, -••J^-—-•jfo^'-.Tr ~~- KT. 74, l«6 FIVE ^ ^^—^^——— =———= —ea^— ^. M TOWBHP [ ^^ ~^" • • • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^B^^^ee^^^^^f^^^awaw^^^e^^^^awgiej ^pa^vei PREPARES FOR SMQW DIB In ordnr to mstusm HiIIL »rw plow wtth a Moot btadZtobTa* Sepd •ached to one of the towmrupt trocka. That win give Cranlord low plows to put!Mo serrka. An adOHooal three RETOdHNSONC, Ptowa can be uead wtth hirsd trucks I. js*e then ahouldb. an uoaauan, heavy IWth<rfCWi»ttoBe( ikesttssnt to Onion f»tt«fsnow, according to Township i.ot tht Oaneral AS- •nstossr Thomaa J, MeUughlln. The k. Craaloni fhwrlm IHIiiiEjfci Serrfc** Tonight, by th» streat department win try out a motor- f»mls«iht Fistrisw Tns,rm»w llawlaTt drhwn akknalk .play, constructed to Iscaawattareqaeit- break a path of about two and a half "Miniih"toB«Sur>tS«ndayfwltl>t tart. It wffl be punhaaed tf K provta i tor the period of successful In Mount*, the machme The Christmai story will be retold in tons and sermon twa» learned Tuesday can be wed to drive a lawn mower. tonight, tomorrow and on Sunday in Cranford churches/ Spe- cial services, with festive musk, will be held- in all local 11* (ranted to eon. churchea commemorating the birth of Christ. Many churches will usher in Christmas with midnight employes and SO BASKETS TO BE vert to services tonight, others will hold candlelight service! at 6 a. m,t t scale on January 31 tomorrow. One of the highlight* of the musical programs tai DBTMBOIB TODAY be prevented during the week-end will be Handel's immortal [Ja» telegrams, It tt for the work, "The Messiah," which will be sung in the Pint Pres- r salartss In Ita ownNeedy of Town to Be Cared byterian Church at 8 p. m, Sunday by a large choir, U«oodttions sre further For; Parties Held for Trt-My talmyl Caanh , ATHuanrs The GhrMmaa aeaeon In Trinity of the depreanon, Kiddies. Church wUl be Initiated by tht annual Gets Gold Watch cbeve been permitted to midnight celebration of the. Holy Com- -taaoMbuUcns from their ChrUtmaa will be made more pleaa- munion at 11:10 p. m, tonight. To- [the nec- ant tor approximately fifty Cranlord nlghl'a tervlc*, which will be largely *Of ~tnaMnf out-and-out salary rouaical. will Include tht following car- famlllea through the generwlty and WOODBVET eh,would change the salaiy oil: Chrlitmaa Song of Uw VOurtecnth HEN'S AND bats. ^Bowers*, leglilatlon permitting cooperation ot local orgsnbaUona and Century, arranged by Ketley WUlan; LADIES' BETS that practice will expire at the close ot Individual! who have donated baikeU Patapan, arranged by Brwkway: Was- the year, with the reault that complete of foodstuffs. It was »tiii«iiiw« yester- aall Bong, by Martin Shaw: While by My Blwp, Jungat; Lute Book Carol, restoration of talsriee Wt follow. day by Mra. Carrie O. Orady, execu- The Board of Mucatioji, In drawing Jtait mutlud spin, /mil f*% UslfAl/" arranged by Bancroft. The Commun- up the budget tor,the new achool year, tive secretary of the Cranford Welfare ion Servloe wilt be Molr in P, has made provlaloa for complete re- Bervlcea tomorrow, Ohrlstma* Day, storation' of..aalarles, which accounts In More than fifty ChrUtmaa baskets DOTCR TO FEATURE ! will Include Holy Communion at t and part for aftincreaj* ot about I&S.000 to will be distributed thla afternoon by 10 a. m. be puatd by local taxation. Budget ln- COUNTY RATABLES MEN'S CLUB MEETlNa WH1IAM SEABROOK On Saturday, tht Fee* of Balnt the Boy Scouta under supervision of the ersasss, made mandatory by the ab- Stephen, there will be t celebration at asnea of emergency salary-campenaa- Welfare Aaaodatlon. The baskets have REDUCED $2,121,742 The January aweUnj of the Men'i I a. m. (ton, ere certain to cauae a rise In the been filled and prepared by member! ot TO LECTURE HERE On Sunday, the eervieea will Include 'tax rats, It is pointed out. Uk at Trinity cburch will take the the Junior Service League and atrl fan of a dinner auatlng. It waa an- Holy Communion at S a. m.i morning Asked at Tuesday night's meeting of Scouts.. n Is believed that nearly every Cranford Shows Log* of $75^- ttafc week' by Pnaldent WU- Noted Author, Explorer to prayer at II a. m.