Juliana years - on June 5, 1961 - by Fr. Ferdinand Antonelli OMF. Goode, Marie Basta, Savannah Ponder, Clayton On May 14, 1970 Fr. Donald Skwor, Superior General, appointed Fr. Leonard Gerke as the new Gatewood, David Boren, Wanda Boren, Richard Brown, Richard Wagner, Harold Jones, Cathy postulator. The Congregation confirmed this appointment on May 26. Filippo, Jena Lanszell, Charlotte Johnson, Will May God bless and keep you this week. Look for Part 3 of this article that records the journey Stachura, Kia Batchelder, Beth Hofferth and Jim to beatification. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Kollar. Note If you wish to add someone to the prayer list, Always in the Savior, Fr. Joe please contact Renate at the parish office. When that person recovers, please call again to remove their name so that others can be put on the list.
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