NINETY EDITORIAL ALT. Ninety-Bines, attention! We ask y o u r aid NINE for your Sister Flyers! The recent termination of recruiting and train­ ing of additional Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) is a matter of sincere regret to all women pilots. This project opened opportunities for women in aviation which have never before been available and offered women pilots a chance to prove that their performance on military aircraft equalled that of TV male pilots. Unfortunately many girls who had been accepted for the June 30th class did not know of its cancella­ tion until they reached Sweetwater, since telegrams notifying them of the order arrived, in many cases, too late. All Ninety-Nines should be cognizant of the facts leading to this cancellation. The Costello NEWS Bill, H. R. 4219, to give military status to the WASP was reported favorably ty the House Military LETTER Affairs Committee. Subsequent to that report but prior to debate on the floor of the House, the July 15, 1944 Ramspeck Civil Service Committee issued a report on an investigation of the 7JASP program which it LEWS LETTER EDITOR had conducted, recommending immediate discontinu­ ance of training, except for those already enrolled. Bettie Thompson, 724 N. 63rd St., Shortly thereafter, H. R. 4219 was killed by vote Philadelphia 31, Penna. of the House. Deadline - 5th of Each Month The WASPs have been doing a commendable job for the Army Air Forces and it was the desire to continue with the WASP training program as well as NINETY- NINES to give military status to this group. The recom­ INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS mendations of the Ramspeck Committee and the tenor Affiliated with the National Aeronautic Association of the debate on the House floor, however, left no io 2 s C o n n e c t i c u t A v e n u e W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . alternative but immediate termination of the WASP recruiting and training program. It would appear that there is no chance for the hundreds of qual­ NATIONAL 0FE1CERS ified girls who had applied for this service un­ less favorable Congressional action is forth com­ Ethel A. Sheehy .... President ing in the future. c/o Director of Women Pilots Pentagon Building In an effort to obtain favorable Congressional Washington 25, D. C. action for the reinstatement of the WASP program, we urge each Ninety-Nine to write, and ask her Jeannette Lempke . V. President friends to write, to (1) ' Congressman Robert Rams­ 1111 East Genesee ave. peck (Ga.), Washington, D. C.; (2) Congressman Saginaw, Michigan Join iv;. Costello (Calif.), Washington, D. C., and (3) Her own Senators and Representatives. Belle Hetzel ........ Secretary 126 Drake Court DO THIS NOW. DON'T DELAY. Woman pilots have Omaha, Nebraska worked long and hard for this opportunity. Help them win out. Some day you may need their help. Alice H. Hammond . .Treasurer 70 Cambridge Road A list of Congressmen, ty states, indicating Grosse Pointe Farms 30, Mich. their vote, is in the back. U 0 R f H C £ a i SAL SOOTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER SSC'Il'JS 9y Ruth Cralne, 2445 N. 37th St., Milwaukee 10, Wis. Caroline Iverson and her flying companion, Jean, ALL - OHIO CHAPTER have been- to Mexico in their Aeronca. Things went very well, but to really appreciate the details, we L# By Florence Boswell, 1334 Inglewood Drive shall have to wait until Caroline has more time than Cleveland Heights, Ohio. just to write a post card. It was fun to get that, nevertheless. Lady Luck seems to have deserted the All-Ohio Chapter during the past few monthsI Ensign Willette Harkins returned to Milwaukee for a brief stay en route to the air base at Corpus We send our sympathy to Marian Jackson, whose Christi, Texas. Ensign Harkins has just received father, Dr. Theron Jackson, passed away in May, and her commission at Smith College. Needless to add, to Kay Greshauge Semrau, our hews Reporter, whose she is delighted with the WAVES. She seems particu­ husband, Lt. Louis R. Semrau, was killed in a P-51 larly pleased with her new wardrobe of six suits, and crash at Pinellas.Army Air Field, St. Petersburg, pleased us a good deal by modeling them for us. Fla., on June 19th. Kay is now employed as Secre­ tary to the Chief Engineer of Cleveland Pneumatic Dora Fritzke flew to Indianapolis last week, stop­ Aerol, Inc. ping at South Bend and Municipal at Chicago. t Get-well wishes are extended to Annabelle Kekic, Mary Calhoun and Bill have left for Dallas, Texas. who has been on sick leave from Romulus