C-2 ***THE E VEJMIWG STAH, Wasmngton, D. C. THURSDAY, St, LITTLE SPORT APRIL 1942 4 Former Champions iSaigh Awaits Decision Fines for AllEnd Stanley Row, Enter Quarter-Finals On Control of Club But Umpire Must Pay the Most Os North-South Golf Pending Tax Trial By th# Associated Press By th« Associated Brass By the Associated Press CINCINNATI, April 24.—The PINEHURST, N. C., April 24. ST. LOUIS, 24—Fred affair of who shoved whom at April The quarter-final round of the Saigh, owner of the Cardinals, Crosley Field Tuesday night was North and South amateur golf will let baseball’s top officials de- a gone but not forgotten affair k ;tournament today was practically cide whether he should relinquish a parade of champions. Four of today, umpire getting 5 active control of the pend- with the the eight yesterday’s club survivors of ing settlement of income tax much the worst of it in the official1 six two rounds had accounted for Anacostia Nine Opens Tigers evasion charges against him. of the 51 previous titles. Aim for First Victory GW Athletes to Get decision. The 46-year-old club owner Warren Giles, a much-interested ) Frank Strafaci from Flushing, ?*' Long Island, 1938 and cham- was indicted Tuesday by a Fed- spectator, decided yesterday that 1939 Title Play Tomorrow After Voting Support of Rolfe eral grand jury 1 I?* I pion, the last to take two in a Awards at Assembly on five counts Robb Umpire Douglas (Scotty) By tha Associated Press charging he evaded $49,620 for the pushing around. row, had as his opponent over the Anacostia High will be a strong man he succeeded, Steve O’Neill. George Washington University was guilty of CHICAGO, April Many of the have been the years 1946 through 1949. 18-hole distance Ben Goodes, the contender in the interhigh base- 24.—The De- players will reward its athletes an Even more remarkable, the Na- laundryman from Reidsville, N. C. ball troit Tigers are sharpening their with the team under both man- at He expressed confidence yester- made pub- league which opens tomorrow awards assembly tional League president Goodes, a steady shooting veteran if strong pitching claws to climb out of the Ameri- agers. at 11 a.m. tomor- day that he will be cleared when lic decision. the Indians’ his with an educated putter, - was a continues. can League basement after giving Rolfe has long been recognized row at Lisner Auditorium. all the facts are known. "I can He leveled a SSO fine against semifinalist years ago. a row, Manager Red Rolfe a as intelligent S. only ask in all fairness that the manager 10 For the second day in vote of one of the most and John Brookes, jr., member Eddie Stanky, fiery little Frank Stranahan, Toledo, Ohio, confidence and shouldering all affable men in baseball. public withhold final judgment told Anacostia got a good hurling job of He is a of the Board of Trustees and also of the St. Louis Cardinals, but IrW. another who won two titles Eury gave the blame for a disastrous eight- disciple of until that time,” he said in a with as Don fanned nine and Joe McCarthy under one of the District’s top newsmen Robb got the worst of victories in 1946 and 1949, met game losing streak. whom played and later senior prepared statement. fipes BP* the up only two hits in a 6-0 victory he coached it—very much so—as far as j Savannah, Ga., long-ball hitter, over strong Montgomery Blair The Tigers hope to get thtir with the Yankees. golfers, will be master of cere- “I shall get in touch with Ford went. Frick, national -rAP Wirephotos. Hobart Manley, the defending yesterday.. Wednesday, Gene Wall, first taste of victory tonight in Like McCarthy, Rolfe has a cer- monies while the speakers will In- commissioner of Solly Hemus, Cardinals short- baseball, Giles, pres- champion. who will oppose Eastern in the St. Louis against the Browns, who tain aloofness. He believes that clude Cloyd Heck Marvin, presi- and Warren stop, whose gesture disgust SCOTTY ROBB. pushed ident of the National League, of over Mai Galletta, St. Andrews, N. Y., Indians’ interhigh opener tomor- haye into the league lead. his station engenders respect dent of the university; Max Far- as a strike touched off Gravely, may possible and outline my called third the Cincinnati Reds to head 1944 titlist. faced Ed row at Anacostia at 4:30, pitched That be a tough Job for rather than familiarity. rington, director of athletics soon as mess, was fined $25. of the Rocky Mount, and views to them,” Saigh said. the National League. N. C., who had to a one-hitter against St. John’s. the tail-enders, who have lost Observers say that if there ever president of the Southern Con- The