fem House Date July 27, 1967 « NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WA*Y Th e Whit e House Thursday 'resident began his day at (Place)___ Day Time Telephone 1 1 Activity (include visited by) la Out Lo LD 3:28a £ The Situation Room * 7:53a f Hon. Cyrus Vance - Detroit, Michigan 8:54a tf "4^ Justice Abe Fortas - Westport , Connecticu t 9:09a f Walt Rostow ' 9:31a t Secretary Fowler 9:44a t_ Harr y McPherson - pl 10:05a £ Douglass Cater - pl 10:20a £ Hon. Ramsey Clark - the Attorney General ^" • | 10:30a t j Hon . Ramsey Clark - the Attorney General- I | 10:35a t | Joseph Califano 10:45a f I "~ MW •^— .. -^-^—— 10:47a t M W - pl 11:05aJ} . f 1 Joe Califano 'HUE HOUSE Date Jul y 27, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY The White 'resident began his day at (Place) House Day Thursda y Tune Telephone j Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 11:14a t Secy McNamara / 11:19a t Gov. Farris Bryant 11:25a t Joe Califan o - pl \ /_• ^ZjZZ_ _ : 11:32a t General Andrew Goodpaster / : 11:41a t Hon. Ramsey Clark - the Attorney General 12:15p t Secy McNamara 12:25p t Joe Califano - pl 12:26p t Tom Johnson - pl /: 12:43p f The Attorney General - Hon. Ramsey Clark 12:55p j To the Oval Ofc I 7~~12:56p 1:00p| i Presentation D of Credentials - Fish Room CS H. E. Dr. Alexandre Ohin, Ambassador of the Republic of Togo ^ H. E. Corneliu Bogdan, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Romania VHITE Hoosf n a,. Jul y 27 , 1967 KNT LYNDON B. JOHNSON °<A*V The Whi te House Thursday President began his day at (Place) Day y Time Telephone I or t ...... 1 1 Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD / • } _____ . , 1:02p £ ySecy McNamara : • - • • . ___._ £/ General Earle Wheeler 1:05p - 1:30p To mansion - and to East Room w/ McNamara, Wheeler, MW, and Agent Clint Hill ' for Department of Defense Cost Reduction Awards Ceremony _ c-list to DT 1:06 1:1 2 REMARKS Secy McNamara : je General Wheeler . Secy McNamara read citations of each _awardee and the President presented a plaque. ' Awards given to civilians/individuals who are representing thousands of military and civilian personnel whose combined efforts have produced savings . of $914 million dollars in FY 1967. Awardees: - Mr. Carl o J. Leto Mrs. Yeadis M. Isgar (Mrs. Worral C.) - Waukegan, Ill. Mr. Oscar Peay, Phil, Pa. Mr. Leonard V. Mares - Dept of AF - Fair Oaks, Calif. 2d Lt. Fred M. Lewis - A Company, Hdqtrs Marine Corps, Wash, D C 20380 Mr. Jack Doyle - McAlester, Oklahoma Mr. John A. Johnson - Washington. Indiana Mr. Spencer K. Albin, Norman, Okla Mr. Ralph T. Pizzello - Tooele, Utah Mr. Ransome C . Holland - Tinker AF Base, Okla *n HOUSE Da te July 27, 1967 NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON IAKV esident began his day at (Place) ' ^'V The White House Day Th ursday T Tune f0Prhr T^ —_ 1 1 Activity (include visited by) tt I In Out Lo LD ° 1:30p - To Theater - Filming of United Givers' Fund Statement OFF RECORD TAPING ' (George Meany -- and Mr. Joseph Beirne. President , United Community Fund s and Councils of America -- requested that the President make this tape. 1:35p "" To Oval Ofc - 1:45p f Charles Maguire (returning the President's call) * 1 :46p 2:25p To Cabinet Room- ^ X to join The Attorney General ; Secy McNamara ; /» / _/ Hon. Charles Schultze . \ Joe Califano ; Harry McPherson i Gov. Farris Bryant ; 2:05p \ Charles Maguire joined ! V ; ~ /| ' ' 1:50p p^ j f Cong. John Conyers - Detroit i KITE House Date July 27, 1967 _^ •NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON «A*Y The Whi resident began his day at (Place) te House Day Thursday Time T t£hrC Expendi- — 1 Activity (include visited by) ture / In Out Lo LD Codc 2:25p 3:10p . To mansion - for LUNCH - w/ Secy McNamara 7 , i"'-'-.. 2:56p f General Andrew Goodpaster 3:26p t Joe Califano - pl 3:44p t Joe Califano ^4:00p ; t_ Senator Thruston Morton \ / . .. 4:15p f Hon. Ramsey Clark - the Attorney Generall 4:39p t ; Harry McPherson- pl /4:55p t_ Sec y McNamara 5:00; t Hon. Ramsey Clark - the Attorney General 5:01p • t Douglass Cater - pl . _. '• : i— — . :— . — : : — : • I Flowers sent today JJUp to Cong. William Murphy in Bethesda Naval | '' j . Hospital - w/ card from the. President ! : \ . i •. : : ; . ^ ; i - | Flowers sent today to Cong J. Herbert Burke in Bethesda - w/ handwritten card from LBJ HIT* House Date July 27, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON XA*Y The White House Thursday resident began his day at (Place) 7 Tune Telephone 1 . Activity (include visited by) /;In Out Lo LD 5:02p t Mayo r John Lindsay - New York City /• 5:08p t Roy Wilkins - New York City 5:20p t Hon. Ramse y Clark - the Attorney General 5:30p t George Christian - pl / 5:32p t George Meany 5:38p t George Christian - pl 5:40p t Senator Everett Dirksen . / 5:45p xtx t | Senator Edward Brooke - Martha's Vineyard. Massachusetts _i- , — - ~~ . , ~ .