1876 The 2020 Campus Volume 144, Issue 15 – FRIDAY, January 31, 2020 – Meadville, Pennsylvania www.alleghenycampus.com ASG elects new members, talks security By ALANA SABOL News Writer [email protected] Discussions about sustainabili- ty and campus safety continued during Allegheny Student Gov- ernment’s weekly general assem- bly meeting. With no guest speaker, ASG’s general assembly began promptly with cabinet reports at 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, in the Henderson Campus Center room 301/302. Director of Communications and Press David Roach, ’21, initi- ated the cabinet reports with a few short announcements, including T-shirt completed order forms and a website update afer a cab- The Pride Lands inet member and new senators First annual basketball Pride Night brings back pep band were approved. Afer Roach, Director of Di- See SPORTS page 8 versity and Inclusion Taylor Mar- zouca, ’20, began her report by notifying the attendees that the Council of Diversity and Equity discussed and endorsed the ASG decision to pass Resolution 19-06. “Te group is going to write a memo of agreement and support for the ASG resolution and the Faculty Council decision,” Mar- zouca said. Marzouca also expressed con- cern about how the recommen- dation would be handled by the taskforce and said that they were not aware if the head of the task- force would make the decision independently or if the members would decide with a vote. Te next report came from Ashley Leonard, ’20, vice presi- dent of the class of 2020 and sec- retary of community relations, who announced that the com- mittee would be holding a tabling EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS event in the campus center lobby Top: The Allegheny Pep Band performs at the Pride Night Basketball game in the Wise Sport and Fitness Center on Wednesday, Jan. 22, on Friday, Jan. 31. 2020. Above: Allegheny Men’s Basketball plays during the Pride Night Basketball game in the Wise Sport and Fitness Center on Wednesday, See ASG page 2 Jan. 22, 2020. Shooting in Edinboro takes life of Wendy’s employee By SARA HOLTHOUSE “We are heartbroken by this trag- shot in the leg and abdomen. Cava- ing yesterday’s shooting at Wendy’s lives will never be the same. At this News Editor edy and our deepest sympathies are nah later died at UPMC Hamot. restaurant, just a couple of miles from very sad time, let us fnd comfort in [email protected] with (Cavanah’s) family, friends and Te suspect, Markese Lampley, our campus,” Huang wrote. “It was an the strength of our community and loved ones,” the statement reads. was apprehended later that day and is unsettling incident for our campus ofer any support we can to each A 22-year-old man died afer a “We want to thank our brave team charged with murder in the frst and community, local residents, and the other and those we encounter as shooting at a Wendy’s in Edinboro, members, the frst responders and second degree. business establishments that serve we travel around the borough and a town that lies approximately 20 the staf at UPMC who made every Friends and family of Cavanah those of us who live, go to school, stop in local businesses. ... Please be miles from Meadville, on Saturday, attempt to save Alexander’s life, and gathered for a vigil in the Wendy’s Park- and work here. Efects of the shoot- mindful of Alexander’s family in the Jan. 25. for the swif eforts of law enforce- ing Lot at 6 p.m. on Tuesday. ing will stay with us for some time. Afer an attempted robbery ment which led to the capture of the Te President of Edinboro Univer- Together, we grieve the loss of Alex- days, weeks and months ahead, and which resulted in the death of Alex- suspect.” sity, Guiyou Huang, has also issued a ander Cavanah, who died as a result of keep them in your prayers.” ander Cavanah, the police now have According to Erie County Po- statement. Cavanah’s wife graduated the shooting. A young man, married to Te Wendy’s reopened on a suspect in custody. Te Wendy’s lice, ofcers were called to Wendy’s from Edinboro University. an Edinboro student, Alexander was Wednesday, Jan. 29, and donated where the shooting occurred issued in Washington Township and found “Dear Students and Colleagues, just 22, with his entire life ahead of him. 100% of the sales made on that day a statement on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Cavanah, an employee at Wendy’s, I want to reach out directly regard- Our hearts go out to his family, whose to the Cavanah family. IN THIS WEEK’S CAMPUS WINNOWING KOBE MORGAN BOYD Pelletier Library works on Remembering Kobe Allegheny 2018 grad earns winnowing project to re- Bryant afer his death