| OhrUtmaa carol ittte Township Committee by William •ervlce of the church achool, )',M p. m.; needy family In town will receive auf- TToeber. The aflalr, which Speak on "Magic Aid io: Rellry of 140 HUlcreat avenue what 850,n r tn» and Youn, People'a Mkrwahlp, e p. m. -3the appradmate lncreaee- in the tax ftclent food to have an enjoyable win be hrld In the pwinh home, will iif«. l . r. II Then will be no morning session of tht i Cranford for the dinner. rtmrv M 7 p. m, John K Cloud. J, Bd- TT nencran* church school and no tnnlng church t aae O>aria> Xurti corq- service. Sueeeatful pntar the oammiHee In eharce of ar- At laat ipeaker In the lecture wrlei which It haa been apoiuorlng during On Monday, the PVwt oT the Holy the Junior Service Tinsgno baa County Board of TuattaB Jar. 1 J, 1DWAED WOUT. however, that for each Increase of the winter, the Oranf ord Teachen Aa. lnnocenU. there will be a Celebration aeveral •toddngi which will be Bbut Malt with ;ttM0 hi the local budgets, there will Uona hi 1IM i Dan Templeton. chairman of the en •odation will preeent. William Beabrook. of the Holy Communion at • a. m. In be a point rise In the tax rate. Mr, uted to underprivileged children. «3.iai,7«a drop in tax i """'f, 1> arranging at noted author and explorer, In Rbow- the evening at 7 o'clock there will be a «ol-~ 79c 1 ReUly commended that tt waa apparent The Llona Club tonight In the Chim- County, acoadlm to a I x maurar acU which will be velt School on Turaday erenlng, Jan- party In the pariah hoiue for mem POLICE HONOR that the Board ot Education's budget, nounced by-Charh> J.} folkraring the dinner. It.ui ex- Water Bottle 29c ney Corner will be hoaut at a ChrUt- uary 8. Hla tubject wUl be "Magic and bera and staff of the church ichool. It adopted, will bring about a riae of dent or. the tax boant pndad that thli meeting will be one of Witchcraft," Flnrt rreabyteriaii Charofa maa party to several children of needy fiutMandtng of the teaion. mlin lOcc U40 - a|) least twenty-five points. ablea thow a drop of *BJBa_ Mr. Beabrook'i lecture will deal with "Who Waa Conceived or'the Holy J. EDWARD WOLF 89c Queried by Road Commissioner Frank famlllea. Toya, candy and other gift* The-Boartj-jSt WillwMill. 1B arnnged primarily for aertoua black magic, norcery; and witch- Ohctt. Dora of the Virgin Mary," will MrCanoogh as to how the telegrams will be distributed. throea of •UUUAMJU. cueaU will be welcomed pro- craft aa actually practiced today, riot be the Mrmon ub)ect or'lhe Itcv. WU en's Lotion ,_.31c , from the Township Committee were 300 underprivileged Cranford thU the i rtdtad, ux committee li contacted a fewonly by primitive ptoplea In. Africa, Ham R. Sloan at tlie II ». m. tervlce Officers'Present Commission- a Cough *^» krforc tte dtanei. I Continued on lait page) Sunday In the Flrit .• Pretbyterian er With Gold Watch, Chain Church, The choir, under direction of 33c 2jS^T«3bm ** »««™~ In the to houae at a Andrew R. Walaon, will ofler, "O Com* at Annual Inspection. were to tovo?lf thVmove. CommU- Chrtetma. party arranged by the Cran- All Ye talthful," a choral Uken from Lyon't Tooth a»^ MeCuUoiwh »M h» wa» not *r4 Republican Olub. Judge Auguat the 'Coventry Nativity drama, entitled, Poilcr Commiatlonrr~J. Bdward Well or 28c whX toaoeordL • |]Wmert "" fi*nt* <**»*• »• •"*• .'•DeUitehem.' 1 on Sunday morning waa presented frith • Tooth «thTiugg«*lon of the mayor, the trlbuted gift, and .locking, filled with Mualc loven of the oonununlty are a gold-caK 17 jewel Hamilton watch 27c committee adopted a resolution provld- nuta, candlea, cooklea and other "good\ krenly awaiting the preaentatkm of and a gold chain by members of tha in« for the cloaing of the townahip let" to each child. Mn. Frank McCul- Ilandel't -Meaalah" at S p. m. Sunday Oranford Police Department, Tha'pre- «W Luden's room* on the Saturday! following lough waa chairman of the committee in the Pint Preabyterlart Church by the atntaUon, made In behalf of the police Chrtatma* and New Year-a, although a In charge. church choir axlated by teveral lead- by Chief Carl A, followed the i Drape 3c rapneentative wUl be kept on duty In I \ chlldreh'i Chrlitmaa party, under Ing atnien of the community', Mr, 1 Inspection of members and equipment > Hepeika the coDedor ! office to receive tax pay- auaploea of Asure Chapter, n, O. K. 8., WaUon will direct. "The Meaalah" will at pollee headquirtera, ( I". 19c jwu held Saturday afternoon. In the bo given In almost IU entirety. The watch beam the eommlarionar'i—' tram the tavern owneri for uaaonic Temple. It waa largely at- Walter H. Hewitt, A. A.' 0. O, or lhlUala, -J, I. W," on the back of the tnpoleg Prep- to remain open an add!- tended. IContlnutd m l h Inalde of the can U the follow- r,, ™_57c ing Inscription, "PRtented to J. Edward ' Wolf. Polios Oommtsshinrr. Orantafd, •*• Bromo . _. N. J- by Police Department, 1MK\" ^ ' 17c however, win bo ekwe^d throughouAU uvet th™e STRIKE DELAYS DEADLINE In matin* the presentation, ChW iiiilmlilH' ObrMmai Day.
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