Syro-Malankara Catholic Church Diocesan Bulletin Mar Ivanios Bhavan J-Block 61-62, Paryavaran Complex IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai New Delhi-110 068 Krupa Nidhan Patron H.E. Jacob Mar Barnabas The Bishop Circulation Bishops, Priests, Pastoral Council Members Editors Fr. Visakh Scariah Fr. Jinto John Layout & Cover Design Jiss Andrews Support Reny Mathew, Shinu James Printed at: Bosco Society for Printing & Graphic Training Okhla Road, New Delhi - 110025 Ph: 26910729, [email protected] Published by the Chancellor Diocese of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon J 61/62, Paryavaran Complex, IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai New Delhi 110 068 © Copyright Diocese of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon. For private circulation only 2 Krupa Nidhan Message of the Shepherd Prayerful Greetings, During the past two months of June and July, we celebrated the feast of Saints Peter and Paul and the Apostle of India, St. Thomas. We also remembered the first saint from our soil, St. Alphonsa. I extend to all of you the blessings of these holy occasions. As the children of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, we also made the pilgrimage to his tomb of our father in Faith, Servant of God Archbishop Mar Ivanios. The devotion to the heavenly intercession and number of pilgrims are increasing every year. As a diocese, this year too we made the pilgrimage, however this year’s pilgrimage was crowned by the participation of the Syro-Malankara Catholic faithful from the missions in Odisha and Punjab. Our Lord’s mandate of Evangelization was introduced to our nation through St. Thomas. It was the cherished dream of Mar Ivanios Thirumeni who tirelessly endeavored for this through the efforts of Church unity. The fact that the faithful from the Missions participated in the pilgrimage to the tomb this year, show that the dream of Evangelization throughout India is being gradually realized through the heavenly intercession of our Beloved Mar Ivanios Thirumeni. Every year this pilgrimage reminds us of the basic fact of our lives in pilgrimage to the our heavenly mansions (John 14:2). During this soujourn we have for our assistance the prayers of the Mother, the Apostles and the saints who closely followed the Lord. They also teach us not just to travel alone but to explore the joy in leading many along with us; which is nothing but the Mission experience. Hence let us pray that may our earthly pilgrimages remind and inspire us to lead our pilgrimage