in a seat as Lawrence County move unused books from helicopter crash that killed Commissioner. library. nine people, including his daughter. Page 2 Page 4 Page 6 H: 35º L: 27º H: 37º L: 29º H: 38º L: 33º FRIDAY Snow: 20% SATURDAY Snow: 50% SUNDAY Snow: 20% Sunrise: 7:33 a.m. Sunrise: 7:32 a.m. Sunrise: 7:31 a.m. Sunset: 5:34 p.m. Sunset: 5:35 p.m. Sunset: 5:36 p.m. 2 January 31, 2020 The Campus [News] AlleghenyCampus.com ASG from page 1 “(We’re going) to talk with “(Our goal) is to have a to a point where compostable on green box incentives, ASG Senator for the Class of ’23, said that some constitu- students about how they feel bunch of diverse people from boxes are phased out com- transitioned into class re- 2021 Emma Godel, ’21, pro- ents favored cameras outside about the relationship be- Allegheny from diferent ma- pletely. ports. Some of the announce- posed social groups coming of dorms and more lighting tween the campus and Mead- jors, engineering, computer “(We could do) some ments included Class of 2020 to campus to talk about the in dimly lit areas like parking brainstorming to come up planning an appreciation day ville and their experiences science and other things like importance of voting if the lots and side streets. with Meadville,” Leonard said. that,” Karom said. “(Ten with an incentive or incen- for workers and Class of 2022 date change were to be ap- “(My constituents) thought To complete her report, we’ll) work together on a proj- tives to really push them be- electing their new senator, proved. Leonard said they would look ect of robotics, which there cause we’ve been in our tran- Kahlil Taylor, ’22. “I know it’s such a tall or- that focusing on lights would into whether or not Dunkin aren’t many here at Alleghe- sition period for two years During her vice president’s der because there is so much be more important, especially Donuts would be open to pro- ny.” now,” Lord said. “It’s really report, Cinquino announced being scheduled for Gator in dimly lit areas,” Alegre said. viding student discounts. Te Robotics Club of Al- time to start moving over to that ASG would be thinking Day,” Godel said. “Tat being “Basically everything besides An interjection was made legheny College was approved (only using) green boxes.” about potential action they said, if we have tables going North Main Street is not well into the cabinet reports by for their frst week by the Sen- Both the Senate and the could take in response to the from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., people lit.” Vice President Elyse Cinqui- ate. Cabinet discussed ideas for sexual assault in Ravine-Nar- can just stop by and get some Afer the discussion about no, ’20, to announce the nom- Following Zabo, Chief of potential incentives, includ- vik Hall last semester, includ- information, and voting takes security cameras, Ferrante ination of Owen Jacobsen, Staf Jared McHale, ’20, an- ing an upcharge for whenev- ing meeting with Why Not Us all of 10 minutes.” clarifed that in the third page ’23, for the position of direc- nounced the nominee for er a compostable box is used and Title IX peer educators. Moving into unfnished of the 19-06 Resolution docu- tor of community relations. the Academic Standards and or having only green boxes Afer Cinquino’s report, business, Cinquino encour- Te vote on his nomination Awards Committee, Hannah be available at stations in Ferrante began his president’s aged the Senate to share their ment that the use of the word passed unanimously amongst Sharp, ’23, and the Senate vot- McKinley’s. report announcing that ASG constituent comments they “Judeo-Christian” was not the the Senate. ed to approve her. President Jason Ferrante, would need as many volun- have acquired over the past correct terminology. Te Sen- Continuing with cabinet Afer a few announce- ’20, reminded the attendees teers as possible to prepare for week on whether or not to ate then voted to strike out the reports, Attorney Gener- ments by the Directors of that sustainability should not the major concert on Friday, install security cameras on word “Judeo” and passed the al Brandon Zabo, ’22, an- Student Afairs Kelsey Evans, be forced; rather, sustainabil- Feb. 15. campus in a fve-minute dis- 19-06 Resolution for a second nounced that the Senate ’20, and Genesis Pena, ’22, the ity should come from mind- Ferrante closed his report cussion. week. would be deciding whether or Director of Sustainability and ful changes in behaviors and by disclosing that the Chair Te majority opinion, as ASG ended the meeting not to approve the creation of Environmental Afairs Cait- habits.
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