Field, and We shall surely miss Mary at our 99 meetings. We wish to Ann Barille who has been in the hospital for an the two of them the best of luck in Texas. emergency operation. Dawn Malson Reynolds and her husband, Leigh, who were both hospitalized after an Elsie Peters is now spending her summer vacation automobile accident in Toledo while on their honey­ from teaching in the place she likes best to be — the moon, have aDout recuperated, and Dawn has returned flight office at Mitchell Field. She will be checking to her work in the Air Traffic Control at the Cleve­ planes and their supplies. Where planes are, Elsie is land Municipal Airport. happy. So we are certain of her happy summer ahead. To Ruth Stoneman Davidson and to Bernice Deutsch- Jean Reimer, a student in the training at Sweet­ man Ottney, we wish to say "Hello" and "Good Luck". water, Texas, and holder of a private license, has sent Both girls' 492-ers are overseas in the Army. Ber­ in her membership application to become a member of our chapter of the 99's. Her description of the work at nice has been teaching school and is the proud aunt Sweetwater and her part -in the program was interesting. of her doctor brother's, Capt. Reynold P. Deutsch- m a n , son. I have had a card from Grace Birge from Niagara Falls. I am always pleased to hear from the girls SOUTHEASTERN so that I can pass along some news to Kay for the NEWS LETTER, to let you know we haven't forgotten SECTION you. My youngest son, Bob, was inducted into the Army on June 23, so the Boswell home seems very empty. CAROLINAS CHAPTER I also have the pleasure of announcing a new member. She is Mrs. John W. Friedlander, Wyoming 15, By Bird Eaton, 1208 Johnston Bldg., Ohio, the holder of a private license. Charlotte 2, N. C. North Carolina is one of the first states to start planning for post-war aviation. Arrangements are being made for State Aviation Week, August 14th INDIANA CHAPTER through 20th, to be held in Charlotte. By Dorotha E. Hendricks, 2020 Pearl Street, Colonel Frank Dawson, Commander of the State Anderson, Indiana. CAP Wing, and the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce are in charge of arrangements. Various airplane companies Our meeting for June was held at Weir Cook Air­ have planned to send planes, engines, and equipment port, Indianapolis, Ind., on the 25th. We missed all for exhibition at Charlotte airports during Aviation you girls, especially from Terre Haute. Most of our Week. Several thousand CAP cadets will be housed for active members are in tnat city, and we don't see much the week in a tent city here. of them any more. Plans are being made for the largest aviation Fern Rinker and I flew down for a few minutes as program that has ever been held in the State. All we had to get our ..lane back to our home airport to 99's of the Southeastern Section are invited to par­ take War Bond purchasers for a hop— courtesy of CAP. ticipate. Sunday, August 20th, has been set for 99's Ruth Colwell was waiting for us at the field, and day. An all day program is planned. Dinner will be that was the crowd. given in our honor in the Gold Room of the Barringer Hotel at 1 P.M. A business meeting of the South­ A card and letter from Marie Thompson and a let­ eastern Section and the Carolinas Chapter will be held ter from Verona Ruzicka were gratefully received last after dinner, at which time election of officers for month. Mary is off to New'York for a few weeks, and the coming year w i U take place. The Florida, Georgia Verona is busy instructing at Kokomo. and Tennessee Chapters are invited to hold their meet­ ings here, too. Washington Army officials and Ethel Helen House Outcelt, we will try to see you at Sheeby, our National President, are expected. Rochester some time in August. & j L Every 99' er should make a special effort to at­ tend this meeting and join the fun. Please advise Bird Eaton, above address, when and how you will ar­ rive. The Carolines Chapter members are your hostesses. Betty Dunlap, our Chairman, was in Charlotte on July third. We talked over plans for the Southeastern Section meeting to be held here on August 20th. She has called a meeting of the Carolines Chapter nominat­ ing Committee on July 18th, at 2 P.M., at her home in EASTERN PENH CHAPTER Rock Hill. Betty has two new members from S. C. Betty and Joe have had some very nice trips in their By Bettie Thompson, Stinson. 724 S. 63rd St., Philadelphia, Penna. Maisie Mahaffey and Sid have taken over the Rock Hill Airport.
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