The Gift of Prophecy in the Christian Church. [Registered at the G.P.O.Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper.] Vol. 26, No. 30 Melbourne, Victoria, July 24, 1911 ONE PENNY Tried for Heresy—When the Ecclesiastical Power Dominated the Civil 466 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES July 24, 1911 carried on week by week by this denom- ination, we have yet to learn that any Seventh-day Adventist believes that "the I Bible must be interpreted so as to har- monise with" the writings of Mrs. White. I Indeed, we challenge Mr. Urquhart to EDITOR : A. W. ANDERSON. cite one instance in any of our published { R HARE: New South Wales. CONTRIBUTING G. TEASDALE : Queensland. works in which any such idea is set forth. EDITORS: R. W. MUNSON: Java. Therefore we unhesitatingly affirm that Correspondents in all Australasian States. Mr. Urquhart's insinuation that Seventh- day Adventists make the Bible " second- Melbourne, Victoria, July 24, 1911. ary to Mrs. White " is absolutely false. Mr. Urquhart asks, " Is it not a gross deception of the public to say they [the Seventh-day Adventists} believe the Bible A False Charge Refuted to be the sole authority in matters of IN a recent issue we made some com- faith, while they really make it secondary ments upon an article which was pub- to this female Pope, Mrs. White ?" Our lished by the Rev. John Urquhart in the reply is an emphatic denial of the impu- Bible Investigator, in which he alluded to tation ; and, moreover, if Mr. Urquhart is this denomination as Jesuitical. We honest he will hasten to correct the mis- asked him to explain, and he has re- statement in his next issue. In making sponded as follows :— this false charge against Seventh-day "A few words will suffice. The Editor jof the Adventists it is Mr. Urquhart who is SIGNS OF THE TIMES] says that Seventh Day Ad- guilty of " gross deception of the public," ventists are loyal to every principle of Protest- and not we. antism, believing and teaching that the Bible is the sole authority in matters of faith.' Now, is it true, Our proof that such a statement is or is it not true that Seventh Day Adventists believe false will be found in Mrs. White's own that Mrs. White is inspired equally with the writers writings, a few extracts from which of the Bible, and that the Bible must be interpreted would not be out of place here. Thirty- so as to harmonise with her writings? If that is true is it not Jesuitical to make the above statement? five years ago Mrs. White wrote the Is it not a gross deception of the public to say they following reply to someone who made believe the Bible to be the sole authority in matters the same false accusation against her of faith, while they really make it secondary to this that Mr. Urquhart has now done :— female Pope. Mrs. White ?" Mr. would confuse the mind by It is very evident from the above reply seeking to make it appear that the light that either Mr. Urquhart is not disposed God has given through the Testimonies to give us an honest answer to our ques- is an addition to the Word of God; but in tion, or else that he does not know what this he presents the matter in a false Seventh-day Adventists teach and be- light. God has seen fit in this manner lieve. Throughout the world Seventh- to bring the minds of His people to His day Adventists are known as BIBLE Word, to give them a clearer understand- STUDENTS, and it is doubtful if there ing of it" is any other denomination that devotes so much time per capita to the study of the The Bible the Sole Authority in Matters of Faith Bible. In other denominations usually Throughout the entire history of this only the children and young people denomination we have held precisely the attend the Sunday-school, but in this same position upon the Bible and the denomination grey-headed old grand- writings of Mrs. White, as will be seen fathers of eighty summers, fathers and by the follom'ing paragraphs which were mothers, young men and maidens, youths written over forty years ago by this same and toddling infants regularly attend author whose writings Mr. Urquhart Sabbath-school, and recite their Bible falsely accuses us of setting above the lessons with intense interest. Bible:— After a personal experience extending "The Word of God is sufficient to over many years of the thorough and enlighten the most beclouded mind, and systematic Bible teaching which is may be understood by those who have J uly 24, 1911 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES 467 any desire to understand it. But not- as " a female Pope." Just as his imputa- withstanding all this, some who profess tion that Jesuitical practices are followed to make the Word of God their study, by this denomination is untrue, so this are found living in direct opposition to charge against Mrs. White is also untrue. its plainest teachings. Then, to leave It would be wiser for Mr. Urquhart to men and women without excuse, God make sure of facts before he launches gives plain and pointed testimonies, charges against another denomination bringing them back to the Word that they which are utterly unfounded. have neglected to follow. In another column we publish an article " You are not familiar with the Scrip- written by Mrs. White herself which tures. If you had made God's Word shows exactly what she believes and your study, with a desire to reach the teaches about the Bible. For sixty-five Bible standard and attain to Christian years Mrs. White has laboured unceas- perfection, you would not have needed ingly for Christ, and her books and the Testimonies. It is because you have articles have enlightened hundreds of neglected to acquaint yourselves with thousands of readers in all parts of the God's inspired Book that He has sought world. to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, To our personal knowledge many of calling your attention to the words of inspira- these books and articles are freely used tion which you have neglected to obey, by ministers and Sunday-school teachers and urging you to fashion your lives in of other denominations in preparing their accordance with its pure and elevated sermons and lessons, with profit both to teachings. themselves and their hearers. Thousands " The written Testimonies are not to give of copies of Mrs. White's " Steps to new light, but to impress vividly upon the Christ" have been circulated by other heart the truths of inspiration already publishing houses, and this book has revealed. The Testimonies are been purchased by ministers of other not to belittle the Word of God, but to churches for distribution amongst their exalt it, and attract minds to it, that the congregations. One Presbyterian min- beautiful simplicity of truth may impress ister purchased no less than fifty copies all." of this book to give to the young people Of her own special work Mrs. White of his congregation, in the hope of lead- writes :— ing them to Christ. A hasty glance " The work which the Lord has laid through any of Mrs. White's books is out before me especially, is to urge young quite sufficient to refute Mr. Urquhart's and old, learned and unlearned, to search charge of popery. the Scriptures for themselves; to impress Mr. Urquhart concludes his reply by upon all that the study of God's Word making a series of false statements which will expand the mind and strengthen we hope to deal with in a later issue. every faculty, fitting the intellect to wrestle with problems of truth, deep and far-reaching; to assure all that the clear knowledge of the Bible outdoes all other The " Ne Temere " Decree of the knowledge in making man what God designed he should be. If the Roman Catholic Church—No. 2 Testimonies speak not according to the By Alexander Hinz Word of God, reject them. Christ and LAST week we defined the Ne Temere Belial cannot be united." decree, and showed that it infringed the What is popish about this ? civil rights of many individuals, and that, The servant of God who thus sets before consequently, it would be perfectly proper the world her mission, and whose writings for civil government to prohibit its pro- are published in scores of languages in mulgation. The Ne Temere decree, how- more than one hundred missionary ever, is only a mild exemplification of journals which this denomination circu- the injustice which is done to many indi- lates in various parts of the world, Mr. viduals when the distinctions that exist Urquhart very ungraciously stigmatises between civil government and religion 468 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES July 24, 1911 are disregarded, and either gets out of moved all men to thoughts of truth and its legitimate sphere. deeds of righteousness. Wrongs would never have arisen, and consequently law Civil Government and Religion courts, judges, and police officers, and That civil government and religion the ponderous tomes of divers laws and occupy distinct and separate spheres is statutes, now considered indispensable recognised by Christ in the words, to the administration of justice, would "Render therefore unto Csar the things never have existed. But the miasma of which are Caesar's; and unto God the sin tainted the once pure atmosphere of heart and mind; men with selfish, sordid interests began to multiply in the earth, and the lives and property of others became to be insecure; then did civil government become a necessity.
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