PHYSICAL REVIEW C VOLUME 57, NUMBER 4 APRIL 1998 Selected Abstracts from Physical Review D Abstracts of papers published in Physical Review D which may be of interest to our readers are printed here. Cosmic ray composition from multiple muon data with the 700 064, India; S. K. Samaddar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, KGF underground detector. H. R. Adarkar, S. R. Dugad, M. R. 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta 700 064, India. ~Received 18 De- Krishnaswamy, M. G. K. Menon, N. K. Mondal, V. S. Narasim- cember 1996; published 10 February 1998! ham, and B. V. Sreekantan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Re- search, Homi Bhabha Road, Bombay, India 400 005; Y. Hayashi, The possibility of the formation of a droplet phase ~DP! inside a N. Ito, S. Kawakami, S. Miyake, and Y. Uchihori, Osaka City Uni- star and its consequences on the structural properties of the star are versity, Osaka 558, Japan. ~Received 27 August 1997; published 6 investigated. For nuclear matter, an equation of state ~EOS! based February 1998! on a finite-range, momentum- and density-dependent ~FRMDD! in- teraction, which predicts that neutron matter undergoes a ferromag- The Kolar Gold Field ~KGF! experiment was operated for about 6 netic transition at densities realizable inside the neutron star, is years at a depth of about 6045 hg/cm 2 using a calorimetric, fine- employed. An EOS for quark matter with density-dependent quark grain detector and recorded 307 multiple muon events in addition to masses, the so-called effective mass model, is constructed by cor- about 23000 single muons. The mean sea level energy of muons rectly treating the quark chemical potentials. A comparative study arriving vertically at this depth being around 7 TeV, one has a of hybrid star properties as obtained within the usual bag model and sensitive probe for the chemical composition of primary cosmic the effective mass model shows that both these models yield similar rays at energies around the knee in the energy spectrum. Predictions results. Then the effect of spin polarization on the formation of the based on several rigidity dependent composition models are com- DP is investigated. Using the EOS based on the FRMDD interac- pared with observed multiplicity spectrum. The data strongly sup- tion along with the usual bag model, it is also found that a droplet port a mixed chemical composition with medium to heavy prima- phase consisting of strange quark matter and unpolarized nuclear ries contributing substantially beyond 1015 eV. The proposed model matter sandwiched between a core of polarized nuclear matter and a explains all the features of the data and is consistent with the results crust containing unpolarized nuclear matter exists. Moreover, one from direct measurements as well as the all particle energy spec- could, in principle, explain the mass and surface magnetic field trum. @S0556-2821~98!00207-0#@Phys. Rev. D 57, 2653 ~1998!# satisfactorily and also allow, due to the presence of a droplet phase, the direct URCA process to happen. @S0556-2821~98!04804-8# @Phys. Rev. D 57, 3242 ~1998!# Hadronic couplings via QCD sum rules using three-point func- tions: Vacuum susceptibilities. Mikkel B. Johnson, Los Alamos Nonequilibrium evolution of a ‘‘tsunami,’’ a high multiplicity National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545; Leonard S. initial quantum state: Dynamical symmetry breaking. Daniel Kisslinger, Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Boyanovsky,1 Hector J. de Vega,2 Richard Holman,3 S. Prem Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. ~Received 8 July 1996; pub- Kumar,3 and Robert D. Pisarski,41Department of Physics and As- lished 2 February 1998! tronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 2LPTHE, Universite´ Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) et Denis Di- We develop a three-point formalism to treat vacuum susceptibili- derot (Paris VII), Tour 16, 1 er. e´tage, 4, Place Jussieu 75252 ties used for the coupling of currents to hadrons within the method Paris, Cedex 05, France 3Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon of QCD sum rules. By introducing nonlocal condensates, with the University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 4Department of Phys- space-time structure taken from fits to experimental parton distrbu- ics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973. tions, we show that one can treat hadronic coupling at zero or low ~Received 7 November 1997; published 4 February 1998! momentum transfer as well as medium and asymptotic momentum transfers and obtain a general expression for the vacuum suscepti- We propose to study the nonequilibrium features of heavy-ion bilities of the two-point formalism. The pion susceptibility, for collisions by following the evolution of an initial state with a large which there has been a major uncertainty, is evaluated successfully number of quanta with a distribution around a momentum ukW 0u cor- with no new parameters. @S0556-2821~98!00107-6#@Phys. Rev. D responding to a thin spherical shell in momentum space, a ‘‘tsu- 57, 2847 ~1998!# nami.’’ An O(N)(FW 2)2 model field theory in the large N limit is used as a framework to study the nonperturbative aspects of the nonequilibrium dynamics including a resummation of the effects of the medium ~the initial particle distribution!. In a theory where the symmetry is spontaneously broken in the absence of the medium, Hybrid stars: Spin-polarized nuclear matter and density- when the initial number of particles per correlation volume is cho- dependent quark masses. V. S. Uma Maheswari, Variable Energy sen to be larger than a critical value the medium effects can restore Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta 700 064, India the symmetry of the initial state. We show that if one begins with and Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik der Universita¨tTu¨bingen, Auf such a symmetry-restored, nonthermal, initial state, nonperturbative der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 Tu¨bingen, Germany; J. N. De, Vari- effects automatically induce spinodal instabilities leading to a dy- able Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta namical breaking of the symmetry. As a result there is explosive 57 2071 © 1998 The American Physical Society 2072 SELECTED ABSTRACTS 57 particle production and a redistribution of the particles towards low 305, Japan 5Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy momentum due to the nonlinearity of the dynamics. The asymptotic Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, behavior displays the onset of Bose condensation of pions and the Japan 6Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University, Kofu 400, equation of state at long times is that of an ultrarelativistic gas Japan. ~Received 14 October 1997; published 9 March 1998! although the momentum distribution is nonthermal. @S0556-2821~98!05906-2#@Phys. Rev. D 57, 3653 ~1998!# We report on a study of the two-flavor finite-temperature chiral phase transition employing the Kogut-Susskind quark action and the plaquette gluon action in lattice QCD for a lattice with Nt54 temporal size. Hybrid R simulations of 104 trajectories are made at quark masses of mq50.075,0.0375,0.02,0.01 in lattice units for the Ultrahigh energy neutrino-nucleon cross section and radiative spatial sizes 83,123, and 163. The spatial size dependence of various corrections. Gu¨nter Sigl, Department of Astronomy and Astrophys- susceptibilities confirm the previous conclusion of the absence of a ics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637-1433. ~Re- phase transition down to mq50.02. At mq50.01 an increase of 3 ceived 21 August 1997; published 4 February 1998! susceptibilities is observed up to the largest volume 16 explored in the present work. We argue, however, that this increase is likely to Several proposals exist to detect cosmic neutrinos of energy from be due to an artifact of too small a lattice size and it cannot be taken tens of GeV up to the highest energies observed for cosmic rays, to be the evidence for a first-order transition. Analysis of critical ;1020 eV, or possibly even beyond. Detection efficiencies depend exponents estimated from the quark mass dependence of suscepti- crucially on the neutrino-nucleon cross section at these energies at bilities shows that they satisfy hyperscaling consistent with a which radiative corrections beyond the lowest order approximation second-order transition located at mq50. The exponents obtained could become non-negligible. The differential cross sections can be from larger lattice, however, deviate significantly from both those modified by more than 50% in some regions of phase space. Esti- of O~2!, which is the exact symmetry group of the Kogut-Susskind mates of corrections to the quantities most relevant for neutrino action at finite lattice spacing, and those of O~4! expected from an detection at these energies give, however, less dramatic effects: The effective s model analysis in the continuum limit. @S0556-2821~98!04107-1#@Phys. Rev. D 57, 3910 ~1998!# average inelasticity in the outgoing lepton is increased from .0.19 to .0.24. The inclusive cross section is reduced by roughly half a percent. The dominant uncertainty of the standard model ultrahigh energy neutrino-nucleon cross section therefore still comes from uncertainties of the parton distributions in the nucleon at very low CPT and Lorentz tests in Penning traps. Robert Bluhm, Physics momentum fractions. @S0556-2821~98!01906-7#@Phys. Rev. D 57, Department, Colby College, Waterville, Maine 04901; V. Alan Ko- 3786 ~1998!# stelecky´ and Neil Russell, Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. ~Received 30 October 1997; pub- lished 19 February 1998! A theoretical analysis is performed of Penning-trap experiments Energy and zenith angle distribution of upward going muons testing CPT and Lorentz symmetry through measurements of and neutrino oscillations. Paolo Lipari and Maurizio Lusignoli, anomalous magnetic moments and charge-to-mass ratios. Possible Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Roma ‘‘la Sapienza’’ and CPT and Lorentz violations arising from spontaneous symmetry I.N.F.N., Sezione di Roma, Piazzale A.
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