P h o to b y l EDENDERRY PAROCHIAL HALL. [.Moffett &■ Co, T he Parochial H all, Edenderry, was erected in . the year 1S01. It is a handsome and commodious building. The Sunday Schools for Edenderry District of Seagoe Farish are held in it e'6 ry Sunday, and during the week it is used for classes and Parish gatherings of various kinds. The ground on which the H all was erected was the kind gift of a Parishioner. The Foundation Stone was laid on August 25th, 1900, and the Hall was opened for use on March 7th, 1S01. A project is now on foot for the enlargement of the Hall owing to the development of Parish work in the District. Edenderry is the most populous centre in the Parish, and forms part of the town of Portadown. It contains a large Church population. SERVICES. CLASSES & SCHOOLS. HOLY COMMUNION. ADULT CLASSES. Sundays, at JO a m. 1st Sunday of Month after Morning Men—Recreation Rccms. Edenderry, Trayer. Seagoe Orange Hall. 3rd Sunday, at 8 a.m., and on the Women—Pecreation Pooms, Eden­ Chief Festivals. derry. The Bishop holds his triennial Seagoe Paiochial School. Confirmation in the Parish this year. Sunday, at 3. En end err y Parochial Hall. HOLY BAPTISM. Tuesdays (during Winter). 1st Saturday of Month at3p m., and Men—Hacknahay, 7-EO: Drumgor, during any Public Service in the Mondays—Carbet at 8 Parish Church if notice be given. Women-The Girls’ Friendly Society Two Sponsors, at least, are required meets weekly, during Winter in at each Baptism. Sponsors should Edenderry, Hacknahay, and be Confirmed Members of the Church. Drumgor. The Service of Churching is held before each Public Baptism. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 10 a m., in Edenderry Hall and Seagoc School Hall and Recreation MOBNING PBAYER. Pooms (Infant’s), 3 p.m. ; Eden­ Sundays and Chief Fsstivals at 11-E0. derry, Seagoe, Hacknahay, Carne, Levaghery and Drumgor EVENING PBAYEB. 3-30 a.m. Sundays, at 7 p.m., in the Parish DAY SCHOOL. Church, and also Hacknahay, Seagoe National School, 9-30 a m. Drumgor and Tamnificarbet. Principal :—Mr. S. R. C h a m b e r s . Wednesdays, at 8 p.m., in the Parish Hacknahay School, 9-30 a.m. Church. Principal Miss M. W i l s o n . ■'-X PT REASONS WHY C. C O U R T N E Y ’S YOU SHOULD SEND ME YOUR ORDERS FOR Watcbes, Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, Select GROCERIES still to Antique Goods, 1— I buy keen and I sell keen. the Front. His TEAS are 2— 1 buy for Cash, and therefore give Customers the very best Value for Money. Second to None. 3— I have been Thirty-Five Years in the Business and know how to do it properly. 4—1 carry huge Stocks and execute orders promptly, and last, but not least, I sell the very b e s t U ooils at T R Y T H E M . Cheaper Prices than is asked for third quality elsewhere. N o t e A d d r e s s :— HIGH STREET. D. GRAY, Watchmaker & Jeweller, $ 1>S|yadowV TH E HFE A UOUSE T R Y O U R g o l d MEDAL BLENP — The E nvy I LIQ U ID of the ^ T RAD E. ^ 1 IfST" The Perfection of all TEA. "^0 T. J. MONTGOMERY, 9, High street, portadown. CHEAP BOOKS ? " d- STATIONERY One Pound Extra Good Note Paper, 6\d for sd. ACCOUNT BOOKS AND PASS BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS. loo Envelopes, to Match, 4<>. Fashionable Stationery of all Sorts. Cheap Fountain Pens, ■/-, 2/- & 2/6. GENTLEMEN’S POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, &c. BIBLES, PRAYER-BOOKS, and HYMN BOOKS. BEST SHILLING BIBLE EVER OFFERED AT WAUGH’S, High Street, PORTADOWN. • • DAVISON'S MEDICAL HALL. I MRS. E WILSON, Supplies ONE, TWO PECIAL attention is given to the accurate and careful and FOUR HORSE O ' compounding of Physicians’ and Surgeon's Prescrip­ tions and Family Recipes. The greatest care is employed ^ H E A R S E S . ^ the purest and best Drugs alone are u s e d , and the most complete reliance may be placed on the medicines dispensed. Magnificent Horses and Newest R u b b e r Hearses. I guarantee that no house in the trade can send out better Coffins of every description on Shortest Notice. or more carefully prepared medicines. Y/EEDING CARRIAGES, with RUBBER TYRES, &c. Drills and Patent Aledicines of a ll k in d s . 