THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUS eph A. O'Donrwll Xujr m »asiese Min. native of pointed ta Inw fta |k, dies in Phils- vscsnrito MM (deaths. THE PITTSBURGFounded in 1844 by Rt. Rao. Micha*I O'Connor, FirsHt Biahop of PittuburghCATHOLI Diocoao C f-EIGHTH YEAR PITTSBURGH, PA., JANUARY 14, 1932 W» 9 3 Y CHI NOTICE Rev. Jos. O'Donnell Jany New Pastors FED BY RAPHAEL By virtue of a special induit the Moat Rev. Bishop EXPOSED BY PRIEST dispenses from fast and abstinence, or from both, Miss Stafford, Again President when such a day falls on a civil holiday, for a period Utter Loss of Liberty Is Price Dies In Philadelphia! Of Guild, Reports on Work of five years from October S, 1931. Paid for Communism, lamed By Bishop Fr. Walsh Says Here Done at Day Home The faithful are exhorted, in view of auch dispensa- On the evening of January 10 the j tion, to make some offering, especially in favor of Flaying the Soviet government of Following Operation annual election of officers of the Russia mercilessly and warning the Sacred Heart Guild of the Raphael the poor. American people to be on guard Fill Vacancies against the encroachments of Com- Home, 3715 Penn avenue, was held. ¡Deaths Among Priests By Order of the Most Rev. Bishop, munism in this country, the Rev. Dr. Yoanf Franklin, Pa., T M Miss Agnes V. Stafford, ever an effi- Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., vice presi- P S % cient and zealous worker for the I [Diocese in Recent President P. C. DANNER, dent of Georgetown University.-and Born and Raised k Pitt* Home, was unanimously re-elected Chancellor who headed the Papal Relief Com- Cause Numerous president. The following ladies were mittee to Russia eight years ago, de- burgh, Is Bvritd Fn* elected to assist Miss Stafford: Mrs. livered a highly interesting and in- ^ointments To Be P. B. Kearns, vice president; Mrs. structive address before several hun- His Native St Kleraf Edw. Barry, second vice president; dred members of the Pittsburgh Re- •t This Time—Fr. Miss Jean O'Donnell, secretary; Mrs. tail Credit Men's Association and j Church en Wednesday Wm. Leonard, treasurer, and Mrs. their guests last Monday night in the (aney Succeeds Fr. Edw. Caye, chairman of the pub- Fort Pitt Hotel. The occasion was ' Morning—Was OrdaÌM§ licity committee. the regular monthly dinner-meeting | By Bishop Gum h e, Retired, at Att- The report i serve to indicate the of the Credit Men. continued progress of the work of 1923 for Diocese of ErijÉ ention Church. the Home. Excerpts from the presi- BISHOP DEAD AT 47 Father Walsh, in opening his ad- dent's report are as follows: dress, cited the American Constitu- tion as the model of all constitutions viber of appointments of pas- The year 1*.*31, just, passed, has j The Rev. Joseph A. been one in which the burdens and j Catholic Newspapers' Influence Bishop Gogarty, Well Known In under which free men live and enjoy aged 34 years, a native fill vacancies caused by death their liberties, declaring that since Sde public this week. They sorrows of life have rested heavily Pittsburgh, Served Missions Kieran's parish, La wren • upon many, and especially upon the For Good Is Detailed By it was adopted over 150 years ago the time of his death last . the following: unemployed. We, as members of the Boston Prelate In Africa for Years there has been but "one unfortunate dsy afternoon assistant Rev. William Slattery, pastor Sacred Heart Guild, are grateful to tampering" with the spirit of the Patrick's church, Fr id Heart church, Dawson, to Almighty God that He has selected constitution, and that "this costly was buried from St Kieran's i the late Rev. L. A. Carroll us to help alleviate in our humble Boston, Jan. 9. — Catholic Press Word has been received by the adventure into the field of sumptuary following a Solemn Ifnuiii— jr of St William's church, legislation will be dealt with as a way, the sufferings and distress of Sunday was observed Sunday Holy Ghost Fathers of this city of on Wednesday morning st 10 o'a tttsburgh. the death of the Most Rev. Henry purely domestic issue to be resolved Burial took place in St His needy ones through the Raphael throughout the archdiocese of Bos- Very Rev. John J. Gfreaney, Home center. As you observed in Gogarty, D.D., C.S.Sp., Vicar Apos- in due time by the sovereign will of cemetery. ton in accordance with a proclama- the American people themselves." ! of St. Titus church, Aliquip- the reports just read, the demands tolic of Kilimanjaro, Tanganyika Father O'Donnell had not' succeed the Very Rev. Francis tion of William Cardinal O'Connell. The inference was, quite plainly, to for