Stopping poaching and wildlife trafficking through strengthened laws and improved application Phase 1: An analysis of Criminal Justice Interventions across African Range States and Proposals for Action Initiating partners: Stop Ivory and the International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) Group Author: Shamini Jayanathan July 2016 Contents 1. LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................. 2 2. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 8 3. METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 9 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................... 10 5. KENYA .................................................................................................... 24 6. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 27 7. UGANDA ................................................................................................ 29 8. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 31 9. GABON .................................................................................................. 33 10. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 36 11. TANZANIA ............................................................................................ 37 12. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 39 13. SOUTH AFRICA ..................................................................................... 41 14. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 44 15. MALAWI .............................................................................................. 45 16. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 47 17. ZAMBIA................................................................................................ 50 18. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................. 53 19. MOZAMBIQUE ..................................................................................... 55 20. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 57 21. BOTSWANA ......................................................................................... 58 22. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 60 23. REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) .................................................. 62 24. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 65 25. NAMIBIA .............................................................................................. 66 26. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 69 27. ETHIOPIA ............................................................................................. 71 28. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 74 29. OTHER EPI COUNTRIES – GAMBIA, LIBERIA, CHAD, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (KINSASHA) ............................................................. 75 30. NON – EPI COUNTRIES ........................................................................ 76 1. LIST OF ACRONYMS AALF Appuia L'application de la Loi sir la Faune (Support for the Application of Wildlife Law) ACB Anti-Corruption Bureau AEAP African Elephant Action Plan AGO Attorney General’s Office ANAC The National Administration for Conservation Agency ANAW Africa Network for Animal Welfare ANPN Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux ARREST Asia’s/Africa’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking AWF African Wildlife Foundation BFF Born Free Foundation CAR Central African Republic CCN Conservation Council of Nations (program of The ICCF Group) CI Conservation International CNLCCF National Commission for the Fight against Corruption, Embezzlement, and Fraud (Rep. of Congo) DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DEFRA The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs DFID Department of International Development DNPW The Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development DNTF The Mozambican National Directorate of Land and Forestry DoI Department of Immigration DPCI Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations DPP Director of Public Prosecutions DSWF David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation EAGLE Network Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement EAPCCO East Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States ECF Elephant Crisis Fund EIA Environmental Investigation Agency EMIs Environmental Management Inspectors EPI Elephant Protection Initiative ERCA The Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority EU European Union EWCA Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority EWT Endangered Wildlife Trust FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation FIU Financial Intelligence Unit FZS Frankfurt Zoological Society CGI Clinton Global Initiative GEF-UNEP Global Environment Facility - United National Environment Program GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GRI-WCPP Game Rangers International, Wildlife Crime Prevention Project HA-WEN Horn of Africa Wildlife Enforcement Network IACCWC (Malawi) The Inter-Agency Committee to Combat Wildlife Crime ICCF International Conservation Caucus Foundation ICCN (DRC) Institute Congolaise pour la Conservations de la Nature ICCWC International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime IELP Lewis & Clark’s International Environmental Law Project IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare IIU Investigations and Intelligence Unit INL International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization IOC The Indian Ocean Commission IPOA The Independent Police Oversight Authority IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWT Illegal wildlife trade JTI Judicial Training Institute KAZA Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area KWCA Kenya Conservancy Management Association KWCA Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association KWS Kenya Wildlife Services LAC Legal Assistance Centre LAGA The Last Great Ape Organization LATF Lusaka Agreement Task Force LWB Lawyers without Borders LWT Lilongwe Wildlife Trust MATT Multi-Agency Task Team MDF Malawi Defense Force MEFDD Congolese Ministry of Forest Economy and Sustainable Development MICOA The Ministry of Coordination and Environmental Affairs MLA Mutual Legal Assistance MoU Memorandum of understanding MPS Malawi Police Services MRA Malawi Revenue Authority MTWA Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities MTWA The Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities NACSO Namibian Association of Community-Based Natural Resource Management Support Organization NamPol The Protected Resources Unit of the Namibian Police NatJoints National Joints Committee NEAP National Elephant Action Plan NGO Non-governmental organisations NIAP National Ivory Action Plan NIB National Intelligence Bureau NIRAP National Ivory and Rhino Action Place (NIRAP) NPA National Prosecuting Authority NRCN The Natural Resource Conservation Network NRT Northern Rangelands Trust NTSCIU National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit NWCRU National Wildlife Crime Reaction Unit ODPP Office Of The Director of Public Prosecutions PALF Project for the Application of Law of Fauna PAMS Foundation Protected Area Management Solutions PPF Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) RESG Rhino and Elephant Security Group/INTERPOL - Environmental Crime Working Group RhoDIS DNA Indexing Systems RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SADC Southern African Development Community SANDF South African National Defence Force SAPS South African Police Service SAPU Special Anti-Poaching Units SFG Space for Giants SIASIC Strathmore Institute of Advanced Studies in International Criminal Justice SLCS South Luangwa Conservation Society TAF The Aspinal Foundation TANAPA Tanzania National Parks Authority TFF The Freeland Foundation TNC The Nature Conservancy UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United National Environment Programme UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime US Unites States USAID United States Agency for International Development USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority WCMA Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 WCPP Wildlife Crime Prevention Project WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WESM Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi WLD Wildlife Direct WRI World Resources Institute WWF World Wildlife Fund ZAWA Zambian Wildlife Authority ZIIU Zambia’s Investigation and Intelligence Unit 2. INTRODUCTION This report sets out the findings of Phase 1 of a project to further Sustainable Development Goal 15 and in particular, 15.7 “Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products” The project supports the Elephant Protection Initiative’s (EPI) primary objective to enable full and timely implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP). It is focused on the AEAP’s Priority Objective 1: REDUCE ILLEGAL KILLING OF ELEPHANTS AND ILLEGAL TRADE IN ELEPHANT PRODUCTS and its key strategies: Harmonize national policies and laws relevant to conservation and CCN COUNTRIES: management of African elephants within and across range States where
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