0 Sponges Combs, Brushes, Enemas, Brakes, Cars, Broughams and Wagonettes. Trusses, Elastic Stockings, Bandages, TERMS MODERATE. Ice Bags, Feeding Cups, &c., &c. Tbe Undertaking and Posting Establishment, Discensinir and Family Cheir.ist. 61, BRIDGE STREET, PORTADOWN. POtiTAUOWN. Seagoe U>arisb /Ifoaga3íne. JANUARY, 1910. Clergy : Our Sunday evening congregations should be Rev. James E. A r c h e r , B.D,, Rector, the Rectory, much larger than they are. Comparatively few, Seagoe. even of those who live near the Church, think it Rev. W alter R. Crichton, B.A., Curate, Seao-oe worth their while to join with God’s people in the Villa. Evening Worship. The solemn evening hour with God in His House of Prayer is the right way for the N .B.—It is most important that in all cases of illness notice should be given to the Clergy of the Parish Christian to complete his Sabbath Worship. We without delay. hope during this year to hear of many families adopting the habit of Family Prayer. Forms suit­ Churchwardens : able for the purpose may be had from the Rector. Our Offertories are low considering the numbers in Mr. James Albin, Rector’s Churchwarden. our congregations. Examine the amounts contri­ Me, John G. Gracey, People’s Churchwarden. buted each Sunday as recorded in the Magazine and Select Yestry : give a little more liberally from what God has given to you. W o ls e y R. A tk in s o n , W il s o n I r w in , We are still in need of more Sunday School George Calvert, T h o m a s M a r t in , Teachers, and we are anxious to raise the standard John Montgomery, M ajor S. W. Blacker, of Efficiency both in discipline and instruction in our T , J . M o n t g o m e r y , T. J. A tk in s o n , Schools. A reserve of Teachers who would be pre­ R o b e r t G r a c e y , J . H. Stevenson, pared to fill vacancies among the Sunday School T . E. M a g in n is . Joseph Murray. Teachers is much needed. We plead with parents M r. W . R. A tk in s o n , Secretary and Treasurer. that they will interest themselves more than they do in the work done for their children in the Sunday Schools. They should see that the children carefully The New Year« prepare their lessons and should also examine their children’s Church Attendance Card. (y ^vl3 ^5 ) N EW Year always brings with it new thoughts, new associations, and we trust, also new efforts towards Right­ eousness. It is a gift from God to His The Magazine* people, and if we use that gift aright we We present our readers this month with a new have, each of us, a splendid opportunity cover containing a fine photograph of Edenderry for a fresh step forward in our Christian Hall. The frame around the cover was designed for ' course. the Magazine by Miss Georgie Atkinson, of Eden in the Parish there are many things to be Villa, and now an Art Scholar in the famous South thankful for. There is less sickness than for Kensington School of Art. The sprig of flax on one f some years past, the trade depression which side and of corn on the other remind us of the pro­ last year darkened many of our homes has passed ducts of Seagoe Parish— farm produce and the away and a bright prosperity has cheered our hearts. Linen industry. A handsome coloured plate is also The wonderful movement against Intemperance has given with this number. The advertisements are proved an untold blessing, and it seems as if at last newly arranged, and some have not appeared before. our people are awaking to the fact that the giant, You can help our Magazine greatly by giving your Strong Drink, has been depriving them of Health custom to those who advertise in the Magazine. and Wealth and Happiness. We pray that this Almost everything required for household use may Crusade may go on and flourish until the power of be found advertised in our columns, and the firms that great evil has been destroyed for ever. who advertise are the best in the town. Read the In some departments of our Parish life we should advertisements through carefully and you will find like to see an improvement. The attendance at the exactly what you want, good and cheap. early Celebrations should be very much larger than Many of the Parishioners are beginning to pur­ it is. That quiet morning hour with God might be chase a second copy of the Magazine each month to a mighty stimulus to the Sunday School Teacher, or send to friends abroad' It is a good plan Keep the Bible Class Member, or the Senior Sunday your own copies and get them bound at the end of School boy or girl, or to the men and women in our the year.
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