- _ 6:05p t | Harry McPherson -pl 1 . _1 6:07p _ fr Doug Cater --pl ... • C — ™^"^~^~ *- " - t . ""• ~ '^^^"~ '^^"""^ .^•_•^^^^*m-_ - - 6:08p 1 t-i Harry McPherson -pl i ! HUE House Date Jul y 27, 1967 __ ? •NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON *ABY resident began his day at (Place) : The White House Day Thursday T™ Telephone _ Time f £ t Expendi- _ Activity (include visited by) ture /la Out Lo L D Code 6:11p - 7:46pm The President to the Yellow Oval Room for ; ; £ OFF RECORD: Meeting w/ House Committee Chairmen ' • / / . t- Speaker John McCormack • ___________ / Cong. Hale Boggs • / Cong. C arl Albert __________ / Cong. W . R. Poage - - Agricultur e _________ ; p / Cong. George H. Mahon — — Appropriations ________ £ Cong. Mendel Rivers -- Armed Services • / Cong. Wrigh t Patma n --Banking & Currency _______ i / / Cong. Carl Perkins __Education & Labor _________ (_,/r v~/_ Cong. Thomas Morgan •_Foreig n Affairs ___________ \ Cong . William Dawson --Government Operations _________ \ & \ C ong. Omar Burleson --House Administration __________ \ Cong. Wayne Aspinall --Interior & Insular Affairs I Cong. Harley Staggers --Interstate & Foreign Commerce ; I Cong. Emanuel Celler --Judiciary : . •; Cong. Edward Garmatz --Merchant Marine & Fisheries . / Cong. George Fallen --Public Works I Cong. William -C-txs: Colmer --Rules ; . I Cong. George Miller --Science and Asgftw Astronautics | Cong. Edwin Willis - - Unamerican Activities | Cong. Olin Teague --Veterans' Affairs I Cong. Wilbur Mills --xYWays and Means Cong. Joe Evins --Select Committee on Small Business • I Cong. Chet Holifield __. Vice Chmn. Joint Committee on Atomic Energ y ° . gy-Ji I Cong0 C/ . Michae l Feighan - — — Joint. Committee on Immigration & Nationality • 3Policy General _ _______ _ I Hon. Lawrence F. O'Brien,s * -- - The • • Postmaster • ~ -^- ___________ ITE House Date July 27, 1967 «T LYNDON B. JOHNSON MY sident began his day at (Place) The White House __ _ Day Thursday T:~ Telephone , Tune f H. t Expend!- 1 . Activity (include visited by) ture In Out Lo LD Codc 6:26p t S George Christian 7: 26p f Secy Cyrus Vance, Detroit 7:48p The President to the oval office w/ Joe Califano Tom Johnson The office-was being set up for the television statement the President will make at 10:30pm this evening, and he proceded to give instructions as to how the lighting. etc, should be. ~ 7:50p t Harry frfaxSkssdck McPherson -pl s' ._ __ _ r_ _ B_ _ _ j n _ _. _ . _ ___ _____ _- _ _._ m 8:10p t Senator Fred Harris — asking him to be on the Commission to be announced tonight ^ 1 , . 1 8:16p t j Cong. William M. McCulloch of Ohio--asking him to b e on the Commission I • •_ '• • ".'..;''• : ,. ..' /... l .. '' 8:17p | The President had asked for Cong. James C. Corman--he was on an airplane en route | California, arriving at 10:30 EDT., The President left word for the Cong. to call him at 11:00pm EDT. and decided to announce him to the Commission anyway. 8:21p t The Attorney General—talking about the members of the Commission: 1 Senator Brooke, I. W. Abell, Sen. Harris, Tex Thornton, the Atlanta Police Chief, 1 1 Miss Katherine Peden, Cong. Corman, Cong. McCulloch, Gov. Kerner, Mayor Lindsey, 1 i i Roy Wilkins i i 8:34p t Harry McPherson -pl Making changes in the speech. ^ n HOUSE Date July 27, 1967 r LYNOOH B. JOHNSON «Y udent began his day at (Place) . The White House Day Thursday Time Telephone I I Expendi- 1 . -. Activity (include visited by) ture In Out Lo LD ^^ ; The President asked mary s to call Lynda and ask her and her date if she had one, to dress up and come over to his office for the television appearance--earlier • th e President had asked mary s to get in touch with Mrs. Johnson and tell her__ that he would like for her to see the speech--she elected to return to the Ranch • and watch it there, and then return, to Washington later in the evening 9:06p t Secy Robert S. McNamara 9:09p f The Attorney General \ 9:17p f Joe Califano Graham _ 9:23p t Miss Katherine Peden, NYC _ 9:27p t Lynda--at a local restaurant- 9:28 9:40 George Christian in the office — the President giving him instructions on how and ; what to background the press. ; • " -- • . _ 9:30p t Irv Sprague-- Told him, about the appointments he was making tonight on the _ Commission and, also told him, that within the next couple of days he would announce Paul Ignatius as Secy of the Navy--to be sure that the California people--Brown, .
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