United States Department of Agriculture Environmental Assessment Forest Service May 2014 South Bridger Interface Project Bozeman Ranger District, Gallatin National Forest Gallatin County, Montana The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, an where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derive from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. South Bridger Interface Project ii South Bridger Interface Project Environmental Assessment Gallatin County, Montana Lead Agency: USDA Forest Service Responsible Official: Mary Erickson, Forest Supervisor Gallatin National Forest PO Box 130 Bozeman, MT 59771 Summary: The Bozeman District, Gallatin National Forest proposes to commercially thin up to 250 acres of national forest system lands within and adjacent to Bridger Bowl to reduce susceptibility to damage from western spruce budworm, Douglas-fir beetle and mountain pine beetle, and to enhance growth, quality, vigor, and composition of treated stands. Units would be tractor logged on sustained slopes that are less than 35 percent. Up to one half mile of temporary road may be required to implement the project. The South Bridger Interface project area (approximately 1847-acres) is located approximately 15 miles northeast of Bozeman in Gallatin County, located within and immediately south of Bridger Bowl Ski Area in the vicinity of Slushman Creek. The area is considered wildland urban interface, and lies between private residential and forested/agricultural lands to the east and Inventoried Roadless to the west. The area is visible by recreationists skiing at Bridger Bowl, as well as local residents and travelers through Bridger Canyon. Forest vegetation in the project area primarily consists of mature and over-mature stands of Douglas-fir and lodepole pine. Douglas-fir have experienced epidemic levels of mortality from western spruce budworm. Budworm has been impacting all size and age classes of Douglas-fir and subalpine fir in the area around Bridger Bowl for many years. Many large trees have been almost completely defoliated and in some cases subsequently attacked by Douglas-fir beetle. Mountain pine beetle has killed about half of the lodgepole in mixed stands and in some cases has caused 100 percent mortality in lodgepole pine dominated areas. The mixed species composition has resulted in variable levels of mortality and live tree densities across the project area. The purpose of the South Bridger Interface Project is alter forest stand conditions using vegetation management treatments that reduce tree mortality from ongoing insect infestations and improve the overall health, productivity and resiliency of forest vegetation within and adjacent to Bridger Bowl and adjacent to private land. Comment Process: Public review and comment on this Environmental Assessment will be accepted for 30 days, from the date of legal notice appearing in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. Please submit comments electronically to: [email protected] or hard copy to: Amy Waring, ID Team Leader; Gallatin National Forest, Bozeman Ranger District; 3710 Fallon Street, Suite C; Bozeman, MT 59718. Upon the conclusion of the 30-day comment period, the Gallatin National Forest will publish a final Environmental Assessment, which will include a Response to Comments and Draft Decision Notice that is subject to the 36 CFR 218 Objection Process. South Bridger Interface Project iii ERRATA CHANGES MADE TO THE SOUTH BRIDGER INTERFACE EA BETWEEN FEBRUARY 2014 AND MAY 2014 VERSIONS. CHAPTER 1 No changes were made. CHAPTER 2 Page No. Change 2.1 Proposed Action: Clarified 3rd paragraph to note that debris pile burning would be used to reduce fuels and recycle nutrients (instead of the less descriptive word prescribed burning). 2.1 Proposed Action: Added page number reference to forest plan consistency in the 4th paragraph about a non-significant forest plan amendment. 2.2 Design/Mitigation: Clarified #4 Burning to note: All burning of machine or hand-piled material will comply with regulations and reporting requirements set forth by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Clarified #6 BMPS to reference Appendix C instead of B. 2.6 Added monitoring item #12 that was in Chapter 3: The fuel management specialist or fire management personnel will be on-site to assist in determining the placement of machine and/or hand piles within treatment units for efficiency of burning. The fuel management specialist or fire management personnel will monitor the curing (drying out) of the piles and recommend when they should be burned. The fuel treatment specialist will monitor smoke during pile burning. Areas that have been burned will be monitored and treated if noxious weed growth is discovered. 2.13-14 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for fire-fuels 2.14 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for sediment yield 2.14 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for stream channel stability 2.18 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for sensitive species 2.19-20 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for Summary of effects to MIS and MA 11 focal species 2.20 Clarified Table 2.1, Comparison of Alternatives for Migratory Birds CHAPTER 3 Page No. Change 3.17 Forest Vegetation: Corrected error in Table 3.8. Noted regeneration harvest acres on private land totals 761 acres, not 7,761 acres. 3.32-40 Fire – Fuels: This section was revised to simplify and clarify the information presented, as it relates to an insect/disease project. The following changes were made: • Issues: Clarified issues and removed impacts to air quality as an indicator. Only pile burning of activity fuels is proposed. • Methods: Shortened methods section. Removed Figure 3.8 and Table 3.11 South Bridger Interface Project iv regarding fire behavior and suppression responses. • Affected Environment: Information was revised for clarity. Added a heading for Fire Behavior and Fire Regimes (added a new Table 3.11 displaying Fire Regime Groups), and a heading for Fuel Condition. • Environmental Consequences: Design/Mitigation Measures (reference to the 15 tons per acre) was moved to a discussion under Consistency with the Gallatin Forest Plan. Information was rewritten for clarity. • Monitoring: This information was added to the list of monitoring items in Chapter 2. • Cumulative Effects: Information was revised for clarity. • Regulatory Framework and Consistency: Information was revised for clarity. Deleted information that is not relative to an insect/disease project under Other Fire & Fuels Policy. Note, the original version of the fire-fuels analysis in the February 2014 EA is retained in the project record as the fire-fuels specialist report. 3.180 Wildlife: Corrected error to note: There is potential nesting and foraging habitat for the northern goshawk in the analysis area, but goshawks have not recently (i.e. within 20 years) been documented within the project area. CHAPTER 4 Page No. Change 4.1-2 List of Preparers was moved from Appendix E to Chapter 4, and information describing consultation/coordination with Forest Service partners was summarized from various places in the EA and record. APPENDIX E Page No. Change E.14 The List of Preparers was moved to Chapter 4. APPENDIX F Page No. Change App F Added citations used in response to comments APPENDIX G Page No. Change App G A Response to Comments on the EA was added as Appendix G South Bridger Interface Project v TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................... VI CHAPTER 1 - PURPOSE AND NEED FOR ACTION ..................................................................................... 1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1.1 Project Area ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1.1 Existing Condition ........................................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Purpose and Need ............................................................................................................................................................ 1.2 Proposed Action ............................................................................................................................................................... 1.3 Public Involvement and Scoping ..............................................................................................................................
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