White Paper for culture Economic opportunity with cultural excellence October 2012 We believe that it is the combination of our vibrant cultural offer and outstanding natural environment that gives Cornwall a distinctive edge and an international profile. Contents Pagee 4. Foreword Cllr Joan Symoons Page 6. Foreword Cornish languagee version PaPage 8. 1. Introduction Page 9. 2. Context 2.1 The case for culu ture 2.2 Definition and scope Paage 13.3 2.3 What we already have 3. Culturaltural invenvesstmmenentt 3.1 Areas of focus 3.2 Goalls 3.3 Outcomes and impactts PaPagee 18.8 3.4 Financing 4. Generating ideas, creating the annual action plan and securing investment 4.4 1 Genen raratting ideas Page 20. 4.2 Seecuring investmt ent 5. Research and evaluation Page 21. 5. Action plan 2012/2013 White Paper for Culture 2012 3 Foreword GREEN PAPER CULTUREFOR Cllr Joan Symons Reflections on the Green Paper The broad defi nition of culture didn’t relate In 2010 Cornwall Council published a Green to the proposed actions. Paper for Culture. This consultation document We are now specifi c about which areas of set out a range of ideas for supporting the cultural activity fall within this programme cultural sector over the next fi ve years. and have identifi ed those areas that are being We received over 350 responses and were supported elsewhere in the Council and by the delighted by their quality and quantity. I Cornwall Cultural Partnership. would like to thank all those who contributed; We are also now specifi c about which broad it demonstrated to us the commitment and investments and opportunities we will passion for culture that exists across Cornwall. prioritise. The feedback was positive and constructive. Concerns were shared in a way that has You were unclear whose Green Paper it was. helped to shape our thinking. We have made it clear that this is Cornwall We have spent some time in the Council Council’s White Paper. However, successful considering this feedback, and the following delivery can only be achieved by working with refl ections explain the key changes to our our partner funders on the Cultural Investment plans. Board and in the wider sector. We have made a clearer statement about how this partnership working will be delivered and how the overall programme will be developed in consultation. 4 White Paper for Culture 2012 Top issues The top issues you raised for the content of the programme were: You felt there was a lack of clarity about how 1 the aims, objectives, values and investment Should be outwards looking / international. areas worked together to deliver the vision. We are prioritising a programme that supports We have reworked the structure to create a much the international profi le of Cornwall. clearer link between the vision, areas of focus, outcomes and impacts. 2 Many sectors are under-represented The programme must develop the economy including literature, music, libraries, dance, and create higher value jobs, but must still museums, historic environment, sport. ensure wider social and community benefi t. This White Paper is more explicit about which We have moved the Culture team to the sectors are included and which are not. The Economic Development service and there are areas of focus include gap areas where we will be programme outcomes around improving the looking to the sector to come forward with new economy. This should create a better balance ideas. between cultural and economic opportunity You said that the programme should not be about the Council running a branded culture 3 programme. Protecting and nurturing indigenous / We have changed the emphasis of the Culture distinctive Cornish culture is important. Programme from being a branded programme We have increased our commitment to of public activity to an investment programme. supporting and promoting our distinctive We will look to the sector to take leadership in culture. improving the public visibility, delivering joined up marketing and ticketing. 4 You were concerned that the process was too We should sustain what we have before funding led and that the Culture Board only investing in new things. had funding bodies represented. We have ensured the programme is balanced We have changed the name of the Board to between new investment and making sure we Culture Investment Board to refl ect the purpose have a fi nancially sustainable cultural off er. and function of this group. We have also outlined the need for a single sector network to feed ideas and projects to the Board. We have also 5 clearly shown how projects and ideas can seek Getting a model that works in a rural, investment. dispersed place is important. We have retained our commitment to encourage access for all. With these changes in mind I now commend