FIFTEEN CENTS. THE OCCULT REYIEW.. edited by Ralph Shirley Contents v NOTES OF THE MONTH By the Editor TRANSFORMATION By Meredith Starr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORIGINS By Scrutator MYSELF UNTO MYSELF By A. S. Furnell CURIOUS FORMS OF WORSHIP: DEVIL- WORSHIPPERS By A. M. Judd. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TAROT TRUMPS By V.N. CRYSTAL-GAZING By A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs. H. Hamish Spoer) THE SHADOW OF DEATH .¡¿ei cr cony# By Anna Margaretta Cameron* '' O C o ' CORRESPONDENCE (I MAY w mo PERIODICAL LITERATURE v REVIEWS LONDON: WILLIAM RIDER AND SON, LTD. 164 ALDERSGATE STREET, E.C. UNITED STATES: THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO., 85, DUANE STREET. NEW YORK. NEW ENGLAND NEW8 COMPANY, BOSTON , WESTERN NEWS COMPANY. CHICAGO. AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH APRICA: GORDON AND OOTCH. GAPS TOWN: DAWSON AND SONS, L td. IN D IA i A. H . W H EE LER AND CO. | Shc.ri.mhar*. 19 a 7 FIFTEEN CENTS. I*»* THE OCCULT REVIEW EMTED BT RAIPHSHIRUT Contents NOTES OF THE MONTH By the Editor TRANSFORMATION By Meredith Starr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORIGINS By Scrutator MYSELF UNTO MYSELF By A. S. Furnell CURIOUS FORMS OF WORSHIP: DEVIL- WORSHIPPERS By A. M. Judd. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TAROT TRUMPS By V.N. CRYSTAL-GAZING By A. Goodrich-Freer (Mrs. H. Hamish Spoer) THE SHADOW OF DEATH T c m b By Anna Margaretta Cameron * CORRESPONDENCE ([ ^ MAY ’/aid PERIODICAL LITERATURE V J ' //•»,,* oil0 ] REVIEWS LONDON : WILLIAM RIDER AND SON. LTD. 164 ALDERSGATE STREET. E.C. U N IT E D S T A T E S : T H E INTERNATIONAL NBWB OO,, M. DUANE STliEKr, NEW YORK. NEW ENGLAND NEWS OOMPAMT. BOSTON> WESTERN NEWS COMPANY. CH ICAGO. AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH AFRICA i GORDON AND OOTCB. OAPH TOWN: DAWSON AND SONS, L*». INDIA i A . H. WHEELER AND OO. The Equinox, 124 Victoria St., S.W, THE EQUINOX. NO. 3. Just published, 5/-. 410 pp., 8 full-page illustrations, and numerous cuts in the text. 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OCCULT REVIEW A monthly m a g a z in e d e v o t e d t o t h e investigation o p s u p e r ­ normal phenom ena AND THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS. E d i t e d b y RALPH SHIRLEY “ Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri ” Price Sevenpence net ; post free, E ightpence. Annual Subscription, for British Isles, United States and Canada, Seven S hielings (One Dollar seventy-five Cents) ; for other countries, E ight S hillings. Entered at Stationers' Hall. American Agents : The International News Company, New York ; The New England News Company, Boston ; the Western News Company, Chicago. Subscribers in India can obtain the Magazine from A. II. Wheeler & Co., 15 Elgin Road, Allahabad ; Wheeler’s Building, Bombay ; and 39 Strand, Calcutta. All communications to the Editor should be addressed c/o the Publishers, William Rider & Son, L im ited, 164 Aldersgate Street, London, E.C. VOL. X I. J U N E 1910 No. 6 NOTES OF THE MONTH CER1 AIN occult or soi-disant occult dovecots have been not a little fluttered during the last few months by the publication in a biennial magazine styled the Equinox of some consider­ able portions of the rituals and ceremonies of a secret society bear- REVELA- the name of the “ Hermetic Order of the Golden tio n s o f ^awn.” This society claims, I understand, to be t h e successor °f. or perhaps identic^ with, that e q u in o x ” Presided over b y Eliphaz Levi, Ragon and other ' Occultists of the early nineteenth century. Recent, however, as are the times of that celebrated French Occultist, the Abbé Constant, who assumed the pseudonym of Eliphaz Levi, the apostolical succession in this particular society seems to be by no means undisputed, and the claims of the Levi group to have received their power from even greater predecessors, tracing back eventually to the German Brothers of the Rosy Cross,” must obviously be taken with a very large grain of salt. However the position may have been in times past, a certain Count Macgregor Mathers, otherwise styled Comte Liddell Mac- ereeor whose name is not unknown in the. occult world, is appar­ ently top-dog in the Society (if we may use so profane an ex- 294 THE OCCULT REVIEW pression of so illustrious a personage) in this present twentieth century. I say apparently, for I gather that owing THE ORDER to the peculiarity of the rules of the order there is OF THE a certain quasi-trinitarian equality among the GOLDEN- various members, so th at none is greater or less than DAWN. the other, an arrangem ent which it is not surprising to learn works aw kw ardly and leads to curiously embarrassing situations in periods of stress and crisis. Thus I gather that although it is stated that the editor of the Equinox, Mr. Aleister Crowley, was formally expelled from the order in question, there P o r t r a it o p M r . A l e is t e r C r o w l e y .* The mar/who let the dead cat out of the bag. is another version of this story current in which it is affirmed that Mr. Aleister Crowley, in conJunction with another adept of the same society, of deeper magical knowledge than himself, in actual fact expelled the other members of the cult. So we realize the drawbacks of the democratic principle when put into opera- • Reproduce«! by permission from the frontispiece to Mr. Crowley's new volume of poems, " Ambergris." Publishers: Elkin Mathews. NOTES OF THE MONTH 295 tion by secret societies. Let us say, then that.by a process of mutual expulsion a schism took place in the Order of the Golden Dawn,” the bulk of the order continuing to carry on the rites and ceremonies as before, but the residue withdrawing with a copy of the rituals of the society, which have been duly published in the Equinox, though not without attempted legal intervention. These even in their greatly abbreviated form as therein appearing run to a formidable number of closely printed pages in two suc­ cessive issues of the magazine. In full, as I understand, they amount to some twelve hundred pages of manuscript, and contain over a quarter of a million words ! And so the cat is out of the bag, and I think most of us will agree with Lord Justice Farwell that it is a dead cat after all. It is impossible to deny that, though underlying the whole there SOME RITUAL ^ an id ea w h ic h contains within it the germ of a a d e a d great occult truth and a great occult scientific cat a n d possibility, the ritual in the main is rather provo- lord justice catdve °f merriment than tending to solemnity, and fa r w e ll. d *s strangely suggestive of the caricature by pretended initiates of a profound truth which is far too lg for their comprehension. It is indeed not to be wondered at if those who read, smile, and mutter the word " Charlatan.” e evocations irresistibly recall the name of a certain— John Wellington Wells, A dealer in magic and spells! Here is a typical one, the evocation of the great Prince and . pirit Taphthartharath, which I am sure we shall all of us agree is (as stated in the text) an extremely powerful one. AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL CONJURATION. Behold ! Thou Great Powerful Prince and Spirit. Taphthartharath. we have conJured Thee hither in this day and hour to demand of Thee certain matters relative to the secret magical knowledge which may be conveyed to us from Thy great master Thoth through Thee. But. before wc can proceed further, it is necessary that Thou do assume a shape and form more distinctly material and visible.
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