Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 11 MARCH 1958 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Cost of" Hansard." [ll MARCH.] Questions. 1'76!1 QUESTIONS. GIFTS OF CROWN LANDS. Mr. WOOD (North Toowoomba-Leadel' of the Opposition) asked the Minister for Public Lands and Irrigation- " In view of his statement published i_u 'The Courier-Mail' of 5 March that local authorities all over the State had applied to the Government from time to time for gifts of Crown land, will he inform the House the number of applications, and the nature of such applications, received from priYate business interests since he took over his office on 12 August~'' Hon. A. G. J:l:ULLER (Fassifern) replied- ' 'There is no record of any request being reeeived since 12 August last from privnte business interests for gifts of Crown land.'' FREEHOLD AND PERPETUAL LEASE, SOUTH CoAsT. JUr. WOOD (North Toowoomba-Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister for Public Lands and Irrigation- '' In view of his statement in reference to the sale of coastal building blocks, pub­ lished in the 'Brisbane Telegraph' of 21 August last-that the worker was en­ titled to the freehold of the land on whi h he built his housr, his statement in th.e 'Telegraph' on 20 September, following the decision to switch auctions from per­ petual to freehold basis, that the price~ obtained would be a useful guide to land values on the South Coast; and his further statement in the 'Telegraph' of 5 March that the next sale of Broadbeach allotments would be held under the leasehold system,- ( 1) Were the freehold sales merely used as a token guinea pig experiment TUESDAY, 11 MARCH. 1958. designed with a view to fixing inflated upset prices in future sales~ Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. A. R. Fletcher, (2) Will not this have the effect of Cunningham) took the chair at 11 a.m. completely excluding the ordinary >York­ ing man from the auctions~ ( 3) Does he believe fantastic prices SCREENING OF FILMS. for land on the South Coast represent a market stable enough to be used as an }Ir. SPEAKER: Hon. members, I wish index on which to fix upset values, or to inform the House that two films entitled, are they the grossly inflated prices re­ "People, Products and Progress, 1975," and sulting from the manipulations of land "National Park, Bunya Mountains" will be specula tors~ '' screened in the LegislatiYe Council Chamber at 6.30 this evening. The House will resume Hon. A. G. lliULLER (Fassifern) at 7.15 p.m. replied- " (1) The freehold sales haYe been held CIRCULATION AND COST OF to meet the wishes of the grent numbers of the public who prefer to purchase under '' HANSARD. '' conditions enabling them to become out­ Mr. SPEAKER laid on the table the renort right owners of the land.'' of the Chief Reporter, State Reporting "(2) vVorking men are no more ex­ Bureau, on the circulation and cost of cluded from purchasing under freehold '' Hansard'' for the sessions of 1956·57 and conditions than they would be under the 1957. perpetual lease system. The recent sales 1770 Que8tions. [ASSEl\IBLY.] Questions. of beach allotments ha,·o proved that the would be a dangerous attitude to adopt prices bid are far below the capital values that the powers of Central Government which could have been realised if offered should be used to probe what, on its face, c.s perpetual leases, while at a Crown sale is a lawful exercise of power by a Local of residential allotments in the thriving Authority. In the circumstances, I cannot North Queensland town of Mareeba the agree to either of the requests in the freehold prices obtained were within the Honourable Member's question.'' l'each of any worKer genuinely seeking a home site, 11otwithstnmling there was 8pirited competition.'' RELIEF FOR UNEMPLOYED TRAVELLERS. " ( 3) Except in several instances where iUr. I\IANN (Brisbane) asked the Acting allotments had a special value to the suc­ Minister for Labour and Industry- cessful bidders, the prires obtained for the Broadbeach allotments \Yere certainly not " (1) Does the Government still provide excessive. In respect of the 20 perch allot­ relief for unemployed travellers in all cities ments which compri;cL1 the bulk of the anu towns throughout the State~" offering the prices realise(! an•raged £2,227 "(2) What was the cost of this type or less than 25 per cent. in excess of the of relief-(a) during the months of Crown upsets. These upset prices were December, 1957; January, 1958; and :·.rrived at after full consideration of all February, 1958, respectively; and (b) for the accepted principles of valuation in­ the period 1 August, 1957, to 31 January, YOlved in sales. 