combined fines were pea- play off with 11 other 80 shooters Eastern, going its fourth their first eight games. But yes- ference; •*1 shall be guided completely had Hemus Starts Dispute. after were any “feeling” among the Bo Rowland, football by nuts compared to what Robb It was also Tuesday morning to qualify for straight interhigh crown, is ex- terday’s published report by a Tigers, this attitude may have coach, and Bill Reinhart, base- their recommendation and the first time In 13 judgment to pay, Giles indicated. one of the last five match play pected to start Lefty Sonny Wise, Cleveland sports columnist that had something do ball and basketball coach. as to what I should do years that punishment of a Na- to with it. personally Umpire Draws Bigger Fine. j vacancies. the ace, against Ana- there was “an anti-Rolfe feeling” to be about active partici- tional League umpire was made Ramblers’ The only counterpart to the Trophies awarded include pation watching public. Ed, although not creating usually among the players bordering on in the Cardinals until Giles, who was the | much costia. The Ramblers, Tigers’ vote-of-confidence meeting the Tuffy Leemans Cup for the such of a splash on the fiational scene, Episcopal and rebellion has kicked up resent- by football time as these charges have game between Cincinnati and St. Hemus started the fireworks slow starting, beat was another such session held most valuable player; Co- been third-inning' he angrily threw his has been rated one of the better lost to Bladensburg in two starts ment. the Nats in Their lonials, Inc., awards to out- settled after a hearing in Louis when the when away in Detroit 1947. the the fracas occurred, reported: jljbat after Robb called him out on Carolina- Virginia amateurs for this season while the Indians have Before yesterday’s game with manager, Ossie Bluege, was under standing senior basketball and courts.”. One possibility is that active pushing Manager Stanky. ifa disputed third strike. Robb several years. a 2-1 record. the White Sox at Comiskey Park fire and he himself called the football players, and the Vinnie “For direction of the club will be Umpire Robb has been disciplined ordered him off the field. Billy Joe Patton of In other league action Coolidge was postponed "by inclement meeting and asked for the vote. De Angelis Cup to the outstanding t I Morganton, Bill Walsingham, fined an amount which, in my Stanky came out of the dugout N. runner-up Tech, Bell is at Wilson- and weather, the players called a The only who didn’t give it baseball player. turned over to and C., to Manley last visits player its vice president, settle- judgment, is commensurate with : and there the real trouble started. year, had a toughie Roosevelt entertains Chamber- secret meeting and gave Rolfe a Jerry Priddy, with the Women’s awards will be made pending in steady was now ment tax case. the act. The fine is a sizable He told a newsman later that he Harry jr., lain. unanimous vote of confidence, jTigers. to intramural and sorority cham- of the 1 Haverstick, of Lan- i Walsingham, nephew amount and much greater than \went out to question why Hemus caster, Pa. Other high school action yester- “We wanted Red to know we “That - was something entirely pions. of the late Breadon, fines of the players. 'was ejected from 'the game and The day saw Ames Drummond pitch are back of him 100 per cent,” different,” Priddy recalled. “Igo Sam Cardinals the combined semifinals, over 36 holes owner for many years, is the that Robb collided with his out- tomorrow, will match Stra- three-hit ball as Episcopal shut Freddie Hutchinson, their spokes- along with the rest of the guys “The amount is not revealed so the man, club’s most experienced front stretched hands. Robb, he said, faci-Goodes winner against the out Western, 3-0; Ed Wilder’s said. “We want to refute in thinking Rolfe is a wonderful Texas Loop's Negro as not to establish a precedent of:; story about First office man. usually pun- then ordered him out of the game, Patton-Haverstick survivor foiir for four at the plate led the dissension. Such guy.” a fine for an offense j and a story The case against Saigh prob- too. “and when I asked ‘What for - George Washington to a 15-1 comes at a bad time. It Detroit writers traveling with ishable by suspension. , the Stranahan Manley victor Winning Scotty?’ he said, ‘You touched victory Bullis School and is absolutely untrue. The fact the team confirmed that some for Dallas Club ably won’t come to trial for sev- player against either Galletta or Gravely.
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