the White Paper to you and look forward to working with you to make this programme happen over the next five years. White Paper for Culture 2012 5 Raglavar GREEN PAPER CULTUREFOR Prederyansow a-dro dhe’n Cllr Joan Symons Paper Gwynn An styr ledan a wonisogeth ny wrug keskelmi gans an gwriansow profys. Yn 2010 Konsel Kernow a dhellos Paper Styrya re wrussyn lemmyn py ehennow a Gwynn rag Gonisogeth. An skrifen wrians gonisogethel yw synsys a-ji dhe’n geskusulya ma a dhiskwedhas aray a dowlen ma ha ni re aswonnis an ehennow dybyansow dhe skoodhya an ranngylgh yw skoodhys yn leow erel y’n Konsel ha gans gonisogethel dres an 5 bledhen usi ow tos. an Keskowethyans Gonisogethel Kernow. Ni a dhegemeras moy es 350 gorthyp Styrya re wrussyn lemmyn ynwedh py hag yth en ni plesys dre nas ha niver an kevarhowyow ha chonsow ledan a wren gorthebow. My a garsa godhvos gras ni ragwirhe. dhe bub a’ga hevri; y tiskwedhas dhyn an omrians ha’n passhyon rag gonisogeth Yth ewgh hwi ankler “dhe biw” o an hag a vew dres Kernow. paper gwynn. An daslev dhyn o posedhek ha heweres. Ni re’n gwrug kler bos an Paper Gwynn ma Bernyow a veu kevrynnys genen yn maner “piwys” gans Konsel Kernow. Byttegyns, re ros gweres dhyn furvya agan prederow. ny yllir kowlwul delivrans sewen marnas Ni re spenas termyn y’n Konsel ow der oberi yn keskowethyans gans agan prederi a-dro dhe’n dasliv ma, hag an kevarhewysi war an Gesva Gevarhow prederyansow a syw a styr an chanjyow Gonisogethel, ha’n ranngylgh ledanna. meur dh’agan towlow. Ni re wrug derivas klerra a-dro dhe fatel vydh an oberi yn keskowethyans ma delivrys yn us ha fatel vydh displegyans an dowlen dre vras furvys yn keskusulyans. 6 White Paper for Culture 2012 Daldraow meur An daldraow meur a veu sevys genowgh rag dalgh an dowlen o: 1 Hwi a brederis bos fowt a glerder fatel Y koodh dhedhi mires war-ves / keswlasek. wrussa an medrasow, pennkostennow, Yth eson ni ow ragwirhe towlen hag a veder talvosogethow ha leow kevarhewi kesoberi orth skoodhyans an imaj keswlasek a Gernow. dhe dhelivra an hunros. Ni re dhasfurvyas an framweyth dhe wruthyl kevren liesgweyth klerra ynter an hunros, leow a 2 fog, diwedhow ha strokasow. Y tal dhe’n dowlen displegya an erbysieth ha gwruthyl oberennow a vri uhella, Lies ranngylgh a omglewas aga bos mes ynwedh y tal dhedhi surhe prow isomdhiskwedhys, y’ga mysk: lien, ilow, kowethasek ha’n gemenieth. lyvervaow, dons, gwithtiow, kerhynedh Ni re vovyas an para gonisogethel dhe’n Gonis istorek, sport. Displegyans Erbysyek ha ni re grespoyntyas An skrifen a veder orth klerder gwell a-dro elvennow an diwedhow towlen a-dro dhe dhe’n ranngylghyow yw synsys ynni ha’n re na dhelivra drehevyansow erbysyek. Y koodh nag yns. An leow a fog a syns ynna leow ‘aswa’ dhe hemma gwruthyl mantol well ynter chons may fedhyn ni ow kovyn orth an ranngylgh dos erbysyek ha gonisogethek. yn-rag gans tybyansow nowyth. Hwi a leveris na goodh bos an dowlen a-dro 3 dhe’n Konsel ow tyghtya towlen wonisogeth Yth yw posek gwitha ha maga gonisogeth verkys. Kernewek teythyek / arbennek. Ni re dreylyas poslev an Dowlen Wonisogeth Ni re ynkressyas agan omrians dhe skoodhya dhyworth towlen verkys a wrians poblek dhe hag avoncya agan gonisogeth arbennek. dowlen gevarhewyans. Ni a wra mires troha’n ranngylgh dhe synsi soodh an ledyer yn unn wellhe an gweladewder poblek, yn unn dhelivra 4 marhasans kevrynnys ha provians a doknys. Y koodh dhyn sostena an pyth eus genen kyns kevarhewi yn taklow nowyth. Yth esa bern dhywgh bos an argerdh ledys yn Ni re surhas bos an dowlen mantolys ynter krev gans arhesyans ha nyns esa omdhiskwedhys kevarhewyans nowyth ha surhe bos genen dhe’n Gesva Wonisogeth marnas korfow arhasa profyans gonisogethel sostenadow arhansek. Ni re dreylyas hanow an Gesva dhe ‘Kesva Gevarhewyans Gonisogeth’ may hyll bos kler porpos ha gweythres an bagas ma. Ynwedh ni 5 re linennas an edhom rag rosweyth ranngylgh Yth yw posek kavos patron a ober yn leow unnik dhe vethya tybyansow ha ragdresow dhe’n powel, diberthys. Gesva. Ynwedh ni re brovias hensow klerra rag Ni re withas agan omrians dhe gennertha ragdresow ha tybyansow dhe dhiskwedhes fatel hedhas dhe bub huni. yllons i kavos kevarhewyans.seek investment. Gans an treylyansow ma yn brys, my a wra lemmyn komendya an Paper Gwynn dhywgh ha mires yn-rag dhe oberi genowgh rag gul an dowlen ma dhe hwarvos dres an pymp bledhen a dheu. White Paper for Culture 2012 7 1. Introduction Our vision for Cornwall is to be: A leading rural region for creativity and culture. Montol Festival Penzance www.montol.co.uk This White Paper off ers a bold, transformational is required to achieve the above vision and framework that builds upon Cornwall’s sets out the delivery priorities for Cornwall strengths.
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