charity have exceeded those of Territory, East Africa, which oc- good health for more than a ¿be, V.F., retired, as pastor The attention of the people at all the Eighteenth Amendment. and had been confined to the Ja other years, but our good God, who curred at Montana, Switzerland. Annunciation, North Side. is ever the security of His creatures, the Masses was called to the im- The speaker emphasized the mean- son Hospital, Philadelphia, far ing of those natural and inalienable Rev. Edward G. Zauner, pas- has singularly blessed the work of portance of the Catholic Press and Bishop Gogarty was well known past several months. An St Joseph's church, West the Guild during the past year in rights proclaimed in the Declaration Rev. Joaeph A. O'Donnell failed to benefit him, and their duty to support it throughout the Pittsburgh Diocese, of Independence and guaranteed to resulted late last Saturday i, to succeed Father Greaney order that we in our turn, might aid having visited here about seven ...us church. (latenatlMat Krnnrrrh "The influence exerted by the every citizen of the United States noon. all who apply for help at St. years ago as the guest of the Very by the Constitution of 1789. Rev. John S. Feldmeier, pas- The Rev. Louis J. Gallagher, SJ- Raphael's. printed word upon the minds and The body waa taken to Suffering Unequaled hearts of men is tremendous," Rev. Martin Hehir, LLD., C.S.Sp., "Article IV, Section 4, of the or- from Philadelphia, arriving Baerod Heart church. Saga- who has jast been named president ganic law of the United States guar- b. t, saMMd Father Zauner at of Boot on college, where he was Within the last 12 months 124 chil- wrote the cardinal. "The Church, then president of Duquesne Univer- Sunday afternoon, where it dren were cared for from 32 par-ever mindful of her divine mission sity. At that time he gave a series antees to every state a Republican at the station by a large < [ tniph'i once a student. Father Gallagher form of government. For 142 years had been Socius to the Provincial ishes, the total number days care to teach all nations, has adapted of lectures describing missionary of the members of St The Bar. Michael B. Fialko of St that foremost of all its guarantees church, who aacorted It ' ad's church, Braddock, to suc- and Prefect General of Studies of given these little ones being 6,495. this mighty weapon to her holy work in Africa. Never before has the Home come in purpose by developing what is has been maintained. The Consti- church. The pallbearers Father Feldmeier at Sagamore. the New England Province of the Bishop Gogarty was born at tution has provided a broad frame- Society of Jeaus since 1926. contact with such a degree of ex- known as the Catholic Press. This Laurence Callan, Lawrence Rtv. Gabriel Scherer, chaplain Cavan m the Diocese of Kilmore, work, a method, and a reasonable man, Geone A. Fahey, John A. treme poverty and suffering. Fami- consists of books, periodicals and Ireland, September 9, 1884. After Huge Demands to Put Society's mhhiiHti Hospital, Beaver lies were helped who had actually newspapers published under Cath- working program which ha« stood Carthy, ueorga La very, TfcoMtt' his ordination to the priesthood, Oc- the acid tests of time, comparison to succeed the late Rev. Sam- made it a practice of taking turns to olic auspices and dedicated to the Expenditures for 1932 At Beau lac, T. B. Gavin and F. laf relsh aa pastor of St Kilian's tober 28, 1913, he was sent immedi- and human assault. It has not con- La very. Members of Franklin SOM£ eat, not having enough for all. A dissemination of Catholic truth. ately to East Africa. He was named That Sum, at Least liars. few weeks ago in a nearby school, jured up a political millenium. That cil, Knights of Columbus, acti JEANNETTE COUNCIL "For a proper understanding of Vicar of Kilimanjaro November 28, would be magic indeed! It has not Bar. Francis J. Mueller of a guard of honor from then Sister asked a ilttle girl who had 1923. IMMn's church, Crsfton, to suc- become very weak in class, if she their faith and a true appreciation prevented incidental evils in the body Many persons marveled at the So- time for the Solemn Mass at Under his direction the Vicariate politic. It has not eliminated all ffcther Scherer. were ill. The child answered, "No, of its blessings, it is necessary that ciety of St. Vincent de Paul extend- quiem, at which the Moat Rsr. c Catholics should read Catholic lit- made notable progress in the num-abuse, encompassed all truth and ing relief during the month of De- Mark Gannon, D.D., LL.D., D.C Rev.
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