Tuesday-TWICE-A-WEEK-Friday HELP THE BOOSTER COl\fl\fiTTEE BOOST W. S.C. AT HO~IE DURING DURL~G VACATIO:S \' AC'.-\TIO:S VOL. XXVIII. STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, T UESDAY AP RIL 3, 1922 No. 46 NATURE CLUB HEARS FRUSH DEfEAT SOPHS [Raucous Voices Roaring DfNVEH U. O[BATfRS AESTHETIC LECTURES VACATION PRACTICE IN fAST GAME, 14-lO j From Gym Startle Campus WIN lABOR Four Talks on Widely Different ~UfSTION Subjects ;{u!a~u;:; History : fOR BASEBAll MEN l Loud voices issued from the gym- knowledge, rushed toward him­ Juniors Win From Seniors 9-2- nasium. Harsh words frequently and panic &tricken he turned and re-en· Denver Argues Tendency of the Coach Barber Will Have Players dynamically projected from mascu- tered the Bohler palace. Four lectures were given at the Unions to Dominate Every Second Games Necessary to ; line voices came tumbling out of an And still the roar continued. Xatural History club's meeting on Field at 10 and 2 Each Friday evening. Charles Parke1 Reach Decision upstairs window. 'fravel-proud students likened it to Phase of National Life Day I As this parade of the king's Eng- the sound of Niagra; others wanted talked on "Poison Oak and Poison I lish continued the tone ascended the Pullman council to hear it, stat­ 1 vy in Washington," having made a and became a roar. The bricks in ing that their search for an adequate thorough investigation of this sub­ FEED FOLLOWS GAMES TWO TO ONE DECISION FIRST CONTEST APRIL 21 the gymnasium walls began to act as fire siren would then be ended. ject. "Over the Skyline Trail in 1 if the mortar was T. N. T. that was The roar paused, changed to an Spring Vacation' ' was described by Alice Tardy, who told of the delights . d i being detonated by the hot air. The eager shriek and suddenly stopped W. S. C. Contentions Support the Prospects for a Good Team Are Girls' Varsity Basket Ball an flag pole quivered, thrummed and altogether. Then a loud voluminous of a trip to \Vildhorse Butte and Baseball Teams Named-Let- Ijumped a bit as though some demon "Haw-haw-haw" that seemed to Unions as Beneficial to Work- Paradise Butte in Idaho. Better Than Last Geraldine \Vright spoke on ''Spring ters Are Awarded was twisting its roots. come from a set of lungs as big as ing Men and Development Year Passing classes paused to satisfy the gym itself, mirthfully jostled the Flowers Found in the Canyon of the Ia craving curiosity. Demure co-eds tired air waves. Snake,'• preliminary to the annual owd the 1 blushed a little in the guilty expec- Eldon Jenne appeared at the gym- University of Denver won a two Snal.:e river trip the club is plan- b f 1 ·with the first varsity baseball Saturday e ore a arge cr h _ tancy of hearing words with twisted nasium door. to one decision over \V. s. c. de- ning. The last lecture was by 0 games little more than two weeks freshmen women defeated thedsolp d ! morals. None carne. World faced "What's happened?" interrogated haters last night on the question, Charles May whose subject was mores 14-10 in a fast an 1ar . 1 off, Coach Barber is putting the ' ' . in wise guys assumed a blase gnn and the State Co 1lege. "Resolved, That the union shop " Rabies and the Coyote." Cougar " majors" through strenuous fought game, With Pay1 g mentally debated the subject under- "Oh nothing,'' replied Jenne to ~xc~llent should be applied in all American practice througout vacation. Com­ 1 p on both sides. The JUmors won from gomg. 'roaratwn'•, . 1n. the gym. w·1n- th e eager IDQUJSI· · 't ors , " on Y a ddy, industires.'' SOUTHERN TRIP CANCELED 9 2 petition is decidedly keen for sev­ the seniors by a score of to · dows opened and highbrowed know!- Hack and Coach Glahe had an argu- That it is the tendency of the era l of the positions. The men have President E. 0. Holland will be Since the sophomores defeated the edge moulders exposed inquisitive ment. Paddy said that Sandberg unions to dominate not only the been working out on Rogers field juniors the juniors defeated the faces to the torrent of noise now was from Denmark Hack claimed he · . and em- unable to go to Los Angeles for the ' ' umon1sts non-unionists, for several days now and are get­ freshmen and the freshmen defeated fast losing the discrimination of was from Sweden and Glahe knew 1 d ·t l' t but inauguration of President Rufus von ' • 1 p oyers an cap1 a IS s even ting down to real baseball. Kleinsmid, at the University of the sophomores, two more games "words." Mr. Grimes hurried to the very