VisitorCOLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE • MAY 15, 1983 444,•••4 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE 5427 Twin Knolls Road Columbia, Maryland 21045 PHONE: Baltimore (301) 997-3414 Washington (301) 596-0800 President W. 0. Coe Secretary L R Palmer Jr. Treasurer D J. Russell Assistant A E Randall Loss Control R Stretter ASI S Thomas Communication E. N. Wendth J. T. MASON Education Associates .. F. Hoffer, A. Westney Publishing Director Health-Temperance B Pascoe Columbia Union Conference Inner City S Thomas Ministerial J. L. Martell Church Growth FAITH, Captain Pillsbury was an amazing warden at Institute Director ...W Liversidge Wethersfield prison in Connecticut. One day he was Personal Ministries S. Thomas HOPE, Publishing-H HES J. T. Mason LOVE informed that a desperate inmate had sworn to Associates ... E. Juhl, R. LaGrone, "bump him off." The warden, knowing that the con- S. D. Pangborn, V. W. Vonheeder Religious Liberty E. N. Wendth vict had served as a barber in his youth, promptly Sabbath School S Thomas Stewardship B Pascoe sent for him. Trust Services H L Sauder "I want you to shave me," he stated, eyeing the Youth R Stretter man keenly as he extended a razor, pointing to a COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION chair set in readiness. The two were alone. President W. 0. Coe The prisoner accepted the razor, his face beaded Vice-President D J. Russell Secretary H Sauder with perspiration and his hand shaking violently. Treasurer A E Randall The man was unable to proceed until the warden stated, "You know, John, some of the fellows think LOCAL CONFERENCES you and I are enemies, but I know we are friends. I ALLEGHENY EAST: M. C. Van Putten, President; Paul Cantrell Jr., Secretary; know I can trust you, so I decided to prove it to the B. Mann, Treasurer; P.O. Box 266, Pine other boys. This ought to satisfy them, should it not?" Forge, PA 19548. Telephone: (215) 326-4610. The inmate broke down and confessed his inten- ALLEGHENY WEST: H. L. Cleveland, tion. Then he grabbed the warden's hand, swore his President; W. J. Lewis Secretary; J. J. Mack, Treasurer; 1339 E. Broad devotion, and handsomely shaved the warden. St., Columbus, OH 43205. Telephone: (614) 252-5271. The inmate's hate was turned into love. Why? CHESAPEAKE: G. Woodruff, Presi- Because of the warden's attitude toward his enemy, dent; L. Litzenberger, Secretary- Treasurer; 6600 Martin Road, Colum- which brought into play those great motivating forces bia, MD 21044. Telephone: (301) of the soul which are said to be Faith, Hope, and 995-1910; direct Washington, D.C., area line, 596-5600. Love (see Education, page 192). The warden had MOUNTAIN VIEW: J. W. Coulter, shown that he had faith, trust, confidence, and love President; E. T. Remmers, Secretary- Treasurer; 1400 Liberty St., toward this inmate, and the inmate's response was Parkersburg, WV 26101. Telephone: (304) 422-4581. the same. NEW JERSEY: R. Boggess, President; J. The attitude of God the Father was the same Rasmussen, Secretary-Treasurer; 2160 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, NJ 08648. toward us, for He manifested His great love toward Telephone: (609) 392-7131. us, that while we were yet sinners (enemies) "He OHIO: J. W. Fowler, President; R. G. Lucht, Secretary-Treasurer; P.O. Box gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth 831, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life" Telephone: (614) 397-4665. PENNSYLVANIA: F. Thomas, Presi- (John 3:16). dent; R. J. Jensen, Secretary-Treasurer; 720 Museum Road, Reading, PA 19611. This love on the part of God the Father should Telephone: (215) 374-8331. ABC, 1287 likewise strike the responsive "love chord" in our Penn Ave., Reading, PA 19610. Telephone: (215) 375-4264. hearts and cause us to pledge anew our love and POTOMAC: R. M. Wisbey, President; devotion for Christ and His cause. It should motivate H. Broeckel, Secretary; H. E. Moog, Treasurer; P.O. Box 1208, Staunton, VA us and press us into active service for the Master. 24401. Telephone: (703) 886-0771. The question is raised, Does it require sacrifice? ABC, 8400 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912. Telephone: (301) 439-0700. The answer is Yes, it does. Anything we do that is worthwhile and lasting usually requires sweat, toil, The VISITOR is produced by the sacrifice, and sometimes tears. Our Father offers Columbia Union Department of Com- sacrifice and hard work, but He also offers the munication, Ernest N. Wendth, Editor; Katheryn Crown, Assistant Editor; and assurance of success, as well as His constant Gert Busch, Layout Editor. One-year companionship—for He that said "Go ye into all the subscription price—$6.00. world," also said, "Lo, I am with you alway, even May 15, 1983 Vol. 88, No. 10 unto the end of the world." 