to Our Lord and Master by inviting many others through our lives in the Church. The new academic year for the Catechism Children has begun and I wish them all the best so that our children may be instilled with this spirit of enthusiasm for the Lord. Similarly the Youth who give dynamism to the Church may find faith as the priority in their day to day life. The Mothers and the Fathers must also grow to greater heights in the faith life setting examples to their young ones. Kindly continue to pray for our mission especially our latest initiatives in Agartala. Also remember in prayer my month-long visit to Canada for the missions. May God Bless you all! Jacob Mar Barnabas Bishop of Gurgaon 3 Krupa Nidhan THE SYRO- MALANKARA CATHOLIC CHURCH MORAN MOR BASELIOS CARDINAL CLEEMIS Major Archiepiscopal Curia MAJOR ARCHBISHOP-CATHOLICOS Catholicate Centre Pattom, Trivandrum-695004 Prot No CCL 2/2016 21.06.2016 k¿°pe¿ ssZh-Zm-k≥ am¿ Cuhm-\n-tbmkv sa{Xmt∏meoØmbpsS 63˛mw Hm¿Ω-s∏-cp-∂mƒ A`n-hµy ]nXm-°-∑m-tc, hµy tImsd-∏n-kvt°m-∏m-am-tc, dºm®∑mtc, _lp. sshZnItc, siΩm-i-∑m-tc, k\y-kvX-tc, I¿Øm-hn¬ {]nb hnizm-kn-Itf! ae-¶c k`bv°v Akm-[y-sa∂v Icp-Xnb kss`-Iy-]-cn-{i-a-߃°v Znim-t_m[w ]I¿∂v, 19-˛mw \q‰m-≠nse al-Ømb kss`-Iy-kw-cw-`- Øn\v t\XrXzw \¬Inb ]pWy-N-cn-X≥, ssZh-Zm-k≥ am¿ Cuhm-\n- tbmkv ]nXm-hns‚ 63-˛mw Hm¿Ω-s∏-cp-∂mƒ Pqsse 1 apX¬ 15 hsc ]´w, sk‚ v tacokv IØo-{U-¬ ssZhmebØn¬ BtLmjn°pIbmWv. Hm¿Ωs∏cp∂mƒ Znhkamb Pqsse 15˛\v BtLmjamb s]m¥n^n°¬ Ip¿_m\bpw I_dn¶ƒ {]tXyI {]m¿∞\m ip{iqjIfpw D≠mbncn°p∂XmWv. Cu h¿jsØ Hm¿Ωs∏cp∂mfn¬ \ΩpsS apJym-Xn-Yn-bmbn Atacn°bnse ItØmen°mk`bpsS kamZcWob\mb sshZnI tae≤y£\pw, \yqtbm¿°v AXncq]X bpsS B¿®p_n-j∏pamb AXyp∂X I¿Zn-\mƒ XntamØn ssa°nƒ tUmf≥ kw_‘n°p∂p F∂ hnhcw kkt¥mjw Rm≥ \nßsf Adnbn°s´. ssZh-Øns‚ Icp-W-bpsS apJw k`-sbm-∂msI [ym\n°p∂- Cu Imebfhn¬ hµy-Xm-Xs‚ Hm¿Ω-s∏-cp-∂m-fn\v hf-sc-b-[nIw {]k‡nbp≠v. aXm-¥-c-kw-hm-Z-߃°pw, A\p-c-RvP\ IqZm-i-bv°pw, ssZh-h-N-\-]-T-\-߃°pw, Imcp-Wy-{]-hrØnIƒ°pw Gsd {]m[m\yw \¬In-bmWv ]cn-ip≤ {^m≥knkv am¿]m∏m Cu Imcp-Wy-h¿j- Ønse BtLmj߃ {IaoIcn®ncn°p∂Xv. \ΩpsS ]nXm-hmb 1 4 Krupa Nidhan ssZh-Zm-k≥ am¿ Cuhm-\n-tbmkv henb sa{Xm-t∏m-enØ Xs‚ Pohn- W-Øn¬ Gsd A\p-{K-l-{]-Z-am-bn-cn-°psa∂v Rm≥ {]tXyIw X-Øn-eqsS \ap°v ]I¿∂p-X-∂Xpw ssZh-I-cp-W-bpsS PohnXssien- Hm¿Ωn∏n°p∂p. I-fm-Wv. ssZhh-N-\-Øns‚ D]m-k-I≥, hn. Ip¿_m-\-bp-sS `‡≥, Pqsse 10˛mw XobXn ]Ø\wXn´ `{Zmk\Ønse s]cp∂m´n¬ A\p-c-RvP\ IqZm-i-bp-sS DZmØamb amXrI, k\ymk kwip≤nbpsS \n∂pw {][m\ Xo¿∞mS\ ]Zbm{X Bcw`n°p∂XmWv. k`bpsS am¿§Z¿in, hnZym`ymk hnN£W≥, kss`Iy ]cn{iaßfpsS hnhn[ `{Zmk\ßfn¬ \n∂pw At\Iw Xo¿∞mSI¿ PohnXkm£n, aXkulm¿±Øns‚ {]NmcI≥ ChbpsSsbms° {]m¿∞\m]q¿∆w ]s¶Sp°p∂ Cu {][m\ ]Zbm{Xbv°v ae¶c BsIØpIbmWv B ]pWyPohnXw. {Im ¥-Z¿inbmb Cu kpdnbm\n ItØmen°mk`bpsS bphP\{]ÿm\Øns‚ t{ijvTmNmcys‚ \nXm¥ Pm{K-X-bn¬ ]S¿∂p ]¥-en-°p-hm-\p≈ (Fw.kn.ssh.Fw.) k`mXe kanXn t\XrXzw \¬Ip∂XmWv. `mKyw ae¶c kpdnbm\n ItØm-en°m k`-bv°v ssZhw \¬Inb Xncph√, amth-en-°-c, am¿Øm-WvUw., Kp-UvKmhv F∂o `{Zm-k-\-ßfn¬ henb A\p{KlamWv. \n∂pw, ]q\˛ISvIn FIvkm¿t°-‰n¬\n∂pw, `mc-X-Øn-\p- ]p-d-Øp≈ ssZh-Zm-k≥ am¿ Cuhm-\n-tbmkv ]nXm-hns‚ I_-dn-¶¬ Zn\w- tI{µ-ß-fn¬\n∂pw ]Z-bm-{X-Iƒ \SØn {][m\ ]Z-bm-{X-tbmSp {]Xn {]m¿∞-\-bv°mbn FØn-t®-cp∂ \nch[nbmb Xo¿∞m-S-I-cpsS tNcpw. Bflo-b-amb Hcp-°-tØm-sS-bpw, {]m¿∞-\-tbm-sSbpw Cu ]Z- km£yw \ΩpsS {]nb ]nXm-hns‚ PohnX hnip-≤n-bpw, sFIyØns‚ bm-{X-I-fn¬ AWn-tN-cp-hm≥ Ghtcbpw {]tXyIw £Wn-°p∂p. km£yhpw ssZhw AwKo-I-cn-®n-cn-°p∂p F∂-Xns‚ {]Xy£ DZm- Xo¿∞mS\ ]Zbm{Xbn¬ kw_‘n°p∂h¿ t\mºv \n¿∫‘ambn l-c-W-ß-fm-Wv. ae-¶c kpdn-bm\n ItØm-en°m k`-bpsS F√m t\´- A\pjvTn®psIm≠v thWw C u Bflob ip{iqjbn¬ ßfptSbpw ]n∂n¬ hµy XmXs‚ \nkvX¥camb {]m¿∞-\bpw kw_‘nt°≠Xv F∂v Rm≥ {]tXyIw Hm¿Ωs∏SpØp∂p. XymtKm÷zeamb ]cn{iaßfpap≠v. ssZhZmks‚ \ma-I-c-WØns‚ Pqsse 14-˛mw XnbXn sshIn´v k‘ym-{]m¿∞-\bpw XpS¿∂v k`m-X-e- \S]SnIƒ ]pXnb Hcp L´Ønte°v {]thin®ncn°p∂ sagpIp-Xncn {]Z-£nWhpw D≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. A∂p-Xs∂ k‘ym- Cu thfbn¬ k`ma°ƒ H∂msI Gsd XojvWXtbmsS {]m¿∞-\-°p-tijw kphn-ti-j-kw-L-Øns‚ 3˛mw _m®v AwK-ß- {]m¿∞n°phm\pw ]p\:ka¿∏n°phm\pw ISs∏´ncn°p∂p. Cu fpsS ssIhbv]p ip{iqj \S-Ø-s∏-Spw. Hm¿Ω-s∏-cp-∂mƒ Znh-k-amb \ntbmKØn¬ ssZhØns‚ A¤pXIcamb -C-S-s]-S-en\mbn k`m-a- 15-˛mw XobXn BtLm-j-amb hn. Ip¿_m-\bpw I_-dn¶¬ [q]-{]m¿∞- °-sfm-cp-an®v D]hkn°pIbpw {]m¿∞-n°pIbpw sNøWw. \bpw, t\¿®bpw D≠m-bn-cn-°pw. \ΩpsS k`bnse F√m _lp. ap≥ h¿j-ß-fn-se-t∏mse Cu h¿jhpw Pqsse 1 apX¬ 15 hsc sshZnIscbpw Hm¿Ωs∏cp∂mƒ Ip¿_m\bn¬ klIm¿ΩnIcmbn Bflob Hcp°ßtfmsS-bmWv ssZhZmk≥ am¿ Cuhm\ntbmkv ]¶ptNcp∂Xn\v Rm≥ {]tXyIw £Wn°p∂p. Cu Zn-h-k-ß-fn¬ ]nXmhns‚ Hm¿Ω-s∏-cp-∂mƒ ]´w sk‚ v tacokv IØo-{U-en¬ \mw hn.-Ipºkm-c-Øn\v {]tXyI Ah-k-chpw D≠mbncn°p∂-Xm-Wv. BtLmjn-°p-∂-Xv. Hm¿Ωs∏cp\mfn\v Hcp°amb Cu 15- Znh-k-߃ Pqsse 1˛mw -Xn-bXn apX¬ I_¿ Nm∏en¬ h¿jw apgph≥ F√m \ΩpsS k`-sb kw_‘n®v t\mºn-s‚bpw D]-hm-k-Øn-s‚bpw Ah- Znhkhpw {]m¿∞n°p∂ Hcp a[yÿ{]m¿∞\ am¿ Cuhm-\n-tbmkv k-c-amWt√m. Cu Znh-k-ß-fn¬ {]tXy-I-amb {]m¿∞-\-I-fpw, ]pWy- {]b¿ an\nkv{Sn F∂-t]-cn¬ \mw Bcw`n°p∂p. k`m-Xe kphntij {]-h¿Øn-Ifpw \ΩpsS F√m CS-h-I-Ifpw k\ym-k-˛-k-\ym-kn\o`h- kwLw Cu ip{iqjbv°v t\XrXzw \¬Ip∂XmWv. Hm¿Ωs∏cp∂mfn \-ßfpw IpSpw_ßfpw tI{µo-I-cn®v \S-Ø-s∏-S-W-sa∂ Imcyhpw t\mS\p_‘n®p≈ hn.
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