1 ;.-' ," -- ,-, .. ',. , ..• \ Thursday, July.10, 195Z , Page Ten TBID JEWISH POST -;' .... , THE BENE ISRAEL OF BOMBAY P!'ssover was named the Festival . SALESMAN WANTED (Cont. from page 7) of the Sealing Jar. A sealed jar of Sendoff For Harry Peck' Foreign .Office To Jeru,salem Stirs US Protest Hindu temples to placate the Brah- fermented drink was evidently sub­ Harry Peck received a hearty A gift presentation of luggage was Work and sports clothing line notice was conveyed to Israel in an aide The aide memoire noted with concern the.. made. Conununity singing and re­ WASHINGTON (JTA) - The min Gods. Feminine weakness for ,stituted for unleavened bread. Other sendoff last Thursday night from for Manitoba open. Prefer ex­ "\n.~ perienced man with car. No has notified the Government of Israel presented to the Foreign Ministry in Tel Israel announcement May 4 regarding' the trans" fortune telling and the esoteric was festivals were reminiscent of Bibli~ 125 associates in the Histadrut, Far­ freshments rounded out the evening. The document indicated that the U.S. Gov· fer of the Foreign Office to Jerusalem. It said the .• Mr. Pack left from New York City objection to other non-conflict­ icawould not ~iew· favorably the tr:~~,ro~rl':::-ljf satisfied by participating in seances cal h?ly days. band, T-B Project, UJA drive, etc., ing line. Apply to has no intention at present of transfer· ~n!te~ States will continue to adhere to a policy .. ~ Saturday night, with the 1952 Histac Israel Foreign· Ministry from Tel A of magic, witchcraft and sorcery. Name' and Origin as he left on the first lap of a -jour­ embassy from Tel --,-- '0 Jerusalem. mSlstmg that there should be a special interna- drut .Folk delegation. MR. POLLICK lem, it was learned here. Mar~iage customs followed closely Who Were these people? Whence ney that took him to Israel this week '---'-----------~~=~::::..: tional regime for Jerusalem which the Hindu ceremonies. came they? Why did they call them- via EL-AL Israeli airlines. PICK OVERALL "s In will not only provide protection for .. The veteran campaigner who won Rooms for Rent MFG. LTD. Israel, th~ Holy Places but which will be Biblical Observances selves Bene Israel instead of Je'ws North End, east of Main, 3 bright I co. acceptable to Israel and Jordan as ,, the Western Canada Histadrut free But against these negatives there or Hebrews? A traditi'on claims their unfurnished rooms with glazed bal­ 618 Arlington St. well as to the world community. round-trip to Israel, was feted at E..,rope Find were Hebraic affirmatives. At all descent from the Ten Tribes which cony. Stove and sink in' kitchen. Winnipeg Israel was told that, since the times did the Bene Israel adhere constituted the Kingdom of Israel. Moore's, with M.A. Gray, M.L.A., Available 'August 1. Adults only. ., Phone 52-3365. ·sas Scar·ce· Jerusalem question is of inter­ rigidly to the Sabbath and the rite In. Biblical days the term Jew was Western Canada Histadrut' chair­ V, national_ importance, the United of circu'mcision. The New Year was unknown. The' people of the King­ man, presiding. Bringing greetings Cottage at Wiimipeg Beach . PAINTING, DECORATING States believes that the United Na­ and good wishes were Ben Adelman, . AND· ALTERATIONS LONDON (JTA) -. The Canadian tions should have aru opp'ortunity, to celebrated on the Biblical day. ,Yom dom of Judah were probably called For rent, 14 Spruce, Winnipeg High Commissioner to the United 'Winnipeg Histadrut chairman; Sam ,,', ~-" reconsider the matter with a view Kippur, caHed the Fast of the Clos~ Bene Judah. Subsequently the Beach - bedroomcoitage Kingdom has assured the world to devising a status for Jerusalem ing Door, was observed by bathing Romans named the land Judaea and Greene, T.B. Project chairman; Phil available 15 to end of season, E•. RAYMOND executive of the Agudas Israel here which would satisfactorily preserve the day before in hot and cold water, the population·Judeans, hence con­ Chafetz, on ,behalf of the Farhand; for Call at cottage or Phone 92-6733 Vol. XXVIII ~ . WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1952 that there is no discrimination what­ the interests of the world conunun­ soever against' Israelis seeking' to N. Selchen, chairman of the U.JA. Work Guaranteed ity and the states directly concerned. wearing white garments, I fasting at tracted to' Jews. Coming from the immigrate to Canada. Therefore,' the aide memoire ex­ home, and avoiding all conteat with Israel kingdom, their ancestors People's Division; M. Averbach, MODERN INTERIOR, Complaints had been received here plained, the United. States would Gentiles. A festival approximating would hardly call themselves Bene executive secretary, C.J.C., on be­ Room For Rent ~l~~:~mS~:da~, Aug. 3\ Labor Israel Meet not view with favor the ,transfer EXTERIOR PAINTING that half of Congress Council; B. Jacob- . Furnished or unfurnished room ..... A 'welcome home' to four young , " .' . Canadian consuls in Europe of the Israel FQreign Office to Jeru-' son, on behalf of Histadrut canvas­ anc:l decorating, stucco sprayed, for rent. Apply 170.. Machray Ave.. were refuSing to c,onsider applica:" salem. ANNOUNCEMENT sersi Mrs. Harry Peck, and N .. Wit­ roofs pa.inted. !'