ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT DEVELOPMENT .PRODUCTJON PLATFORM GI LDA AND SUBSEA PIPELINE FOR UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA UNIT OCS LEASES: P-0216 NOVEMBER 1979 ROBERT OUNBAS ASSOCIATES C\'orkiirg with the Enzliru)~?~rent 500 ESPLANADE DR., SUITE 1155 OXNARD, CA 93030 (805 1 485-0532 ETIVI ROIIMCCT9.L KEPDRT DEVELOPMENT * PRODUCTION PLATF0RI;l C; ILDA AND SUBSEA PIPELINE SA:ITA CLAR,4 UNIT OCS LEASES: P-0216 500 Esplanade Dr., Suite 1155 Oxnard, CA 93930 (805) 485-0532 !IDA Project 562-79 RDA - PREFACE This environmental report describes those activities proposed by Union Oil Company of California, for the developnent and production of crude oil and natural gas discoveries in OCS Lease P-0216 of the Santa Clara Unit, located in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of Southern California. This document has been prepared to satisfy requirements of the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, as a single source document identifying the fol lowing: a) All activities proposed for immediate implementation and those contemplated for future imp1 ementation; b) All environmental and safety features required by law together with such additional nleasures as the lessee proposes to employ; c) All information available to the lessee at the time of submittal to enable evaluation of the significant environmental consequences of the proposed activities. In addition to these basic requirements, this document wi 1 I provide: 1) Information to the State of California and the general pub1 i concerning the nearshore and onshore impacts of the proposed activity on Federal lands of the Outer Continental She1 f, and; 2) The necessary data and information to the State of Cal iforni to enable the state to determine consi stency concurrence or nonconcurrence. In preparing this report for Union Oil Company of California, operator of Platform Gi lda on OCS P-0216, Robert Dundas Associates have closely followed, -"Gui---- ldl i n~s for Environwental Report" (undated) issued by USGS on or about June 15, 1978. These guidelines finitely detail virtually all RDA - aspects of OCS oil and gas operations promuloated by Conqress, as an annotation of the Coastal Zone Vanaqement Act and the National Envi ronmental Policy Act, Title 30 CFR 259.34-3 (b) (Federal Register, Vol. 43, No. 19, January 27, 1978). Subsequently, other responsible agencies and those aaencies having .jurisdiction by law at the federal, state and local levels have responded to the USGS mandate, tendin! to broadeninq the concept of a short, concise document definina all proposed activities by the lessee(s) and their resultina consequences. In following the letter and spirit of the USSS auidel ines, this environ- mental document addresses primari 7.y those consequences which are "site- specific". Working within the fluidel ine constraints, then, provides a series of factual statements to assist USGS in the oreparation of an Environzental Statement, and to provide the affected State(s) wi th informtion re1 atifia to the nearshore and onshore inpacts of the ?roposrld OCS activity. Thus, the Envi ronrental Revert becomes a terse document of the envi ronrnental factors only when they are relevant and dependent upon the proposed action. Throughout the report, references are made tc~stadies in ?regress or recently com~leted. Certain of these studies will be available only upon request from Union Oil Conpany of California, as noted in the report. RDA TABLE OF CONTENTS SECT1 ON PREFACE 1. GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATIOt4 1.1 Project Name 1.2 General OCS Area 1.3 Block Number and Field 1.4 Operator/Agent 1.5 PlatformNane 1.6 Date of Envi ronmen tal Report Preparation 1.7 Envi ronniental Report Prepared By 1.8 Environmental Report Identification 1.9 Related E/R's or EIS 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED 0FERAT:CNS 2.1 Operator 2.2 Lease Number and Location 2.3 Date of Application Filing 2.4 Objectives of thc Proposed Action 2.5. Platform Location and Description 2.5.1 Platform Equipment RDA - 2.5.2 Platform Waste Removal a) Liquid Waste b) Solid Waste c) Gaseous Waste 2.5.3 Safety Systems 2.5.4 Well Monitoring Systems Description and Location of Onshore Facility Description of Transport Pipe1 ines Cornpl iance with OCS Orders Time Frame for Operations Nearby Pending Actions Application of Best Available Technology Tra ve 1 2.12.1 Travel Routes 2.12.2 Frequency of Travel 2.12.3 Onshore Terminals Energy Requi rernents 2.13.1 Diesel Fuel 2.13.2 Natural Gas 2.13.3 Electrical Power Impact Monitoring Systems 2.14.1 Waste Water