well that all Sandbergs bailed the government of the United States• . This week is beyond doubt a cru­ will be played to settle the tourna- ·t dl · · · b t th f N y " Southern California ,April 27-29. scene exc1 e Y mqUJrmg a ou e rom orwa · that the strikes which hold up Amer- cial one, for the varsity selections IJl ent. location of the fire. I "But why the laugh?" the college ican industries are an inherent evil; H. Kenyon Burch of Los Angeles, will depend upon the ability dia­ an alumnus of W. S. C., will repre­ After the Saturday games a "feed" A frosh came hurriedly out of the was not yet satisfied. were arguments put forth by played. All baseball candidates will was given by the managers of the gymnasium door. Ten sophomores, I "Oh, Sandy came in said he was Ray Redmond, Marvin Bauer and sent the college at the exercises. remain in Pullman during the spring sports for all girls taking either overcome by a thirst for particular from Bellingham." Randolph McDonaugh in support of vacation. Practices will be held basketball or baseball. At the close the negative for the University of twice a day at 10 o'clock in the of the lunch letters were given to VOCATIONAL CONFERENCE Denver, Again they declared that morning and at two in the afternoon. those making the teams. :\!iss WOMfN'S Glf[ CLUB WOMEN'S LEAGUE PLAN unionism will lead to class war Coach Barber adds that that means Wright announced the varsity bas­ ~lff ~lUB lfAVfS between the two opposing forces, [ ketball team and :\'!iss Morris an- rsprn CONCrRT "on the field" at those hours. Plans for a women's vocational capital and labor; that unions limit 1 [ [ [ Next week the varsity will be par- nounced the varsity baseball team. 1i IN V ON fASf SIDf TOUR conference, to be held here on Fri­ productivity and efficiency and lim­ tiallr formed and the rP-al labor of Those on the varsity basketball day and Saturday, May 2 6 and 2 7, its membership thereby raising the ~ Ideveloping teamwork will begin. team were: Forwards, Aileen Cum- are being made by Women's League. prices. Vocal and Violin s0 1 0 f M 't Friday, April 21, the first game mins and Virginia Shaw; center, l\Iay Will Give Performances in Gar­ The speakers at the conference Supporting the affirmative or the OS en will be played with Idaho, either Shore; side center, Josephine Boston; I will be women of various professions question for W. S. C., Rex Turner, -Club Shows Quality and here or at Moscow; a decision as to guards, Ida Hedborg and Lucy Dixon. 1 field, Tekoa and Spokane Dur- who will speak on vocational guid- Thad Byrne and Fred Weller put Volume the location of the game has not yet The varsity baseball team consist- : ing Spring Vacation ance. forth the arguments: that unions are been arrive at. Saturday, the 22nd, ed of: Pitcher, :llary Keith; catcher, I Invitations are to be sent out to beneficial to working men; that the Cougars and t he Vandals will Elizabeth Williams; first baseman, 1 high school girls, asking them to they are a natural and historical out­ The ·women's Glee Club, directed cross bats here. Irene Kulzer; second basema n, The :lien 's Glee Club will appear visit W. S. C. at that time and at­ growth; and that collective bargain­ by ?.Iiss La Verne Askin, gave a The week following will see the Gladys Beck; third baseman, Anne at the Lewis and Clark h1gh schod tend the conference. ing is an outgrowth of consolidation; sacred concert at vespers Sunday. U. of 0. here on :llonday and Tues­ Rohwer; right short, Mary Sprague; auditorium Friday night on its •Ill- and that the unions bring forth The program demonstrated a blend­ day and 0. A. C. h ere on Friday and left short, Catherine :i\Ialoney; right nual east side tour. The itinerary more benefits to labor than any oth- ing of voices unusual for the short Saturday. field Carol Cornish; center field, includes also Garfield, Tekoa and er organization. lime that the club had been in train- The following Monday Idaho will Win~ie Barclay, and left field, Muriel Millwood. pilgrimage to Pullman for another "flfCTRIC JUBilf[n They asserted that strikes are ing. Barker. A Glee dance, at which Spokane merely a surface indication of Individual numbers exhibited fine diamond setting and three days later high school seniors will be guests the low standard of living exist- tlent. l\Iiss 1\largherita Beneke took on Thursday, :\lay 4, the Cougars will pack up and shove off for Ore­ j of alumni and students lr:.
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