2 VISITOR, May 15, 1983 Columbia Union provides resources for pastors LYNN MARTELL More than 40 pastors from the Those interested in attending Columbia Union attended the first future seminars should contact their two seminars on the Principles of local conference ministerial associa- Church Growth offered by the Co- tion secretary, or write directly to J. lumbia Union Conference at the Lynn Martell, Ministerial Association Church Growth Center, located on Secretary, Columbia Union Con- the campus of Columbia Union Col- ference, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, lege. Dr. Bill Liversidge, the director Columbia, Maryland 21045. •A• for the center, is planning to con- duct several seminars at the center every year. Principles of Church Growth is a ten-day program for pastors dealing with the principles of body theology, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, understanding personality temperaments, and a pathology of church growth. The Joseph Davidson, of the Washington First church, listens intently as he records the principles of the pastors are extremely enthusiastic Church Growth seminar. about implementing these principles and developing a "Caring Church." One pastor said, "My church is excited about the changes taking place in my ministry." Another pastor expressed, "Thanks so much for making church growth come out of the theories and show itself to me as a practical working tool." The basic principles shared had far- reaching implications as another worker said, "This seminar not only revolutionized my ministry but also Dr. Bill Liversidge my personal life." The union administration has committed itself to providing this type of resource center for both pastors and laity in the field as part of its participation in the 1000 Days Skip MacCarty, Salt Lake City pastor, shares prin- ciples of Church Growth with pastors and laity of Reaping. attending a ten-day Principles of Church Growth seminar on the Columbia Union College campus. Lynn Martell is the ministerial association secretary of the Colum- bia Union Conference. VISITOR, May 15, 1983 3 Summer camping is fun! Spending a week or more in the out-of-doors making new friends and renewing acquaintances build memories not easily forgotten. This summer, among the natural setting of youth camps in the Shenandoah, Allegheny, and Pocono Mountains, as well as two others in the Mohican (Ohio) and Manatawny River (Allegheny East) Valleys, more than 2,000 boys and girls from around the Columbia Union will make these youth camps a period of fun in the sun. Youth from "cubs" to "teens" will find safe recreation and par- ticipation in enjoyable experiences at these camps. They will be encouraged to discover new inter- ests, and will be inspired by learn- ing exciting skills. Experienced and caring counselors will help lead them into a new and/or closer rela- tionship with Jesus Christ. Each youth camp provides a unique and meaningful experience with special emphasis of its own. Whether swimming in the large clear pool of Chesapeake's camp at Mt. Aetna, learning how to photograph nature at Potomac's Camp Blue Ridge, discovering more about the mysteries of nature at Mohaven in Ohio, playing ball at Allegheny East's facilities at Manatawny, or caving at Mountain View's growing camp at Valley Vista, all are special places in God's out-of-doors, for the special young people of the Columbia Union Conference. This summer the youth of Penn- sylvania will find their camping pro- Ron Stretter is the director of Co- lumbia Union Conference Youth Ministries Department. Photos sup- plied by local conferences. 4 VISITOR, May 15, 1983 RON STRETTER gram spread over three regional Creek in the southeastern portion of camps. They will be located at the conference. The youth of New Crooked Creek in the western part Jersey are being encouraged to of the state, Ricketts Glenn in the make new friends and enjoy camp- northeastern section, and French ing through either Pennsylvania's or Chesapeake's camping programs. A number of special interest SUMMER CAMPING DATES camps will highlight summer camp- ing in the various conferences. Adventure or Cub These will include camps for the Allegheny East July 17-Aug. 7 blind and the diabetic, family Chesapeake July 10-17 camps and friendship camps, camps Ohio June 26-July 2 teaching wilderness skills, and a Potomac June 19-26 special backpacking experience on *Pennsylvania June 19-26 the Appalachian Trail in Penn- *Pennsylvania July 3-10 sylvania or Moosonee, Ontario, *Pennsylvania July 17-24 Canada, which is specifically for Junior youth and young adults between Allegheny East July 17-Aug. 7 the ages of 15 and 30 (see box for Chesapeake July 24-31 further details). Chesapeake July 31-Aug. 7 For specific information on costs Ohio July 3-10 and requirements on one of these Potomac July 3-10 camps, talk to your pastor, local Potomac July 10-17 church youth leader, or contact Potomac July 31-Aug.
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