and Sewage 2.14.2 Mud Monitoring and Control 2.14.3 Transport Pipe1 ine Monitoring 2.15 Personnel Requirements 2.16 Demand for Suppf ies 2-21 2.16.1 Major Supplies 2-21 2.16.2 Potable Water 2-21 2.16.3 Other Goods and Services 2-26 2.17 Responsible Person 2-26 3, DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Geolosy 3.2 Meteorology 3.2.1 Temperatures 3.2.2 Sky Cover and Visibility 3.2.3 Wind Speed and Direction 3.3 Air Quality 3.3.1 Existing Onshore Air Quality 3.3.2 Potential Air Pollution Sources 3.3.3 Offshore Air Quality 3.4 Physical Gceanography 3.4.1 Ocean Depth 3.4.2 Sea Temperature and Sal inity 3.4.3 Currents and Velocity 3.4.4 Tides 3.4.5 Sea State 3.4.6 Existing Water Qua1 ity 562-79 iii RDA - 3.5 Other Uses of the Area 3.5.1 Commercial Fishing 3.5.2 Shipping 3.5.3 Military Uses 3.5.4 Boating and Recreation 3.5.5 Flora and Fauna 3.5.6 Cultural Resources 3.5.7 Environmental ly Sensitive Areas 3.5.8 Pipelines and Cables 3.5.9 Other Mineral Uses 3.6 Socio-Economic Effects 3.6.1 Re1 ated Employment and Unemployment 3.6.2 Related Population and Industry Locations 3.6.3 Del ineation .of Existing Cornn;uni ty Services 3.6.4 Public Opinion as it Relates to Additional Industrialization 3.6.5 Existing Transportation Systems and Facil i ties 3.6.6 Supply and/or Existence of Coastal Resourc~s 4. IMPACT EVALUATION AIiD MITIGATING ;-1EASURES 4.1 Geological Condi tions 4.2 Meteorology 4.3 Air Quality 4.3.1 Assessment of Construction Emissions - - RDA - 4.3.2 Assessment of Offshore Platform Emissions a) P1atfo.m Gina b) Platform Gilda 4.3.3 Assessmnt of Offshore Transportation-Related Emissions a) Platform Gina b) Platform Gilda 4.3.4 Assessment of Onshore Emissions 4.4 Physical Oceanography 4.4.1 Effect of Sea Conditions 4.4.2 Effect on Water Quality 4.5 Impacts on the Area 4.5.1 Impacts on Commercial Fishing 4.5.2 Impacts on Shippiny 4.5.3 Impacts on Military Uses 4.5.4 Impacts on Small Craft Use 4.5.5 Impacts on Transitory Fauna 4.5.6 lllari cul ture/Mi ti gation 4.5.7 Impacts on Environmentally Sensitive Areas 4.5.8 Impacts on Cul tural Resources 4.6 Impacts oti Fauna 4.6.1 Impacts on Marine Mammals 4.6.2 Impacts on brine-Associated Girds 4.6.3 Acci dents RDA - 4.7 Additional Onshore Impacts 4.7.1 Socio-Economic Impacts 4.7.2 Environmental Impacts 4.7.3 Status of Air Quality Permit Filinq 5. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION 5.1 A1 ternatives to the Offshore Platform 5.1.1 Directional Drilling from Shore Sites 5.1.2 Subsea or Subterranean Dri11 ing Chambers 5.1.3 Individual Subsea Completions 5.1.4 Clustered Mu1 ti-well Subsea Completions 5.1.5 Underwater Platforms 5.1.6 Floating or Semi -Submersi ble Drilling Production Vessel 5.2 A1 ternatives to Onshore Treatment Facil ities 5.3 Pipe7 ine Route and Onshore Treating Facil ity 5.3.1 Proposed Pipel ine Route and Onshore Trea ti ng Facility 5.3.2 Alternate No. 1 - East Mandalay Site 5.3.3 Alternate No. 2 - Union Terminal 5.3.4 A1 ternate No. 3 - Ormond Beach 5.3.5 Consistency Review of Two Existing Alternatives 5.4 Deny, Modify or Postpone the Proposal 5.4.1 Deny the Project as Submitted 5.4.2 Deny in Part and Approve in Part the Project as Submitted RDA - 5.4.3 Postpone at This Time the Project as Submitted 5.4.4 Approve the Project on Condition That it be Modified by Any of the Operational Alternatives 5.4.5 Energy A1 ternat ives 5.5 No Project UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE ENVIRONi4ENTAL EFFECTS 6.1 Geology and Seismology 6.2 Air ~uality 6.3 Water Qua1i ty 6.4 Ocean01 ogy 6.5 Flora and Fauna 6.6 Pelagic Environment 6.7 Other Uses of the Area 6.8 Socio-Economic Effects REFERENCES 7.1 Bibliography 7.2 Personal Contacts EXHI3ITS A. Platform Elevation, West B. Platform Elevation, North C. DrillingDeckPlan RDA - D. Production Deck Plan E. Sub-Deck Plan F. Clean Seas, Inc. Mobif e Vans G. Onshore Facility Lease Parcel H. Hydrotek Letter, Heater-Treater Burners and Heat Recovery Systems I. Platform Gilda Gas and Oil Analyses RDA - LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. PAGE Vicinity Map, Platform Gilda 2-2 Typical Blowout Preventer 2-8 Plot Pl an, Mandalay Onshore Faci 1i ty 2- 12 Proposed Pipeline Route 2-14 Activity Schedul e 2- 17 Proposed Project Work Force, Platform Gilda, Offshore Construction 2-22 Proposed Project Kork Force, PI atforrn Gi 1da , Offshore Dri1 I ing & Production Schedule 2-23 Proposed Project Work Force, Platform Gilda, Pipeline Construction 2-24 Proposed Project Work Force, Combined Platform Gina and Gilda , Onshore Facility Construction 2-25 Six Comnon Wind Patterns 3- 1.
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