1958 ·?'' REPORT OF SCOTT & COMPANY ci'O BRISBANE Hon. E. EVANS (Mirani), for Hon. J. CITY CoUNCIL. C. A. PIZZ:EY (Isis), replied- " ( 1) Relief is issued at approved Mr. LLOYD (Kedron) asked the Minister Travellers' Relief Issuing Stations to fo:r Public Works and Local Government- indigent unemployed travellers who are not " ( 1) In view of the fact that the eligible for Commonwealth Unemployment Brisbane City Council has committed the Benefit. This policy is the same as that City of Brisbane to an expenditure of which has been in force since 1949 when £88,000, as fees payable to W. D. Scott and Company, transport consultants, plus ap­ unemployment relief became the respon­ proximately £30,000 in salaries of engin­ sibility of the Commonwealth Govern­ ·_ering officers seconded from the Council ment.'' and other expenses, rmd the apparent "(2) (a) December, 1957, £704 5s. 6d.; reluctance of the Loro. Mayor to make January, 1958, £899 17s. 6d. February available reports of the Manager of the figures are not yet available. (b) Council Transport Department, will he in­ £3,929 2s. 6d.'' lltruct the Director of Local Government to examine and report on all aspects of this ,•xpenditure~ NUMBER OF 8'1'ATE RENTAl, HOMES BUILT, 1 JULY, 1957, TO 28 FEBRUARY, 1958. "(2) If not, will he instruct the Director uf Local Government to examine a copy of I\Ir. ~IANN (Brisbane) asked the Scott and Company's audited report prom­ Treasurer and Minister for Housing- ised to Brisbane City Council Aldermcn by '' How many State Rental Homes have the Lord Mayor as reported in the 'Tele­ been erected by the Queensland Housing graph' of 5 Man·h? '' Commission in Queensland this financial Hon. ,J, A. HEAIHNG (Marodian) year up to 28 February, 1958 ~'' n·plied- Hon. T. A. HILEY (Coorparoo) replied- '' I am not awaTe of any suggestion, nor '' For the period 1 July, 1957, do I think that the Honourable MembeT 'uggests, that the expenditure incurred is to 28 Pebruary, 1958, 493 houses were com­ illegal. I take it that the question is pleted under the Commonwealth and State directed rather to the question of the wis­ Housing Agreement. Of these, 342 :ue Jom or value of the expenditure incurred. being purchased leaving 151 for rental.'' Local Authorities arc democratically elected bodies responsible to the electorate. Once every three years members are HOUSING COMMISSION TEMPORARY CAMPS. :required to give an account of their steward­ I\Ir. HOOPER (Buranda), for lUr. ship at the ballot box. The Government's RAlUSDEN (lVIerthyr), asked the Treasurer policy is to recognise this position and to interfere as little as possible in the affairs and Minister for Housing- of Local Government. There are certain '' ( 1) How many Housing Commission TesPrve and overriding powers vested in the Temporary Camps still exist and where are Central Government. I feel that these they located~" powers should be exercised sparingly and .only in cases of proper constitutional neces­ '' (2) How many families are housed in sity. As a general principle, I feel that it each of these camps~'' Questions. [11 MARCH.] Queations. 1771 "(3) When is it anticipated that Vie· Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) toria Park and New Farm areas will be replied- entirely eliminated~'' '' The numbers at the end of the pay periods expiring- on the dates shown below Hon. T. A. HILEY (Coorparoo) replied­ were:- " ( 1) Five----Gregory Terrace; Victoria Park; Kalinga; New Farm; and Garbutt, -- Per· I Tern· Con· manent. ~ struc- Tobl. Townsville.'' tion. --·· "(2) Gregory Terrace, 148; Victoria 2nd December 1956 24,621 5,275 1,164 31,060 Park, 164; Kalinga, 38; New Farm, 35; 30th June ·1957 :: 24,656 4,914 1,292 30,862 Garbutt, 58.'' 17th November 1957 24,818 4,322 1,192 30,33:! "(3) Temp01·ary housing in these areas 26th 'january 1958 24,834 4,078 1,158 30,070 will be progressively eliminatell as the 23rd iTebruary buildings are sold for removal. Any of 1958 .. .. 24,925 3,972 1,144 30,041 the buildings may be purchased for removal and the clearing of the areas may take It will be noted that when the present Government took office permanent employees 12 to 18 months depending on the response numbered 24,656, temporary employees from buyers. ' ' 4,914 and construction employees 1,292, making a total of 30,862. On 23 February, SOOT AND SMOKE ELIMINATION COMMISSION. 1958, the permanent staff had increased. by 269 mPn, the temporary staff had been Mr. HOOFER (Buranda), for JUr. reduceLl by 942 men and the construction RAlliSDEN (Merthyr), asked the Minister staff by 148, thereby reducing the overall. number of employees by 821. It will there­ for Health and Home Affairs- fore he seen that this Government has "IVhat action has he taken or does offered security of employment to an he intend to take regarding the appoint· additional 269 men.
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