=j;=f;J;~t~~:.~t~:r!~I':s ':n~~~lsra·el . US .. Leaders To 1 Ottawa· tions for immigration to the Do­ "I think we have made our posi-j • bers of the Habomm Workshop wIll, ' BEFORE PURCHASING A MEMOR\AL STONE man, Histadrut executive secretary. ESTIMATES FREE Th... ee Room Suite fa... Rent minion from Israel nationals. It was tion known to the Israelis on this 3 -room upstairs _'suite _for ,rent. feature the annual Habonim Camp A galaxy of brilliant-Jewish leaders and orators will lead Can'adian Take into consideration the' craftsmanship and quality of first Luncheon, slated for Sunday, Aug. Jewry' into an era of expanded Labor Israel and Histadrut aCtivities when pointed out here that there is a matter," a State Department spokes:" grade Gra;lite. Judah. Another hypothesis, holds Stove and glazedpalcony. Clq,se to man said. Asked if the Israel Gov­ t transportation. 321 Pritchard Ave. 3, at 1.30 p.m., at the camp, Gimli the Thir"d National Convention of the Canadian Association for Labor Israel general ruling from Ottawa that ap­ that the term J ahud was obnoxious M. Hawrysh road' at Sandy Hook.. convenes Ottawa over the Labor Day weekend. ernment requested that the' U.S. A Memorial Stone is erected not 'for years, but for generations, ill "plications for admission should be Embassy move from Tel Aviv to to be seen by the children and grand-children of the deceased. to Mohammedans; yet' the Koran 712 Stella Ave. Phone 598 681 " Guest' speayer at the event will be, The age~da-packed three day parley will be dominated by the tower- Dr. R. Hurwitz, chairman of Chi- ing figure of Israel's. top Histadrut-industrialist, ·David HaCohen, director considered only. in the countries of Jerusalem, the official replied: "They If proper care is not exercised, tlJ.e family's honor is shamed. spe~ks respectfully of the Bene Hebrew Tea.cher Available. have not asked us to move." Our work is, guaranteed against all flaws in the granite and cago's Federated Poale Zion' Move- of the contracting cooperative 'Solel-Boneh' and vice-mayor of Haifa. residence of the applicants. I Isra"l. _ Consequently their fore­ Well qualified to teach children in the lettering. ' ment, and member of the newly He is a brother of Shimon Baeohen, 'Yell known to Canadian Jewry. fathers chose the latter name for IN KENORA and adults in all grades and Bar named Central Committee of the OUR PRICES ARE THE MOST REASONABLE IN TIlE CITY fear of the Moslems, who were con­ ENJOY YOUR STAY Mitzvahs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Labor Zionist Movement of Amet:- Dr.' Bernard G. Heller, newly local Labor Zion~t office have sent To Train New Cantors. • named president of the Labor Zion- out individual invitations to West­ ~. querors and rulers of India for a at the Phone 59-4256. 144 Luxton Ave. ica. ist Organization of America; Dr. A nominal charge of $1 has been ern Labor Zionists and -Histadrut thousand years. Hayiin Greenberg, intellectual leader M. C. DE LANDE ~et for the luncheon and afternoon workers, and supporters, urging their • ~ottl 'of the movemerit, and Col. David attendance. Bus. 526752 Phones Res. 526134 A Miraculous Survival J}ortblanb . program, which will also feature Croll, MP, currenly visiting Israel, NOTE OUR NEW LOCATION The continuous existence of this KILDONAN REALTY songs and skits_by Habonim campers. Tentative agenda plans highlight Kenora's Newest and will also address convention dinners detailed reports on activities in the Winnipeg fragment is even more remarkable ,At the luncheon, Aliyah plans of and lead seminars. 927 Main St. (opposite North End Most Modern Hotel To buy or sell a home or bUtSUle,," II a group of 'Winnipeg Habonini mem­ three geographic divisions of the Open evenings by than the strange surv~val of Klal Brand New, Completely Modem property, it will pay ~ou to see bers will be revealed. REDUCED FARES drive. Israel. Without the Torah or Jewish "A large staft to serve you . Opening Saturday, Aug. 30, and. One-half block from Lake of the ".Better" 't b L d P t running Sunday and Monday, Sept.­ learning; unaided by the binding Woods, convenient to shops, M ani 0 a a ge resen s 1 and 2,. the Ottawa parley will force of the Hebrew language, and planes, boats, busses and train. 982 MAIN ST. Boats to BB Camp draw a record attendance of West- BB Music Award Welcome to Kenora cut off from the stream of Jewish Write for Rates and Reservations Phone 597 396 - 7 One of the m:ost entertaining em delegates, lo;!al officials said .
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